347 research outputs found

    The Role of the Francisella Tularensis Pathogenicity Island in Type VI Secretion, Intracellular Survival, and Modulation of Host Cell Signaling

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    Francisella tularensis is a highly virulent gram-negative intracellular bacterium that causes the zoonotic disease tularemia. Essential for its virulence is the ability to multiply within host cells, in particular monocytic cells. The bacterium has developed intricate means to subvert host immune mechanisms and thereby facilitate its intracellular survival by preventing phagolysosomal fusion followed by escape into the cytosol, where it multiplies. Moreover, it targets and manipulates numerous host cell signaling pathways, thereby ameliorating the otherwise bactericidal capacity. Many of the underlying molecular mechanisms still remain unknown but key elements, directly or indirectly responsible for many of the aforementioned mechanisms, rely on the expression of proteins encoded by the Francisella pathogenicity island (FPI), suggested to constitute a type VI secretion system. We here describe the current knowledge regarding the components of the FPI and the roles that have been ascribed to them

    Проектування та оптимізація конструкцій гумових віброізоляторів силосних конструкцій

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    Certain intracellular bacteria use the host cell cytosol as the replicative niche. Although it has been hypothesized that the successful exploitation of this compartment requires a unique metabolic adaptation, supportive evidence is lacking. For Francisella tularensis, many genes of the Francisella pathogenicity island (FPI) are essential for intracellular growth, and therefore, FPI mutants are useful tools for understanding the prerequisites of intracytosolic replication. We compared the growth of bacteria taken up by phagocytic or nonphagocytic cells with that of bacteria microinjected directly into the host cytosol, using the live vaccine strain (LVS) of F. tularensis; five selected FPI mutants thereof, i.e., Delta iglA, Delta iglC, Delta iglG, Delta iglI, and Delta pdpE strains; and Listeria monocytogenes. After uptake in bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDM), ASC(-/-) BMDM, MyD88(-/-) BMDM, J774 cells, or HeLa cells, LVS, Delta pdpE and Delta iglG mutants, and L. monocytogenes replicated efficiently in all five cell types, whereas the Delta iglA and Delta iglC mutants showed no replication. After microinjection, all 7 strains showed effective replication in J774 macrophages, ASC(-/-) BMDM, and HeLa cells. In contrast to the rapid replication in other cell types, L. monocytogenes showed no replication in MyD88(-/-) BMDM and LVS showed no replication in either BMDM or MyD88(-/-) BMDM after microinjection. Our data suggest that the mechanisms of bacterial uptake as well as the permissiveness of the cytosolic compartment per se are important factors for the intracytosolic replication. Notably, none of the investigated FPI proteins was found to be essential for intracytosolic replication after microinjection.Originally included in thesis in manuscript form.</p

    Structural basis for inflammation-driven shedding of CD163 ectodomain and tumor necrosis factor-α in macrophages

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    The haptoglobin-hemoglobin receptor CD163 and proTNF-α are transmembrane macrophage proteins subjected to cleavage by the inflammation-responsive protease ADAM17. This leads to release of soluble CD163 (sCD163) and bioactive TNF-α. Sequence comparison of the juxtamembrane region identified similar palindromic sequences in human CD163 ((1044)Arg-Ser-Ser-Arg) and proTNF-α ((78)Arg-Ser-Ser-Ser-Arg). In proTNF-α the Arg-Ser-Ser-Ser-Arg sequence is situated next to the previously established ADAM17 cleavage site. Site-directed mutagenesis revealed that the sequences harbor essential information for efficient cleavage of the two proteins upon ADAM17 stimulation. This was further evidenced by analysis of mouse CD163 that, like CD163 in other non-primates, does not contain the palindromic CD163 sequence in the juxtamembrane region. Mouse CD163 resisted endotoxin- and phorbol ester-induced shedding, and ex vivo analysis of knock-in of the Arg-Ser-Ser-Arg sequence in mouse CD163 revealed a receptor shedding comparable with that of human CD163. In conclusion, we have identified an essential substrate motif for ADAM17-mediated CD163 and proTNF-α cleavage in macrophages. In addition, the present data indicate that CD163, by incorporation of this motif in late evolution, underwent a modification that allows for an instant down-regulation of surface CD163 expression and inhibition of hemoglobin uptake. This regulatory modality seems to have coincided with the evolution of an enhanced hemoglobin-protecting role of the haptoglobin-CD163 system in primate

    Innføring av screening for underernæring på en medisinsk avdeling

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    Sammendrag Temaet ernæring og helse er stadig oppe til diskusjon. Vi ønsket derfor å se nærmere på hvordan pasienters ernæringsstatus vurderes og ivaretas på sykehus. Etter forutgående undersøkelser valgte vi å utrede spørsmål om innføring av screening for underernæring ved medisinsk avdeling på Gjøvik. Hensikten var dels å se på utbredelsen av underernæring hos eldre og kronisk syke, korrelasjon mellom underernæring og dårlig prognose/morbiditet/mortalitet, om screening er effektivt for å finne underernærte, og eventuelt hvilket screeningsverktøy som bør brukes. Oppgavens overordnede formål var definert innenfor rammene av KloK (temaene kunnskapshåndtering, ledelse og kvalitetsforbedring). Med de valgte problemstillinger fokuserer oppgaven i hovedsak på spørsmål om kvalitetsforbedring. Kunnskapsgrunnlaget er hentet fra medisinske databaser med hovedvekt på Medline, Cochrane og Clinical Evidence. Det har vært lagt vekt på å finne relevante artikler basert på RCT-studier, epidemiologiske studier, meta-analyser og relevante retningslinjer, som har blitt vurdert opp mot kunnskapssenterets lister. Vi ønsket å se på hvordan medisinsk avdeling på Gjøvik håndterte spørsmål om utredning av ernæringsstatus, og da særlig hvordan avdelingen forholdt seg til de spørsmål vi har reist i oppgaven. Kunnskapsgunnlaget ga klare holdepunkter for at ernæringsstatus burde utredes med sikte på å bedre mortalitet, morbiditet m.v. Oppgaven sikter på å vurdere innføring av sreening av ernæringsstilstand som tiltak. Ulike screeningmetoder er vurdert, og den screeningmetoden vi fant best dokumentasjon på er foreslått som egnet tiltak ( ). Informasjon om praksis ble hentet inn gjennom intervjuer av helsepersonell i avdelingen og observasjoner fra detaltakelse i avdelingen under studentutplassering. Avdelingen syntes i praksis ikke å ha nevneverdige implementerte tiltak som tok sikte på å avklare disse problemstillingene på en systematisk måte. Utredning og tiltak tilknyttet ernæringsstatus var i hovedsak tilfeldig organisert rundt det kliniske arbeidet. På denne bakgrunn ble aktuelle tiltak foreslått innført ved avdelingen. Som indikator har vi foreslått et surrogatmål, gjennomgang av dokumentert screening og ernæringsstatus i aktuelle journaler

    Pubarche and Gonadarche Onset and Progression Are Differently Associated With Birth Weight and Infancy Growth Patterns

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    Context: Controversy exists regarding associations between early-life growth patterns and timing of puberty.Objective: This work aims to investigate associations between birth anthropometry, early growth patterns, and onset/progression of pubertal milestones in boys and girls.Methods: Among children examined at birth (1997-2003) and at age 36 months in a mother-child cohort, pubertal Tanner stages (B1-5, PH1-5, G1-5) and testicular volume were examined by trained physicians at 1 to 5 follow-up examinations during childhood and adolescence (672 girls and 846 boys, 2006-2013). With parametric survival models we analyzed associations between birth weight, changes in SD scores (SDS) from birth to 36 months (Delta SDS 0-36 > 0.67 SD defining catch-up growth), and age at pubertal onset/attainment of late pubertal stages/menarche.Results: A 1-kg higher birth weight was associated with earlier onset of B2+ (thelarche): -3.9 months (CI, -6.7 to -1.1 months), G2+ (gonadarche): -2.7 months (-5.3 to -0.1 months), Tvol3+ (testis size > 3 mL): -2.8 months (CI, -4.9 to -0.7 months), but with later G4+ and PH4+ in boys, and a slower progression from B2 to menarche (5.3 months [CI, 1.2 to 9.4 months)) in girls. Catch-up growth was associated with earlier PH2+ (pubarche) in girls (-4.1 months [CI, -7.6 to -0.6 months]), earlier PH2+ in boys (-3.4 months [CI, -6.6 to -0.2 months]), faster progression from B2 to menarche in girls (-9.1 months [CI, 14.6 to 3.5 months]), and earlier G4+ and PH4+ in boys.Conclusion: Associations between birthweight and infancy catch-up growth differed for gonadarche and pubarche, and for early and late pubertal markers, with similar patterns in both sexes.</p

    Comparison of a 'freeze-all' strategy including GnRH agonist trigger versus a 'fresh transfer' strategy including hCG trigger in assisted reproductive technology (ART):a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

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    Introduction Pregnancy rates after frozen embryo transfer (FET) have improved in recent years and are now approaching or even exceeding those obtained after fresh embryo transfer. This is partly due to improved laboratory techniques, but may also be caused by a more physiological hormonal and endometrial environment in FET cycles. Furthermore, the risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome is practically eliminated in segmentation cycles followed by FET and the use of natural cycles in FETs may be beneficial for the postimplantational conditions of fetal development. However, a freeze-all strategy is not yet implemented as standard care due to limitations of large randomised trials showing a benefit of such a strategy. Thus, there is a need to test the concept against standard care in a randomised controlled design. This study aims to compare ongoing pregnancy and live birth rates between a freeze-all strategy with gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonist triggering versus human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) trigger and fresh embryo transfer in a multicentre randomised controlled trial. Methods and analysis Multicentre randomised, controlled, double-blinded trial of women undergoing assisted reproductive technology treatment including 424 normo-ovulatory women aged 18-39 years from Denmark and Sweden. Participants will be randomised (1:1) to either (1) GnRH agonist trigger and single vitrified-warmed blastocyst transfer in a subsequent hCG triggered natural menstrual cycle or (2) hCG trigger and single blastocyst transfer in the fresh (stimulated) cycle. The primary endpoint is to compare ongoing pregnancy rates per randomised patient in the two treatment groups after the first single blastocyst transfer. Ethics and dissemination The study will be performed in accordance with the ethical principles in the Helsinki Declaration. The study is approved by the Scientific Ethical Committees in Denmark and Sweden. The results of the study will be publically disseminated. Trial registration number NCT02746562; Pre-results

    Plasma-Metanephrines in Patients with Autoimmune Addison’s Disease with and without Residual Adrenocortical Function

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    Purpose: Residual adrenocortical function, RAF, has recently been demonstrated in one-third of patients with autoimmune Addison’s disease (AAD). Here, we set out to explore any influence of RAF on the levels of plasma metanephrines and any changes following stimulation with cosyntropin. Methods: We included 50 patients with verified RAF and 20 patients without RAF who served as controls upon cosyntropin stimulation testing. The patients had abstained from glucocorticoid and fludrocortisone replacement > 18 and 24 h, respectively, prior to morning blood sampling. The samples were obtained before and 30 and 60 min after cosyntropin stimulation and analyzed for serum cortisol, plasma metanephrine (MN), and normetanephrine (NMN) by liquid-chromatography tandem-mass pectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Results: Among the 70 patients with AAD, MN was detectable in 33%, 25%, and 26% at baseline, 30 min, and 60 min after cosyntropin stimulation, respectively. Patients with RAF were more likely to have detectable MN at baseline (p = 0.035) and at the time of 60 min (p = 0.048) compared to patients without RAF. There was a positive correlation between detectable MN and the level of cortisol at all time points (p = 0.02, p = 0.04, p < 0.001). No difference was noted for NMN levels, which remained within the normal reference ranges. Conclusion: Even very small amounts of endogenous cortisol production affect MN levels in patients with AAD

    Residual Corticosteroid Production in Autoimmune Addison Disease

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    Context - Contrary to current dogma, growing evidence suggests that some patients with autoimmune Addison disease (AAD) produce corticosteroids even years after diagnosis. Objective - To determine frequencies and clinical features of residual corticosteroid production in patients with AAD. Design - Two-staged, cross-sectional clinical study in 17 centers (Norway, Sweden, and Germany). Residual glucocorticoid (GC) production was defined as quantifiable serum cortisol and 11-deoxycortisol and residual mineralocorticoid (MC) production as quantifiable serum aldosterone and corticosterone after > 18 hours of medication fasting. Corticosteroids were analyzed by liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry. Clinical variables included frequency of adrenal crises and quality of life. Peak cortisol response was evaluated by a standard 250 µg cosyntropin test. Results - Fifty-eight (30.2%) of 192 patients had residual GC production, more common in men (n = 33; P P P P P P P  Conclusion - In established AAD, one-third of the patients still produce GCs even decades after diagnosis. Residual production is more common in men and in patients with shorter disease duration but is not associated with adrenal crises or quality of life

    Altered biomarkers for cardiovascular disease and inflammation in autoimmune Addison's disease - a cross-sectional study

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    Objective - Increased prevalence of cardiovascular disease has been reported in autoimmune Addison's disease (AAD), but pathomechanisms are poorly understood. Methods - We compared serum levels of 177 cardiovascular and inflammatory biomarkers in 43 patients with AAD at >18-h glucocorticoid withdrawal and 43 matched controls, overall and stratified for sex. Biomarker levels were correlated with the frequency of adrenal crises and quality of life (QoL) by AddiQoL-30. Finally, we investigated changes in biomarker levels following 250 µg tetracosactide injection in patients without residual adrenocortical function (RAF) to explore glucocorticoid-independent effects of high ACTH. Results - Nineteen biomarkers significantly differed between patients with AAD and controls; all but 1 (ST1A1) were higher in AAD. Eight biomarkers were significantly higher in female patients compared with controls (IL6, MCP1, GAL9, SPON2, DR4, RAGE, TNFRSF9, and PGF), but none differed between male patients and controls. Levels of RAGE correlated with the frequency of adrenal crises (r = 0.415, P = .006) and AddiQoL-30 scores (r = −0.347, P = .028) but not after correction for multiple testing. PDL2 and leptin significantly declined 60 min after injection of ACTH in AAD without RAF (−0.15 normalized protein expression [NPX], P = .0001, and −0.25 NPX, P = .0003, respectively). Conclusions - We show that cardiovascular and inflammatory biomarkers are altered in AAD compared with controls, particularly in women. RAGE might be a marker of disease severity in AAD, associated with more adrenal crises and reduced QoL. High ACTH reduced PDL2 and leptin levels in a glucocorticoid-independent manner but the overall effect on biomarker profiles was small