65 research outputs found

    “Our girls started to get lost” : How female sexuality is discussed in ethnic talk-show

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    ニチロ コウショウ ニ オケル ポジティブ ストラテジー ノ ヒハンテキ ダンワ ブンセキ トウホウ ケイザイ フォーラム ノ ボウトウ エンゼツ ヲ ダイザイ ニ

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    Цель данного исследования – провести критический дискурс-анализ языковых стратегий, примененных в японо-российских переговорах периода правления Абэ и Путина, которые несмотря на активизацию, не привели к решению вопроса мирного договора. Для этого в качестве материала исследования использованы приветственные речи, произнесенные Синдзо Абэ на Восточном экономическом форуме в 2018-19 гг. Материалы были отобраны на языке оригиналов, что позволило автору рассмотреть применение речевых стратегий в их первоначальном виде. Значительное внимание уделяется реализации позитивных стратегий и реакции на их принимающей стороны в лице президента Российской Федерации Владимира Путина. В статье приводится описание двух позитивных стратегий, использованных в речах Синдзо Абэ, а именно – «поиск общности взглядов» и «призыв к созданию светлого будущего». Общность взглядов Японии и России в речи Синдзо Абэ путем цитирования четверостишия Федора Тютчева «Умом Россию не понять» представляется в «вере, доверии», Абэ утверждает, что «нужно верить Японии». Также Синдзо Абэ в конце своих речей традиционно призывает Путина к решительным действиям, чтобы выполнить обещание заключить мирный договор, данное двумя политиками на саммите АСЕАН в 2018г., и обеспечить светлое будущее двух стран, таким образом создавая свой положительный облик. В результате проведенного анализа выявлено, что хоть и использование позитивных стратегий в речи Абэ вызвало положительный отклик в виде оваций у публики, выраженное со стороны Путина несогласие привело к тому, что позитивные стратегии Абэ не только не показали существенного результата, но также были использованы для создания негативного образа японского правительства Владимиром Путиным. Так, Путин оценил просьбу Абэ «верить Японии» как «действительно доброе пожелание», но напомнил о том, что российскому правительству необходимо учитывать такие внешние факторы, как влияние США на Японию. В ответ на красноречивые призывы Синдзо Абэ проявить решительность к заключению мирного договора, Владимир Путин цитирует слова Абэ о том, что «нужно менять подходы» и неожиданно для японской стороны предлагает заключить мирный договор до конца года без предварительных условий. Японское правительство ожидаемо не приняло к рассмотрению предложенный план, но это позволило создать цепочку событий «Путин предлагает мирный договор – Япония отказывается», которая имплицитно возлагает ответственность за застой в переговорах на японскую сторону. Результаты данного анализа позволяют понять, как были задействованы языковые стратегии в российско-японских переговорах периода правления Абэ и Путина и как в речах обоих политиков отображается идеологический и социально-политический контекст того периода. В дальнейшем планируется таким же образом провести анализ применения позитивных стратегий Владимиром Путиным, чтобы сопоставить сходства и различия в стратегическом использовании языка в дипломатическом дискурсе обеих стран

    Research of the dominant psycho-emotional states of university lecturers during the progression of the COVID-19 pandemic

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    The aim of the article was empirical research of the dominant psycho-emotional states of university lecturers during the progression of the COVID-19 pandemic. The article is devoted to an empirical study of the factor structure and the prevailing correlations between the psycho-emotional states of the respondents. Valid empirical methods with standardized questionnaires were used: the dominant coping strategy research method, the test of differentiation of emotional states, and the anxiety research method. The study’s empirical picture constructed. Psycho-emotional states were qualitatively interpreted, states were distinguished, and semantic psychological parameters were defined. The factor structure of the dominant psycho-emotional states of university lecturers was determined. The psycho-emotional state of F1 “Isolated activity”, which had the most intercorrelations and had the most significant (p≤.01) correlation with F4 “Pragmatic avoidance” (.344), was found to have the greatest factor load. It was empirically established and theoretically substantiated that the structure, variables, and interdependence of the factors of dominant psycho-emotional states were important components in solving issues of lecturers’ professional activity. It was noted that the findings may be useful for university administrations and pedagogical psychology researchers

    The technology of augmented reality as a motivational factor for EFL future soil scientists in learning foreign language terminology of chemical elements

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    Currently augmented reality technology, as one of innovative tools, is rapidly penetrating the process of mastering a foreign language, helping to diversify and optimize the learning process for a new generation of students. The use of augmented reality technology in the foreign language educational process helps to increase motivation of students to study a foreign language at a university. The purpose of the study is to examine and analyze the impact of augmented reality technology on future soil specialists’ motivation in the process of learning English as a foreign language. To achieve the goal of the study, a comprehensive research methodology was chosen: theoretical analysis of scientific, pedagogical and methodological literature on the topic of research, pedagogical observation, survey, interview, analysis of the research results. Along with traditional methods, the elements of augmented reality were introduced in the process of teaching a foreign language to first-year students of non-linguistic specialties in order to identify the effectiveness of the influence of the technology on students’ motivation in learning English as a foreign language. The authors conclude that the technology of augmented reality has a didactic potential in the study of a foreign language in general and in the study of foreign language terminology of chemical elements in particular

    Недійсність трудового договору

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    У статті досліджуються підстави та порядок визнання трудових договорів недійсними. З’ясовується правові наслідки визнання трудових договорів недійсними. Запропоновано на законодавчому рівні закріпити поняття, підстави та наслідки визнання трудових договорів недійсними. При цитуванні документа, використовуйте посилання http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/34484В статье исследуются основания и порядок признания трудовых договоров недействительными. Выясняется правовые последствия признания трудовых договоров недействительными. Предложено на законодательном уровне закрепить понятие, основания и последствия признания трудовых договоров недействительными. При цитировании документа, используйте ссылку http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/34484This article investigates the reasons for and the procedure for recognition of labor contracts invalid. We explain the legal consequences of recognition of labor contracts invalid. A legislatively consolidate the concept, reasons and consequences of the recognition of labor contracts invalid. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3448

    Interlaboratory comparison of the intensity of drinking water odor and taste by two-way ordinal analysis of variation without replication

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    A case study of ordinal data from human organoleptic examination (sensory analysis) of drinking water obtained in an interlaboratory comparison of 49 ecological laboratories is described. The recently developed two-way ordinal analysis of variation (ORDANOVA) is applied for the first time for the treatment of responses on the intensity of chlorine and sulfurous odor of water at 20 and 60 degrees C, which is classified into the six categories from 'imperceptible' to 'very strong'. The one-way ORDANOVA is used for the analysis of the 'salty taste' intensity of the water. A decomposition of the total variation of the ordinal data and simulation of the multinomial distribution of the data-relative frequencies in different categories allowed the determination of the statistical significance of the difference between laboratories in classifying chlorine or sulfurous odor intensity by categories, while the effect of temperature was not significant. No statistical difference was found between laboratories on salty taste intensity. The capabilities of experts to identify different categories of the intensity of the odor and taste are also evaluated. A comparison of the results obtained with ORDANOVA and ANOVA showed that ORDANOVA is a more useful and reliable tool for understanding categorical data such as the intensity of drinking water odor and taste

    Exploratory Survey on European Consumer and Stakeholder Attitudes towards Alternatives for Surgical Castration of Piglets

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    Simple SummaryIn many countries, surgical castration of piglets without pain relief or anaesthesia is still common practice. Castration is performed to minimise the incidence of boar taint, a bad taste (urine/fecal like), typically present in the meat of 5 to 10% of uncastrated male pigs. It also helps to avoid aggressive and sexual behaviour. For animal welfare reasons, alternatives are being considered, and in some countries, an alternative is already practiced. One option is to perform surgical castration with anaesthesia and relieve pain. A second option is to produce male pigs without castration, which requires detection of tainted carcasses in the slaughter house. A third option is to apply immunocastration: by a two-fold injection of a vaccine, the testes function is inhibited, which reduces boar-like behaviour and avoids boar taint. In this study, we evaluated the acceptability of each of these methods in 16 countries in Europe. Of the 4 presented options, the practice of surgical castration was least accepted (32%), whilst there was a high acceptance of castration with anaesthesia (85%), followed by immunocastration (71%) and production of boars (49%). The developed questionnaire and infographic can be used in future studies to further gain insights in consumer and stakeholder attitudes on this topic.Surgical castration of piglets without pain relief is still common practice in many countries. Possible alternatives for surgical castration are application of pain relief or anaesthesia or production of boars (entire males) and immunocastrates. Each of these alternatives faces advantages and disadvantages which may result in different citizen attitudes and consumers acceptability. Understanding which practice is acceptable to whom and why may further stimulate implementation. Consumer (n = 3251) and stakeholder (n = 1027) attitudes towards surgical castration without pain relief, surgical castration with anaesthesia, immunocastration, and production of boars were surveyed from April to June 2020 via an online questionnaire in 16 countries (>175 respondents per country). Surgical castration without pain relief was separated from each of the alternatives due to animal welfare and showed the lowest acceptability (32%). Within the alternatives, a further partitioning between the alternatives was based on perceived quality and food safety, with an acceptance of 85% for applying anaesthesia, 71% for immunocastration, and 49% for boar production. Differences depending on professional involvement and familiarity with agriculture could be observed, mainly for the acceptance of surgical castration without anaesthesia, immunocastration, and boars. Castration with anaesthesia was highly accepted by all types of respondents

    New Nanostructured Carbon Coating Inhibits Bacterial Growth, but Does Not Influence on Animal Cells

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    An electrospark technology has been developed for obtaining a colloidal solution containing nanosized amorphous carbon. The advantages of the technology are its low cost and high performance. The colloidal solution of nanosized carbon is highly stable. The coatings on its basis are nanostructured. They are characterized by high adhesion and hydrophobicity. It was found that the propagation of microorganisms on nanosized carbon coatings is significantly hindered. At the same time, eukaryotic animal cells grow and develop on nanosized carbon coatings, as well as on the nitinol medical alloy. The use of a colloidal solution as available, cheap and non-toxic nanomaterial for the creation of antibacterial coatings to prevent biofilm formation seems to be very promising for modern medicine, pharmaceutical and food industries