63 research outputs found

    The effect of travel restrictions on the spread of a moderately contagious disease

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    BACKGROUND: Much research in epidemiology has been focused on evaluating conventional methods of control strategies in the event of an epidemic or pandemic. Travel restrictions are often suggested as an efficient way to reduce the spread of a contagious disease that threatens public health, but few papers have studied in depth the effects of travel restrictions. In this study, we investigated what effect different levels of travel restrictions might have on the speed and geographical spread of an outbreak of a disease similar to severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). METHODS: We used a stochastic simulation model incorporating survey data of travel patterns between municipalities in Sweden collected over 3 years. We tested scenarios of travel restrictions in which travel over distances >50 km and 20 km would be banned, taking into account different levels of compliance. RESULTS: We found that a ban on journeys >50 km would drastically reduce the speed and geographical spread of outbreaks, even when compliance is < 100%. The result was found to be robust for different rates of intermunicipality transmission intensities. CONCLUSION: This study supports travel restrictions as an effective way to mitigate the effect of a future disease outbreak

    Reservoir frogs: seasonality of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis infection in robber frogs in Dominica and Montserrat

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    Emerging infectious diseases are an increasingly important threat to wildlife conservation, with amphibian chytridiomycosis, caused by Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, the disease most commonly associated with species declines and extinctions. However, some amphibians can be infected with B. dendrobatidis in the absence of disease and can act as reservoirs of the pathogen. We surveyed robber frogs (Eleutherodactylus spp.), potential B. dendrobatidis reservoir species, at three sites on Montserrat, 2011–2013, and on Dominica in 2014, to identify seasonal patterns in B. dendrobatidis infection prevalence and load (B. dendrobatidis genomic equivalents). On Montserrat there was significant seasonality in B. dendrobatidis prevalence and B. dendrobatidis load, both of which were correlated with temperature but not rainfall. B. dendrobatidis prevalence reached 35% in the cooler, drier months but was repeatedly undetectable during the warmer, wetter months. Also, B. dendrobatidis prevalence significantly decreased from 53.2% when the pathogen emerged on Montserrat in 2009 to a maximum 34.8% by 2011, after which it remained stable. On Dominica, where B. dendrobatidis emerged seven years prior to Montserrat, the same seasonal pattern was recorded but at lower prevalence, possibly indicating long-term decline. Understanding the dynamics of disease threats such as chytridiomycosis is key to planning conservation measures. For example, reintroductions of chytridiomycosis-threatened species could be timed to coincide with periods of low B. dendrobatidis infection risk, increasing potential for reintroduction success

    Density of Large Predators on Commercial Farmland in Ghanzi, Botswana

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    Accurate estimates of predator densities are important for the conservation management of large predator populations. Predator densities outside of protected areas are often understudied and management decisions are based on assumptions of predator numbers. This study conducted three spoor surveys on commercial farmland in Botswana to estimate large predator densities. Brown hyaenas (Hyaena brunnea) were found to occur evenly across both cattle and game farms at higher densities than previously assumed. Cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) and leopards (Panthera pardus) were more commonly located on game ranches, at or below population density assumptions. This study demonstrated the importance but difficulties of conducting predator surveys on farmland, where study animals are often at risk of persecution by landowners, due to the perceived or real threat predators may pose to livestock and stocked game.Cheetah Conservation, Chester Zoo and Rufford small grants.http://www.sawma.co.za/am201

    Use of site occupancy models for targeted monitoring of the cheetah

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    The cheetah Acinonyx jubatus has suffered dramatic range contractions and population declines as a result of habitat degradation, prey depletion and conflict with humans. Of further concern is that many of Africa’s remaining cheetah populations persist in human-dominated and highly fragmented landscapes, where their ecology is poorly understood and population data are lacking. Presence–absence surveys may be a practical means to collect these data; however, failing to account for detection error can lead to biased estimates and misleading inferences; potentially having deleterious consequences for species conservation. The goal of this study was to identify how an occupancy modelling technique that explicitly accounts for detectability could be used for quantifying cheetah status in humanimpacted landscapes. Replicated camera-trap and track surveys of 100-km2 sample units were used to estimate the proportion of area occupied by cheetahs and to determine the survey effort required to inform conservation planning. Based on our results, 16 km [±standard error (SE) = 12–22] of walking or 193 camera-trap nights (±SE = 141–292) are required to confirm cheetah absence at a given 100-km2 grid cell (with 95% certainty). Accounting for detection resulted in an overall cheetah occurrence estimate of 0.40 (SE = 0.13), which is 16% higher than the traditional presence–absence estimate that ignores detection error. We test a priori hypotheses to investigate factors limiting cheetahs using an occurrence probability model of their preferred prey. The results show that both cheetahs and their prey were strongly negatively influenced by human settlements. Our study provides an unbiased estimate of occurrence that can be used to compare status across different sites and as a basis for long-term monitoring. Based on our results, we suggest that track and/or camera-trap surveys coupled with site occupancy models may be useful for targeted monitoring of cheetahs across their distribution.http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1469-7998hb201
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