320 research outputs found

    Japanese compound verbs : compounded elements as suffixes?

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    The previous classifications of Japanese verb-verb compounds – both syntactic and lexical – are described and their validity is tested in regard to syntax, semantics and lexicon though grammatical tests. Some comment on the possibilities of teaching Japanese compound verbs as suffixes is offered. Some possibilities for further research are suggested

    Förekomst och spridning av kväveföroreningar i grundvatten, En fallstudie av Köpinge - Vrams vattenförenings grundvattenuttag på Kristianstadslätten

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    The aim of this Master’s thesis is to evaluate what possible impact an increased use of groundwater may have on the spread of nitrogen pollution. The work is part of a larger project where Sweco Environment AB assists about 40 farmers in the “Köpinge - Vrams vattenförening” to apply for authorization for groundwater use in agricultural irrigation. The work was performed in three steps: a literature review, a statistical evaluation of historical and current nitrogen pollutions in the area, and a modelling of how future water use may change the nitrogen pollution. The study area is located on Kristianstad plain in NE Skåne in close proximity to the Vramsån River. In geological terms the area is a bedrock basin filled by younger sedimentary rock. In general the crystalline bedrock is overlain by clay, followed by unconsolidated glauconite sand and above that a mix of limestone and sandstone, all of Cretaceous age. The sedimentary rocks are followed by a complex sequence of Quaternary deposits. The typical stratigraphy of the latter consists of a layer of till, followed by glaciofluvial deposits and on top glacial clay and/or beach deposits. This geological stratigraphy makes it possible to extract larger amounts of water from both the sedimentary rock and some of the Quaternary deposits. The study area is characterised by large-scale farming at which large quantities of fertilizers is used (large load of nitrogen). This, combined with a high hydraulic conductivity in the topsoil and the growth of certain corps, especially root vegetables, have resulted in nitrogen, especially nitrate, polluted groundwater. Since large intake of nitrate and nitrite have negative effects on human health, this affects the waters quality and suitability as a drinking water. The main factors that determine the risk and extent of nitrogen pollution of groundwater are: water transport (in- or outflow area), nitrogen load, soil type, climate, plant uptake and biological- and chemical reduction. The fact that nitrate contamination of groundwater is a problem in the area has been known for some time and also this study revealed high nitrate levels in the groundwater. The evaluation of the last measured nitrate level in wells in the area shows that 28 % of all wells that take water from the Quaternary deposits and 14 % of all drilled wells into sedimentary rocks have nitrate levels above the guideline value (50 mg NO3-/ l) for drinking water according to Swedish standards (SOSFS 2003:17). The evaluation also shows that the nitrate level appears to be high in all investigated sites and there are no major geographic differences. The nitrogen level is in most sites lower today than in the 1970s and the trend of decreased nitrate pollution has also been substantiated by regression analysis of nitrate concentration over time at the different sites. For nitrite and ammonium we only observed sporadic and locally elevated levels. This indicates that both further studies and measures should focus on nitrate. The modeling results show only low concentrations of nitrate in the ground water. Comparisons between the calculated nitrate concentrations with and without increased agricultural irrigation dose not differ much. The result indicates that nitrate load and nitrate reduction is more important for the concentration then the extraction of water. Overall the study shows that pollution in the study area is a matter of concern, but that the trend of pollution over the last decade shows lowering levels. This can be seen as an indication that the increased groundwater extraction for irrigation purposes in the future is not a major threat to groundwater quality

    Программные средства на основе сверточных нейронных сетей для поиска паращитовидной железы в видеоданных, получаемых с помощью конфокальной лазерной микроскопии

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    Att köra en elbil kan skilja sig från ett traditionellt fordon på flera sätt. Förväntningarna från föraren måste tas i beaktning när användargränssnittet i bilens instrumentpanel utformas. Denna masteruppsats behandlar test, utvärdering och nydesign av Huvudinstrumentet i Saabs elbil Zero Emission. Huvudinstrumentet är den del av instrumentpanelen som sitter framför ratten och innehåller mätartavlor och andra instrument. Andra områden såsom mittkonsolen och musik- och navigatorsystem inkluderas inte i studien. Huvudinstrumentet testades och utvärderades med metoder, bland andra heuristisk utvärdering, Cognitive walkthrough och användartest. Användartesten utfördes i en körsimulator med hjälp avtänk-högt-metoden för att möjliggöra för observatören att följa med i testpersonen tankebanor. Med hjälp av resultaten från testutvärderingen skapades en ny design av huvudinstrumentet. Övergripande upplägg och design av individuella delar av klustret utformades parallellt. När ett slutgiltigt upplägg valts, med hjälp av en beslutsmatris, lyftes sedan individuella delar in för att skapa en komplett lösning. Resultatet blev ett huvudinstrument anpassat för en elbil. Hastighetsmätaren är analog medan resten av instrumentet visas på en sju tum stor färgdisplay. För att undvika kognitiv överbelastning kan cellerna, som innehåller de olika instrumenten, expanderas och förminskas. I sitt expanderade läge visas mycket information medan bara den viktigaste informationen visas i det förminskade läget. Endast en cell i taget kan vara expanderad, och detta styrs med knappar på ratten. Användargränssnittet är avsett att vara mer lättanvänt och kognitivt ergonomiskt. Instrumentet implementerades i Saab körsimulator för att möjliggöra framtida test och utvärdering. För att ytterligare förbättra och utveckla användargränssnittet bör det testas och resultatet jämföras med resultatet från dagens användargränssnitt.Driving and understanding electric vehicles can be quite different from a traditional vehicle. The expectations from the driver of an electric vehicle needs to be considered when designing the Instrument Panel Cluster interface. This thesis treats the testing, evaluation and redesign of the instrument panel cluster´s interface in the electric vehicle Saab Zero Emission. The instrument panel cluster is the area in front of the steering wheel which holds the gauges and instruments. The areas other than the Instrument PanelCluster, such as the center console and infotainment/navigation system were not included in the study. The Instrument panel was tested and evaluated using an array of different methods including heuristic evaluation, cognitive walkthrough and user testing. The user testing was performed in a driving simulator using the think aloud method, to enable the observer to follow the users cognitive path. Using the result from the testing and evaluation, new designs for the instrument panel cluster were made. Several overall layouts and individual gauges were developed separately. When the final layout was selected using evaluation matrixes, gauge designs were chosen to form a complete solution. The result was a cluster which is adapted for an electric vehicle. The speedometer is an analog gauge and the rest of the instruments in the panel are presented on a seven inch color display. To avoid overloading the user with information, the cells which contain the different gauges can be expanded or collapsed. The expanded view reveals more details whilst the collapsed view only shows that gauge’s main information. Only one cell can be expanded at a time, and the user switched between the cells by using buttons on the steering wheel. The interface is adapted for enelectric vehicle and intended to be more user friendly and ergonomic in a cognitive sense. The cluster was implemented in the Saab Driving Simulator for future testing and evaluation. In order to further develop the interface, the improvements should be tested and compared with the test results of the present interface

    Konsumenternas prioriteringar vid köp av nötfärs

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    En nedåtgående marknadsutveckling för svensk nötköttsproduktion sedan EU-inträdet samtidigt som både import och efterfrågan ökat betyder att konsumenten i större utsträckning prioriterat importerat kött. Många faktorer styr en konsument när denne ska välja livsmedel. Studien syftar till att öka kundförståelsen, genom att göra en kvantitativ undersökning som redogör för konsumenternas prioriteringar vid köp av nötfärs. Studien tittar närmare på några av dessa faktorer och huruvida konsumenten bedömer dessa i relation till varandra. Genom att använda en choice-based conjoint analys där konsumenten tvingas välja ett av flera alternativ skapas en situation av kompromiss som ska efterlikna en verklig köpsituation. Konsumentens val resulterar sedan i ett nyttovärde för varje enskilt attribut, som belyser hur konsumenten värdesätter sina prioriteringar. Respondenterna har genomfört en webbundersökning som gick ut till anställda och studerande vid Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet. Utifrån de attribut som inkluderas i denna undersökning kan vi konstatera att mervärdesmärkningen är den viktigaste faktorn som konsumenten prioriterar vid val av nötfärs. Priset är därmed inte den viktigaste faktorn. Vi kan även påvisa att igenkänningsfaktorn av dessa mervärdesmärkningar inte är vägledande vid det faktiska valet av mervärdesmärkning. Prioriteringar kring fördelningen av inkomst snarare än storlek på inkomst styr köpbeslutet. Studerande vid SLU prioriterar mervärdesmärkning i högre grad än anställda och kvinnor ser mervärdesmärkning som mer avgörande vid köpbeslutet än män. Eftersom livsmedel handlas med ett rutinmässigt beteende och våra resultat visar att mervärdesmärkningen prioriteras högst borde det finnas goda möjligheter för den svenska producenten att sälja sina produkter. Vi tror därför att producenten bör lägga ytterligare fokus på att kommunicera de mervärden denne erbjuder marknaden snarare än att försöka konkurrera med låga priser.There has been a downward market trend for Swedish beef production since joining the EU, while both imports and rising demand means that the consumer in greater respect priorities imported meat. There are many factors that influence a consumer when he or she is choosing food. The study aims to increase customer understanding by conducting a quantitative study detailing consumers' priorities when buying ground beef. The study takes a closer look at some of these factors and whether the consumer assesses them in relation to each other. By using a choice-based conjoint analysis, where the consumer is forced to choose one of several options a situation of compromise created that is designed to mimic a real buying situation. Consumer choice then results in a utility value for each attribute, which highlights how consumers value their priorities. The respondents have completed an online survey that went out to employees and students at SLU. Based on the attributes included in this study we can conclude that the added value label is the main factor that consumers prioritize in the choice of ground beef. The price is thus not the main factor. We can also prove that the recognition factors of these added value labels are not guided by the actual choice of value-added labeling. Priorities regarding distribution of income rather than size of income control the buying decision. Students at SLU priorities added value labels to greater extent than employees. Women choose added value labeling more decisive in the buying decision than men. As food purchasing is a routine behavior, and our results show that the added value label is given the highest priority, it should be good opportunities for the Swedish producer to sell their products. We therefore believe that the producer should put more focus on communicating the added value it offers the market rather than trying to compete with low prices

    CAP reform 2015-2020

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    Inför växtodlingsåret 2015 förändras den gemensamma jordbrukspolitiken i EU. Nya krav ställs på lantbruksföretagen för att erhålla stöd. Anpassning av grödval krävs av lantbrukarna för att uppfylla det nya och valbara förgröningsstödet. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur växtodlingsföretag optimalt kan anpassa grödval givet förgröningsstöden i nya CAP. Förändringen i nya CAP är omfattande och denna studie fokuserar på förgröningsstöden och framförallt de ekologiska fokusarealerna (EFA). Avgränsningen leder till att den mest intressanta kategorin av lantbruksföretag att studera är företag inom stödregion ett, två och tre. Dessa regioner omfattas av krav på EFA. Studien avser även att belysa effekter av lönsamhetsskillnader vid anpassning till förgröningsstöden och främst EFA. Därför valdes att göra en fallstudie mellan två fiktiva gårdar i olika regioner. Den ena gården ligger i stödregion ett i Östergötland och den andra gården ligger i stödregion tre i Uppland. Förgröningsstöden inom CAP ställer bl.a. krav på att odla ett visst antal grödor beroende på storlek på gården. EFA ingår i förgröningsstödet, men kravet på EFA gäller i de delar av Sverige som främst är inriktade mot spannmålsodling. Studiens metod bygger på ett tillämpat optimeringsproblem utifrån en portföljmodell. Utifrån historiska data för de vanligaste grödorna optimeras grödportföljen inför växtodlingsåret 2015. Portföljen varierar med företagarens riskpreferenser. Resultatet av denna studie är olika optimala grödportföljer inför nya CAP vilka varierar med lantbrukarens riskpreferenser. Vid riskneutralitet i Östergötland väljs fältkanter som EFA-alternativ. Vid riskneutralitet Uppland väljs också fältkanter som EFA-alternativ, men där är valet inte lika självklart som i Östergötland. Fältkanter som EFA-alternativ väljs vid ett flertal nivåer på riskaversion eftersom fältkanterna tar lite areal i anspråk. Skillnaden mellan nya och gamla CAP vid riskneutralitet medför att inför växtodlingsåret 2015 förlorar gården i Östergötland 448 kronor per hektar i täckningsbidrag. Den förlusten kan enligt modellen hänföras till det generellt minskade gårdsstödet samt uppoffringen för EFA. Motsvarande värde för gården i Uppland är 241 kronor per hektar. Denna lönsamhetsförsämring varierar i viss utsträckning med riskaversionen, vilket gäller för båda fallgårdarna. Resultatet stämmer väl överens med intentionerna i nya CAP eftersom avsikten är att uppnå utjämning mellan gårdsstödsregionerna. Endast en liten del av den totala lönsamhetsförsämringen beror på uppoffringen för att uppfylla EFA-kvoten, vilket gäller båda fallgårdarna. Enligt studiens resultat bör fallgårdarna uppfylla kriterierna för förgröningsstödet och söka förgröningsstödet i SAM-ansökan 2015.The new CAP-rules is to be implemented for the 2015 cropping season. The farms have to complie with the new greening policy to be able to get full subsidy levels. In order to follow the greening rules the farms might have to change their crop rotation, wich will change the profitability of the operation. This study focuses on these new rules and how they affect the profitability on two Swedish cropfarms in two different areas, Uppland and Östergötland. The new policy forces farmers to grow at least three different crops and to have areas of the land set to environmental gains. The main focus of the study is the rules about EFA (Ecological Focus Area), and how much these rules change profitability of the farms. The study is based on portfolio optimization and mean-variance theory. Grossmargin calculation for 9 years are made for relevant crops that could be grown on the farms. The mean-variance analisys is then based on the grossmargins to be able to get the expected profitability and risk of each crop. The result of the study is different crop portfolios depending on where the farm is located and how riskaverse the farmer is. In most cases field margins is the preferred choise for EFA compliance, but for some riskaversion levels field peas is the best alternative in Östergötland. The field margins is the best alternative because the small area they allocate compared to the other alternatives. The differens in profitability between the new and the old CAP is specified in SEK per hectare. The difference is largest in Östergötland at riskneutrality. The farm in Östergötland gets a profitability decrease of 448 SEK per hectare at riskneutrality while the farm in Uppland has a decrease in profits of 241 SEK per hectare. The main part of the decrease is due to the lowered total subsidy levels and only a small portion is due to the EFA. Both farms should participate in the greening policy

    Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Random Packings on Heat Transfer and Particle Segregation in Packed-Fluidized Bed

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    The heat transfer coefficient, pressure drop, and vertical segregation in a\ua0bubbling fluidized bed reactor containing random packings were investigated. The bed\ua0material was silica sand in the size range of 90−400 μm. Experiments were done for bed\ua0temperatures ranging from 400 to 900 \ub0C and superficial gas velocities up to 0.411 m/s.\ua0Five different types of packings were evaluated: (i) RMSR (25 mm stainless steel thread\ua0saddle ring), (ii) Hiflow (25 mm stainless steel pall ring), (iii) RR6 (6 mm ceramic\ua0Raschig ring), (iv) RR10 (10 mm ceramic Raschig ring), and (v) ASB (12.7 mmaluminum silicate balls). The RMSR packing showed an increase in the heat transfer\ua0coefficient (up to 1243 W/m2\ua0K), as compared to bubbling beds with no packings (up\ua0to 1124 W/m2\ua0K). Also, beds with RMSR and Hiflow packings had a lower pressure\ua0drop and vertical segregation compared to low void factor packings such as RR6, RR10,\ua0and ASB

    Temperature Stabilization of the Phase-Reference Line at the European Spallation Source

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    We consider temperature stabilization of the phase-reference line at the European Spallation Source, a facility for neutron spallation currently under construction. Based on extensive modeling of the heat dynamics, a prototype model-based control system with associated hardware architecture is developed and experimentally evaluated on a small-scale setup. The results indicate that temperature stability within ±0.1°C is possible to achieve, also with significant disturbances in the ambient temperature expected during operation

    Applying the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm to the Tail Assignment Problem

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    Airlines today are faced with a number of large scale scheduling problems. One such problem is the tail assignment problem, which is the task of assigning individual aircraft to a given set of flights, minimizing the overall cost. Each aircraft is identified by the registration number on its tail fin. In this article, we simulate the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA) applied to instances of this problem derived from real world data. The QAOA is a variational hybrid quantum-classical algorithm recently introduced and likely to run on near-term quantum devices. The instances are reduced to fit on quantum devices with 8, 15 and 25 qubits. The reduction procedure leaves only one feasible solution per instance, which allows us to map the tail assignment problem onto the Exact Cover problem. We find that repeated runs of the QAOA identify the feasible solution with close to unit probability for all instances. Furthermore, we observe patterns in the variational parameters such that an interpolation strategy can be employed which significantly simplifies the classical optimization part of the QAOA. Finally, we empirically find a relation between the connectivity of the problem graph and the single-shot success probability of the algorithm.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure

    Dual mechanisms of action of the RNA-binding protein human antigen R explains its regulatory effect on melanoma cell migration

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    Overexpression of wingless-type MMTV integration site family 5A (WNT5A) plays a significant role in melanoma cancer progression; however, the mechanism(s) involved remains unknown. In breast cancer, the human antigen R (HuR) has been implicated in the regulation of WNT5A expression. Here, we demonstrate that endogenous expression of WNT5A correlates with levels of active HuR in HTB63 and WM852 melanoma cells and that HuR binds to WNT5A messenger RNA in both cell lines. Although the HuR inhibitor MS-444 significantly impaired migration in both melanoma cell lines, it reduced WNT5A expression only in HTB63 cells, as did small interfering RNA knockdown of HuR. Consistent with this finding, MS-444-induced inhibition of HTB63 cell migration was restored by the addition of recombinant WNT5A, whereas MS-444-induced inhibition of WM852 cell migration was restored by the addition of recombinant matrix metalloproteinase-9, another HuR-regulated protein. Clearly, HuR positively regulates melanoma cell migration via at least 2 distinct mechanisms making HuR an attractive therapeutic target for halting melanoma dissemination

    Moderators of the disapproval of peer punishment

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    Recent studies have found disapproval of peer punishment of norm violations. This seems puzzling, given the potential benefits peer punishers contribute to the group. We suggest part of the answer is that peer punishers tend to come across as aggressive and as such may be viewed as more problematic than beneficial to have around. We used simple computer animations of geometric shapes to enact 15 precise variations of social sanctions against a norm violator. More than 1,800 subjects were recruited to watch an animation and judge the behavior and character of the animated agents. They also completed a trait aggression measure. Across the variations peer punishment was typically disapproved of, especially when severe or openly aggressive, and especially by subjects low on trait aggression. We conclude that there seems to be a social norm against peer punishment and that dislike of aggressiveness seems to be part of the reason why