28 research outputs found

    Artist's Book

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    Autroská kniha o izolaci v dnešní době.ObhájenoArtist's book about isolation in today's world

    Patient's casuistics with diagnosis of cervical spondylotic myelopathy

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    FyzioterapieFaculty of Physical Education and SportFakulta tělesné výchovy a sport

    Marketing Situational Analysis of a chosen Company

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    Cílem této bakalářské práce je návrh na zlepšení současné situace společnosti, která se zabývá zejména poskytováním služeb, na základě marketingové situační analýzy. Společnost DOPRAVA ZÁRUBA M&K s.r.o. poskytuje služby pneuservisu, servisu vozidel, služby čerpací stanice, stanici technické kontroly a měření emisí. Hlavní činností této firmy je mezinárodní kamionová doprava. Teoretická část se zabývá pojmy, jako je vymezení marketingu a marketingového prostředí, marketingového mixu a SWOT analýzy. Praktická část popisuje historii i současnost společnosti DOPRAVA ZÁRUBA M&K s.r.o., marketingový mix a analýzu vnějšího prostředí. Dále praktická část zahrnuje i SWOT analýzu a následné doporučení na zlepšení současné situace podniku.The aim of this work is the proposal to improve the current situation on the basis of marketing situational analysis of the company which is engaged in the providing services. The company DOPRAVA ZÁRUBA M&K Ltd. provides tire services, vehicle servicing, petrol station, testing centers and emission. The main activity of the company is international road transport. The theoretical part deals with concepts such as the definition of marketing and the marketing environment, marketing mix and SWOT analysis. The practical part describes the history and present of DOPRAVA ZÁRUBA M&K Ltd., marketing mix and analysis of the external environment. Furthermore, the practical part includes SWOT analysis and subsequent recommendations to improve the current situation

    Management of logistics processes municipal waste processing

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    The aim of this diploma thesis is to describe the logistic processes in the processing of municipal waste in the company Local Enterprise in Hluboká nad Vltavou. Describe the business and analyze its decision-making issues. Then analyze the current situation and propose changes to apply optimization methods through a special computer program. The conclusion of the thesis is a concrete proposal of route optimization to improve the current situation of the company, which will lead to a positive economic effect on logistics of waste processing

    Taxation of corporates in the Czech Republic and Austria

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    This bachelor thesis aims to determine and compare the tax burden of corporates in terms of tax on corporate profits in the Czech Republic and Austria. It consists of two parts. The first one is focused on introduction of the corporate tax structure in both countries. The second part compares the tax burden using real and fictitious indicators. The analysis of all obtained values shows that Austria is subject of higher corporate tax burden. Despite that, for some companies, other aspects, such as the possibility of group taxation in Austria, may be relevant

    Marketing Situational Analysis of a chosen Company

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    The aim of this work is the proposal to improve the current situation on the basis of marketing situational analysis of the company which is engaged in the providing services. The company DOPRAVA ZÁRUBA M&K Ltd. provides tire services, vehicle servicing, petrol station, testing centers and emission. The main activity of the company is international road transport. The theoretical part deals with concepts such as the definition of marketing and the marketing environment, marketing mix and SWOT analysis. The practical part describes the history and present of DOPRAVA ZÁRUBA M&K Ltd., marketing mix and analysis of the external environment. Furthermore, the practical part includes SWOT analysis and subsequent recommendations to improve the current situation

    Up-regulation of delayed outwardly rectifying potassium currents in reactive astrocytes after certical stab wound

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    Hypertrophied astrocytes in the close vicinity of the stab wound are characterized by an up-regulation of delayed outwardly rectifying K+ currents and increased K+ accumulation in the vicinity of the astrocyte membrane

    The risk of infectious diseases associated with drug use

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    The bachelor thesis deals with the issues of infection diseases connected with drug abuse. The theoretical part describes general general rules of infection diseases, ways of its transmission and prevention. It introduces general characteristics of drug abuse issues mainly in connection with the risk of infection. The practical part presents the results of analysis and evaluation of infection disease occurance in drug users in the region of South Bohemia and the Czech republic. It also introduces the data about drug users in the region of South Bohemia and results of the research concerning the level of foreknowledge of infection disease in children of secondary school age, ways of protection against its origin. There has been worked out the information material about these issuess for elementary school students

    Survey of Hradec Králové Primary Schools Pupils' Reading Literacy

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zaměřuje na průzkum čtenářské gramotnosti u žáků 8. ročníků základních škol. V teoretické části se zabývá dětským čtenářstvím, vysvětluje různé druhy gramotnosti a popisuje mezinárodní výzkumy čtenářské gramotnosti, jichž se Česká republika účastní. Mimo jiné vysvětluje i různé metody, které pomáhají rozvíjet čtenářskou gramotnost. Praktická část práce se věnuje vlastnímu průzkumu čtenářské gramotnosti v Hradci Králové. Průzkum byl proveden pomocí metody dotazníkového šetření. Cílem průzkumu bylo zjistit aktuální úroveň čtenářské gramotnosti.This bachelor thesis is focused on reading literacy survey of 8th grade pupils. Several schools are involved in this survey. The theoretical part is concerned with the child reader and describes certain types of literacy. Moreover it depicts the international reading literacy studies in which Czech Republic participates. The practical part of this thesis deals with reading literacy survey in Hradec Králové. The method of questionnaire is used in this survey. The purpose of survey research is to find out the current level of reading literacy.Katedra literární kultury a slavistiky1) Studentka představila téma práce, cíle, zvolenou metodu. 2) Vedoucí a oponent práce seznámili komisi s posudky. 3) Studentka reagovala na otázky obsažené v posudcích a na další dotazy členů komise. 4) Diskuse

    Biomechanical response of scaffold on mechanical loading

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    The purpose of this work is to identify the parameters of scaffold's mechanical properties by observing/monitoring their response to defined external mechanical strain. The first part of the work is summarizing the knowledge about the required properties of scaffolds, their production and the factors influencing production. The practical part of the work concerns itself with measurement, analysis and evaluation of data based on proprietary methodology. Based on the results at this stage of the research, we can confirm, that scaffolds have viscoelastic, or viscoplastic character and its response depends on the magnitude of deformation, state of hydration, ratio of solutions and period of networking. Keywords: scaffod, tensile test, rheologic mode