2,094 research outputs found

    The Petrogenesis of the Early Permian Variscan granites of the Cornubian Batholith - lower plate post-collisional peraluminous magmatism in the Rhenohercynian Zone of SW England

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.The Early Permian Cornubian Batholith was generated during an extensional regime following Variscan convergence within the Rhenohercynian Zone of SW England. Its component granites can be classified, using mineralogical, textural and geochemical criteria, into five main types, all of which are peraluminous (A/CNK >1.1): G1 (two-mica), G2 (muscovite), G3 (biotite), G4 (tourmaline) and G5 (topaz). G1 granites formed through up to 20% muscovite and minor biotite dehydration melting of a metagreywacke source at moderate temperatures and pressures (731-806°C, >5 kbar). Younger G3 granites formed through higher temperature, lower pressure (768-847°C, <4 kbar) biotite-dominated melting of a similar source. Partial melting was strongly influenced by the progressive lower-mid crustal emplacement of mafic igneous rocks during post-Variscan extension and a minor (<5- 10%) mantle-derived component in the granites is possible. Two distinct fractionation series, G1-G2 and G3-G4, are defined using whole rock geochemical and mineral chemical data. Variations in the major elements, Ba, Sr and Rb indicate that G1 and G3 granites underwent 15-30% fractionation of an assemblage dominated by plagioclase, alkali feldspar and biotite to form, more evolved G2 and G4 granites respectively. Decreasing whole rock abundances of Zr, Th and REE support fractionation of zircon, monazite, apatite and allanite. Subsolidus alteration in G2 and G4 granites is indicated by non-primary muscovite and tourmaline and modification of major and trace element trends for G3-G4 granites, particularly for P2O5 and Rb. Topaz (G5) granites show low Zr, REE and extreme enrichment in Rb (up to 1530 ppm) and Nb (79 ppm) that cannot be related in a straightforward manner to continued differentiation of the G1-G2 or G3-G4 series. Instead, they are considered to represent partial melting, mediated by granulite facies fluids, of a biotite-rich restite following extraction of G1 and/or G3 magmas; they do not exhibit the typical geochemical characteristics of intraplate A-type granites.This study was supported by the European Regional Development Fund and European Social Fund as part of the convergence funding for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly (Combined Universities in Cornwall project number11200NCO5), supporting a PhD for BS, and the European Union (Horizon 2020 project 641650 FAME). The Natural History Museum, London, UK are thanked for the loan of samples. We thank Richard Scrivener and Nicholas LeBoutillier for help with sampling. Steve Pendray, Sharon Uren and Joe Pickles assisted with the sample preparation and analysis. Axel Müller and Karel Breiter are thanked for discussions about topaz granites. We gratefully acknowledge Romain Tartèse and an anonymous reviewer for their constructive comments which helped to improve the manuscript

    Birth data accessibility via primary care health records to classify health status in a multi-ethnic population of children: an observational study

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    Nonlocal correlations in iron pnictides and chalcogenides

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    Deviations of low-energy electronic structurse of iron-based superconductors from density-functional-theory predictions have been parametrized in terms of band- and orbital-dependent mass renormalizations and energy shifts. The former have typically been described in terms of a local self-energy within the framework of dynamical mean field theory, while the latter appears to require nonlocal effects due to interband scattering. By calculating the renormalized band structure in both random phase approximation (RPA) and the two-particle self-consistent approximation (TPSC), we show that correlations in pnictide systems like LaFeAsO and LiFeAs can be described rather well by a nonlocal self-energy. In particular, Fermi pocket shrinkage as seen in experiments occurs due to repulsive interband finite-energy scattering. For the canonical iron chalcogenide system FeSe in its bulk tetragonal phase, the situation is, however, more complex since even including momentum-dependent band renormalizations cannot explain experimental findings. We propose that the nearest-neighbor Coulomb interaction may play an important role in band-structure renormalization in FeSe. We further compare our evaluations of nonlocal quasiparticle scattering lifetime within RPA and TPSC with experimental data for LiFeAs

    Optimisation of the Schizosaccharomyces pombe urg1 expression system

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    The ability to study protein function in vivo often relies on systems that regulate the presence and absence of the protein of interest. Two limitations for previously described transcriptional control systems that are used to regulate protein expression in fission yeast are: the time taken for inducing conditions to initiate transcription and the ability to achieve very low basal transcription in the "OFF-state". In previous work, we described a Cre recombination-mediated system that allows the rapid and efficient regulation of any gene of interest by the urg1 promoter, which has a dynamic range of approximately 75-fold and which is induced within 30-60 minutes of uracil addition. In this report we describe easy-to-use and versatile modules that can be exploited to significantly tune down P urg1 "OFF-levels" while maintaining an equivalent dynamic range. We also provide plasmids and tools for combining P urg1 transcriptional control with the auxin degron tag to help maintain a null-like phenotype. We demonstrate the utility of this system by improved regulation of HO-dependent site-specific DSB formation, by the regulation Rtf1-dependent replication fork arrest and by controlling Rhp18(Rad18)-dependent post replication repair

    The Effect Of Breastfeeding On Child Development At 5 Years: A Cohort Study

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    Objective It is uncertain to what degree the relationship between breastfeeding and later cognitive development is a true biological effect, or is confounded by psychosocial factors. The study aim was to further investigate this relationship and the effect of duration of breast feeding on cognitive development. Methods A total of 3880 children were followed from birth. Breastfeeding duration was measured by questionnaire at 6 months of age and a Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test Revised (PPVT-R) was administered at 5 years. PPVT-R scores were adjusted for the effects of a large array of biological and psychosocial confounders. The relationship between breastfeeding and the mean PPVT-R scores were examined using analysis of variance and multiple linear regression. Results A strong positive relationship was demonstrated between breastfeeding and the PPVT-R scores with increasing scores with increased duration of breastfeeding. After adjusting for a wide range of biological and social factors, the adjusted mean for those breastfed for 6 months or more was 8.2 points higher for females and 5.8 points for males when compared to those never breastfed. Conclusion These findings suggest a significant benefit to child development is conferred by breastfeeding and is related independently to longer periods of breastfeeding

    A global perspective on marine photosynthetic picoeukaryote community structure

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    A central goal in ecology is to understand the factors affecting the temporal dynamics and spatial distribution of microorganisms and the underlying processes causing differences in community structure and composition. However, little is known in this respect for photosynthetic picoeukaryotes (PPEs), algae that are now recognised as major players in marine CO2 fixation. Here, we analysed dot blot hybridisation and cloning–sequencing data, using the plastid-encoded 16S rRNA gene, from seven research cruises that encompassed all four ocean biomes. We provide insights into global abundance, α- and β-diversity distribution and the environmental factors shaping PPE community structure and composition. At the class level, the most commonly encountered PPEs were Prymnesiophyceae and Chrysophyceae. These taxa displayed complementary distribution patterns, with peak abundances of Prymnesiophyceae and Chrysophyceae in waters of high (25:1) or low (12:1) nitrogen:phosphorus (N:P) ratio, respectively. Significant differences in phylogenetic composition of PPEs were demonstrated for higher taxonomic levels between ocean basins, using Unifrac analyses of clone library sequence data. Differences in composition were generally greater between basins (interbasins) than within a basin (intrabasin). These differences were primarily linked to taxonomic variation in the composition of Prymnesiophyceae and Prasinophyceae whereas Chrysophyceae were phylogenetically similar in all libraries. These data provide better knowledge of PPE community structure across the world ocean and are crucial in assessing their evolution and contribution to CO2 fixation, especially in the context of global climate change

    Вплив трьох спортивних ігор з фізичного виховання на фізичну підготовленість студентів чоловічої статі

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    Background and Study Aim. Few controlled studies have been conducted on the effect of sports games as a physical education (PE) course on the health-related fitness of university students. The aim of the study was to determine whether three sports in a PE course will help improve the health-related fitness of male university students. Material and Methods. Students from two universities participated in the study, with one university acting as a control group. There were two PE courses which students registered for: a football and volleyball (FVG, n=169) course and a badminton (BG, n=97) course. The students received basic training drills and competed with one another. The duration of the activities was 50 minutes sessions for eight weeks. The following tests were taken before and after eight weeks: Cooper test, sit-and-reach test, 60-s curl test, standing long jump test, and body mass index. Paired t-tests were used to compare the baseline and post data of each group. The Welch t-test, ANCOVA, and analysis of gains scores were used to compare each of the PE groups to the control group. ANCOVA was used to account for baseline differences, while analysis of gains scores was used whenever ANCOVA could not be used. The Vargha-Delaney Effect Size (VD) and the Common Language Effect Size (CLES) were used to determine the effect sizes for the Welch t-tests and ANCOVA, respectively. Significant changes were set at p ≤ 0.05 and VD ≤ 42% or VD ≥ 58%, or if p ≤ 0.05 and CLES ≥ 58 %. Results. &nbsp;Both PE groups showed significant improvements in all the measured fitness parameters except body composition. Moreover, the measured parameters of the control group reduced after eight weeks. Conclusion. The study shows evidence that PE courses can serve male universities in improving their health-related fitness. Moreover, students who do not participate in a PE course may be at risk of losing their fitness.Предпосылки и цель исследования. Было проведено мало контролируемых исследований о влиянии спортивных игр в качестве курса по физическому воспитанию (PE) на состояние здоровья студентов университетов. Цель исследования состояла в том, чтобы определить, помогут ли три вида спорта на курсе физического воспитания улучшить состояние здоровья студентов мужского пола.Материал и методы. В исследовании приняли участие студенты из двух университетов, один из которых выступал в качестве контрольной группы. Были два курса физическоого воспитания, на которые зарегистрировались студенты: курс по футболу и волейболу (FVG, n = 169) и курс по бадминтону (BG, n = 97). Студенты проходили базовые тренировки и соревновались друг с другом. Продолжительность занятий составляла 50 минут сеансов по восемь недель. Следующие тесты были взяты до и после восьми недель: тест Купера, тест гибкости, 60-секундный тест сгибания, тест прыжка в длину с места и индекс массы тела. Парные t-тесты использовались для сравнения базовых и пост-данных каждой группы. Для сравнения каждой из групп PE с контрольной группой использовались t-критерий Уэлча, ANCOVA и анализ результатов. ANCOVA использовалась для учета базовых различий, в то время как анализ показателей выигрышей использовался всякий раз, когда ANCOVA нельзя было использовать. Размер эффекта Варга-Делани (VD) и Размер эффекта общего языка (CLES) использовались для определения размеров эффекта для t-тестов Уэлча и ANCOVA, соответственно. Значительные изменения были установлены при p ≤ 0,05 и VD ≤ 42% или VD ≥ 58%, или если p ≤ 0,05 и CLES ≥ 58%.Результаты. Обе группы PE показали значительное улучшение всех измеренных параметров физической формы, кроме состава тела. Более того, измеренные параметры контрольной группы снизились через восемь недель.Выводы. Исследование показывает, что курсы PE могут помочь студентам улучшить свою физическую форму. Кроме того, студенты, которые не участвуют в курсе PE, могут подвергаться риску потерять свою физическую форму.Передумови та мета дослідження. Було проведено мало контрольованих досліджень про вплив спортивних ігор в якості курсу з фізичного виховання (PE) на стан здоров'я студентів університетів. Мета дослідження полягала в тому, щоб визначити, чи допоможуть три види спорту на курсі фізічного виховання поліпшити стан здоров'я студентів чоловічої статі.Матеріал і методи. У дослідженні взяли участь студенти з двох університетів, один з яких виступав в якості контрольної групи. Були два курси фізічного виховання, на які зареєструвалися студенти: курс по футболу і волейболу (FVG, n = 169) і курс з бадмінтону (BG, n = 97). Студенти проходили базові тренування і змагалися один з одним. Тривалість занять складала 50 хвилин сеансів по вісім тижнів. Наступні тести були взяті до і після восьми тижнів: тест Купера, тест гнучкості, 60-секундний тест згинання, тест стрибка в довжину з місця та індекс маси тіла. Парні t-тести використовувалися для порівняння базових і пост-даних кожної групи. Для порівняння кожної з груп PE з контрольною групою використовувалися t-критерій Уелча, ANCOVA і аналіз результатів. ANCOVA використовувалася для обліку базових відмінностей, в той час як аналіз показників виграшів використовувався щоразу, коли ANCOVA не можна було використовувати. Розмір ефекту Варга-Делані (VD) і розмір ефекту спільної мови (CLES) використовувалися для визначення розмірів ефекту для t-тестів Уелча і ANCOVA, відповідно. Значні зміни були встановлені при p ≤ 0,05 і VD ≤ 42% або VD ≥ 58%, або якщо p ≤ 0,05 і CLES ≥ 58%.Результати. Обидві групи PE показали значне поліпшення всіх виміряних параметрів фізичної форми, крім складу тіла. Більш того, виміряні параметри контрольної групи знизилися через вісім тижнів.Висновки. Дослідження показує, що курси PE можуть допомогти студентам покращити свою фізичну форму. Крім того, студенти, які не беруть участі в курсі PE, можуть піддаватися ризику втратити свою фізичну форму

    Human Factor and Energy Efficiency in Buildings: Motivating End-Users Behavioural Change

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    Energy efficiency in buildings does not only rely on efficient technical solutions and design of the building features, but is also highly dependent on how occupants decide to set their comfort criteria, as well as on their energy-related and environmental lifestyles. In this perspective, raising user awareness among occupants by training them to adopt a more “green” and energy-friendly behaviour has become a crucial aspect for reaching energy efficiency goals in buildings. Motivating occupants to change their behaviour can become a challenging task, especially if they are expected to internalize and adopt the new behaviour on a long term. This means that information and feedback provided to the occupants must be stimulating, easy to understand, and easy to adopt in the daily routine. In this context, first methodological progresses are here presented within an European project, designed to raise user awareness, reduce energy consumptions and improve health and IEQ conditions in different typologies of demonstration case studies by providing combined feedback on energy, indoor environmental quality, and health. In particular, this paper presents one out of five MOBISTYLE demonstration testbeds – a residence hotel - located in central Turin (IT). In detail, this paper describes the setup of a tailored engagement campaign for hotel apartments and the reception area. Based on selected monitored variables, user-friendly feedback was defined to provide the users with real-time information on energy use and environmental quality, as well as guidance on how to save energy and optimize consumption profiles while creating an acceptably comfortable and healthy indoor environment

    Landscape Changes Influence the Occurrence of the Melioidosis Bacterium Burkholderia pseudomallei in Soil in Northern Australia

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    Melioidosis is a severe disease affecting humans and animals in the tropics. It is caused by the bacterium Burkholderia pseudomallei, which lives in tropical soil and especially occurs in southeast Asia and northern Australia. Despite the recognition that melioidosis is an emerging infectious disease, little is known about the habitat of B. pseudomallei in the environment. We performed a survey in the Darwin area in tropical Australia, screening 809 soil samples for the presence of these bacteria using molecular methods. We found that environmental factors describing the habitat of these bacteria differed between environmentally undisturbed and disturbed sites. At undisturbed sites, B. pseudomallei was primarily found in close proximity to streams and in grass- and roots-rich areas. In disturbed soil, B. pseudomallei was associated with the presence of animals, farming or irrigation. Highest B. pseudomallei counts were retrieved from paddocks, pens and kennels holding livestock and dogs. This study contributes to the elucidation of the habitat of B. pseudomallei in northern Australia. It also raises concerns that B. pseudomallei may spread due to changes in land management