31 research outputs found


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    Nowadays, communication becomes more and more complex. In order for the print media to face the competition with digital media, advanced strategies are required, implemented by sophisticated technological innovations. The present study investigates introduces these technological innovations which aim in providing added value to print media communication. In particular, the application of science and technological innovation is presented through selected examples with printing, finishing and packaging. As an example, the case of the label printing company Forlabels S.A. from Greece is investigated and analyze


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    This paper investigates the use of names to define organisations, universities, industry and the sectors in the wider field of Graphic Arts - Graphic Communication, Media and Printing. The main research question posed is whether the names (and words) used are important for the definition of an entity in general. The second objective is to review the names and the combination of words used to define the graphic, media and printing sectors today, as well as their evolution overtime. This field appears as an interesting research field, not only for the graphic-mediaā€“printing sector but also for other sciences


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    The purpose of the present study concerns the examination of a scenario involving the visualizing of content at mobile devicesplatforms and their respective applications. The scenario follows certain design principles that cater for interaction with inexperienced users within the interface of mobile devices. The visual design of an artifact obviously influences the way in which a user will interact with it. Gestalt laws and principles form one possible framework for the collection of helpful design guidelines. Based on field research, a prototype has been developed according to these principles. The results of a evaluation by users on the proposed visualization of content, are finally discussed


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    Electromagnetic spectra in the range from 400 to 1000 nanometers were examined using dual cameras with light filters in the visual and near-infrared (NIR) spectra. Near-infrared spectroscopy of dyes in fine art initiated the concept of "IR - Art". The painters mix the dyes depending on their property of absorbing and reflecting light in the infrared region. We assign each dye the value Z, which is the measure of the intensity of light absorption in the NIR (Z) spectrum at 1000 nm. We introduce the designation ā€œVZā€ that the painter manages: the appearance, hiding and separation of two images into visual (V) and NIR detection. With the NIR camera, the painter plans and creates Z graphics, Z images, Z typography.Due to the appearance of VZ painting, we propose a change in the technology of restoration of works of fine art. The restorer will consider the colorant properties and their characteristics in the V spectrum as well as in the NIR spectrum. The new VZ painting was tested by artists with the intention of expanding their personal tools in hiding and showing intimacy. The Hidden Z image is also an extension of the technology of creating the security and originality of a work of art in a new wayIspitivani su elektromagnetski spektri u području od 400 do 1000 nanometara pomoću dvostrukih kamera sa svjetlosnim filterima u vizualnom i bliskom infracrvenom (NIR) spektru. Bliska infracrvena spektroskopija bojila u likovnoj umjetnosti, inicirala je koncept "IR - Art"-a. Slikari mijeÅ”aju bojila, ovisno o njihovom svojstvu apsorpcije i refleksije svjetlost u infracrvenom području. Svakom bojilu pridružujemo vrijednost Z koja je mjera intenziteta apsorpcije svjetla u NIR (Z) spektru na 1000 nm. Uvodim oznaku ā€žVZā€œ s kojom slikar upravlja: pojavljivnje, skrivanje, razdvajanje dvije slike na vizualno (V) i NIR detektiranje. Pomoću NIR kamere slikar planira i stvara Z grafike, Z slike, Z tipografiju. Zbog pojave VZ slikarstva, predlažemo promjenu tehnologije restauriranja likovnih djela. Restaurator će uzeti u obzir svojstva bojila i njihove karakteristike u V spektru, kao i u NIR spektru. Novo VZ slikarstvo testirali su umjetnici s namjerom da proÅ”ire svoj osobni alat u skrivanju, pokazivanju intime. Skrivena Z slika je ujedno proÅ”irenje tehnologije stvaranja sigurnosti i originalnosti umjetničkog djela, na nov način

    An Investigation of Social Entrepreneurial Intentions Formation among South-East European Postgraduate Students

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to investigate the formation of social entrepreneurial intentions (SEIs) in postgraduate students in the South-East European region. Design/methodology/approach: A quantitative approach (self-administered online questionnaire) is used to gather data. The total number of the questionnaires that were collected and analyzed through SPSS statistical suite was 115 from which 111 were valid. Findings: From the proposed five hypotheses set in the literature, only the personality trait theory was totally rejected because it failed to predict social and commercial entrepreneurial intentions (EIs). The remaining hypotheses were found to be valid. The studyā€™s key finding is that the chosen theory (Ajzenā€™s theory of planned behavior (TPB)), is able to predict both kinds of intentions. An alarming key finding is that tensions in mission focus seem to be present in the early shaped intentions of potential social entrepreneurs. Research limitations/implications: Research findings impose that major educational and policy efforts are needed to promote the theme of social entrepreneurship (SE). The results indicate that most of the postgraduates have not yet fully understood the mindset of SE as they were confused about the synergy of the goals (inherent in their social vs profit intentions). Originality/value: This research contributes in three major ways to the literature. First, it shows that SEIs seem to be shaped similarly to EIs; determined mostly by two of the motivational factors of the TPB (personal attitude and perceived behavioral control). Second, it shows which factors seem to affect both constructs and third, it adds to the literature by showing that tensions in mission focus are evident early on in the intentionsā€™ formation process, underlying the necessity of immediate educational and legislative precautions

    Establishing effective learning management systems through simplicity

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    Designing a Learning Management System (LMS) is a combination of pedagogical design, usability and information architecture. E-Learning systems should have intuitive interfaces and clear information design, allowing learners to concentrate on learning and course developers on learning strategies, thus making e-learning more efficient. Hence, effective LMSs should include sophisticated and advanced functions, yet their interface should hide their complexity. In this paper we present the key features of an experimental LMS which follows recent usability techniques in order to accomplish simplicity. The usage of computer file management as a metaphor for management and navigation between Learning Objects (LOs) along with a clear and unambiguous user interface allow users to focus on their learning activities without excessive hassle

    Designing simplicity: usability perspectives on Learning Management Systems

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    This paper presents an experimental Learning Management System (LMS). The usability aspect of its functions serves as the main focus of this system because the potential for usability problems seems to be especially severe in LMSs, due to their ability to implement complex features and intricate interactions. In order to establish a more efficient e-learning environment, an LMS should have intuitive interfaces and clear information design, allowing learners to concentrate on learning and instructors on learning strategies. The proposed LMS includes all the important functions of delivering learning material, tracking learning activities and managing community tasks, yet by following recent usability techniques it manages to hide all this complexity. Moreover, providing a comprehensive idea of content organization and management along with a simple navigation tool, it allows learners to focus on their learning activities without excessive hassle and instructors, especially those unfamiliar with Information Technologies, to profitably exploit their learning resources

    Epistasis between IL1A, IL1B, TNF, HTR2A, 5-HTTLPR and TPH2 Variations Does Not Impact Alcohol Dependence Disorder Features

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    We assessed a set of biological (HDL, LDL, SGOT, SGPT, GGT, HTc, Hb and T levels) and psychometric variables (investigated through HAM-D, HAM-A, GAS, Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale, Mark & Mathews Scale, Leyton scale, and Pilowski scale) in a sample of 64 alcohol dependent patients, at baseline and after a detoxification treatment. Moreover, we recruited 47 non-consanguineous relatives who did not suffer alcohol related disorders and underwent the same tests. In both groups we genotyped 11 genetic variations (rs1800587; rs3087258; rs1799724; 5-HTTLPR; rs1386493; rs1386494; rs1487275; rs1843809; rs4570625; rs2129575; rs6313) located in genes whose impact on alcohol related behaviors and disorders has been hypothesized (IL1A, IL1B, TNF, 5-HTTLPR, TPH2 and HTR2A). We analyzed the epistasis of these genetic variations upon the biological and psychological dimensions in the cases and their relatives. Further on, we analyzed the effects of the combined genetic variations on the short ā€“ term detoxification treatment efficacy. Finally, being the only not yet investigated variation within this sample, we analyzed the impact of the rs6313 alone on baseline assessment and treatment efficacy. We detected the following results: the couple rs6313 + rs2129575 affected the Leyton -Trait at admission (p = 0.01) (obsessive-compulsive trait), whilst rs1800587 + 5-HTTLPR impacted the Pilowski test at admission (p = 0.01) (hypochondriac symptoms). These results did not survive Bonferroni correction (p ā‰¤ 0.004). This lack of association may depend on the incomplete gene coverage or on the small sample size which limited the power of the study. On the other hand, it may reflect a substantial absence of relevance of the genotype variants toward the alcohol related investigated dimensions. Nonetheless, the marginal significance we detected could witness an informative correlation worth investigating in larger samples