407 research outputs found

    Resummations of free energy at high temperature

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    We discuss resummation strategies for free energy in quantum field theories at nonzero temperatures T. We point out that resummations should be performed for the short- and long-distance parts separately in order to avoid spurious interference effects and double-counting. We then discuss and perform Pade resummations of these two parts for QCD at high T. The resummed results are almost invariant under variation of the renormalization and factorization scales. We perform the analysis also in the case of the massless scalar ϕ4\phi^4 theory.Comment: 16 pages, revtex4, 15 eps-figures; minor typographic errors corrected; the version as it appears in Phys.Rev.

    The calibration of the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory using uniformly distributed radioactive sources

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    The production and analysis of distributed sources of 24Na and 222Rn in the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) are described. These unique sources provided accurate calibrations of the response to neutrons, produced through photodisintegration of the deuterons in the heavy water target, and to low energy betas and gammas. The application of these sources in determining the neutron detection efficiency and response of the 3He proportional counter array, and the characteristics of background Cherenkov light from trace amounts of natural radioactivity is described.Comment: 24 pages, 13 figure

    Highly anisotropic Bose-Einstein condensates: crossover to lower dimensionality

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    We develop a simple analytical model based on a variational method to explain the properties of trapped cylindrically symmetric Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC) of varying degrees of anisotropy well into regimes of effective one dimension (1D) and effective two dimension (2D). Our results are accurate in regimes where the Thomas-Fermi approximation breaks down and they are shown to be in agreement with recent experimental data.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures; significantly more new material added; title and author-list changed due to changes in conten

    Multidimensional rasch models for partial credit scoring

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    Rasch models for partial-credit scoring are discussed and a multidimensional version of the model is formulated. A model may be specified in which consecutive item responses depend on an underlying latent trait. In the multidimensional partial-credit model, different responses may be explained by different latent traits. Data from van Kuyk’s (1988) size concept test and the Raven Progressive Matrices test were analyzed. Maximum likelihood estimation and goodness-of-fit testing are discussed and applied to these datasets. Goodness-of-fit statistics show that for both tests, multidimensional partial-credit models were more appropriate than the unidimensional partial-credit model. Index terms: X2 testing, exponential family model, multidimensional item response theory, multidimensional Rasch model, partial-credit models, Progressive Matrices test, Rasch model

    Effective Actions and Phase Fluctuations in d-wave Superconductors

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    We study effective actions for order parameter fluctuations at low temperature in layered d-wave superconductors such as the cuprates. The order parameter lives on the bonds of a square lattice and has two amplitude and two phase modes associated with it. The low frequency spectral weights for amplitude and relative phase fluctuations is determined and found to be subdominant to quasiparticle contributions. The Goldstone phase mode and its coupling to density fluctuations in charged systems is treated in a gauge-invariant manner. The Gaussian phase action is used to study both the cc-axis Josephson plasmon and the more conventional in-plane plasmon in the cuprates. We go beyond the Gaussian theory by deriving a coarse-grained quantum XY model, which incorporates important cutoff effects overlooked in previous studies. A variational analysis of this effective model shows that in the cuprates, quantum effects of phase fluctuations are important in reducing the zero temperature superfluid stiffness, but thermal effects are small for T<<TcT << T_c.Comment: Some numerical estimates corrected and figures changed. to appear in PRB, Sept.1 (2000

    The shellfish enigma across the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition in southern Scandinavia

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    The well-known and widespread replacement of oysters (abundant during the Mesolithic period) by cockles and mussels in many Danish Stone Age shell middens ca. 5900 cal yrs BP coincides with the transition to agriculture in southern Scandinavia. This human resource shift is commonly believed to reflect changing resource availability, driven by environmental and/or climatic change at the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition rather than cultural choice. While several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the “Mesolithic-Neolithic oyster decline”, an explanation based on a sudden freshening of the inner Danish waters has received most attention. Here, for the first time, we test and refute this long-standing hypothesis that declining salinity explains the marked reduction in oysters identified within numerous shell middens across coastal Denmark at the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition using quantitative and qualitative salinity inference from several, independent proxies (diatoms, molluscs and foraminifera) from multiple Danish fjord sites. Alternatively, we attribute the oyster decline to other environmental causes (particularly changing sedimentation), ultimately driven by external climatic forcing. Critical application of such high-quality environmental archives can reinvigorate archaeological debates and can aid in understanding and managing environmental change in increasingly impacted coastal regions

    Working time flexibility components and working time regimes in Europe: using company-level data across 21 countries

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    Working time ?exibility comprises a wide variety of arrangements, from part-time, overtime, to long-term leaves. Theoretical approaches to grouping these arrangements have been developed, but empirical underpinnings are rare. This article investigates the bundles that can be found for various ?exible working time arrangements, using the Establishment Survey on Working Time and Work–Life Balance, 2004/2005, covering 21 EU member states and 13 industries. The results from the factor analyses con?rmed that working time arrangements can be grouped into two bundles, one for the employee-centred arrangements and second for the employer-centred arrangements, and that these two bundles are separate dimensions.Wealso tested the stability of the factor analysisoutcome, showing that although we ?nd some deviations from the pan-Europe and pan-industry outcome, the naming of the components as ?exibility for employees and ?exibility for employers can be considered rather stable. Lastly, we ?nd three country clusters for the 21 European countries using the bundle approach. The ?rst group includes the Northern European countries along side Poland and Czech Republic, the second group the continental European countries with UK and Ireland, and lastly, the southern European countries with Hungary and Slovenia

    Quasiparticle dynamics in ferromagnetic compounds of the Co-Fe and Ni-Fe systems

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    We report a theoretical study of the quasiparticle lifetime and the quasiparticle mean free path caused by inelastic electron-electron scattering in ferromagnetic compounds of the Co-Fe and Ni-Fe systems. The study is based on spin-polarized calculations, which are performed within the GWGW approximation for equiatomic and Co- and Ni-rich compounds, as well as for their constituents. We mainly focus on the spin asymmetry of the quasiparticle properties, which leads to the spin-filtering effect experimentally observed in spin-dependent transport of hot electrons and holes in the systems under study. By comparing with available experimental data on the attenuation length, we estimate the contribution of the inelastic mean free path to the latter.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure