20 research outputs found

    In search of Wakȟáŋ

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    The Lakota Ghost Dance of 1890

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    A broad range of perspectives from Natives and non-Natives makes this book the most complete account and analysis of the Lakota ghost dance ever published. A revitalization movement that swept across Native communities of the West in the late 1880s, the ghost dance took firm hold among the Lakotas, perplexed and alarmed government agents, sparked the intervention of the U.S. Army, and culminated in the massacre of hundreds of Lakota men, women, and children at Wounded Knee in December 1890. Although the Lakota ghost dance has been the subject of much previous historical study, the views of Lakota participants have not been fully explored, in part because they have been available only in the Lakota language. Moreover, emphasis has been placed on the event as a shared historical incident rather than as a dynamic meeting ground of multiple groups with differing perspectives. In The Lakota Ghost Dance of 1890, Rani-Henrik Andersson uses for the first time some accounts translated from Lakota. This book presents these Indian accounts together with the views and observations of Indian agents, the U.S. Army, missionaries, the mainstream press, and Congress. This comprehensive, complex, and compelling study not only collects these diverse viewpoints but also explores and analyzes the political, cultural, and economic linkages among them

    El Pueblo Lakota : “Con esta pipa sagrada caminaréis sobre la Tierra”

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    Durante un siglo, los lakotas y sus parientes próximos, dakotas, yankton y yanktonais, vivieron al este del río Misuri. A principios del siglo XVIII, el espacio habitable comenzó a escasear ante el cada vez mayor desplazamiento de población, tanto india como blanca, hacia el oeste. No se conoce el año exacto en que los lakotas atravesaron el Misuri, pero sí que se adentraron en las Grandes Llanuras en pequeños grupos independientes. En esas fechas, comenzaron a adquirir armas de fuego y caballos, y se erigieron en la gran potencia de las llanuras

    Re-Indigenizing National Parks : Toward a Theoretical Model of Re-Indigenization

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    National parks serve as important sites of cultural heritage and nature protection, yet they are also colonial constructs and can represent loss of traditional homelands and cultural heritage to the many Indigenous peoples who previously inhabited these now bordered spaces of nature. This has resulted in the near silencing of Indigenous voices, practices, and values related to the natural world. Despite ongoing problems, during the past decade there have been efforts to develop more inclusive policies and practices through collaboration between Indigenous peoples and non-native administrators. This shift in Indigenous engagement provides scholars a new opportunity to investigate their role within nation-states and conservation. This article addresses this urgent and timely topic within the emerging concept of re-indigenization, which is based on Indigenous ontologies and traditional ecological knowledge highlighting Indigenous agency, values and initiatives. I am approaching the topic from a cultural standpoint investigating forms of successful collaboration between Indigenous peoples and non-native stakeholders of protected spaces of nature as stages of re-indigenization.Peer reviewe

    Jakautumisen pitkät juuret

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    Markus Kantola: Jakautunut kansakunta. Yhdysvaltojen poliittinen historia Richard Nixonista Barack Obamaan. Gaudeamus 2017

    Suomalaisia näkökulmia intiaanitutkimukseen

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    Arvosteltu teos: Wars for Empire: Apaches, the United States and the Southwest Borderlands / Janne Lahti. Norman : University of Oklahoma Press, 2017