55 research outputs found

    A Single Molecule View of the Rad51-ssDNA Interaction

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    Two distinct conformational states define the interaction of human RAD51-ATP with single-stranded DNA.

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    An essential mechanism for repairing DNA double-strand breaks is homologous recombination (HR). One of its core catalysts is human RAD51 (hRAD51), which assembles as a helical nucleoprotein filament on single-stranded DNA, promoting DNA-strand exchange. Here, we study the interaction of hRAD51 with single-stranded DNA using a single-molecule approach. We show that ATP-bound hRAD51 filaments can exist in two different states with different contour lengths and with a free-energy difference of ~4 kBT per hRAD51 monomer. Upon ATP hydrolysis, the filaments convert into a disassembly-competent ADP-bound configuration. In agreement with the single-molecule analysis, we demonstrate the presence of two distinct protomer interfaces in the crystal structure of a hRAD51-ATP filament, providing a structural basis for the two conformational states of the filament. Together, our findings provide evidence that hRAD51-ATP filaments can exist in two interconvertible conformational states, which might be functionally relevant for DNA homology recognition and strand exchange

    Reinitiated viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase resumes replication at a reduced rate

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    RNA-dependent RNA polymerases (RdRP) form an important class of enzymes that is responsible for genome replication and transcription in RNA viruses and involved in the regulation of RNA interference in plants and fungi. The RdRP kinetics have been extensively studied, but pausing, an important regulatory mechanism for RNA polymerases that has also been implicated in RNA recombination, has not been considered. Here, we report that RdRP experience a dramatic, long-lived decrease in its elongation rate when it is reinitiated following stalling. The rate decrease has an intriguingly weak temperature dependence, is independent of both the nucleotide concentration during stalling and the length of the RNA transcribed prior to stalling; however it is sensitive to RNA structure. This allows us to delineate the potential factors underlying this irreversible conversion of the elongation complex to a less active mode

    An RNA toolbox for single-molecule force spectroscopy studies

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    Precise, controllable single-molecule force spectroscopy studies of RNA and RNA-dependent processes have recently shed new light on the dynamics and pathways of RNA folding and RNA-enzyme interactions. A crucial component of this research is the design and assembly of an appropriate RNA construct. Such a construct is typically subject to several criteria. First, single-molecule force spectroscopy techniques often require an RNA construct that is longer than the RNA molecules used for bulk biochemical studies. Next, the incorporation of modified nucleotides into the RNA construct is required for its surface immobilization. In addition, RNA constructs for single-molecule studies are commonly assembled from different single-stranded RNA molecules, demanding good control of hybridization or ligation. Finally, precautions to prevent RNase- and divalent cation-dependent RNA digestion must be taken. The rather limited selection of molecular biology tools adapted to the manipulation of RNA molecules, as well as the sensitivity of RNA to degradation, make RNA construct preparation a challenging task. We briefly illustrate the types of single-molecule force spectroscopy experiments that can be performed on RNA, and then present an overview of the toolkit of molecular biology techniques at one's disposal for the assembly of such RNA constructs. Within this context, we evaluate the molecular biology protocols in terms of their effectiveness in producing long and stable RNA constructs

    Gastrointestinal Involvement in Extra-Digestive Disease: Which Is the Role of Fecal Calprotectin?

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    Fecal calprotectin (FC) is a very sensitive marker of inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. Its clinical utility can be appreciated in both intestinal and extraintestinal diseases. Recent evidence suggests a link between intestinal inflammation and dermatological, rheumatic and neurological diseases. This review focuses on the role of FC in non-gastrointestinal disease, such as rheumatic, dermatologic, neurologic and last but not least SARS-CoV-2 infection

    Interaction between Lipopolysaccharide and Gut Microbiota in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases

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    Lipopolysaccharides (LPSs) are bacterial surface glycolipids, produced by Gram-negative bacteria. LPS is known to determine acute inflammatory reactions, particularly in the context of sepsis. However, LPS can also trigger chronic inflammation. In this case, the source of LPS is not an external infection, but rather an increase in endogenous production, which is usually sustained by gut microbiota (GM), and LPS contained in food. The first site in which LPS can exert its inflammatory action is the gut: both GM and gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) are influenced by LPS and shift towards an inflammatory pattern. The changes in GM and GALT induced by LPS are quite similar to the ones seen in IBD: GM loses diversity, while GALT T regulatory (Tregs) lymphocytes are reduced in number, with an increase in Th17 and Th1 lymphocytes. Additionally, the innate immune system is triggered, through the activation of toll-like receptor (TLR)-4, while the epithelium is directly damaged, further triggering inflammation. In this review, we will discuss the importance of the crosstalk between LPS, GM, and GALT, and discuss the possible implications

    How Do Diet Patterns, Single Foods, Prebiotics and Probiotics Impact Gut Microbiota?

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    the human gastrointestinal tract hosts a complex and dynamic population of commensal bacterial species, which have coevolved with the host, generating a symbiotic relationship. some compounds present in foods, such as polyols, prebiotic fibers, or phenolic compounds, are poorly metabolized and absorbed by the host before the transformation guided by the colonic microbiota. by influencing gut microbiota, diet plays a fundamental role in understanding the beneficial effects of the gut microbiota on the host, including its long-term metabolism. the idea that probiotics can act not only by influencing the colonizing microbiota opens the door to a wider range of probiotic possibilities, encouraging innovation in the field. Furthermore, it has been shown both that some probiotics increase phagocytosis or the activity of natural killer cells. current prebiotics are mainly based on carbohydrates, but other substances, such as polyphenols and polyunsaturated fatty acids, could exert prebiotic effects. a prebiotic substance has been defined as 'a substrate that is selectively used by host microorganisms that confer a health benefit', and so can interact with the gut microbiota through competition for nutrients, antagonism, cross-feeding, and support for microbiota stability. Influencing its composition in terms of richness and diversity, food components have a key impact on the intestinal microbiota. eating habits can strongly influence the composition of the intestinal microbiota. a healthy intestinal microbiota is essential for maintaining general health, and diet is one of the major modulators of this fascinating world of microorganisms. this must give us one more reason to adopt a healthy lifestyle