302 research outputs found


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh pembiayaan yang diberikan oleh BMT Dana Syariah dalam usaha meningkatkan pendapatan pedagang pasar di Kota Surakarta tahun 2010. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Populasinya adalah seluruh pedagang pasar yang mengambil pembiayaan di BMT Dana Syariah. Populasi dalam penelitian yang dilakukan pada BMT Dana Syariah bersifat homogen dan berpopulasi 60 nasabah. Jadi sampel yang diambil dari populasi tersebut sejumlah 30 nasabah. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pedagang di pasar Surakarta yang mengambil pembiayaan di BMT Dana Syariah. Teknik sampling yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik random sampling dengan cara sederhana yaitu seluruh anggota populasi mempunyai kesempatan yang sama untuk dipilih. Teknik pengumpulan data untuk mengetahui tingkat pendapatan dan besar pembiayaan menggunakan metode angket. Metode dokumentasi digunakan sebagai data pendukung. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah Analisis Regresi Sederhana. Dari hasil pengujian data diperoleh harga analisis variansi garis regresi F hitung sebesar 2,06 , Setelah diadakan uji keberartian dengan Ftabel diperoleh Ftabel sebesar 1,87 sehingga dapat diketahui Fhitung lebih besar dari Ftabel yaitu Fhit(2,06) > Ftab (1,87). Dengan diketahuinya hasil temuan penelitian ini dan didukung oleh data- data empiris, membuktikan bahwa pemberian pembiayaan dari BMT berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan pendapatan pedagang pasar di Kota Surakarta. Maksudnya adalah semakin besar pemberian pembiayaan dari BMT semakin tinggi tingkat pendapatan pedagang pasar


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    Penelitian ini menguak kekerasan bahasa, khususnya kekerasan simbolik dalam konstruksikonsep Islam Modern pada buku Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) dan Budi Pekerti untuk kelassebelas SMA terbitan Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Kemendikbud). Analisis dilakukan untuk mengungkapkan bagaimana praktik kekerasan simbolik yang terjadi dan bagaimana bahasa serta kuasa simbolik yang membentuk pemahaman mengenai konsep IslamModern dalam buku mata pelajaran tersebut. Landasan teoretis yang digunakan dalam tulisanini adalah kekerasan simbolik dalam pandangan Pierre Bourdieu yang berhubungan dengan konsep habitus, ranah dan modal. Analisis Wacana Kritis yang dikembangkan oleh Van Dijkmenjadi teori yang digunakan untuk membedah permasalahan dalam penelitian. Penelitian inimenggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Data penelitan berasal dari uraian buku tersebutpada halaman 168-169 mengenai Islam Modern. Hasil telaah yang dilakukan menunjukkanbahwa Peneliti menemukan beberapa strategi yang digunakan oleh penulis buku PAI dan BudiPekerti dalam mengkonstruksi konsep Islam Modern, antara lain: 1). Dominasi partisipan dan aktor; 2) Aktor tersembunyi; 3) Klausa aktif dan pasif; 4) Klausa postif dan negatif; 5)Nominalisasi 6) Modalitas; 7) Konjungsi. Strategi tersebut kemudian direpresentasikan secarasosial untuk melakukan kekerasan simbolik yang terjadi melalui produksi doksa, baik heterodoksa maupun ortodoksa


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    One of the important issues in the judge's decision and its relation to legal discovery due to a legal vacuum, especially in the Religious Courts, is regarding the application of forced money penalties (dwangsom). Previously, there were 3 sources of civil law applicable in Indonesia, namely HIR (for natives for Java and Madura), RBg. (for natives outside Java and Madura), Reglement op de Rechtsvordering or better known by the abbreviation Rv (group of Europeans and Foreign East residing in Indonesia). The provisions regarding the dwangsom itself are regulated in the Civil Procedure Regulations (the existence of the dwangsom institution itself is regulated in Chapter V Part 3 Rv. namely in Articles 606a and 606b. However, the enactment of UU Emergency t 1 of 1951 Article 5 paragraph (1) expressly states the application of HIR and RBg and confirmed through the Supreme Court Circular Letter (SEMA) Number 19/1964 and SEMA Number 3/1965 which confirms the application of HIR and RBg. As for Article 393 paragraph (1) HIR in conjunction with Article 721 RBg, it strictly prohibits all forms of procedural law other than those stipulated in the HIR and RBg, including Rv.. However, in fact dwangsom applications are still frequently encountered in cases proceeding at the Religious Courts. The type of research used is normative research. The type of research conducted in legal development activities according to legal science practice or legal dogmatics.The results of this study indicate that the application of forced money (dwangsom) in the Religious Courts is carried out in an effort a Eliminate difficulties or difficulties with the implementation of the judge's decision so that it is obeyed by the defendant/respondent. In line with the concept of maslahah mursalah, the application of dwangsom regulated in Rv. even though it is no longer valid, the facts are still relevant and in fact needed and bring benefits in judicial practice to facilitate the implementation of judges' decisions in the Religious Courts. This was reinforced by jurisprudence, doctrine and the results of the 2012 Supreme Court National Work Meeting.Keywords: Consideration, Maslahat, Dwangsom, Religious Cour

    Reinventing the Model of Pesantren-Based Literary with the Insight of Religious Moderation

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    This study revealed the design of the model of pesantren-based literary with the insight of religious moderation and its contribution in strengthening religious moderation through education and writing training programs. Establishing literacy model of santri with a good scientific tradition and the contextual dialectic of thought is must be developed. Through the model developed as an effort to reinvent literature of pesantren with religious moderation values is able to become a reference for the design of santri writing training and its application in realizing Wasatiyyah Islam. This research is qualitative method with a descriptive qualitative approach. The data are collected through observation and documentation. The results of this study found two important things; First, the new model of pesantren-based literary with the insight of religious. Second, the contribution of pesantren-based literary model in realizing the agent of peace

    Islamic Da’wah and the Preservation of the Tamil Language

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    This research reveals the tradition of Islamic preaching and the contribution of the Tamil language at the Chulia Mosque in building Singapore's religious life. The concept of da'wah and the use of the Tamil language can be used as an example for other mosques in creating an inclusive and welcoming environment for all worshippers.Mosques play a significant role in making Singapore a friendly country for all ethnicities and religions. This research is qualitative in nature with a descriptive qualitative approach through observation and documentation methods. The results of this study focus on two important things; First, the contribution of the mosque in strengthening the tradition of inclusive Islamic da'wah. Second, Singapore's multilingualism through the Tamil language is one of the main factors in building religious harmony in diversity.     &nbsp

    Bahasa Jawa Dialek Brebes; Sebuah Telaah Fonologi Generatif

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    This research investigates the content of phonological variations of Bahasa Jawa Dialek Brebes. The analysis has been done in this study used generative phonology as an approach to analyze the problem of the research. The purpose of this study is to identify the sound’s variations of the language. The data of the study are dictionary and native speakers of the language. The method of this study is descriptive qualitative as the base rule of the process in analyzing the content of phonological rules in Bahasa Jawa Dialek Brebes. The results of the analysis show that the Bahasa Jawa Dialek Brebes contains with some phonological variation, such as assimilation, neutralization and syllable structure addition

    Analysis of the Law Against Criminal Acts of Electoral Districts (Study of a General Election the Mayor and Vice Mayor of Makassar)

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    This research aims to know the effectiveness of the law enforcement against criminal cases in the general election for mayor of the city as well as the factors which affected analysis in this study using the method of the qualitative nature of the approach, that approach with a way to learn, pay attention to the quality and depth of the data obtained. After data analysis is finished, the results will be presented in a descriptive, i.e. with speak and describing what it is in accordance with the problems examined. The effectiveness of the law enforcement against criminal cases in the general election for mayor of the city is still very weak. The mechanism of reporting, and discussion of the results of the report on the level of integrated law enforcement (Gakkumdu), as well as the report of the examination to find out the criminal element in violation of 2005, Makassar city thus increasingly adds to the complicated handling of the crime in 2005. Factors that affect the police in tackling and dealing with criminal acts in 2005, in the city of Makassar is the length of the process of examination of an alleged criminal offence occurrence in 2005, has been with the examination report having to wait for the outcome of the recommendations of the report are Gakkumdu can be forwarded at the stage of investigation or not


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    Popularitas smartphone yang semakin hari semakin meningkat dan menjadi sebuah kebutuhan bagi sebagian besar masyarakat Indonesia. Hal ini dikarenakan smartphone bukan hanya alat komunikasi, tetapi juga menjadi suatu alat yang dapat memberikan informasi baik untuk kegiatan umum sehari-hari maupun kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan pekerjaan atau bisnis. Selain itu, smartphone merupakan salah satu bentuk produk yang inovasinya selalu berkembang seiring dengan perkembangan jaman. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis Kontribusi Brand Image, Brand Trust dan Kualitas Produk terhadap Minat Beli Smartphone Xiaomi pada Karyawan Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 80 responden pengguna smartphone Xiaomi di Kantor Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal dari populasi 650 orang. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif. Pengumpulan data primer diperoleh dari penyebaran kuesioner. Hasil penelitian menunjukan secara parsial bahwa brand image (X1) dan kualitas produk (X3) berkontribusi terhadap minat beli (Y) sedangkan brand trust (X2) tidak berkontribusi terhadap minat beli (Y). Sedangkan secara simultan brand image (X1), brand trust (X2) dan kualitas produk (X3) berkontribusi terhadap minat beli (Y).Kata kunci: brand image, brand trust, kualitas produk, minat bel

    The Probability of the Financing Sustainability of Micro-firms Supported by Islamic Social Fund

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    This study aims to identify factors that influence financing sustainability, thereby determining the probability of attaining the subsequent financing from Islamic social funds. Islamic social funds provide funding for micro-firms using a financing scheme that differs from conventional financing terms. For the lower level, Islamic social funds usually offer a limited amount of no-cost financing called qard. In contrast, for more profitable micro-firms, Islamic social funds provide low-cost financing called murabahah. However, most micro-firms need financing in sustainable terms, either using a qard scheme or a murabahah scheme. We assume that only micro-firms showing business growth may generate higher financing using the murabahah scheme. We use data from 1,346 micro-firms. We found several factors that contribute significantly to a micro-firm having a higher chance of generating further funding, such as group-type financing, amount of funding (plafond), time to maturity, and demographic aspects such as age and number of dependents. However, we found that the initial contract scheme. How to Cite:Hakim, A. & Dalimunthe, Z. (2022). The Probability of Financing Sustainability of Micro firms Financially Supported by Islamic Social Fund. Etikonomi, 21(1), 127-138. https://doi.org/10.15408/etk.v21i1.12316


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    Prediabetes has been becoming a pandemic that its prevalence higher than diabetes. Prediabetes increases risk for type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. Evidence of the benefits of Propolis that proven through research with human subjects after evidence that Propolis has been widely tested in animal experiments is required. The objective of the research was to analyze the effect of Propolis on fasting blood glucose and glucose tolerance prediabetes patients. The research was a Randomized Clinical Trial (RCT). The intervention done was to give Propolis extract 20% with the result of Biofarmaka Laboratory test of Hasanuddin University containing quercetin content 25.29 mg/L and health education with counseling strategy. Fasting blood glucose and glucose tolerance tested by Health Laboratory Great Hall of Makassar with venous blood specimen. The samples were 64 people consisting of 32 people given Propolis and 32 given health education. The result of Wilcoxon test with 0.05 significance level proves that the giving Propolis for 20 days, after eat with low doses (50 mg/Kg or 6 dots per day) significantly decreased fasting blood glucose and glucose tolerance test with respectively -14.28 (p=0.000) and -23.16 (p=0.000). Fasting blood glucose abd glucose tolerance test of health education group decreased significantly, with respectively -14.9 (p=0.001) and -13.98 (p=0.000). Giving Propolis and education are effective for changing of blood glucose and glucose tolerance. Propolis is potential to use use as a pharmacology therapy for prediabete
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