236 research outputs found

    Ilmastoasenteet ja asenneilmastot : Ilmastotoimien kannatus ja sitä selittävät tekijät 23:ssa Euroopan maassa

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    Ilmastonmuutos on yleisesti tunnustettu vakavaksi, toimenpiteitä vaativaksi uhaksi, ja sopimuksia sen hillitsemiseksi on laadittu jo vuosien ajan, mutta käytännön ilmastotoimet ovat jääneet hyvin vähäisiksi. Ilmastopolitiikan täytyy noudattaa jossain määrin kansalaisten näkemyksiä, joten merkittävimpiä mahdollisia ilmastotoimien kiihdyttäjiä tai jarruja on yleinen mielipide ilmastotoimista. Tässä pro gradu -tutkielmassa tarkastellaan julkisten ilmastotoimien kannatusta Euroopan maissa ja siihen yhteydessä olevia tekijöitä. Aineistona käytetään vuoden 2016 European Social Survey -kyselytutkimusta. Eri ilmastotoimien kannatusta vertaillaan maittain ja tutkitaan, korreloiko kaikkien toimien kannatuksen keskiarvo maan Gini-kertoimen tai sosiaalimenojen kanssa. Sen jälkeen kannatukseen yhteydessä olevia yksilötason tekijöitä tutkitaan lineaarisella regressioanalyysilla ja vertaillaan tulodesiilin regressiokertoimia maittain. Ilmastotoimien kannatus on keskimäärin korkeaa Keski- ja Pohjois-Euroopassa, matalinta Itä-Euroopassa. Kannatus korreloi negatiivisesti maan Gini-kertoimen kanssa ja positiivisesti sosiaalimenojen kanssa. Yksilötasolla kannatukseen ovat yhteydessä muun muassa käsitykset ilmastonmuutoksesta kuten denialismi, ympäristön arvostus, muut arvot kuten egalitarismi ja konservatismi, poliittinen luottamus, poliittiset asenteet ja sosioekonominen asema

    Mellanmänsklighet i skolan : en kritisk analys av TAGteach som undervisningsmetod i skolan : utifrån Martin Buber och Knut E Løgstrups syn på mellanmänsklighet

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    Problemställning Uppsatsens huvudmål är att diskutera om det finns plats för mellanmänsklighet mellan lärare och elev när man undervisar utifrån en metod som TAGteach. Ser läraren var enskild elev och deras unika egenskaper när det kommer till eleven som person, eller blir metoden ett hinder när det kommer till individualitet i skolan? Den överordnade problemställningen är: - En kritisk analys av TAGteach som undervisningsmetod i skolan. Utifrån Martin Buber och Knut E Løgstrups syn på mellanmänsklighet. Utifrån den överordnade problemställningen har det formats två frågor: • Kan man uppnå mellanmänsklighet mellan lärare och elev vid användandet av en metod som TAGteach? • Kan läraren se eleven som ett Du vid användning av TAGteach metoden? Metod och Litteratur Jag har med utgångspunkt i Bubers och Løgstrups filosofier använt hermeneutisk metod för att analysera materialet. Jag har hållt mig nära deras filosofier och med utgångspunkt i dessa gjort en kritisk analys av metoden TAGteach. Jag har som grund för att visa vad TAGteach går ut på skapat ett case utifrån ett repotage från programmet Grosvold på NRK. Caset bygger på intervjuer med rektor, lärare och elever på Allergot skole i Jessheim. Huvudkonklutioner Jag har i uppsatsen med Bubers och Løgstrups filosofier som utgångspunkt, försökt visa på hur en metod som TAGteach kan hindra ett mellanmänskligt möte mellan elev och lärare. Det mellanmänskliga är en viktig dimension när det kommer till hur vi lever våra liv och bemöter andra människor. Eftersom TAGteach är en relativt ny metod i Norge är det svårt att säga hur den påverkar eleverna i förhållande till deras syn på sig själva och andra. Men det kan verka som att en metod som TAGteach kan påverka eleverna i motsatt riktning det vill säga bort från mellanmänsklighet

    The role of HLA-A*02 and biomarkers in solid malignant tumours

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    HLA-A*02 genotype generates significantly worse outcome in patients with metastatic serous ovarian cancer and malignant melanoma. HLA-A*02 is common in the Swedish population (about 60 %), but has decreasing frequency in European countries further south. Mortality in the aforementioned tumours correlates with both the latitude and the corresponding HLA-A * 02 frequency. This thesis is based on the original findings that a combination of HLA-A*02 genotype, ovarian cancer of serous histology and advanced surgical stage has an extremely dismal prognosis. This combination of factors was named “worst prognosis group”. The aim of the thesis was to elucidate the frequency and distribution of different HLA genotypes in patients with ovarian carcinoma and cutaneous malignant melanoma. We then investigated the correlation between HLA-A*02 genotype and prognosis in these tumour diseases as well as expression of immunological biomarkers for classical and non-classical MHC class I, β2-mikroglobulin and infiltrating immune cells. Ovarian cancer symptoms are discrete and about 75% of patients are detected late, when the tumour has already spread. Cutaneous malignant melanoma on the other hand, is often discovered early since it is visible on the skin and the disease progression more easily recorded. The studies confirmed previous finding that HLA-A*02 is associated with a significantly shortened survival in patients with metastatic tumours of serous ovarian carcinoma or malignant melanoma. There is a high over-representation of HLA-A*02 in patients with advanced ovarian carcinoma. Especially a segregation of the ancestral haplotype 62.1 (HLAA*02, -B*15, -Cw*3, -DRB1*04) was identified. This haplotype was also present in the group of patients with malignant melanoma. The ancestral haplotype 62.1 seems to give an initial enhanced protection against cancer cells and the time to recurrence is significantly extended. After metastases, however, the disease progression is significantly shorter compared to patients with other haplotypes. The results indicate that the AHH 62.1 might be involved in immune selection, possibly through a specific immunological mechanism called "eliminationequilibrium-escape" mechanism. Down- regulation of MHC or up-regulation of HLA-G or aberrant expression of HLA–E has been described as tumour escape mechanisms and linked to poor prognosis in other studies. These findings were confirmed in our cohorts, but only in patients with HLA-A*02 genotype and not in the others. In multivariate analysis HLA-A*02 was the second most important prognostic factor, only surgical stage had a higher hazard ratio. Our results demonstrate that a multifactorial approach, considering tumour characteristics and biomarkers as well as the patient's genetics, can outline subgroups of patients. This may provide improved opportunities to tailor targeted therapies

    Side Streams of Broccoli Leaves: A Climate Smart and Healthy Food Ingredient

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    Human consumption of fruits and vegetables are generally below recommended levels. Waste from the production, e.g., of un-used parts such as broccoli leaves and stem when producing broccoli florets for food, is a sustainability issue. In this study, broccoli leaves were analyzed for the content of various dietary fibre and phenolics, applying the Uppsala method and HPLC analyses, respectively. The results showed that broccoli leaves had comparable levels of dietary fibre (26%-32% of dry weight (DW)) and phenolic compounds (6.3-15.2 mg/g DW) to many other food and vegetables considered valuable in the human diet from a health perspective. A significant positive correlation was found among soluble dietary fibre and phenolic acids indicating possible bindings between these components. Seasonal variations affected mainly the content of conjugated phenolics, and the content of insoluble dietary fibre. This study verified the importance of the use of broccoli production side streams (leaves) as they may contribute with health promoting components to the human diet and also socio-economic and environmental benefits to the bioeconomic development in the society

    Evaluation of the supply chain network design at United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) - Through the development of a performance measurement system

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    Background: UNFPA is a subsidiary organ to the United Nations (UN) with a primary focus on population and development strategies, sexual and reproductive health and gender equality. In March 2005 the UNDP/UNFPA Executive Board had realized that for the UNFPA Procurement Services Branch (PSB) to operate in line with its mission, focus would need to be directed specifically towards improvements in the areas of procurement, supply and logistics. Several studies were conducted that resulted in a recommendation to implement regional warehouses. However, the conclusion of the studies was that further quantitative analysis was needed in terms of performance measures for transportation, warehousing costs and lead-times to make an informative decision. PSB now has an opportunity to utilize United Nations Humanitarian Response Depots (UNHRDs) as regional warehouses. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop a performance measurement system for PSB’s supply chain network design. In addition, the purpose was to use the performance measurement system in an evaluation of the alternative supply chain network design with regional warehouses. Research questions: 1. Which performance measures need to be considered when developing a new performance measurement system for PSB? 2. Should PSB keep its current supply chain network design or switch to a supply chain network design with regional warehouses in the UNHRDs? Method: First, exploratory interviews were held to get an understanding for PSB, its supply chain and where to direct the focus for this study. Second, several interviews were held with employees at PSB regarding PSB’s supply chain, supply chain strategy and performance measurement system. A performance measurement system could thereby be developed through these interviews and the frame of reference developed for this study. Third, order data from PSB’s information was used to determine the performance for the current and alternative supply chain. Finally, the performance of the two supply chain network designs was compared and a recommendation regarding PSB’s supply chain network design was presented. Conclusions: A new performance measurement system was developed for PSB. It was developed to contain measures from the three categories; resource, output and flexibility. The developed performance measurement system was used to analyze and compare the current supply chain network design to a supply chain network design with regional warehouses in the UNHRDs. It was found that the supply chain network design performed better or equal to the current supply chain for 11 out of the 13 performance measures. The supply chain with regional warehouses scored high in the areas that PSB had expressed as important to their strategy such as freight performance, responsiveness and customer satisfaction. All regional warehouses except for the one in Brindisi were found suitable. Therefore, the authors recommend PSB to start utilizing the UNHRDs in Accra, Dubai, Panama and Subang.Bakgrund: UNFPA är en underorganisation till Förenta Nationerna (FN). UNFPA fokuserar på populations- och utvecklingsstrategier och jämlikhet mellan könen. I mars 2005 bestämdes det i UNDP/UNFPAs styrelse att UNFPAs inköpsavdelning (PSB) skulle behöva förbättras om de skulle nå upp till sina mål. Flera studier har genomförts och resultatet av dessa visade bland annat på en rekommendation att införa regionala lager för att kunna minska ledtiderna mot kund. De visade dock också på att en mer kvantitativ analys skulle behövas med avseende på potentiella transport- och lagerkostnader innan ett informativt beslut skulle kunna tas. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att utveckla ett system med mätetal för att utvärdera PSBs försörjningskedja. Syftet var också att med hjälp av detta system utvärdera fördelarna och nackdelarna för PSB att ha regionala lager för att slutligen kunna ge en rekommendation angående huruvida PSB ska börja lagra produkter i UNHRDs eller ej. Forskningsfrågor: 1. Vilka mätetal behöver inkluderas för att kunna utvärdera PSBs försörjningskedja med avseende på regionala lager? 2. Borde PSB behålla sin nuvarande design på försörjningskedjan eller ändra till en design som inkulderar regionala lager med UNHRD? Metod: Inledande intervjuer hölls med anställda på PSB i studiens början för att få en djupare förståelse för PSB, dess försörjningskedja och var fokus skulle läggas. Ytterligare intervjuer hölls sedan angående PSB’s försörjningskedja, strategi och system med mätetal. Genom dessa intervjuer och det teoretiska rameverket kunde ett system med mätetal utvecklas. Detta system andvändes sedan för att mäta skillnaden mellan den nuvarande försörjningskedjan och den alternativa försörjningskedjan med regionala lager. Analysen av mätetalens resultat låg till grund för rekommendationen till PSB. Slutsatser: Ett system med mätetal utvecklades för PSB utifrån de tre kategorierna; tillgångar, resultat och flexibilitet. Detta system användes för att analysera och jämföra PSBs nuvarande försörjningskedja med en försörjningskedja med regionala lager hos UNHRD. Resultatet visade att försörjningskedjan med regionala lager fick bättre resultat på 11 av de 13 mätetalen som användes i analysen. Försörjningskedjan med regionala lager fick höga poäng för mätetal som PSB hade uttryckt att de tyckte var extra viktiga, såsom leveranstid, möjligheten att snabbt kunna leverera akuta ordrar samt kundnöjdhet. Alla UNHRDs regionala lager ansågs vara passande förutom lagret i Brindisi på grund av för små och infrekventa ordrar. Författarna reklommenderar därför PSB att börja lagra sina produkter in UNHRDs lager i Accra, Dubai, Panama och Subang

    Säkerhetisering av migration i EU - En studie om hur migranternas mänskliga säkerhet påverkas av européernas samhälleliga osäkerhet

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    Det blir svårare och svårare för migranter att på laglig väg ta sig till Europa och människor dör varje dag vid Europas gränser. Detta beror, som vi ser det, bland annat på att migrationsfrågan har säkerhetiserats och åtgärder som i normala fall inte accepteras, rättfärdigas för att skydda säkerheten inom Europa. Vi utgår i denna uppsats från de två säkerhetsbegreppen samhällelig säkerhet och mänsklig säkerhet och vårt syfte är att se inom vilka aspekter som säkerhetisering av migration har skett och se vad detta får för påverkan på immigranternas mänskliga säkerhet. De områden vi identifierat där migrationsfrågan har säkerhetiserats är kriminell, ekonomisk, välfärd och kulturell. Denna säkerhetisering påverkar migranterna både på vägen mot Europa och när de väl är där och påverkar såväl illegala som legala migranter. Det vi kan se är att immigranternas mänskliga säkerhet påverkas negativt av säkerhetiseringen av migration då européernas samhälleliga säkerhet prioriteras migranternas mänskliga säkerhet

    Macronutrient intake during pregnancy in women with a history of obesity or gestational diabetes and offspring adiposity at 5 years of age

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    Background/objectives The impact of maternal macronutrient intake during pregnancy on offspring childhood adiposity is unclear. We assessed the associations between maternal macronutrient intake during and after pregnancy with offspring adiposity at 5 years of age. Additionally, we investigated whether gestational diabetes (GDM), BMI, or breastfeeding modified these associations. Subjects/methods Altogether, 301 mother-child dyads with maternal prepregnancy BMI >= 30 and/or previous GDM participated in the Finnish Gestational Diabetes Prevention Study (RADIEL) and its 5 years follow-up. Macronutrient intakes (E%) were calculated from 3-day food records collected at 5-18 weeks' gestation, in the third trimester, and at 12 months and 5 years after pregnancy. Offspring body fat mass (BFM) and fat percentage (BF%) at 5 years were measured by bioimpedance. Statistical analyses were multivariate linear regression. Results Mean (SD) prepregnancy BMI was 33(4) kg/m(2). GDM was diagnosed in 47%. In normoglycemic women, higher first half of pregnancy n-3 PUFA intake was associated with lower offspring BFM (g) (ss -0.90; 95% CI -1.62, -0.18) and BF% (ss -3.45; 95% CI -6.17, -0.72). In women with GDM, higher first half of pregnancy n-3 PUFA intake was associated with higher offspring BFM (ss 0.94; 95% CI 0.14, 1.75) and BF% (ss 3.21; 95% CI 0.43, 5.99). Higher SFA intake in the third trimester and cumulative intake across pregnancy (mean of the first half and late pregnancy) was associated with higher BFM and BF% (across pregnancy: ss 0.12; 95% CI 0.03, 0.20 and ss 0.44; 95% CI 0.15, 0.73, respectively). Higher carbohydrate intake across pregnancy was associated with lower BFM (ss -0.044; 95% CI -0.086, -0.003), and borderline associated with BF% (ss -0.15; 95% CI -0.31, 0.00). Conclusions The macronutrient composition of maternal diet during pregnancy is associated with offspring BFM and BF% at 5 years. GDM modifies the association between prenatal n-3 PUFA intake and offspring anthropometrics.Peer reviewe

    Predictors of Social Media Use in Two Family Generations

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    Older adults have recently begun to adopt social media in increasing numbers. Even so, little is known about the factors influencing older adults' social media adoption. Here, we identify factors that predict the use of social media among older adults (aged 68-73) and compare them to those of their adult children (aged 19-56) using population-based data from Finland. As predictors for social media use, we utilized demographic factors as well as characteristics of the respondents' social lives. In addition, we test whether social media use in older adults is predicted by the social media use of their adult children. The data used in this study uniquely enable the study of this question because actual parent-child dyads are identifiable. In both generations, women and those with higher education were more likely to use social media. Predictors specific to men of the older generation were being divorced and younger, and predictors specific to women of the older generation were having better health and more frequent contact with friends. A higher number of children predicted use in both men and women in the older generation. As for the younger generation, specific predictors for social media use in women were younger age, divorce, higher number of children, and more frequent contact with friends. For men in the younger generation, there were no significant predictors for social media use besides higher education, which predicted social media use in all groups. Finally, social media use in a parent representing the older generation was predicted by the social media use of their adult children. This study provides novel information on the predictors of the use of social media in two family generations

    Histone acetylation of glucose-induced thioredoxin-interacting protein gene expression in pancreatic islets

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    Thioredoxin-interacting protein (TXNIP) has been shown to be associated with glucose-induced deterioration of pancreatic beta cell function in diabetes. However, whether epigenetic mechanisms contribute to the regulation of TXNIP gene expression by glucose is not clear. Here we studied how glucose exerts its effect on TXNIP gene expression via modulation of histone acetylation marks. To achieve this, we applied clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats/Cas9 (CRISPR/Cas9) to knock out his tone acetyltransferase (HAT) p300 in a rat pancreatic beta cell line INS1 832/13. We also treated the cells and human islets with chemical inhibitors of HAT p300 and histone deacetylase (HDAC). In human islets, diabetes and high glucose resulted in elevated TXNIP and EP300 expression, and glucose-induced TXNIP expression could be reversed by p300 inhibitor C646. In INS1 832/13 cells, Ep300 knock-out by CRISPR/Cas9 elevated glucose-induced insulin secretion and greatly reduced glucose-stimulated Txnip expression and cell apoptosis. This effect could be ascribed to decrease in histone marks H3K9ac and H4ac at the promoter and first coding region of the Txnip gene. Histone marks H3K9ac and H4ac in the Txnip gene in the wild-type cells was inhibited by HDAC inhibitor at high glucose, which most likely was due to enhanced acetylation levels of p300 after HDAC inhibition; and thereby reduced p300 binding to the Txnip gene promoter region. Such inhibition was absent in the Ep300 knock-out cells. Our study provides evidence that histone acetylation serves as a key regulator of glucose-induced increase in TXNIP gene expression and thereby glucotoxicity-induced apoptosis. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe