15,338 research outputs found

    Toward a periodic table of personality: Mapping personality scales between the five-factor model and the circumplex model

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    In this study, we examine the structures of 10 personality inventories (PIs) widely used for personnel assessment by mapping the scales of PIs to the lexical Big Five circumplex model resulting in a Periodic Table of Personality. Correlations between 273 scales from 10 internationally popular PIs with independent markers of the lexical Big Five are reported, based on data from samples in 2 countries (United Kingdom, N 286; United States, N 1,046), permitting us to map these scales onto the Abridged Big Five Dimensional Circumplex model (Hofstee, de Raad, & Goldberg, 1992). Emerging from our findings we propose a common facet framework derived from the scales of the PIs in our study. These results provide important insights into the literature on criterion-related validity of personality traits, and enable researchers and practitioners to understand how different PI scales converge and diverge and how compound PI scales may be constructed or replicated. Implications for research and practice are considered

    Airborne observations of the tropospheric CO2 distribution and its controlling factors over the South Pacific Basin

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    Highly precise measurements of CO2 mixing ratios were recorded aboard both the NASA DC-8 and P3-B aircraft during the Pacific Exploratory Mission-Tropics conducted in August-October 1996. Data were obtained at altitudes ranging from 0.1 to 12 km over a large portion of the South Pacific Basin representing the most geographically extensive CO2 data set recorded in this region. These data along with CO2 surface measurements from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/Climate Monitoring and Diagnostics Laboratory (NOAA/CMDL) and the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) were examined to establish vertical and meridional gradients. The CO2 spatial distribution in the southern hemisphere appeared to be largely determined by interhemispheric transport as air masses with depleted CO2 levels characteristic of northern hemispheric air were frequently observed south of the Intertropical Convergence Zone. However, regional processes also played a role in modulating background concentrations. Comparisons of CO2 with other trace gases indicated that CO2 values were influenced by continental sources. Large scale plumes from biomass burning activities produced enhanced CO2 mixing ratios within the lower to midtroposphere over portions of the remote Pacific. An apparent CO2 source was observed in the NOAA/ CMDL surface data between 15° N and 15° S and in the lower altitude flight data between 8° N and 8.5° S with a zone of intensity from 6.5° N to 1° S. Inferred from these data is the presence of a Southern Ocean sink from south of 15° S having two distinct zones seasonally out of phase with one another. Copyright 1999 by the American Geophysical Union

    Chemical transport across the ITCZ in the central Pacific during an El Niño-Southern Oscillation cold phase event in March-April 1999

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    We examine interhemispheric transport processes that occurred over the central Pacific during the PEM-Tropics B mission (PTB) in March-April 1999 by correlating the observed distribution of chemical tracers with the prevailing and anomalous windfields. The Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) had a double structure during PTB, and interhemispheric mixing occurred in the equatorial region between ITCZ branches. The anomalously strong tropical easterly surface wind had a large northerly component across the equator in the central Pacific, causing transport of aged, polluted air into the Southern Hemisphere (SH) at altitudes below 4 km. Elevated concentrations of chemical tracers from the Northern Hemisphere (NH) measured south of the equator in the central Pacific during PTB may represent an upper limit because the coincidence of seasonal and cold phase ENSO conditions are optimum for this transport. Stronger and more consistent surface convergence between the northeasterly and southeasterly trade winds in the Southern Hemisphere (SH) resulted in more total convective activity in the SH branch of the ITCZ, at about 6° S. The middle troposphere between 4-7 km was a complex shear zone between prevailing northeasterly winds at low altitudes and southwesterly winds at higher altitudes. Persistent anomalous streamline patterns and the chemical tracer distribution show that during PTB most transport in the central Pacific was from SH to NH across the equator in the upper troposphere. Seasonal differences in source strength caused larger interhemispheric gradients of chemical tracers during PTB than during the complementary PEM-Tropics A mission in September-October 1996. Copyright 2001 by the American Geophysical Union

    PACIAE 2.0: An updated parton and hadron cascade model (program) for the relativistic nuclear collisions

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    We have updated the parton and hadron cascade model PACIAE for the relativistic nuclear collisions, from based on JETSET 6.4 and PYTHIA 5.7 to based on PYTHIA 6.4, and renamed as PACIAE 2.0. The main physics concerning the stages of the parton initiation, parton rescattering, hadronization, and hadron rescattering were discussed. The structures of the programs were briefly explained. In addition, some calculated examples were compared with the experimental data. It turns out that this model (program) works well.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figure

    A stable isotopic study to determine carbon and nitrogen cycling in a disturbed southern Californian forest ecosystem

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    This study utilized isotope analyses to contrast nitrogen and carbon dynamics at four sites located along an air pollution gradient in the San Bernardino National Forest in southern California. Natural N-15 and C-13 abundances along with nutritional and edaphic properties were determined in soil, litter, and vegetation samples. Mean bulk nitrogen delta(15)N values of soil and vegetation at Camp Paivika (CP), the most polluted site, were at least 1.7 parts per thousand more enriched than the other, less polluted sites. Mean soil delta(15)NH(4)(+) was also significantly enriched in N-15 at CP compared to Barton Flats (BF), the least polluted site, by 3.8 parts per thousand. Soil delta(15)NO(3)(-) signatures were not statistically different among sites. The litter delta(15)NH(4)(+) values followed a trend similar to that of the soil. Furthermore, the litter delta(15)NO(3)(-) at CP was significantly depleted in N-15 compared to the other sites. The isotopic discrimination for the eventual production of nitrate from organic nitrogen in soil and litter was maximized at CP and minimized at BF. A stable carbon isotopic gradient of decreasing soil, litter, and foliar delta(13)C was also observed with increasing site pollution level. These results support the hypothesis that chronic atmospheric deposition has enhanced nitrogen cycling processes and has affected carbon metabolism at CP

    Cognitive architectures as Lakatosian research programmes: two case studies

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    Cognitive architectures - task-general theories of the structure and function of the complete cognitive system - are sometimes argued to be more akin to frameworks or belief systems than scientific theories. The argument stems from the apparent non-falsifiability of existing cognitive architectures. Newell was aware of this criticism and argued that architectures should be viewed not as theories subject to Popperian falsification, but rather as Lakatosian research programs based on cumulative growth. Newell's argument is undermined because he failed to demonstrate that the development of Soar, his own candidate architecture, adhered to Lakatosian principles. This paper presents detailed case studies of the development of two cognitive architectures, Soar and ACT-R, from a Lakatosian perspective. It is demonstrated that both are broadly Lakatosian, but that in both cases there have been theoretical progressions that, according to Lakatosian criteria, are pseudo-scientific. Thus, Newell's defense of Soar as a scientific rather than pseudo-scientific theory is not supported in practice. The ACT series of architectures has fewer pseudo-scientific progressions than Soar, but it too is vulnerable to accusations of pseudo-science. From this analysis, it is argued that successive versions of theories of the human cognitive architecture must explicitly address five questions to maintain scientific credibility

    Real-time national GPS networks: Opportunities for atmospheric sensing

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    Real-time national Global Positioning System (GPS) networks are being established in a number of countries for atmospheric sensing. UCAR, in collaboration with participating universities, is developing one of these networks in the United States. The network, named "SuomiNet" to honor meteorological satellite pioneer Verner Suomi, is funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation. SuomiNet will exploit the recently-shown ability of ground-based GPS receivers to make thousands of accurate upper and lower atmospheric measurements per day. Phase delays induced in GPS signals by the ionosphere and neutral atmosphere can be measured with high precision simultaneously along up to a dozen GPS ray paths in the field of view. These delays can be converted into total electron content (TEC), and integrated water vapor (if surface pressure data or estimates are available), along each GPS ray path. The resulting continuous, accurate, all-weather, real-time upper and lower atmospheric data create a variety of opportunities for atmospheric research. In this letter we describe SuomiNet, its applications, and the opportunity to coordinate national real-time GPS networks to create, a global network with larger scientific and operational potential. Copy right© The Society of Geomagnetism and Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences (SGEPSS); The Seismological Society of Japan; The Volcanological Society of Japan; The Geodetic Society of Japan; The Japanese Society for Planetary Sciences
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