79 research outputs found

    Fenomena Pembangunan Rumah Ibadah Agama Minoritas Di Pamekasan

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    AbstractBeing in a state of law which has been regulated in the law, it should be obeyed in every condition because the law is created based on community agreement to achieve comprehensive justice without favoritism. In Indonesia, religious diversity becomes a dynamic including Pamekasan, the city where the majority of the population is Muslim, so that a dynamic emerged where there is  a group of religious communities who are in a minority in the city that have difficulties in building their own tabernacle.In order to get a good cooperation process, a supportive situation is needed, namely a situation that allows the creation of values which all parties can accept because they feel they need it. Even so, it is very regrettable that the ideals of salvation and peace are not always a uniform reality. Otherwise, it can occur hostility and clashes between religious groups. Keywords: Phenomenon of Tabernacle Construction of Minority Religiou

    Innovative Technology in English Language Teaching: Enhancing Early Start in Teaching English through Zoom

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    Eearly start in teaching English became an ability to create successful learning by using innovative technology. The purpose of this study is to investigate an early start to learn the English using Zoom by enrolling five students to participate along with problems. The researcher gained by observation techniques, interview and uses qualitative method. The finding revealed that students are more interested while learning by Zoom. The problem was the unstable internet connection.Keyword: Innovative Technologies, Early Start in Teaching English, Zoo


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    Self-regulated learning is an educational process that enables students to self-regulate when determining ideas or concepts and evolving their learning strategies to accomplish attainable outcomes. The present study investigated self-regulated learning strategies undergraduate English department students used and examined the significant relationship with students' grammar achievement. The researchers conducted a quantitative correlational design on 70 undergraduate English department students. The researchers collected the data through a self-regulated learning strategies questionnaire and students' grammar scores. The first result showed that the peer learning strategy was the dominant strategy used by students with the highest average score (M= 3.48, SD= 1.14), and the less dominant strategy with the lowest average score is time and study environment (M= 3.03, SD= 0.99). This study applied descriptive statistics using the SPSS program to describe the first research problem. The second result was analyzed using Pearson correlation, indicating a low negative correlation between self-regulated learning strategies and students' grammar achievement. Thus, this study concluded that the higher the grammar achievement students' got, the less self-regulated learning strategies they used, and the less grammar achievement students' got, the more learning strategies they used.

    Recent facts of eating habits and obesity among adolescent; a case of Pakistan

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    Background: Obesity is an escalating problem that is reaching to pandemic level. Multiple factors may involve in causing obesity such as improper food pattern of physical activities, social and ecological variables, choice of menu and other biological factors. Conducting to a study to evaluate the primary cause. However, a few studies are conducting to see the impact of eating patterns on health and weight. Methods: University students (n=150, ages 18-24 years) 50% males and 50% females were selected for data collection via questionnaire. The outcomes showed that 70 individuals prefer to eat saturated fats that can lead to accumulation of bad cholesterol. 5% females and 5% males prefer using trans-fat that is even worse. On the other hand, 44 respondents prefer to choose low fat food. Results: About 25% individuals are unaware of nutritional on facts of the products but females are more conscious as compared to the men. 55% individuals eat unconsciously while watching television and consume more than the requirement. 94 individuals got attracted by advertisement tactics of food companies and but to eat them. It is also witnessed that males (32%) consume more carbonated drinks than females (13%). 64 students strongly agreed that supplements lead to obesity. In our sample population 10% obese, 14% were overweight and 47% were of normal weight. Conclusion: The major reason of obesity could be that they are eating out more often. It could be due to the fact they are dependent on high calorie food. There is a lack of vegetables and fruits in their diet. On the other hand, fruits, veggies and whole grains are linked to less gain and even weight loss. Making smart food choices can help you stay slim and healthy.

    Depth distribution of soil water sourced by plants at the global scale : a new direct inference approach

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    Funding Information Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Padova e Rovigo. Grant Number: Bando Starting Grants 2015Peer reviewedPostprin

    Penentuan Ekstrakurikuler Siswa Sesuai Minat Bakat dengan Case-Based Reasoning dan Certainty Factor

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    Extracurricular activities at MAN 1 Lamongan are still determined without any support from the system. Students are only given extracurricular information and can register according to the conditions if interested. This makes the extracurricular that students have chosen does not fully match their abilities. The result is a decrease in the number of members who are active in extracurricular activities due to loss of interest. A web-based system was developed to assist MAN 1 Lamongan in determining extracurricular according to interests and talents. Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) is the system framework and Certainty Factor (CF) is the algorithm for determining the certainty value. The result is that with test data of 68 students, the system recommends extracurricular well. Testing with Confusion Matrix obtained precision level of 96.03% (high), recall of 99.4% (high), accuracy of 95.76% (high

    Pengelolaan masjid berbasis masyarakat untuk peningkatan kualitas layanan : studi kasus Masjid Jogokariyan, Yogyakarta

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    Jumlah masjid di Indonesia begitu banyak. Namun demikian, banyak sekali yang belum mampu mewujudkan fungsinya yang ideal seperti yang pernah dicontohkan oleh Nabi Muhammad di mana masjid lebih sebagai pusat peradaban ketimbang hanya menjadi tempat ibadah. Hanya sedikit saja masjid yang bisa menunjukkan fungsi-fungsi tersebut. Salah satunya adalah Masjid Jogokariyan, Yogyakarta. Keberhasilan masjid ini menginspirasi banyak masjid yang lain untuk berguru kepadanya. Puncak pengakuan keberhasilan ini adalah diterbitkannya piagam penghargaan sebagai Masjid Besar dengan pengelolaan terbaik I. Apa sebenarnya strategi yang digunakan dalam pengelolaan Masjid Jogokariyan? Apa saja faktor yang mendukung dan menghambatnya dalam mencapai predikat itu? Inilah dua rumusan maslah utama yang hendak dicari jawabannya. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif. Data-data didapatkan dari beberapa metode yang digunakan secara bersama-sama. Metode dimaksud adalah observasi yang dipergunakan untuk mendapatkan data-data kondisi fisik dan berbagai aktivitas yang terjadi di masjid. Metode wawancara untuk mendaptakan data-data mengenai sejauhmana keterlibatan dan kontribusi jamaah dalam proses pengelolaan masjid. Metode dokumen yaitu menggali data dari berbagai dokumen yang dimiliki oleh Masjid Jogokaryan Yogyakarta. Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa strategi yang dipakai oleh Masjid Jogokariyan adalah meletakkan jamaah sebagai prioritas utama. Dalam bahasa manajemen focus kepada pelanggan dengan dua dimensi utama di dalamnya yaitu proses pelibatan jamaah secara intensif dan memberikan pelayanan prima kepada jamaah. Pilihan strategis ini didorong oleh semangat untuk mewujudkan nilai-nilai keberagamaan Islam dalam ranah praktis kehidupan masyarakat. Cita-cita yang ingin direalisasikan adalah membangun budaya masjid di masyarakat, bukan budaya pasar melalui gerakan mensujudkan masyarakat. Dalam upaya ini, Masjid Jogokariyan ketemu dengan beberapa faktor yang mendukung dan juga factor yang menghambat. Faktor yang mendukung kemudian dimanfaatkan secara baik untuk optimalisasi pengelolaan, sementara factor yang menghambat dijadikan sebagai tantangan yang harus dicarikan solusi