4,777 research outputs found

    Bargaining in networks and the myerson value.

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    We focus on a multiperson bargaining situation where the negotiation possibilities for the players are represented by a graph, that is, two players can negotiate directly with each other if and only if they are linked directly in the graph. The value of cooperation among players is given by a TU game. For the case where the graph is a tree and the TU game is strictly convex we present a noncooperative bargaining procedure, consisting of a sequence of bilateral negotiations, for which the unique subgame perfect equilibrium outcome coincides with the Myerson value of the induced graph-restricted game. In each bilateral negotiation, the corresponding pair of players bargains about the difference in payoffs to be received at the end. At the beginning of such negotiation there is a bidding stage in which both players announce prices. The player with the highest price becomes the proposer and makes a take-it-or-leave-it offer in terms of difference in payoffs to the other player. If the proposal is rejected, the proposer pays his announced price to the other player, after which this particular link is eliminated from the graph and the mechanism starts all over again for the remaining graph.

    Ayudando a los pacientes con cáncer

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    Fundamento ético de la vivienda digna: un análisis desde el realismo filosófico

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    Artículo de investigaciónEn este artículo se determina en qué manera el concepto diferenciador de estratificación social afecta el derecho a la vivienda digna consagrada la Constitución Política. En la primera parte se determina la naturaleza jurídica del derecho a la vivienda digna, posteriormente, se examina el concepto de estratificación económica y, finalmente, se analiza el fenómeno de la estratificación social en Bogotá. La vivienda digna es un derecho social, aunque se le dé la apariencia de fundamental, por lo tanto, es susceptible de modulaciones.INTRODUCCIÓN. I. LA VIVIENDA DIGNA COMO DERECHO FUNDAMENTAL. II. ESTRATIFICACIÓN ECONÓMICA SEGÚN EL DANE. III. ESTRATIFICACIÓN SOCIAL EN BOGOTÁ. CONCLUSIÓN.PregradoAbogad

    Solving polynomial constraints for proving termination of rewriting

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    A termination problem can be transformed into a set of polynomial constraints. Up to now, several approaches have been studied to deal with these constraints as constraint solving problems. In this thesis, we study in depth some of these approaches, present some advances in each approach.Navarro Marset, RA. (2008). Solving polynomial constraints for proving termination of rewriting. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/13626Archivo delegad

    Methodology to Identify SMEs Needs of Internationalised and Collaborative Networks

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    This paper provides a methodology to support researchers in the identification of SMEs needs encountered when establishing collaborative processes within non-hierarchical manufacturing networks. Furthermore, the methodology also determines the needs when non-hierarchical networks internationalise their processes and operations to overcome globalisation and competitive environments. The major goal of this study is to provide a methodology to enable researchers to underline factors of SMEs integration with particular emphasis on the internationalisation of operations and the establishment of collaborative processes with networked partners. The provided methodology is the first step to develop a future empirical study to explore the findings of the literature review applied to SMEs and to identify the enterprises needs appeared when internationalised and collaborative processes are established in nonhierarchical networks.Andrés, B.; Poler, R. (2013). Methodology to Identify SMEs Needs of Internationalised and Collaborative Networks. IFIP Advances in information and communication technology. 398:463-470. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-40361-3_59S463470398Camarinha-Matos, L., Afsarmanesh, H., Galeano, N., Molina, A.: Collaborative networked organisations – Concepts and practice in manufacturing enterprises. Computers & Industrial Engineering 57(1), 46–60 (2008)Corti, D., Egaña, M.M., Errasti, A.: Challenges for off-shored operations: findings from a comparative multi-case study analysis of Italian and Spanish companies. In: Proceedings 16th Annual EurOMA Conference (2009)Mediavilla, M., Errasti, A., Domingo, R.: Framework for assessing the current strategic factory role and deploying an upgrading roadmap. An empirical study within a global operations network. Dirección y Organización 46, 5–15 (2012)Martínez, S., Errasti, A., Santos, J., Mediavilla, M.: Framework for improving the design and configuration process of a global production and logistic network. In: Emmanouilidis, C., Taishch, M., Kiritsis, D. (eds.) APMS 2012, Part II. IFIP AICT, vol. 398, pp. 471–478. Springer, Heidelberg (2013)Andrés, B., Poler, R.: Análisis de los Procesos Colaborativos en Redes de Empresas No-Jerárquicas. In: Ros, L., Fuente, V., Hontoria, E., Soler, D., Morales, C., Bogataj, M. (eds.) Ingeniería Industrial: Redes Innovadoras. XV Congreso de Ingeniería de Organización, CIO 2011 Libro de Actas, Cartagena, Spain, September 7-9, pp. 369–373 (2011)Andrés, B., Poler, R.: Relevant Problems in Collaborative Processes of Non-Hierarchical Manufacturing Networks. In: Prado, J.C., García, J., Comesaña, J.A., Fernández, A.J. (eds.) 6th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management, Vigo, Spain, July 18-20, pp. 90–97 (2012)Alfaro, J.J., Rodríguez, R., Ortiz, A., Verdecho, M.J.: An information architecture for a performance management framework by collaborating SMEs. Computers in Industry 61(7), 676–685 (2010)Ferdows, K.: Making the most of foreign factories. Harvard Business Review, 73–88 (March-April 1997)Flaherty, T.: Coordinating International Manufacturing and Technology. In: Porter, M. (ed.). Harvard Business School Press (1986)McGee, J., Thomas, H., Wilson, D.: Strategy: Analysis and Practice. McGraw-Hill, New York (2005

    Pipeline template for streaming applications on heterogeneous chips

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    We address the problem of providing support for executing single streaming applications implemented as a pipeline of stages that run on heterogeneous chips comprised of several cores and one on-chip GPU. In this paper, we mainly focus on the API that allows the user to specify the type of parallelism exploited by each pipeline stage running on the multicore CPU, the mapping of the pipeline stages to the devices (GPU or CPU), and the number of active threads. We use a real streaming application as a case of study to illustrate the experimental results that can be obtained with this API. With this example, we evaluate how the different parameter values affect the performance and energy efficiency of a heterogenous on-chip processor (Exynos 5 Octa) that has three different computational cores: a GPU, an ARM Cortex-A15 quad-core, and an ARM Cortex-A7 quad-core.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Proyecto de Excelencia de la Junta de Andalucía P11-TIC-08144