11 research outputs found

    Älgars habitatval i sydvästra Sverige

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    The moose (Alces alces) is very important both economically and ecologically, therefore all knowledge of moose is vital for future management of the moose population. Little is known about moose habitat selection in Sweden. In coastal southwestern Sweden growing human population and new infrastructure projects continuously threaten to fragment and isolate local moose populations. The habitat selection of 22 moose, 8 males and 14 females, in southwestern Sweden was studied from February 2002 until December 2005. The moose were captured and fitted with GPS-collars and positions were collected at 2-hour intervals. The number of moose positions totaled 71103 during the study period of 46 months. Data for individual animals were divided into four seasons: spring, summer, fall and winter based on climate and moose biology. A total of 125 moose seasonal home ranges were generated and habitat use within each of the generated home ranges was studied using Euclidean distance-based analysis. A reclassified digital landcover map was divided into the land use classes agriculture, clear-cut, coniferous forest, deciduous forest, mire and mountain. The results showed that there was a difference in habitat selection between males and females. Males were significantly closer to forest and clear-cuts compared to females. Both males and females selected clear-cuts and avoided agriculture within their home ranges.Älgen är en viktig art, både ekonomiskt och ekologiskt, och all kunskap är viktig för att även i framtiden kunna sköta en sund älgstam. Trots flertalet studier finns det många frågetecken om älgens habitatval i Sverige. En ökad exploateringstakt och nya infrastrukturprojekt hotar att fragmentera och isolera populationer av älg. Habitatvalet hos 22 älgar, 8 tjurar och 14 kor, i sydvästra Sverige studerades mellan februari 2002 och december 2005. Älgarna sövdes och utrustades med GPS-sändare, deras positioner registrerades varannan timma och det totala antalet positioner under den 46 månader långa studietiden var 71103 stycken. Data från varje älg delades in i 4 säsonger; vår, sommar, höst och vinter, baserat på klimat och älgens biologi. Totalt genererades 125 hemområden baserade på säsong, och valet av habitat inom varje hemområde studerades med hjälp av Euclidean distance-based analysis. En omklassificerad digital marktäckedata användes som var indelad i 6 olika klasser; odlad mark, hygge, barrskog, lövskog, myrmark och berg i dagen. Resultaten visade att det var skillnad mellan könen i hur de väljer habitat. Tjurarna var signifikant närmare barrskog och hyggen än korna, men både tjurar och kor selekterade för hyggen och undvek odlad mark inom deras hemområden

    Early second-trimester plasma levels of NT-proBNP in women who subsequently develop early-onset preeclampsia

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    <p>Plasma levels of NT-proBNP are elevated in women with preeclampsia at the time of diagnosis. The objective of this case-control study was to evaluate N-terminal proBNP (NT-proBNP) in maternal plasma as an early second-trimester biomarker for prediction of early-onset preeclampsia. In early second-trimester samples, women who later developed preeclampsia at gestational age 34 wk + 0 or earlier (<i>n</i> = 16) had similar plasma levels of NT-proBNP (median 51.8, range 26.1–131.9 pg/ml) as women with uncomplicated pregnancy outcomes (<i>n</i> = 43) (53.0, 14.9–184.2 pg/ml). The early second-trimester level of NT-proBNP cannot therefore be used as a predictive biomarker of early-onset preeclampsia.</p

    Interface core-level shifts as a probe of embedded thin-film quality

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    We use first-principles calculations of layer-resolved core-level binding energy shifts (CLSs) within density functional theory as away to characterize the interface quality and thickness in embedded thin-film nanomaterials. A closer study of interfaces is motivated as properties specific to nanostructures can be related directly to the interface environment or indirectly as interference effects due to quantum confinement. From an analysis based on the Cu 2p(3/2) CLS for Cu embedded in Ni and Co fcc (100) and Fe bcc (100), with the interfaces represented by intermixing profiles controlled by a single parameter, we evaluate layer-resolved shifts as a probe of the thin-film quality. The core-level shifts in the corresponding disordered alloys, as well as local environment effects, are studied for comparison. We also discuss the possibility of detecting interface states by means of core-level shift measurements

    The Private Brewery "Bralis" medium analyze and development strategy

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    Bakalaura darbā ir analizētas un pētītas alus ražotāju tirgus problēmas. Ļoti liela nozīme ir pievērsta konkurences problēmai starp alus ražotājiem, kas risināma ar kvalitatīvas produkcijas nodrošināšanu. Īpaša uzmanība ir pievērsta iekšējās un ārējas vides analīzei, kas palīdzētu ražotājiem novērtēt situāciju tirgū. Balstoties uz šiem rezultātiem attiecīgi tiek izvēlēta stratēģija. Šī darba mērķis ir izvērtēt alus tirgu, izanalizēt Privātās Alus Darītavas „Brālis” saimniecisko darbību, izanalizēt uzņēmuma iekšējo un ārējo vidi, kā arī veikt SWOT analīzi. Lai sasniegtu izvirzīto mērķi, autori veiks sekojošus uzdevumus: izpētīs alus tirgu ; izpētīs LR likumdošanas ietekmi uz alus tirgu; izanalizēs konkurences vidi; izanalizēs netieši ietekmējošo ārējo vidi; izanalizēs tieši ietekmējošo ārējo vidi; izanalizēs uzņēmuma iekšējo vidi; izvērtēs tehnoloģiskās īpatnības un kvalitāti; veiks Privātās Alus Darītavas „Brālis„ finansu analīzi; veiks SWID analīzi; veiks stratēģijas izvēli; Darba autori uzskata, ka jebkurā uzņēmumā ir jāveic iekšējās un ārējas vides analīze, jānovērtē konkurences vide, jāanalizē saimnieciskā darbība, jānodrošina mārketinga stratēģija un jāpievērš liela uzmanība produkcijas kvalitātei, lai uzņēmums veiksmīgi darbotos, attīstītos un gūtu peļņu. Bakalaura darbs ir izstrādāts četrās nodaļās: Alus tirgus un konkurence. Privātās Alus Darītavas „Brālis” ārējās vides analīze. Privātās Alus Darītavas „Brālis” iekšējās vides analīze. Privātās Alus Darītavas „Brālis” stratēģija. Bakalaura darbs izpildīts uz 98 lapām, attēlu skaits ir 8 attēli, tabulu skaits ir 22 tabulas un 4 pielikumi.The marketing problems of beer makers are analyzed in the paper. A problem of competition between beer makers and sellers is analyzed. This problem is solved by distribution of qualitative production. Special attention to turn internal and external medium analyze. By means of this producers can better understand marketing conditions and receive information about potential customers. Accord these results to give leave choose company strategy. The purpose of the paper is to estimate market of beer, analyze The Private Brewery “Bralis” commercial activities analyze internal and external medium, is will as to realize SWOT analyze. To reach a paper’s target author will perform following tasks: investigate Latvian market of beer ; investigate justices of LR influence on the market of beer; investigate directly and implicitly impact external medium; investigate internal medium; analyze medium of competition; analyze factors of quality; analyze technological process; perform analyze of finance activities of The Private Brewery “Bralis”; perform SWOT analyze choose company strategy of The Private Brewery “Bralis”; In the paper are analyzed justice of beer’s market and problems bound with predicted changes of that justice. The proposals are made. Author’s means that every company must perform analyze internal and external medium, to estimate competition, to analyze economical activities, to secure strategy of company and to pay attention on a quality of production. A work consists of four parts: Beer market and competition; External medium analyze of the Private Brewery “Bralis”; Internal medium analyze of the Private Brewery “Bralis”; Private Brewery “Bralis” strategy; A work consists of 98 pages, 8 pictures, 22 tables and 4 supplements

    Thyroid function tests at delivery and risk for postpartum depressive symptoms

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    Postpartum depression (PPD) is a common childbirth complication, which can have negative effects on both the newly delivered woman and her family. This condition is under-diagnosed and inadequately treated, while a biological diagnostic test is not yet available. Furthermore, postpartum thyroid dysfunction is common among new mothers, and some evidence point to an association between PPD and thyroid function disturbances. The aim of this study was to evaluate the possible association between serum levels of thyroid hormones at the time of delivery, and the later development of depressive symptoms, using data from a population based cohort of Swedish women. Blood samples were collected during delivery from 347 participating women, delivering at Uppsala University Hospital. The participating women filled in at least one of three structured questionnaires, containing the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS), at five days, six weeks and six months postpartum. A cut-off of 12 or more was applied on the EPDS, to identify cases of self-reported PPD and controls. Using a binary logistic regression model (adjusting for previous psychiatric contact, smoking during pregnancy, pre-pregnancy body mass index (BMI) and sleep), having a thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) level over the clinical cut-off level of 4.0 mU/L was associated with increased risk for depressive symptoms at six months postpartum (OR 11.30, 95% CI 1.93-66.11). A ROC analysis revealed that the predictive variable (PV) had significant predictive ability for PPD at 6 months postpartum, given that the AUC was 0.764, and at a PV cut-off value of 6.33, the sensitivity and specificity were 76.2% and 69.4%, respectively. If these findings are replicated in future studies, they can have important clinical implications, since TSH determination is an inexpensive routine blood test, and its inclusion in a biological screening test for PPD involving other parameters would be tempting. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Identifying the root causes of damage on the wheels of heavy haul locomotives and its mitigation

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    The paper illustrates how damage patterns in the form of rolling contact fatigue (RCF) on wheels, can be employed to identify and improve underlying operational conditions. The focus is on RCF of locomotive wheels operating on the Iron Ore Line in northern Sweden and Norway. Seasonal changes and damage patterns are charted. Potential root causes for observed damage patterns are identified and investigated. Mitigating actions are proposed and the efficiency of implemented actions is quantified

    Identifying the root causes of damage on the wheels of heavy haul wheel damage phenomena

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    The paper illustrates how damage patterns, in particular in the form of rolling contact fatigue (RCF), can be employed to identify underlying operational conditions. In particular the focus is on RCF of wheel occurring at the Iron Ore line in north Sweden and Norway. The paper charts seasonal changes and damage patterns, and potential root causes are identified and investigated. Finally mitigating actions are proposed