11 research outputs found

    Mobile Instant Messaging: Whatsapp and its Potential to Develop Oral Skills

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    This study investigates the benefits of Mobile Mediated Communication (MMC) to develop oral skills in second-language learners. A total of 80 Spanish students taking a B1 English course at the University of Almería were studied in this research. According to treatment type, subjects were divided in two groups, experimental and control. A “Whatsapp” group was created where 40 of these students participated in a daily interaction during six months. The samples collected in the application as well as a speaking were used to measure the students’ degree of oral development and the type and triggers of the language related episodes (LRE) given rise to mobile chat-based oral interaction. This study focuses on such interaction and seeks to measure the students’ degree of oral development through a mixed analysis approach. A temporal axis is used to measure the differences between the groups studied. Significant improvements in term of oral proficiency were observed in the experimental group and negotiations were the LRE most common throughout the activity. It is worth mention that Mobile learning offers an environment where learners can ubiquitously negotiate meaning, reflect and evaluate on their own performance through authentic interaction and feedback, constituting a powerful tool for developing second language proficiency

    Integrating Flipped Foreign Language Learning through Mobile Devices: Technology Acceptance and Flipped Learning Experience

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    Blended learning models have been extensively used in foreign language environments to extend in-class time as well as reinforce in-class explanations. Among these models, the increasing popularity of flipped learning has given rise to transformative pedagogies that address many of the problems experienced in traditional lecture-based classes. In this context, the use of stationary devices to develop flipped learning processes has been a common practice over the last years. However, the ubiquitous characteristics of mobile devices have rarely been investigated to carry out these types of learning methodologies. With this aim, the present investigation explores students’ perceptions and technological acceptance of the implementation of a flipped learning model in two English as a Foreign Language classes. A quantitative analysis was carried out in order to evaluate the information collected in the two groups. Findings yielded a positive perception of the flipped learning experience, particularly in terms of overall satisfaction. In addition, with regard to the use of mobile devices, participants reported ease of use and highlighted the importance of an appropriate design of the video contents for a successful flipped learning experience through mobile devices. Further research into this topic is sought as students also faced difficulties during the project

    Acceleration of the DNA methylation clock among lynch syndrome‑associated mutation carriers

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    The research leading to these results has received funding from "la Caixa" Foundation (Ref: CAIXA2017/1) for library preparation, sequencing, and employment of research personnel, from The Fundacion Progreso y Salud, Junta de Andalucia, Spain and from DPI2017-84439-R of MINECO, Madrid and FEDER for sequencing and employment of research personnel. Finally, grant ref. A-BIO-470-UGR20 from University of Granada and FEDER has funded article processing charges (APC) and sample processing expenses.Background: DNA methylation (DNAm) age metrics have been widely accepted as an epigenetic biomarker for biological aging and disease. The purpose of this study is to assess whether or not individuals carrying Lynch Syndromeassociated mutations are affected in their rate of biological aging, as measured by the epigenetic clock. Methods: Genome-wide bisulfite DNA sequencing data were generated using DNA from CD4 + T-cells obtained from peripheral blood using 27 patient samples from Lynch syndrome families. Horvath’s DNAm age model based on penalized linear regression was applied to estimate DNAm age from patient samples with distinct clinical and genetic characteristics to investigate cancer mutation-related aging effects. Results: Both Lynch mutation carriers and controls exhibited high variability in their estimated DNAm age, but regression analysis showed steeper slope for the Lynch mutation carriers. Remarkably, six Lynch Syndrome-associated mutation carriers showed a strong correlation to the control group, and two sisters carrying Lynch Syndrome-associated mutations, with no significant difference in lifestyle and similar chronological age, were assigned very different DNAm age. Conclusions: Future studies will be required to explore, in larger patient populations, whether specific epigenetic age acceleration is predictive of time-to-cancer development, treatment response, and survival. Epigenetic clock DNAm metrics may be affected by the presence of cancer mutations in the germline, and thus show promise of potential clinical utility for stratified surveillance strategies based on the relative risk for imminent emergence of tumor lesions in otherwise healthy Lynch Syndrome-associated mutation carriers.La Caixa Foundation CAIXA2017/1Junta de AndaluciaSpanish Government DPI2017-84439-REuropean CommissionUniversity of Granada A-BIO-470-UGR2

    Pasados y presente. Estudios para el profesor Ricardo García Cárcel

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    Ricardo García Cárcel (Requena, 1948) estudió Historia en Valencia bajo el magisterio de Joan Reglà, con quien formó parte del primer profesorado de historia moderna en la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. En esta universidad, desde hace prácticamente cincuenta años, ha desarrollado una extraordinaria labor docente y de investigación marcada por un sagaz instinto histórico, que le ha convertido en pionero de casi todo lo que ha estudiado: las Germanías, la historia de la Cataluña moderna, la Inquisición, las culturas del Siglo de Oro, la Leyenda Negra, Felipe II, Felipe V, Austrias y Borbones, la guerra de la Independencia, la historia cultural, los mitos de la historia de España... Muy pocos tienen su capacidad para reflexionar, ordenar, analizar, conceptualizar y proponer una visión amplia y llena de matices sobre el pasado y las interpretaciones historiográficas. A su laboriosidad inimitable se añade una dedicación sin límites en el asesoramiento de alumnos e investigadores e impulsando revistas, dosieres, seminarios o publicaciones colectivas. Una mínima correspondencia a su generosidad lo constituye este volumen a manera de ineludible agradecimiento

    Mensajería instantánea móvil: Whatsapp y su potencial para desarrollar las destrezas orales

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    This study investigates the benefits of Mobile Mediated Communication (MMC) to develop oral skills in second-language learners. A total of 80 Spanish students taking a B1 English course at the University of Almería were studied in this research. According to treatment type, subjects were divided in two groups, experimental and control. A “Whatsapp” group was created where 40 of these students participated in a daily interaction during six months. The samples collected in the application as well as a speaking were used to measure the students’ degree of oral development and the type and triggers of the language related episodes (LRE) given rise to mobile chat-based oral interaction. This study focuses on such interaction and seeks to measure the students’ degree of oral development through a mixed analysis approach. A temporal axis is used to measure the differences between the groups studied. Significant improvements in term of oral proficiency were observed in the experimental group and negotiations were the LRE most common throughout the activity. It is worth mention that Mobile learning offers an environment where learners can ubiquitously negotiate meaning, reflect and evaluate on their own performance through authentic interaction and feedback, constituting a powerful tool for developing second language proficiency.La presente investigación analiza los beneficios de la comunicación mediante teléfonos móviles para desarrollar las destrezas orales de los estudiantes en la segunda lengua. Un total de 80 estudiantes españoles que realizaban un curso de inglés nivel B1 en la Universidad de Almería participaron en el estudio. De acuerdo con el tipo de tratamiento, los sujetos fueron divididos en dos grupos, experimental y control. Mediante la creación de un grupo de «Whatsapp», 40 de dichos sujetos participaron en una interacción oral diaria durante 6 meses. Las muestras recogidas en la aplicación, así como un examen oral, fueron utilizados para analizar el grado en que los estudiantes desarrollan la destreza oral y los tipos y desencadenantes que dan lugar a episodios relacionados con el lenguaje en los chats orales. Este estudio se centra en la interacción utilizando un análisis mixto y un eje temporal con el fin de medir las diferencias entre los grupos analizados. Los resultados demuestran mejoras significativas en cuanto a la competencia oral en los alumnos del grupo en el que se implementó la actividad, siendo las negociaciones de significado el episodio relacionado con el lenguaje más común durante la interacción. Cabe destacar la accesibilidad que la mensajería móvil confiere a los alumnos, pues son capaces de negociar el significado, reflexionar y evaluar sus propias actuaciones mediante interacción real y feed-back

    Mensajería instantánea móvil: Whatsapp y su potencial para desarrollar las destrezas orales

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    La presente investigación analiza los beneficios de la comunicación mediante teléfonos móviles para desarrollar las destrezas orales de los estudiantes en la segunda lengua. Un total de 80 estudiantes españoles que realizaban un curso de inglés nivel B1 en la Universidad de Almería participaron en el estudio. De acuerdo con el tipo de tratamiento, los sujetos fueron divididos en dos grupos, experimental y control. Mediante la creación de un grupo de «Whatsapp», 40 de dichos sujetos participaron en una interacción oral diaria durante 6 meses. Las muestras recogidas en la aplicación, así como un examen oral, fueron utilizados para analizar el grado en que los estudiantes desarrollan la destreza oral y los tipos y desencadenantes que dan lugar a episodios relacionados con el lenguaje en los chats orales. Este estudio se centra en la interacción utilizando un análisis mixto y un eje temporal con el fin de medir las diferencias entre los grupos analizados. Los resultados demuestran mejoras significativas en cuanto a la competencia oral en los alumnos del grupo en el que se implementó la actividad, siendo las negociaciones de significado el episodio relacionado con el lenguaje más común durante la interacción. Cabe destacar la accesibilidad que la mensajería móvil confiere a los alumnos, pues son capaces de negociar el significado, reflexionar y evaluar sus propias actuaciones mediante interacción real y feed-back

    Mobile Instant Messaging: Whatsapp and its Potential to Develop Oral Skills

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    This study investigates the benefits of Mobile Mediated Communication (MMC) to develop oral skills in second-language learners. A total of 80 Spanish students taking a B1 English course at the University of Almería were studied in this research. According to treatment type, subjects were divided in two groups, experimental and control. A “Whatsapp” group was created where 40 of these students participated in a daily interaction during six months. The samples collected in the application as well as a speaking were used to measure the students’ degree of oral development and the type and triggers of the language related episodes (LRE) given rise to mobile chat-based oral interaction. This study focuses on such interaction and seeks to measure the students’ degree of oral development through a mixed analysis approach. A temporal axis is used to measure the differences between the groups studied. Significant improvements in term of oral proficiency were observed in the experimental group and negotiations were the LRE most common throughout the activity. It is worth mention that Mobile learning offers an environment where learners can ubiquitously negotiate meaning, reflect and evaluate on their own performance through authentic interaction and feedback, constituting a powerful tool for developing second language proficiency

    Fluorescent lectins: the way forward in rapid algal identification

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    The identification of microalgal species is an area that requires reorganization and advancement. Whilst there is no doubt that conventional morphological criteria are sufficient in the generic identification of microalgae, their species-level identification is far from satisfactory On one hand, fine-scale morphology is necessary to solve complex taxonomic problems between morphologically similar species. Many modern molecular techniques have been used to improve the characterization of microalgal species and strains in recent times, none however have so far achieved a rapid and sensitive procedure to clarify this problem. in this sense, fluorescent lectins fulfill these primary objectives, Their potential to differentiate between morphologically closely related species represents an important advancement in the pace of the identification of microaigae. For example, the toxic PSP-producing G. catenatum is readily discriminated from the morphologically similar non PSP-producing G. impudicurn using the lectin WGA. This presentation will outline how fluorescent lectins are excellent discriminant characters in the rapid and simple identification of microalgal species. This is especially pertinent when the unequivocal and rapid separation of toxic and non-toxic species is now of mounting importance in routine monitoring programmes

    Fluorescent lectins: the way forward in rapid algal identification

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    The identification of microalgal species is an area that requires reorganization and advancement. Whilst there is no doubt that conventional morphological criteria are sufficient in the generic identification of microalgae, their species-level identification is far from satisfactory On one hand, fine-scale morphology is necessary to solve complex taxonomic problems between morphologically similar species. Many modern molecular techniques have been used to improve the characterization of microalgal species and strains in recent times, none however have so far achieved a rapid and sensitive procedure to clarify this problem. in this sense, fluorescent lectins fulfill these primary objectives, Their potential to differentiate between morphologically closely related species represents an important advancement in the pace of the identification of microaigae. For example, the toxic PSP-producing G. catenatum is readily discriminated from the morphologically similar non PSP-producing G. impudicurn using the lectin WGA. This presentation will outline how fluorescent lectins are excellent discriminant characters in the rapid and simple identification of microalgal species. This is especially pertinent when the unequivocal and rapid separation of toxic and non-toxic species is now of mounting importance in routine monitoring programmes