322 research outputs found

    Teaching Proposal for the Teaching of English to Visually Impaired Students

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    RESUMEN En el presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado se pretende mostrar la realidad educativa de aquellos alumnos que presentan una discapacidad visual por ceguera total o por ceguera parcial a través de la asignatura de Lengua Inglesa. Para ello, se lleva a cabo un análisis del sistema educativo español basado en la enseñanza de la primera lengua extranjera en la etapa de Educación Primaria tanto con alumnos sin necesidades educativas como con alumnos con deficiencia visual, revisando los diferentes materiales y metodologías existentes para la enseñanza actual. Además, se presenta una propuesta didáctica a través de la cual se proponen diversas actividades para realizar en las aulas con todo tipo de alumnado, presentando las adaptaciones correspondientes para el alumnado con discapacidad visualABSTRACT The aim of this Final Degree Project is to show the educational reality of those students who are visually impaired due to total or partial blindness when studying the English Language. To this end, an analysis of the Spanish educational system based on the teaching of the first foreign language in the Primary Education stage is carried out, both with non-visually impaired students and with students who have visual impairment, reviewing the different materials and methodologies for current teaching. In addition, a teaching proposal is presented through which various activities are proposed to be carried out in the classroom with all types of students, presenting the corresponding adaptations for visually impaired studentsGrado en Magisterio en Educación Primari

    Conocimiento y actitudes hacia las plataformas de compraventa de ropa de segunda mano = Knowledge and attitudes towards second-hand clothing platforms

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    El sector de la moda es uno de los más contaminantes del mundo. Su actividad provoca, además de graves efectos negativos sobre el medio ambiente, consecuencias perjudiciales en el ámbito social y económico. El modelo imperante en esta industria, conocido como “fast fashion”, ha propiciado una sociedad consumista que hace de la moda un negocio insostenible. Ante esta situación, surgió un nuevo modelo empresarial basado en la compraventa online de ropa de segunda mano, lo que supuso una revolución del sector, en gran medida gracias al incremento de la concienciación ambiental y al desarrollo de las nuevas tecnologías digitales. En el presente trabajo, se busca dar a conocer las principales plataformas en línea utilizadas en España, así como analizar el grado de conocimiento y las actitudes que presenta la población hacia las mismas a partir de losresultados obtenidos en el estudio empírico. ¿Qué entienden los usuarios de estas plataformas por “sostenibilidad”?¿Es la reducción del impacto medioambiental el principal motivo de utilización de estas? Este estudio proporciona respuestas a las preguntas planteada

    Propuesta de intervención: la influencia del dibujo infantil en la lectoescritura

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    El trabajo realizado se centra en una propuesta de intervención que pretende reflejar la influencia del dibujo infantil en la lectoescritura. El objetivo general de este proyecto es elaborar una propuesta de intervención que fomente el desarrollo de la motricidad fina a través de la educación artística. La propuesta se abordará mediante una intervención didáctica diseñada específicamente para este fin. Para fundamentar este trabajo, se ha realizado un estudio teórico basado en los estudios que Viktor Lowenfeld y Lambert Brittain realizaron sobre el dibujo infantil, según el cual, se proporciona una base sólida en cuanto a la influencia del dibujo en el desarrollo de los niños. Además, se ha empleado una metodología constructivista, que se alinea con el enfoque del trabajo y busca promover la participación activa y el aprendizaje significativo de los niños. En resumen, este trabajo ha sido desarrollado utilizando una propuesta de intervención basada en la educación artística y la motricidad fina, respaldada por el marco teórico de los estudios de Lowenfeld y Brittain y una metodología constructivista, con el objetivo de abordar la influencia del dibujo infantil en la lectoescritura.Grado en Educación Infanti

    Propuesta de transformación de patio que potencie las habilidades motrices: un estudio de caso

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    En la actualidad, cobra mucha importancia en los centros educativos, mirar más allá del edificio para ampliar los espacios educativos a través de los patios escolares. Se puede observar un auge por obtener espacios verdes y naturales que nos conecten con la naturaleza. Teniendo esto en cuenta se va a llevar a cabo una propuesta educativa para la renovación de los patios, con la que se pretende crear un espacio que integre zonas para el desarrollo motriz del alumnado, la socialización de estos y la explotación del medio natural. Se ha realizado una propuesta de reforma del patio del centro CEIP Vegarredonda tomando como guía el proyecto que ha lanzado la Junta de Castilla y León. Este consiste en la renaturalización y la adaptación al cambio climático de los patios en los centros escolares. Sin poderse llevar a cabo debido al alto valor económico. Esta propuesta tiene la intención de crear un espacio que potencie el desarrollo motor y un buen espacio como recurso para la Educación física escolar.Grado en Educación Primari

    Programa de intervención en variables psicológicas que mejoren el rendimiento en deportistas de fitness

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    Las destrezas psicológicas de un sujeto pueden tener una relevante influencia en el rendimiento y desempeño deportivo. Numerosos estudios han demostrado la importancia de trabajar tanto los aspectos físicos como psicológicos de los atletas. La literatura sobre este marco ha aumentado progresivamente con el paso de los años, sin embargo, el estudio de las destrezas psicológicas en atletas sigue siendo un aspecto con necesidad de un abordaje más amplio y profundo. Por ello, el objetivo del presente estudio es proponer la elaboración de un programa de intervención que profundice en las variables psicológicos que afectan en el rendimiento deportivo de los atletas de fitness. Debido a la poca literatura disponible acerca del tema del programa, han sido escasos los recursos para la realización de este trabajo, no obstante, el presente programa supone un precedente sobre el que, con futuras investigaciones y artículos que reflejen la evidencia actualizada acerca de este colectivo, desarrollar programas más elaborados que logren satisfacer las necesidades psicológicas de los atletas de fitness

    Relación entre el Beneficio Arancelario y la Liquidez de la Empresa Exportadora Fundo la Noria S.A.C. Tacna, Periodo 2011 - 2016.

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    El problema de investigación plantea ¿Existe relación entre el beneficio arancelario y la liquidez de la empresa exportadora Fundo la Noria S.A.C. Tacna, en el periodo 2011 - 2016?. La investigación es básica y sigue el enfoque cuantitativo, su alcance es descriptivo correlacional y su diseño es no experimental retrospectivo transversal. Mediante el análisis documental, se verifico los Estados Financieros de la empresa Fundo la Noria S.A.C. entre los periodos 2011-2016. Los resultados concluyen que se encontró correlación positiva y significativa entre el beneficio arancelario y la liquidez de la empresa exportadora Fundo la Noria S.A.C. Tacna, en el periodo 2011 - 2016. El drawback generó efectos económicos multiplicativos en la empresa, que se reflejaron sustancialmente en el estado de resultados. Por cada sol que la empresa recibió de beneficio arancelario, la liquidez se incrementó en 17.9 soles durante el primer mes subsiguiente en que se cobró el beneficio arancelario, de modo tal que, el drawback explicó el 19.77 % de la variación del capital de trabajo, con una seguridad estadística del 99 %.Tesi

    Evaluation of a lentil collection (Lens culinaris Medik) using morphological traits and digital phenotyping

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate 81 lentil cultivars using morphological traits and seed characteristics using digital phenotyping. Caliber (C) and the color traits luminosity (L), color coordinates a and b, and color index (CI) were measured and analyzed with appropriate software; also yield (Y), plant height (PH) and days to flowering (DF) were measured. Highly significant differences between cultivars were present for all traits and high heritability in broad sense heritability (H2B) for C (97%), CI (94%), a (93%) and L and b (83%) were found, indicating high genetic variability for these traits. Digital phenotyping showed to be a powerful tool for germplasm characterization along with field evaluation of agronomical traits. Principal Component Analysis and Cluster Analysis allows de identification of differentiated groups of cultivars with similar characteristics, leading to a more efficient use of the germplasm available as commercial cultivars or as parents in a breeding program. Among these groups, group 1 had 32 cultivars with highest C and group 2 had 21 cultivars with higher Y. Highlights Digital phenotyping showed to be a powerful tool for germplasm characterization along with field evaluation of agronomical traits. Principal Component Analysis and Cluster Analysis allows the identification of differentiated groups of cultivars with similar characteristics. Cultivar groups with similar characteristics allow more efficient use of germplasm.The objective of this work was to evaluate 81 lentil cultivars using morphological traits and seed characteristics using digital phenotyping. Caliber (C) and the color traits luminosity (L), color coordinates a and b, and color index (CI) were measured and analyzed with appropriate software; also yield (Y), plant height (PH) and days to flowering (DF) were measured. Highly significant differences between cultivars were present for all traits and high heritability in broad sense heritability (H2B) for C (97%), CI (94%), a (93%) and L and b (83%) were found, indicating high genetic variability for these traits. Digital phenotyping showed to be a powerful tool for germplasm characterization along with field evaluation of agronomical traits. Principal Component Analysis and Cluster Analysis allows de identification of differentiated groups of cultivars with similar characteristics, leading to a more efficient use of the germplasm available as commercial cultivars or as parents in a breeding program. Among these groups, group 1 had 32 cultivars with highest C and group 2 had 21 cultivars with higher Y. Highlights Digital phenotyping showed to be a powerful tool for germplasm characterization along with field evaluation of agronomical traits. Principal Component Analysis and Cluster Analysis allows the identification of differentiated groups of cultivars with similar characteristics. Cultivar groups with similar characteristics allow more efficient use of germplasm

    Response of cetaceans to fluctuations of pelagic fish stocks and environmental conditions within the Celtic Sea ecosystem

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    Inshore waters off the south coast of Ireland are an important foraging area for a range of cetacean species. Some of the main prey species of these cetaceans are herring and sprat, two economically valuable fish species in the region. The Celtic Sea herring stock suffered a marked decline in 2013. The present study aimed to investigate potential changes in the ecosystem associated to the herring decline and to determine the potential impacts on predators. Here we analyzed sightings information of common dolphins, fin, minke, humpback and unidentified whale species, acoustic data of herring and sprat, and a range of environmental variables mainly derived from satellites. Firstly, we characterized spatio-temporal patterns in the relative abundance of predator and prey species, and environmental variables, and compared periods before and since the herring decline. Since the 2013 herring decline, (i) the herring stock has mainly concentrated in south-eastern coastal waters and southern offshore Irish waters, (ii) sprat density has increased, (iii) chlorophyll concentration has decreased, (iv) sea surface temperature has risen, and (v) the euphotic layer has extended deeper. Secondly, we modelled the effects of prey density and environmental conditions on the relative abundance and distribution of cetaceans, as well as the effects of environmental conditions on prey density, between 2005-2018 by applying Hurdle Generalized Additive Models. The models for herring and sprat support the idea that these species have different environmental relationships, for example herring tended to be found in shallower waters than was the case for sprat. The presence and relative abundance of common dolphins were significantly affected by both environmental conditions and herring density, whereas whale species presence and relative abundance were found to be correlated with sea surface temperature and prey density. The model results suggest differences in prey choice among whale species. Understanding the dynamic relationships between predators, prey and the environment is important to inform an ecosystem-based approach to fisheries management

    FacialSCDnet: A deep learning approach for the estimation of subject-to-camera distance in facial photographs

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    [Abstract]: Facial biometrics play an essential role in the fields of law enforcement and forensic sciences. When comparing facial traits for human identification in photographs or videos, the analysis must account for several factors that impair the application of common identification techniques, such as illumination, pose, or expression. In particular, facial attributes can drastically change depending on the distance between the subject and the camera at the time of the picture. This effect is known as perspective distortion, which can severely affect the outcome of the comparative analysis. Hence, knowing the subject-to-camera distance of the original scene where the photograph was taken can help determine the degree of distortion, improve the accuracy of computer-aided recognition tools, and increase the reliability of human identification and further analyses. In this paper, we propose a deep learning approach to estimate the subject-to-camera distance of facial photographs: FacialSCDnet. Furthermore, we introduce a novel evaluation metric designed to guide the learning process, based on changes in facial distortion at different distances. To validate our proposal, we collected a novel dataset of facial photographs taken at several distances using both synthetic and real data. Our approach is fully automatic and can provide a numerical distance estimation for up to six meters, beyond which changes in facial distortion are not significant. The proposed method achieves an accurate estimation, with an average error below 6 cm of subject-to-camera distance for facial photographs in any frontal or lateral head pose, robust to facial hair, glasses, and partial occlusion

    Protected designation of origin as driver of change in goat production systems: Beyond added value

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    Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) is one of the EU tools for rural development. Most of the literature on this subject is focused on premium prices and consumers’ willingness to pay for local products, since PDO and other labels aim to provide premium incomes for farmers. Our assumption is that PDO drives unexpected changes of farming styles not only related to processing or market strategies but also related to local resources using and to stablishing of different approach to agriculture and food production. We analyzed the PDO Queso Palmero (La Palma cheese) as a case of a dual label system (brand–certification common label) because it gives us the opportunity to compare farmers involved in a PDO scheme with farmers who works outside such systems. We conclude that private brands are more important than common label certification in price formation, but both are complementary, since PDO reinforces farmers’ efforts to improve quality. Beyond premium price, PDO also drives a radical change in farm structures, since it reconnects products to local resources (grazing vs intensification) and redesigns relationships with markets (shortening and diversifying chains and widening product offer). This change is characterized by implementation of new farming strategies in the context of PDO structure that coexist with classical farming strategies closer to intensification, not only in terms of productivity but also in terms of decoupling from local resources and productive and market specialization. Therefore, PDO is a powerful tool for rural development in a wide sense (resilience, empowerment, local capacity and network formation among others) far beyond its narrow remit of promoting economic growth (local or regional). Therefore, the coupling with local resources and the strength of local network and relationships as source of resilience, knowledge and capabilities improvement, have to be included in performance assessment of GIs in order to broaden the appraisal of role in regional development. Highlights PDO as institution is a powerful tool of farm transformation not only a protection structure of collective heritage or asset. Private brand effect on price is larger than common label effect (PDO label). PDO as institution leads radical changes of goat production systems from more production – oriented toward more market – oriented styles. Market chains and product diversification, focusing on quality, concern about consumers and coupling with local resources are distinctive features of farms involved in PDO.Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) is one of the EU tools for rural development. Most of the literature on this subject is focused on premium prices and consumers’ willingness to pay for local products, since PDO and other labels aim to provide premium incomes for farmers. Our assumption is that PDO drives unexpected changes of farming styles not only related to processing or market strategies but also related to local resources using and to stablishing of different approach to agriculture and food production. We analyzed the PDO Queso Palmero (La Palma cheese) as a case of a dual label system (brand–certification common label) because it gives us the opportunity to compare farmers involved in a PDO scheme with farmers who works outside such systems. We conclude that private brands are more important than common label certification in price formation, but both are complementary, since PDO reinforces farmers’ efforts to improve quality. Beyond premium price, PDO also drives a radical change in farm structures, since it reconnects products to local resources (grazing vs intensification) and redesigns relationships with markets (shortening and diversifying chains and widening product offer). This change is characterized by implementation of new farming strategies in the context of PDO structure that coexist with classical farming strategies closer to intensification, not only in terms of productivity but also in terms of decoupling from local resources and productive and market specialization. Therefore, PDO is a powerful tool for rural development in a wide sense (resilience, empowerment, local capacity and network formation among others) far beyond its narrow remit of promoting economic growth (local or regional). Therefore, the coupling with local resources and the strength of local network and relationships as source of resilience, knowledge and capabilities improvement, have to be included in performance assessment of GIs in order to broaden the appraisal of role in regional development. Highlights PDO as institution is a powerful tool of farm transformation not only a protection structure of collective heritage or asset. Private brand effect on price is larger than common label effect (PDO label). PDO as institution leads radical changes of goat production systems from more production – oriented toward more market – oriented styles. Market chains and product diversification, focusing on quality, concern about consumers and coupling with local resources are distinctive features of farms involved in PDO