753 research outputs found


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    In 2015, a terrorist attack on the head office of the French magazine Charlie Hebdo caused a worldwide commotion, and the slogan “Je Suis Charlie” (I am Charlie) went viral on the internet. Amidst the tributes, the newspaper and the murdered cartoonists began to be revered as sacred symbols of freedom. The purpose of the present research is to analyze the mythologies that the documentary Je Suis Charlie (2015) manipulated in order to attribute a sacred meaning to this story. To this end, a film analysis was made based on the perspectives of mythcriticism. It was verified that the documentary narrative was structured in such a way as to mystify the journal from the contrast of cartoonists' heroism with a dark aspect of Islamism.Em 2015, um atentado terrorista à sede do semanário satírico francês Charlie Hebdo causou comoção mundial. As manifestações de repúdio à violência fizeram com que a frase “Je Suis Charlie” (Eu sou Charlie) viralizasse pelas redes sociais. Assim, o periódico e os cartunistas assassinados passaram a ser reverenciados como verdadeiros mártires da liberdade. O objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar as mitologias que o documentário Je Suis Charlie (2015) manipulou para reforçar uma conotação sagrada dessa história. Para isso, efetuamos uma análise fílmica a partir da perspectiva da mitocrítica. Concluímos que a narrativa documental foi estruturada de modo a mitificar o periódico a partir do contraste do heroísmo dos cartunistas com um aspecto sombrio do islamismo

    AeroPath: An airway segmentation benchmark dataset with challenging pathology

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    To improve the prognosis of patients suffering from pulmonary diseases, such as lung cancer, early diagnosis and treatment are crucial. The analysis of CT images is invaluable for diagnosis, whereas high quality segmentation of the airway tree are required for intervention planning and live guidance during bronchoscopy. Recently, the Multi-domain Airway Tree Modeling (ATM'22) challenge released a large dataset, both enabling training of deep-learning based models and bringing substantial improvement of the state-of-the-art for the airway segmentation task. However, the ATM'22 dataset includes few patients with severe pathologies affecting the airway tree anatomy. In this study, we introduce a new public benchmark dataset (AeroPath), consisting of 27 CT images from patients with pathologies ranging from emphysema to large tumors, with corresponding trachea and bronchi annotations. Second, we present a multiscale fusion design for automatic airway segmentation. Models were trained on the ATM'22 dataset, tested on the AeroPath dataset, and further evaluated against competitive open-source methods. The same performance metrics as used in the ATM'22 challenge were used to benchmark the different considered approaches. Lastly, an open web application is developed, to easily test the proposed model on new data. The results demonstrated that our proposed architecture predicted topologically correct segmentations for all the patients included in the AeroPath dataset. The proposed method is robust and able to handle various anomalies, down to at least the fifth airway generation. In addition, the AeroPath dataset, featuring patients with challenging pathologies, will contribute to development of new state-of-the-art methods. The AeroPath dataset and the web application are made openly available.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Scientific Report

    The Utilization of Video-Conference Shared Medical Appointments in Rural Diabetes Care

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    Aim To explore whether Video-Shared Medical Appointments (video-SMA), where group education and medication titration were provided remotely through video-conferencing technology would improve diabetes outcomes in remote rural settings. Methods We conducted a pilot where a team of a clinical pharmacist and a nurse practitioner from Honolulu VA hospital remotely delivered video-SMA in diabetes to Guam. Patients with diabetes and HbA1c ≥7% were enrolled into the study during 2013–2014. Six groups of 4–6 subjects attended 4 weekly sessions, followed by 2 bi-monthly booster video-SMA sessions for 5 months. Patients with HbA1c ≥7% that had primary care visits during the study period but not referred/recruited for video-SMA were selected as usual-care comparators. We compared changes from baseline in HbA1c, blood-pressure, and lipid levels using mixed-effect modeling between video-SMA and usual care groups. We also analyzed emergency department (ED) visits and hospitalizations. Focus groups were conducted to understand patient’s perceptions. Results Thirty-one patients received video-SMA and charts of 69 subjects were abstracted as usual-care. After 5 months, there was a significant decline in HbA1c in video-SMA vs. usual-care (9.1 ± 1.9 to 8.3 ± 1.8 vs. 8.6 ± 1.4 to 8.7 ± 1.6, P = 0.03). No significant change in blood-pressure or lipid levels was found between the groups. Patients in the video-SMA group had significantly lower rates of ED visits (3.2% vs. 17.4%, P = 0.01) than usual-care but similar hospitalization rates. Focus groups suggested patient satisfaction with video-SMA and increase in self-efficacy in diabetes self-care. Conclusion Video-SMA is feasible, well-perceived and has the potential to improve diabetes outcomes in a rural setting. Abbreviations ACE-inhibitor, angiotensin converting enzyme-inhibitor; ARB, angiotensin receptor blocker; CBOC, community-based outpatient clinic; DM, diabetes mellitus; ED, emergency department; PACIC, patient assessment of care in chronic conditions; VAMC, Veterans Affairs Medical Center; VHA, Veterans Health Administration; video-SMA, video-shared medical appointment

    Utredning av behovet for å redusere tilførslene av nitrogen til Ytre Oslofjord

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    I store deler av Oslofjorden er det høye konsentrasjoner av nitrogen i vannmassene. I Frierfjorden, Tønsberg, Drammensfjorden, Mossesundet, Hvaler og Iddefjorden klassifiseres tilstanden til «moderat» eller dårlig for nitratnivået på sommeren, og det er ingen positiv trend i utviklingen. Det er en tydelig horisontal trend fra kildeområdet og ut mot nordlige deler av Skagerrak. I sentrale deler av fjorden, som i Breiangen som ser ut til å være på grensen mellom moderat og god økologisk tilstand, bør konsentrasjonen av nitrogen i vannmassene reduseres med minst 10 %, for å unngå at tilstanden havner permanent i klassen «moderat» eller dårligere.publishedVersio

    Patient-derived organoids reflect the genetic profile of endometrial tumors and predict patient prognosis

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    Background: A major hurdle in translational endometrial cancer (EC) research is the lack of robust preclinical models that capture both inter- and intra-tumor heterogeneity. This has hampered the development of new treatment strategies for people with EC. Methods: EC organoids were derived from resected patient tumor tissue and expanded in a chemically defined medium. Established EC organoids were orthotopically implanted into female NSG mice. Patient tissue and corresponding models were characterized by mor- phological evaluation, biomarker and gene expression and by whole exome sequencing. A gene signature was defined and its prognostic value was assessed in multiple EC cohorts using Mantel-Cox (log-rank) test. Response to carboplatin and/or paclitaxel was measured in vitro and evaluated in vivo. Statistical difference between groups was calculated using paired t-test. Results: We report EC organoids established from EC patient tissue, and orthotopic organoid-based patient-derived xenograft models (O-PDXs). The EC organoids and O-PDX models mimic the tissue architecture, protein biomarker expression and genetic profile of the original tissue. Organoids show heterogenous sensitivity to conventional chemotherapy, and drug response is reproduced in vivo. The relevance of these models is further supported by the identification of an organoid-derived prognostic gene signature. This signature is vali- dated as prognostic both in our local patient cohorts and in the TCGA endometrial cancer cohort. Conclusions: We establish robust model systems that capture both the diversity of endo- metrial tumors and intra-tumor heterogeneity. These models are highly relevant preclinical tools for the elucidation of the molecular pathogenesis of EC and identification of potential treatment strategies.publishedVersio

    COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance Among Parents of Children With Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children

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    Data on COVID-19 vaccine acceptability among parents of children with multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS-C) are limited. In this cohort of children with MIS-C, enrolled in the Swissped RECOVERY trial (NCT04826588), comparing intravenous immunoglobulins or methylprednisolone, who, in accordance with Swiss guidelines, were recommended for SARS-CoV-2 vaccination, 65% (73/112) of parents reported being vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2 before the MIS-C, while 70% were vaccinated after the MIS-C episode of their child. None of the children were vaccinated before the occurrence of the MIS-C, and only 9% (5/56) received the COVID-19 vaccine after the MIS-C. The predominant barriers to COVID-19 vaccination were concerns over potential side effects and insufficient support from their doctors. This emphasizes the crucial role of health care providers in promoting COVID-19 vaccination among children

    Hidden chromosomal abnormalities in pleuropulmonary blastomas identified by multiplex FISH

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    BACKGROUND: Pleuropulmonary blastoma (PPB) is a rare childhood dysontogenetic intrathoracic neoplasm associated with an unfavourable clinical behaviour. CASES PRESENTATION: We report pathological and cytogenetic findings in two cases of PPB at initial diagnosis and recurrence. Both tumors were classified as type III pneumoblastoma and histological findings were similar at diagnosis and relapse. In both cases, conventional cytogenetic techniques revealed complex numerical and structural chromosomal abnormalities. Molecular cytogenetic analysis (interphase/metaphase FISH and multicolor FISH) identified accurately chromosomal aberrations. In one case, TP53 gene deletion was detected on metaphase FISH. To date, only few cytogenetic data have been published about PPB. CONCLUSION: The PPB genetic profile remains to be established and compared to others embryonal neoplasia. Our cytogenetic data are discussed reviewing cytogenetics PPBs published cases, illustrating the contribution of multicolor FISH in order to identify pathogenetically important recurrent aberrations in PPB

    Best Practice Recommendations for the Diagnosis and Management of Children With Pediatric Inflammatory Multisystem Syndrome Temporally Associated With SARS-CoV-2 (PIMS-TS; Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children, MIS-C) in Switzerland.

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    Background: Following the spread of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic a new disease entity emerged, defined as Pediatric Inflammatory Multisystem Syndrome temporally associated with COVID-19 (PIMS-TS), or Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C). In the absence of trials, evidence for treatment remains scarce. Purpose: To develop best practice recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of children with PIMS-TS in Switzerland. It is acknowledged that the field is changing rapidly, and regular revisions in the coming months are pre-planned as evidence is increasing. Methods: Consensus guidelines for best practice were established by a multidisciplinary group of Swiss pediatric clinicians with expertise in intensive care, immunology/rheumatology, infectious diseases, hematology, and cardiology. Subsequent to literature review, four working groups established draft recommendations which were subsequently adapted in a modified Delphi process. Recommendations had to reach >80% agreement for acceptance. Results: The group achieved agreement on 26 recommendations, which specify diagnostic approaches and interventions across anti-inflammatory, anti-infectious, and support therapies, and follow-up for children with suspected PIMS-TS. A management algorithm was derived to guide treatment depending on the phenotype of presentation, categorized into PIMS-TS with (a) shock, (b) Kawasaki-disease like, and (c) undifferentiated inflammatory presentation. Conclusion: Available literature on PIMS-TS is limited to retrospective or prospective observational studies. Informed by these cohort studies and indirect evidence from other inflammatory conditions in children and adults, as well as guidelines from international health authorities, the Swiss PIMS-TS recommendations represent best practice guidelines based on currently available knowledge to standardize treatment of children with suspected PIMS-TS. Given the absence of high-grade evidence, regular updates of the recommendations will be warranted, and participation of patients in trials should be encouraged