15 research outputs found

    Increased Carotid Thickness in Subjects with Recently-Diagnosed Diabetes from Rural Cameroon

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    PMCID: PMC3423396This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited

    Paradojas de los procesos de institucionalización de género en la Policía de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (Argentina)

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    Police institutions have gone through processes of change, both in connection with their organization by gender and with the furtherance of regulatory and organizational changes in the division of work and the development of policies involving gender relationships. This article analyzes the gaps between the processes of defining the institutionalization of gender within the Police of the Province of Buenos Aires since its early stages in the late ‘90s to the encapsulation and conceptual realization of a notion of gender policies unmistakably connected with gender-based violence. This analytical focus enables reflection on the paradoxes that impact on those policies and that may help understand their potential scenarios of redefinition from a gender point of view.Las instituciones policiales han recorrido procesos de cambio tanto en relación a su composición por género como a la promoción de cambios normativos y organizacionales en la división del trabajo y formulación de políticas que involucran las relaciones de género. En este trabajo se analizan alcances y limitaciones de los procesos de construcción de la institucionalidad de género en la Policía de la Provincia de Buenos Aires desde sus primeros diseños a fines de los años noventa hasta el encapsulamiento y la cristalización conceptual de una noción de políticas de género unívocamente referida a la violencia de género. Este eje permite pensar las paradojas que las atraviesan y que pueden contribuir a comprender escenarios potenciales de redefinición de las mismas desde la noción de género

    Metabolic and Electrophysiological Changes Associated to Clinical Improvement in Two Severely Traumatized Subjects Treated With EMDR—A Pilot Study

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    Neuroimaging represents a powerful tool to investigate the neurobiological correlates of Eye Movements Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). The impact of EMDR on cortical and sub-cortical brain regions has been proven by several investigations demonstrating a clear association between symptoms disappearance and changes in cortical structure and functionality. The aim of this study was to assess by electroencephalography (EEG) and for the first time by positron emission tomography (PET) the changes occurring after EMDR therapy in two cases of psychological trauma following brain concussion and comatose state due to traffic accident. A 28 and a 29 years old men underwent extensive neuropsychological examination, which investigated: (i) categorical and phonological verbal fluency; (ii) episodic verbal memory; (iii) executive functions; (iv) visuospatial abilities; (v) attention and working memory as well as clinical assessment by means of psychopathological tests (CAPS, IES, BDI, SCL90R, and DES). They were then treated by eight sessions of EMDR. During the first session EEG monitoring was continuously performed and 18F-FDG PET scans, depicting brain metabolism, were acquired at rest within a week (T0). After the last session, in which the two clients were considered to be symptoms-free, neuropsychological, clinical, and PET assessment were repeated (T1). PET data were semi-quantitatively compared to a group of 18 normal controls, as for EEG the preferential cortical activations were disclosed by thresholding the individual z-score to a p < 0.05. There was a significant improvement in clinical condition for both clients associated with a significant decrease in CAPS scores. IES and BDI were found to be pathological at T0 and improved at T1 in only one subject. Visuo-constructive abilities and abstract reasoning improved after EMDR in both subjects. As for EEG, the most striking changes occurred in fronto-temporal-parietal cortex in subject 1 while subject 2 showed only minor changes. PET showed more pronounced metabolism in orbito-frontal and prefrontal cortex at T1 as compared to T0 in both subjects. In conclusion both clients had a clear clinical improvement in PTSD symptoms associated with metabolic and electrophysiological changes in limbic and associative cortex, respectively, highlighting the value of EMDR also in such extreme pathological conditions

    Storie italiane : Romantische geschiedcultuur tussen stedelijke traditie en nationaal besef : Milaan en Florence, 1800-1848

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    Asker Pelgrom gaat in zijn proefschrift in op de romantische geschiedcultuur in het negentiende-eeuwse Italië. Tijdens de romantiek kwam de belangstelling voor geschiedenis ook in Italië tot grote bloei, niet alleen in de historiografie maar vooral in de literatuur, schilderkunst en muziek. Pelgrom onderzocht deze opgebloeide historische interesse vanuit het perspectief van de stad. Het stadsperspectief is een ongebruikelijke keuze in het licht van bestaande onderzoekstradities, waarin de romantiek sinds de Italiaanse eenwording (1861) vooral wordt geassocieerd met het ontluikend nationaal besef. Pelgrom rechtvaardigt zijn keuze met de constatering van veel Italiaanse intellectuelen uit de vroege negentiende eeuw, dat ‘de stad’ de ultieme belichaming vormde van de verdeelde Italiaanse beschaving. Bovendien, zo blijkt uit Pelgroms onderzoek, was de romantische geschiedcultuur van de twee belangrijkste culturele centra, Milaan en Florence, allereerst een stedelijke cultuur, bepaald door lokale tradities. Tot ver in de negentiende eeuw werd de stedelijke historiografie er gedomineerd door bestaande, oudere stadsgeschiedenissen. Ogenschijnlijk gold hetzelfde voor de artistieke receptie van enkele prominente figuren en episodes uit het Florentijnse en Milanese verleden, die hier de revue passeren: de twaalfde-eeuwse Lega Lombarda, het tijdperk van Lorenzo ‘il Magnifico’, het hof van de Milanese hertog Ludovico ‘il Moro’ en de zwanenzang van de laatste Florentijnse republiek (1530). De romantische beeldvorming over deze thema’s vloeide overduidelijk voort uit een lange stedelijke traditie. Maar tegelijkertijd werden, rond het midden van de negentiende eeuw, elementen van die tradities uit hun oorspronkelijke context opgetild en tot nationale symbolen verheven, waarbij hun uiteenlopende herkomst en onderlinge verschillen op slag verdwenen leken. Het componeren van deze selecte, homogene canon uit verschillende lokale tradities was vooral de verdienste van artistieke historische representaties. De geschiedschrijving wist er pas een alternatieve synthese van het versnipperde Italiaanse verleden tegenover te stellen toen het moderne epos van de nationale onafhankelijkheidsstrijd kon worden opgetekend. Storie italiane is about the ‘century of history’ in the ‘land of hundred cities’. During the Romantic era history flourished in Italy as elsewhere in Europe, not only in historiography but especially in literature, painting and music. Pelgrom examines the bloom of historical interest from an unusual point of view: the city. Ever since Italian unification (1861), research on Italian romanticism has been mostly preoccupied with national consciousness and has therefore largely ignored the urban perspective. To the eyes of prominent Italian intellectuals of the early nineteenth century, however, the city had been and still was the ultimate epitomisation of Italian civilisation across the centuries. Furthermore, as is made evident by Pelgrom, romantic historical culture in Italy’s two major cultural centres, Milan and Florence, was first and foremost an urban culture, determined by local traditions. Until well into the nineteenth century, their urban historiographies were dominated by existing, older city histories. Apparently the same was true for the artistic reception of the most prominent figures and episodes from the Florentine and Milanese past, which are passed in review here: the twelfth-century Lombard League, Lorenzo ‘il Magnifico’ and his age, the Milanese duke Ludovico Sforza ‘il Moro’ and his court, and the last Florentine republic of 1530. The romantic imagination of such themes evidently arose from a long urban reflection. But at the same time, during the political turmoil of the mid nineteenth-century some elements of these traditions were raised above their original context and made into national symbols. Their various origins and mutual differences seemed to have disappeared instantly. The creation of a select and uniform ‘national’ historical canon from different local traditions resulted above all from the combined efforts of artistic historical representations. Historiography only managed to present an alternative synthesis of the shattered Italian past when the modern epic of the struggle for Italian independence could finally be written down.

    Seguridad para todos : territorios y policiamientos

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    Gendarmería y Prefectura cambiaron sus funciones y territorios de operación en los últimos años, modificando la relación entre ciudadanos y fuerzas de seguridad, y compartiendo espacio con policías provinciales y Federal. Los desafíos de un proceso inédito en nuestro país.Fil: Galvani, Iván. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.Fil: Calandrón, Sabrina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación. Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales (UNLP-CONICET); Argentina

    Metabolic and electrophysiological changes associated to clinical improvement in two severely traumatized subjects treated with EMDR-A pilot study

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    Neuroimaging represents a powerful tool to investigate the neurobiological correlates of Eye Movements Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). The impact of EMDR on cortical and sub-cortical brain regions has been proven by several investigations demonstrating a clear association between symptoms disappearance and changes in cortical structure and functionality. The aim of this study was to assess by electroencephalography (EEG) and for the first time by positron emission tomography (PET) the changes occurring after EMDR therapy in two cases of psychological trauma following brain concussion and comatose state due to traffic accident. A 28 and a 29 years old men underwent extensive neuropsychological examination, which investigated: (i) categorical and phonological verbal fluency; (ii) episodic verbal memory; (iii) executive functions; (iv) visuospatial abilities; (v) attention and working memory as well as clinical assessment by means of psychopathological tests (CAPS, IES, BDI, SCL90R, and DES). They were then treated by eight sessions of EMDR. During the first session EEG monitoring was continuously performed and18F-FDG PET scans, depicting brain metabolism, were acquired at rest within a week (T0). After the last session, in which the two clients were considered to be symptoms-free, neuropsychological, clinical, and PET assessment were repeated (T1). PET data were semi-quantitatively compared to a group of 18 normal controls, as for EEG the preferential cortical activations were disclosed by thresholding the individual z-score to a p < 0.05. There was a significant improvement in clinical condition for both clients associated with a significant decrease in CAPS scores. IES and BDI were found to be pathological at T0 and improved at T1 in only one subject. Visuo-constructive abilities and abstract reasoning improved after EMDR in both subjects. As for EEG, the most striking changes occurred in fronto-temporal-parietal cortex in subject 1 while subject 2 showed only minor changes. PET showed more pronounced metabolism in orbito-frontal and prefrontal cortex at T1 as compared to T0 in both subjects. In conclusion both clients had a clear clinical improvement in PTSD symptoms associated with metabolic and electrophysiological changes in limbic and associative cortex, respectively, highlighting the value of EMDR also in such extreme pathological conditions