
Electromagnetic spectra in the range from 400 to 1000 nanometers were examined using dual cameras with light filters in the visual and near-infrared (NIR) spectra. Near-infrared spectroscopy of dyes in fine art initiated the concept of "IR - Art". The painters mix the dyes depending on their property of absorbing and reflecting light in the infrared region. We assign each dye the value Z, which is the measure of the intensity of light absorption in the NIR (Z) spectrum at 1000 nm. We introduce the designation “VZ” that the painter manages: the appearance, hiding and separation of two images into visual (V) and NIR detection. With the NIR camera, the painter plans and creates Z graphics, Z images, Z typography.Due to the appearance of VZ painting, we propose a change in the technology of restoration of works of fine art. The restorer will consider the colorant properties and their characteristics in the V spectrum as well as in the NIR spectrum. The new VZ painting was tested by artists with the intention of expanding their personal tools in hiding and showing intimacy. The Hidden Z image is also an extension of the technology of creating the security and originality of a work of art in a new wayIspitivani su elektromagnetski spektri u području od 400 do 1000 nanometara pomoću dvostrukih kamera sa svjetlosnim filterima u vizualnom i bliskom infracrvenom (NIR) spektru. Bliska infracrvena spektroskopija bojila u likovnoj umjetnosti, inicirala je koncept "IR - Art"-a. Slikari miješaju bojila, ovisno o njihovom svojstvu apsorpcije i refleksije svjetlost u infracrvenom području. Svakom bojilu pridružujemo vrijednost Z koja je mjera intenziteta apsorpcije svjetla u NIR (Z) spektru na 1000 nm. Uvodim oznaku „VZ“ s kojom slikar upravlja: pojavljivnje, skrivanje, razdvajanje dvije slike na vizualno (V) i NIR detektiranje. Pomoću NIR kamere slikar planira i stvara Z grafike, Z slike, Z tipografiju. Zbog pojave VZ slikarstva, predlažemo promjenu tehnologije restauriranja likovnih djela. Restaurator će uzeti u obzir svojstva bojila i njihove karakteristike u V spektru, kao i u NIR spektru. Novo VZ slikarstvo testirali su umjetnici s namjerom da prošire svoj osobni alat u skrivanju, pokazivanju intime. Skrivena Z slika je ujedno proširenje tehnologije stvaranja sigurnosti i originalnosti umjetničkog djela, na nov način

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