11 research outputs found

    Non-observance of Maxims in Indonesia Chick Literature with the Special Reference to Ika Natassa’s Architecture of Love

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    This paper elaborates the non observance of maxim occurred in the emerging popular chick literature written by the leading author of the genre; Ika Natassa. As one of the most-read genres amongst Indonesians literature lovers, the chick lit or in its Indonesian’s derivation is called metropop, has given an exceptional punch line of readership and entrenched a solid interest for beginner readers to start reading literature. Chick Literature or metropop literature depicts the day to day anecdote of urban people mostly women which compelled the feeling of closeness to its readers. The conversations written in this genre brandish the snarky and witty colloquial which in linguistic point of view or particularly in Pragmatic, deserves an assay. The objectives of this paper are to figure out the most dominant types of non observance of maxims committed by the selected characters in the novel and to look over various situations and in what circumstances the selected characters committed the non observance of maxims. This result demonstrates that the most dominant non observance of maxims was flouting the maxim of Quantity, followed by the flouting of maxim of manner, maxim of quality and the least flouting maxim is maxim of relation. This study utilizes qualitative method where the data collection has been analyzed based on the conversational implicature theory.   Keywords: Pragmatics, Implicature Theory, Cooperative Principle Conversational Maxims, Chick Literatur


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    The study investigates the correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and their reading comprehension. Reading Comprehension is the ability to read, process it and understand its meaning. It relies on two, interconnected abilities: word reading, being able to decode the symbols on the page and language comprehension, being able to understand the meaning of the words and sentences); meanwhile comprehension is achieved when the reader successfully extracts the useful knowledge from a text and constructs it into a new understandings of their own. The data were collected from 30 tenth grade students. The test items of vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension were given to the students to measure their level of vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension. The results were compared to find out the correlation between those variables. The results show that there was strong correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and their reading comprehension. The current study concludes that students’ experiences and reading strategies help the students understand text, but vocabulary was more contributive in helping the students to comprehend the texts


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    This study examines the kinship of the Malay language and the Malagasy language. These two languages come from the same proto language, namely Proto Austronesian (PAN). Departing from the researchers’ assumptions about the linguistic relationship both at the phoneme and morpheme levels, there is a close kinship system or relationship between these two languages. Even though they are geographically and geo-politically separated, preliminary research on these two languages shows several universal features, one of which is that both languages are agglutinative languages. Therefore, this study is an attempt to find empirical evidence about the separation time between Malay and Malagasy by using language grouping methods and lexicostatistical techniques. The first stage, the researchers collect 300 basic vocabularies compiled by Swadesh (1995). The method used in providing the data is the referential method, while the technique used is the note-taking technique. Second, the researchers determine which pairs of the two languages are cognate languages. Third, the researchers calculate the age and separation time of the two languages. Fourth, the researchers calculate the error term to determine a more precise separation time. The result of this research indicates that Malay and Malagasy were a single language at 4223-3951 thousand years ago and began to separate from their proto languages in 2201-1929 BC

    The Language Attitudes of Indonesian Language Teachers Toward the Acehnese Language

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    Language attitudes are one area in sociolinguistics that needs to be explored. This research highlights the language attitudes of Indonesian language teachers and lecturers in Banda Aceh city toward their own mother tongue, the Acehnese language. This paper aimed to figure out the attitudes of teachers as native speakers of the Acehnese language and their language of preference in the educational context. The novelty of this research lies in the object of the research, that is, teachers, keeping in mind that recent publications about language attitudes have only revolved around students or parents. In executing the research, the researchers opted for qualitative methods to describe the phenomenon under study. The researchers used a descriptive approach to link, depict, and formulate the results and discussion. Questionnaires were used openly and closely to interview the respondents. The results of this research explained that Indonesian language teachers demonstrated strong, confident, affirmative, and flexible attitudes toward the Acehnese language. Keywords: sociolinguistics, language attitudes, language usage, Indonesian language teacher

    Processen för OBD certifiering : en komparativ studie mellan Euro VI och CARB

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study is to compare the legal requirements for Euro VI and CARB regarding OBD certification in order to identify the challenges that may come for a manufacturer’s move from Euro VI classified heavy-duty engines to engines that meet the requirements of CARB. Furthermore, the study also aims to identify the effects that these challenges will have on the organisation. Research question: What type of challenges arise for a manufacturing company when developing an OBD certification process according to the requirements from CARB compared to Euro VI and how do these challenges affect the organisation? Method: The nature of this study was qualitative with a deductive method as an approach, where theories and empirical findings interacts. The theoretical framework is divided into two parts, in which the first part is obtained from scientific articles and books and the second part from legislations. The empirical data was gathered from interviews at a case study company and the information was thematically analysed. Conclusion: This study concludes that the movement from Euro VI to CARB standards will result in comprehensive changes for a company’s OBD process itself as well as organisational changes within the company. There will be a need to establish new processes and new ways of working within the organisation which can lead to comprehensive coordination difficulties that should be taken into consideration. In conclusion, it is as important to consider the effects of the changes that this movement will bring on the company and the actors within, as it is with the implementation of the process itself.Syfte: Syftet med denna studie Ă€r att jĂ€mföra lagkraven för Euro VI och CARB angĂ„ende OBD certifieringen och dĂ€rmed identifiera de utmaningar som kan uppstĂ„ i och med övergĂ„ngen frĂ„n Euro VI klassificerade motorer till motorer som uppfyller kraven frĂ„n CARB. Vidare syftar studien Ă€ven till att undersöka hur dessa utmaningar pĂ„verkar organisationen. ForskningsfrĂ„ga: Vilka utmaningar uppstĂ„r för ett tillverkande företag vid utveckling av en OBD certifieringsprocess enligt lagkrav frĂ„n CARB i jĂ€mförelse med Euro VI och hur pĂ„verkar dessa utmaningar organisationen? Metod: Denna studie Ă€r av en kvalitativ karaktĂ€r som Ă€r baserad pĂ„ en deduktiv forskningsmetod. Den teoretiska referensramen Ă€r uppdelat i tvĂ„ sektioner, vari den första Ă€r baserad pĂ„ vetenskapliga artiklar och böcker och den andra frĂ„n lagkrav. Empiriska data har samlats frĂ„n intervjuer pĂ„ fallstudieföretaget och metoden som har anvĂ€nts för att analysera materialet Ă€r tematisk analys. Slutsats: Denna studie konkluderar att övergĂ„ngen frĂ„n Euro VI till CARB lagkrav resulterar i omfattande förĂ€ndringar för företagets OBD process och bringar organisationsförĂ€ndringar inom företaget. Det kommer att finnas ett behov av att etablera nya processer och nya arbetssĂ€tt inom organisationen som kan leda till omfattande samordningsproblem som bör has i Ă„tanke. Sammanfattningsvis Ă€r det av yttersta vikt att ta hĂ€nsyn till de organisationsförĂ€ndringarna som förvĂ€ntas uppstĂ„ i och med denna förĂ€ndring och inte enbart fokusera pĂ„ att implementera en ny process

    Comparison of different methods of extraction of oil from shark liver and from fish and the amounts of A and D vitamins in them

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    Background and aim: Shark liver oil and fish oil are good sourcse of vitamins A & D. Vitamin A is essential for the immune system , bone growth, night vision and cellular growth. Vitamin D is essential for the absorption of calcium and phosphor, which are required for skeletal growth. Fish and shark liver oil contains essential fatty acids such as EPA and DHA, which may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. Method: In this research, different methods of extraction of oil (mechanical system, extraction with solvent, alkaline digestion and Bligh & Dyer) from shark (Carcharhinus Macloti) liver and clupeonolla grimi were applied and compared. Vitamin A and D were determined by pharmacological methods. Results: The results showed that Bligh & Dyer was the best method due to higher stability of vitamins. More than 45% w/w oil was obtained from 100g of liver by this method. This method was not suitable for clupeonolla grimi because of less oil content. The mechanical method was preferred for low quality oil with lower price. Conclusion: The shark liver has a high percentage of A and D vitamins and could be used as a raw materials for pharmaceutical aims. The amounts of vitamin D3 and oil extracted from shark liver, were higher than cultrirntris fish, but its vitamin A content was lower than the cultrirntris fish oil