43 research outputs found

    ANALISIS PROGRAM STRATEGIS DALAM PENGELOLAAN LAHAN KRITIS DAS BILA (Analysis of Strategic Program of Critical Land Bila Watershed Management)

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    The rehabilitation program of critical land had been done since 1985 until 2001, but Bila watershedcondition did not get better, even the width of critical land and erotion got more increase. It was causedof some factors, those are unaccurateness of program and technological aplication. Analysis of thisresearch was focused on unaccurateness of strategic program. It wos to analysis and to formulate (1)main strategic program, and (2) suppoort strategic program on planning, actuating, and controlling ofcritical land bila watershed management. Analysis of Interpretative Structural Modelling was applied onthis research, and the result shown that main strategic program must be applicated with : (1) to equalizevision and mission on watershed management was carried out according to cross territory, (2) toorganize planning pattern on integrated watershed, (3) to coorporate in fund of cross territory, and (4) todevelop monitoring and evaluating function of cross territory. Were as support strategic program were(1) to form watershed management coordination organization, (2) to develop contolling function and lowinvestment cross territory

    Analisis Layanan Callnak Centre Dalam Pengembangan Usaha Ternak Sapi Potong di Kota Parepare

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    Beef Cattle is one of the meat-producing resources that have great benefits for the fulfilment and improvement of community nutrition. The low population of Beef Cows is because most of the livestock are kept on a small scale with limited land and capital. In addition, the weather does not threaten animal health. To carry out preventive activities against outbreaks of disease in livestock, the government program CallNak Center. The research objective was to analyze the effect of animal health services, health status checks, and artificial insemination on the development of Beef Cattle. The research method used quantitative research with a cross-sectional study approach. The research was conducted in Parepare City from August 2020 to April 2021. The sampling technique used non-probability sampling with purposive sampling with a total sample of 73 breeders. The data analysis used in this study is the Chi-Square Test. The results showed that the majority of respondents (76,71%) felt the benefits of animal health services, and health status checks and respondents considered beneficial were 78,08%. Meanwhile, respondents who felt the benefits of Artificial Insemination (IB) services were 50,68% or only a difference of 1,36% were considered less useful. Respondents who stated that they had experienced the development of beef cattle since the CallNak Center was 82,19%, while only 17,81% had ever developed. The results of the analysis show that animal health services and health status checks and those which significantly affect Artificial Insemination do not significantly affect the development of cattle in Parepare City.  Beef Cattle is one of the meat-producing resources that have great benefits for the fulfilment and improvement of community nutrition. The low population of Beef Cows is due to small scale of livestock production with limited land and capital. In addition, unpredictable weather may threaten the animal health. To carry out preventive activities against outbreaks of disease in livestock, the government has set up a program, namely CallNak Center. The research objective was to analyze the effect of animal health services, health status checks, and artificial insemination on the development of Beef Cattle. The research method used quantitative research with a cross-sectional study approach. The research was conducted in Parepare City from August 2020 to April 2021. The sampling technique used non-probability sampling with purposive sampling with a total sample of 73 breeders. The data analysis used in this study is the Chi-Square Test. The results showed that most respondents (76,71%) felt the benefits of animal health services, and health status checks and respondents considered beneficial were 78,08%. Meanwhile, respondents who felt the benefits of Artificial Insemination (IB) services were 50,68% or only differed as 1,36% who considered the program less useful. Respondents who stated that they had experienced the development of beef cattle since the CallNak Center was 82,19%, while only 17,81% suggested less developed. The results of the analysis showed that animal health services and health status checks have significant effects, meanwhile the artificial Insemination do not significantly affect the development of cattle in Parepare City


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    Penelitian ini mengambarkan pola pemanfaatan pariwisata terumbu karang di Taman Wisata Perairan (TWP) Gita Nada dan mengestimasi nilai manfaat ekosistem terumbu karang dengan pendekatan biaya perjalanan sebagai dasar rujukan perencanaan pengembangan kawasan pariwisata di Kabupaten Lombok Barat. Penelitian dilakukan di Taman TWP Gita Nada Sekotong Lombok pada bulan Januari-Maret 2020. Pengumpulan data primer dilakukan dengan cara wawancara menggunakan kuisoner dan observasi segala aktivitas pariwisata yang ada di TWP Gita Nada. Data sekunder dikumpulkan dengan cara penelusuran literatur pada hasil penelitian terdahulu serta publikasi yang dilakukan oleh instansi terkait. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah Zona Travel Cost Method (ZTCM). Perairan TWP Gita Nada memiliki kombinasi perairan dangkal dengan tipe fringing reefs dan letak TWP Gita Nada yang berbatasan dengan Selat Lombok. Atraksi wisata yang ditawarkan di TWP Gita Nada adalah wisata pantai dan bahari. TWP Gita Nada dengan luas terumbu karang sebesar 1279 ha memiliki nilai manfaat pariwisata Rp3.004.031.073/ha dengan jumlah total pengunjung per 1000 penduduk pada kedua zona adalah sebanyak 51.228 orang. Berdasarkan model fungsi permintaan pariwisata TWP Gita Nada pengembangan kedepan adalah wisata alam yang dikemas menjadi wisata edukasi yang fokus pada anak muda dengan minat belajar tinggi. Perbaikan aksesibiltas dan peningkatan kualitas sarana dan prasarana yang memadai akan menambah daya tarik TWP Gita Nada, dan kedepan lokasi wisata harus mampu memberikan jaminan 2H yaitu healthy dan hygiene.Title: Benefit Value of Coral Reef Ecosystem Tourism in The Marine Park Gita Nada Sekotong LombokThis study describes the use patterns of coral reef tourism in Marine Park Gita Nada. It estimates the benefit value of coral reef ecosystem with travel cost approach as a reference for planning the development of tourism areas in West Lombok Regency. The research conducted at Marine Park Gita Nada Sekotong Lombok in January to March 2020. Primary data were collected by interview questionnaires and observations of entire tourism activities in Marine Park Gita Nada. Secondary data were collected by literature review on the results of previous research and publications of related agencies. The research used zona travel cost method (ZTCM) analysis.The waters of Marine Park Gita Nada is a combination of shallow water with fringing reef circulation, and Marine Park Gita Nada is located in the border of Lombok Strait. Marine Park Gita Nada offers beach and marine attraction, and coral reefs cover 1279 ha in the area. Marine Park Gita Nada has a tourism benefit value of Rp3,004,031,073/ha with total number of visitors in both zones are 51,228 people per 1000 inhabitants. Based on tourism demand function, the future development for Marine Park Gita Nada would be educational nature-based tourism focusing on young people with high learning interests. Improvement of accessibility and quality of infrastructure will attract more tourists to TWP Gita Nada, and in the future it must guarantee the healthy and hygiene (2H) of the tourism park

    Pengembangan Desa Wisata Berbasis Ekonomi Rumah Tangga di Kawasan Konservasi Taman Wisata Alam Lejja Kabupaten Soppeng Sulawesi Selatan.

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    Kontribusi dalam peningkatan suatu perekonomian dapat bersumber dari berbagai kegiatan. Diantaranya melalui kegiatan ekonomi desa. Khususnya bagi daerah pedesaan yang memiliki potensi sumber daya yang melimpah, serta membutuhkan perhatian dan pengembangan dalam pengelolaannya. Saat ini sudah banyak desa-desa yang masuk dalam kawasan konservasi, memiliki banyak sumber daya yang dapat meningkatkan perekonomian desa tersebut. Salah satu diantaranya yaitu desa Lejja Kabupaten Soppeng Sulawesi Selatan. Saat ini banyak dikunjungi wisatawan dan dijadikan sebagai taman wisata alam. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui strategi dan upaya untuk mendukung desa wisata berbasis ekonomi rumah tanggayang ada di desa Lejja Kabupaten Soppeng. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan yaitu studi lapangan, dengan sifat penelitian kuantitatif. Selanjutnya teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu, kuesioner, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis yang digunakan yaitu Analisis Deskriptif dan Analisa Interpretatice Structural Modeling (ISM). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya strategi Pengembangan Desa Wisata Berbasis Ekonomi Rumah Tangga di Kawasan Konservasi Taman Wisata Alam Lejja Kabupaten Soppeng.Hasil Analisis Interpretatice Structural Modeling (ISM) mengenai strategi pengembangan desa wisata berbasis ekonomi rumah tangga di kawasan konservasi taman lejja di kabupaten Soppeng menunjukkan bahwa dari 12 sub-elemen yang diduga, 7 sub elemen diantaranya merupakan strategi pengembangan desa wisata berbasis ekonomi rumah tanggayang memiliki daya penggerak

    Is Input Utilization Inelastic to Coffee Production

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    The agricultural sector is one of the important sectors for the Indonesian economy. Coffee is one of the commodities produced from the plantation sub-sector included in the agricultural sector which also contributes greatly to the Indonesia economy, especially as a source of foreign exchange, employment and income sources as well as other economic actors. This study aims to determine whether the factors of land area production, number of productive trees, farming costs and labour used by coffee farmers are elastic or inelastic to coffee production. Samples were taken as many as 400 coffee farmers spread in four districts namely North Toraja Regency, Enrekang Regency, Sinjai Regency and Bantaeng Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Data collected in the form of primary data and secondary data. The analysis used the Cobb-Douglass production function. The results show that the use of production factors; land area, number of productive trees, farming costs and labor are inelastic to coffee production, the scale of farming follows the rules of increasing return to scale. Therefore, it is expected that the support of local government (related institutions) to assist coffee farmers in providing superior seeds to increase coffee production, farmers incomes and reduce land conversion

    An Alternative Model of Cocoa Production Institution: A Solution in Facing Asean Economic Community

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    There is an indication that cocoa production institution is not working well as farmers’ expectations. The lack of coordination among institutions cause cocoa institutions are not institutionalized. The study are expected to: (1) construct the institutional model for enhancing competitiveness of cocoa exports in facing Asean Economic Community, (2) formulate a coordination model among institutions of cocoa production in accelerating Indonesian economic development. ISM analysis results show that: first, there are 11 institutions that should be more pro-active in improving cocoa production, namely: (1) Indonesian Coffee and Cocoa Research Institute (ICCRI), (2) Gardens Management Coordination Forum (FKMK), (3) Indonesian Cocoa Association (ASKINDO), (4) Indonesian Cocoa Farmers Association (APKI), (5) Indonesian Cocoa Industry Association (AIKI), (6) Provincial Office for Plantation, (7) Financial Institutions/Banks, (8) Marketing Agencies, (9) Local Office for Forestry and Plantation, (10) Extension Service Officer in District level, and (11) Joined Farmers Group (Gapoktan). Second, through the formulation of structural model of coordination in the institutional production of cocoa in the acceleration of economic development, it was revealed that the main causal of the coordination function weakness are (1) the weak of institutional training, and (2) the impact of regional autonomy policy, implies that an alternative model of cocoa production should focus on improving institutional training and reducing negative impact of regional autonomy


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    Development is a changing process to improve human standard of life that strongly related to the activities of natural resource utilization. It is frequently found that these activities change the ecosystems and their resources. Eventually, these changes wil l give ser ious impacts to the envi ronments. The most distinct environmental problems are caused by resident migration to the coastal areas, coastal developments, and land limitation. Coastal reclamation is an example of human effort to respond to the land limitation in the coastal areas as observed in coastal areas of Labakkang Subdistrict. Reclamation activity is doing along the coast of Pundata Baji Village, whereas, in other villages, cutting off of mangrove areas as an alternative land expansion is increasingly practiced by the local communities. This Research was aimed to observe the landscape change from 1980 to 2010 at coast area in Labakkang Subdistrict. Each review considers Landsat Image Map (acquired in 1980); Landsat Image Map (acquired in 1990); Landsat Image Map-7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) acquired in 2000); Spot Image 4 (acquired in 2005); and Spot 4 LAPAN (acquired in 2010). Result of research indicates that at coast area of Labakkang Subdistrict in 1980, there are 248.3 ha of mangrove vegetation, 2,756.63 ha inundation, and 4,157.0 ha open land. In 1990, there are 234.2 ha mangrove vegetation, 2,251.63 ha embankment, 933.2 ha rice field, and 582.0 ha open land. In 2000, there are 218.3 ha mangrove vegetation, 2,848.1 ha embankment, and 3,579.2 ha rice field. In 2005, it has 121.4 ha mangrove vegetation, 3,762.6 ha embankment, and 2,306.2 ha rice field. In 2010, it is found 48.9 ha mangrove vegetation, 5,029.35 ha embankment, and 749.98 ha rice field