120 research outputs found

    Residual stress measurement using X-ray diffraction

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    This paper briefly describes the theory and methods of x-ray residual stress measurements. Residual stresses can be defined as the stresses which remain in a material in the absence of any external forces. There are many stress determination methods. Some of those methods are destructive and some are nondestructive. X-ray residual stress measurement is considered as a nondestructive method. X-ray diffraction together with the other diffraction techniques of residual stress measurement uses the distance between crystallographic planes as a strain gage. The deformations cause changes in the spacing of the lattice planes from their stress free value to a new value that corresponds to the magnitude of the residual stress. Because of Poissons ratio effect, if a tensile stress is applied, the lattice spacing will increase for planes perpendicular to the stress direction, and decrease for planes parallel to the stress direction. This new spacing will be the same in any similarly oriented planes, with respect to the applied stress. Therefore the method can only be applied to crystalline, polycrystalline and semi-crystalline materials. The diffraction angle, 2θ, is measured experimentally and then the lattice spacing is calculated from the diffraction angle, and the known x-ray wavelength using Bragg's Law. Once the d-spacing values are known, they can be plotted versus 2 sin ψ, ( ψ is the tilt angle). In this paper, stress measurement of the samples that exhibit a linear behavior as in the case of a homogenous isotropic sample in a biaxial stress state is included. The plot of d vs. 2 sin ψ is a straight line which slope is proportional to stress. On the other hand, the second set of samples showed oscillatory d vs. 2 sin ψ behavior. The oscillatory behavior indicates the presence of inhomogeneous stress distribution. In this case the xray elastic constants must be used instead of E and ν values. These constants can be obtained from the literature for a given material and reflection combination. It is also possible to obtain these values experimentally. Calculation of the residual stresses for these samples is beyond the scope of this paper and will not be discussed here

    Nanoscale Growth Twins in Sputtered Copper Films

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    The focus of this research is the development of high strength, high conductivity copper films. Pure copper is soft and traditional strengthening mechanisms cause substantial decrease in conductivity. To address the challenge, epitaxial nanotwinned copper films are synthesized on HF etched Si (110) substrates. These films show high hardness (~ 2.8 GPa) due to high density of coherent twin boundaries (CTBs) which effectively block the motion of dislocations similar to grain boundaries (GBs). Resistivity of CTBs is calculated to be an order of magnitude lower than that of GBs. Hence, conductivity of nanotwinned copper is still comparable to that of pure copper. In addition, it is shown that average twin spacing can be controlled by adjusting deposition rate. Analytical studies together with experimental evidence show that nanotwins can improve the strength-to-resistivity ratio significantly in copper. In general, nanocrystalline metals suffer from low ductility. To study plastic deformation via rolling, thick polycrystalline nanotwinned copper foils are sputtered on SiO2 and then peeled off the substrate. Despite the high strength, room temperature rolling experiments show that nanotwinned copper films exhibit stable plastic flow with no shear localization or fracture even at thickness reduction of over 50%. Postdeformation studies of microstructure reveals that the plastic deformation is facilitated by the migration of CTBs normal to the twin boundary plane due to the glide of twinning dislocations in the twin plane. X-ray pole figure measurements show insignificant out of plane rotation as a result of 50% rolling thickness reduction. Thermal stability of nanocrystalline metals is also a concern. Free standing nanotwinned polycrystalline copper films show remarkable thermal stability after annealing at 800 degrees C. The driving force for twin growth is much lower than that for grain coarsening because the energy stored in CTBs is an order of magnitude lower than that of GBs. As a result, the average twin spacing stays below 20 nm after annealing. Such high thermal stability of nanotwins leads to the retention of hardness of 2.2 GPa. Low energy twin boundary may provide a unique way to achieve both high strength and high temperature thermal stability in certain metallic materials

    Optimization in Geometric Graphs: Complexity and Approximation

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    We consider several related problems arising in geometric graphs. In particular, we investigate the computational complexity and approximability properties of several optimization problems in unit ball graphs and develop algorithms to find exact and approximate solutions. In addition, we establish complexity-based theoretical justifications for several greedy heuristics. Unit ball graphs, which are defined in the three dimensional Euclidian space, have several application areas such as computational geometry, facility location and, particularly, wireless communication networks. Efficient operation of wireless networks involves several decision problems that can be reduced to well known optimization problems in graph theory. For instance, the notion of a \virtual backbone" in a wire- less network is strongly related to a minimum connected dominating set in its graph theoretic representation. Motivated by the vastness of application areas, we study several problems including maximum independent set, minimum vertex coloring, minimum clique partition, max-cut and min-bisection. Although these problems have been widely studied in the context of unit disk graphs, which are the two dimensional version of unit ball graphs, there is no established result on the complexity and approximation status for some of them in unit ball graphs. Furthermore, unit ball graphs can provide a better representation of real networks since the nodes are deployed in the three dimensional space. We prove complexity results and propose solution procedures for several problems using geometrical properties of these graphs. We outline a matching-based branch and bound solution procedure for the maximum k-clique problem in unit disk graphs and demonstrate its effectiveness through computational tests. We propose using minimum bottleneck connected dominating set problem in order to determine the optimal transmission range of a wireless network that will ensure a certain size of "virtual backbone". We prove that this problem is NP-hard in general graphs but solvable in polynomial time in unit disk and unit ball graphs. We also demonstrate work on theoretical foundations for simple greedy heuristics. Particularly, similar to the notion of "best" approximation algorithms with respect to their approximation ratios, we prove that several simple greedy heuristics are "best" in the sense that it is NP-hard to recognize the gap between the greedy solution and the optimal solution. We show results for several well known problems such as maximum clique, maximum independent set, minimum vertex coloring and discuss extensions of these results to a more general class of problems. In addition, we propose a "worst-out" heuristic based on edge contractions for the max-cut problem and provide analytical and experimental comparisons with a well known "best-in" approach and its modified versions

    Do Twin Boundaries Always Strengthen Metal Nanowires?

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    It has been widely reported that twin boundaries strengthen nanowires regardless of their morphology—that is, the strength of nanowires goes up as twin spacing goes down. This article shows that twin boundaries do not always strengthen nanowires. Using classical molecular dynamics simulations, the authors show that whether twin boundaries strengthen nanowires depends on the necessary stress for dislocation nucleation, which in turn depends on surface morphologies. When nanowires are circular cylindrical, the necessary stress of dislocation nucleation is high and the presence of twin boundaries lowers this stress; twin boundaries soften nanowires. In contrast, when nanowires are square cylindrical, the necessary stress of dislocation nucleation is low, and a higher stress is required for dislocations to penetrate twin boundaries; they strengthen nanowires

    Post irradiation evaluation of inconel alloy 718 beam window

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    Introduction Annealed Inconel 718 alloy was chosen for the beam window at the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE) Isotope Production Facility (IPF) [1]. The window was replaced after 5 years of operation. Mechanical properties and microstructure changes were measured to assess its expected lifetime. Material and Methods A cutting plan was developed based on the IPF rasterred beam profile (FIG. 1). 3-mm OD samples were cut out from the window and thinned to 0.25-mm thick. Shear punch tests were per-formed at 25 °C on 21 samples to quantify shear yield, ultimate shear stress, and ductility. From 1-mm OD, 0.25-mm thick shear punched out disks, 4 TEM specimens of ~30×10×2 ÎŒm were obtained using standard FIB lift-out techniques. TEM was performed on an FEI Tecnai TF30-FEG operating at 300 kV. Results and Conclusions TABLE 1 shows MCNPX tally results of accumulated dpa, He and H content from both protons and neutrons fluences and ANSYS steady-state irradiation temperature for the 3-mm OD samples [2]. These peak values are at the peak density of Typically increases in shear yield and shear maximum stress occur with increasing dose. In this case, highest shear yield and ultimate stress was on the lowest dose samples at the outer edge (FIG. 2). Optical microscopy images of the fracture surfaces on the shear punched out disks show no significant change in the fracture mode or reduction in ductility in the un-irradiated, high and low dose irradiated samples. One un-irradiated and 4 irradiated samples (5, E, 16 and 19) were selected for TEM analysis. Figure 3 shows bright field TEM images of an un-irradiated, high and low dose irradiated samples. Un-irradiated sample shows some dislocations and some large precipitates. The high dose sample #5 (~11 dpa, 122 oC) shows small loops and dislocations (left and center images) and no Îł\' or Îł\'\' precipitates in SAD from z = [011] (right image). Low dose sample #19 (~0.7 dpa, 40 oC) shows a high density of dislocation loops (left image), high density of H/He bubbles (center image) and presence of Îł\'\' precipitates in SAD from z = [011] (right image). Radiation induced-hardening is highest at the low dose region in the outer most edge. The hardening from Îł\'\' precipitates is determined to be more pronounced than that from trapped bubbles. The lack of significant hardening in the highest dose region is attributed to a lower dis-location density and no γ” precipitates or bubbles [3]. Identification of H or He bubbles and the higher accumulation of these bubbles in the low dose region (no direct beam hitting) warrant further studies. Despite the evidence of irradiation-induced hardening, this spent beam window appears to retain useful ductility after 5 years in service. At the conclusion of 2013 run cycle, the current in-service beam window had reached the same dpa as of the spent window. We plan to extend the service of the current in-service window until it reaches its intended design threshold limit of ~20 dpa (in the highest dose region). Additional measurements at higher dpa values will enable better decision-making in managing risks of the window failure

    An investigation of latency prediction for NoC-based communication architectures using machine learning techniques

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    © 2019, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. Due to the increasing number of cores in Systems on Chip (SoCs), bus architectures have suffered with limitations regarding performance. As applications demand higher bandwidth and lower latencies, buses have not been able to comply with such requirements due to longer wires and increased capacitance. Facing this scenario, Networks on Chip (NoCs) emerged as a way to overcome the limitations found in bus-based systems. Fully exploring all possible NoC characteristics settings is unfeasible due to the vast design space to cover. Therefore, some methods which aim to speed up the design process are needed. In this work, we propose the use of machine learning techniques to optimise NoC architecture components during the design phase. We have investigated the performance of several different ML techniques and selected the Random Forest one targeting audio/video applications. The results have shown an accuracy of up to 90% and 85% for prediction involving arbitration and routing protocols, respectively, and in terms of applications inference, audio/video achieved up to 99%. After this step, we have evaluated other classifiers for each application individually, aiming at finding the adequate one for each situation. The best class of classifiers found was the Tree-based one (Random Forest, Random Tree, and M5P) which is very encouraging, and it points to different approaches from the current state of the art for NoCs latency prediction
