10 research outputs found


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    The purposes of this study are (1) to know the effect of Problem-Based Learning on critical thinking, (2) to know the effect of Problem-Based Learning on student achievement, (3) to know the relationship between critical thinking and student achievement in Environmental Pollution of 10th Grade in The 1 Bantul Senior High School. The research was quasi experimental research using a control group pretest-posttest design. Sample was X IPA 5 as an experimental group while X IPA 6 as a control group. Data analysis techniques were normality and homogeneity test, t test, analysis of covariance (ANACOVA), and Pearson correlation. The results show that (1) Problem-Based Learning affects critical thinking, (2) Problem-Based Learning affects student achievement, and (3) there was a significant relationship between critical thinking and student achievement. The higher critical thinking is, the higher student achievement of the students

    Pengaruh Model Project-Based Learning dan Problem-Based Learning terhadap Kreativitas dan Berpikir Kritis Peserta Didik Pada Materi Sistem Respirasi di SMA N 1 Temanggung

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) pengaruh model project- based learning dan problem-based learning terhadap kreativitas dan kemampuan berpikir kritis peserta didik pada pembelajaran Biologi materi sistem respirasi di SMA N 1 Temanggung, (2) perbedaan pengaruh model project-based learning dan model problem-based learning terhadap kreativitas dan berpikir kritis peserta didik pada pembelajaran Biologi materi sistem respirasi di SMA N 1 Temanggung. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuasi eksperimen dengan menggunakan nonequivalent control-group design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh kelas XI program peminatan MIPA SMA Negeri 1 Temanggung. Sampel penelitian ini adalah pada 3 kelas yang diambil secara acak dari kelas XI MIPA SMA Negeri 1 Temanggung, dengan rincian sebagai berikut: XI MIPA 3 menerapkan pembelajaran dengan model project-based learning, XI MIPA 1 menerapkan pembelajaran dengan model problem-based learning, dan XI MIPA 5 sebagai kelas kontrol. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan instrumen kreativitas dan instrumen berpikir kritis. Data yang telah diperoleh kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji t, uji multivariat, dan uji univariat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) model project-based learning dan problem-based learning berpengaruh terhadap kreativitas dan kemampuan berpikir kritis peserta didik pada pembelajaran Biologi materi sistem respirasi di SMA N 1 Temanggung, (2) model project-based learning dan model problem-based learning mempunyai pengaruh berbeda terhadap kreativitas peserta didik pada pembelajaran Biologi materi sistem respirasi di SMA N 1 Temanggung, (3) model project-based learning dan model problem- based learning mempunyai pengaruh sama terhadap berpikir kritis peserta didik pada pembelajaran Biologi materi sistem respirasi di SMA N 1 Temanggung

    Transformation in Biology Learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic: From Offline to Online

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    This article aims to describe the implementation of online biology learning in senior high schools (SMA/MA) in the Special Region of Yogyakarta during the pandemic. This study employed a quantitative method and involved 25 SMA/MA biology teachers in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. The data were collected through a survey by distributing questionnaires to the teachers. The results reveal that all SMA/MA biology teachers in Yogyakarta have transformed offline learning into online learning. They conduct blended online learning by combining virtual synchronous activities and asynchronous activities by utilizing online media. The virtual synchronous activities (44%) dominate the learning process, and thus, conducive communication between teachers and students is created. Whatsapp is the most dominant media utilized in the virtual synchronous activities (38%) and asynchronous activities (41%) even though this application is not designed for learning purposes. This study is expected to provide SMA/MA biology teachers’ objective description of their condition in implementing online learning. Consequently, the description can become an evaluation for educational stakeholders and a consideration to conduct related research

    Penggunaan STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) Terintegrasi Pembelajaran berbasis Proyek untuk Mahasiswa

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    This study provides insights into STEM practices that are integrated with project-based learning. We show that when investigations into student interest and active participation, there are opportunities to experience project-based learning. The sample in the study was 30 students of biology education who attended environmental science lectures. The data analysis was carried out qualitatively with descriptive analysis to see the dominance of learning arrangements, learning activities, and the products of each of these learning settings. Students work on projects using the STEM learning steps. The results show that students can work on projects well, and are able to publish their work on YouTube. Keywords: STEM, Project-Based Learning, Environmental Scienc

    Pengantar analisis meta

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