112 research outputs found

    The Human Potential and its Role in Business Development

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    Through its object of activity, an economic organization has the role to use efficiently the means of production that it possesses in terms of the full utilization of the production capacities, of a high quality of the products and of obtaining profit.Companies need in their human, material, financial, informational, human resources activities that they have at a certain moment in order to accomplish the mission and strategic objectives around which they rely on the whole activity

    Multi-speed Europe? An Analysis of the Real Convergence within the European Union

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    Reaching an appropriate level of economic, social and territorial convergence has been a strategic goal for European policy and decision-makers. The author’s first assumption is that although in the early stages of the regional project, the Member States had similar growth and development levels, with the advancement of the integration process, the development asymmetries increased. In this paper, the authors stress the fact that the European decision-makers and researchers have become more and more interested to study if the Member States of the European Union meet the criteria for certain types of convergence: nominal, real, legal, structural and institutional. This paper brings to the fore-front the process of real convergence, trying to respond to the question if the Member States are catching-up, or are diverging. Moreover, taking into consideration the enlargement of the European Union with the countries from Central and Eastern Europe, we have studied the main trends within this group of countries. In this respect, we have calculated the σ and β convergence for three geographical clusters of countries: Central Eastern, North Western and Southern Europe. The results obtained show that the economies of the New Member States increased faster than those of the North-Western countries, experiencing a significant speed of convergence. In contrast, the North-Western countries recorded a negative pace in terms of convergence and significant discrepancies between them. In conclusion, the paper shows that the desiderate of real convergence becomes more and more difficult to achieve as while the Central and Eastern Europe states make important steps in reducing the disparities between them and also catching up with the European Union’s average, the Southern Europe countries are diverging.   Keywords: European Union, real convergence, σ-convergence, β-convergenc


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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere. Incluzia dentară este o anomalie dentară de erupție, determinată prin integrarea unui dinte complet format în os peste limita normei de erupție. Chirurgia ortodontică oferă soluții pentru tratamentul incluziei dentare cu păstrarea sau extracția dintelui, determinată de un șir de factori. Scopul lucrării. Selectarea metodei tratamentului chirurgical ortodontic în incluzia dentară și determinarea eficienței ei. Material și metode. Pacienta P. A., F/37 ani, s-a adresat la clinica stomatologică „Omni Dent”, diagnosticmalocluzie clasa I Angle (anodonție d. 31 și incluzia d. 35), prezentând acuze funcționale și estetice. Prin examen clinic și paraclinic (OPG, CBCT, TRG, fotometria, analiza modelelor) s-a stabilit diagnosticului și planul de tratament. Rezultate. S-a inițiat tratamentul ortodontic- metoda directă a sistemei fixe tip bracket. S-a creat spațiu pentru tracționarea dintelui 35. Chirurgical, s-a tracționat dintele inclus, s-a creat accesul spre coroană. S-a fixat butonașul și s-a inițiat redresarea ortodontică. Analizând radiografii la distanța de șase luni s-a constatat imobilitatea dintelui, ceea ce determină anchiloza acestuia și eșuarea tratamentului ortodontic a dintelui inclus. Metoda chirurgicală ulterioară rezultând în extracția dintelui 35. Defectul obținut a fost restabilit prin adiția osoasă după metoda Khoury. Urmează implantarea după perioada de regenerare osoasă. Concluzii. Păstrarea dintelui cu redresarea lui in arcada dentară prin tratament ortodontic nu a fost posibilă, datorită particularităților anatomice ale dintelui, poziției lui și a osului adiacent astfel fiind indicație către extracția lui si reabilitarea ulterioară implanto-protetică.Introduction. Dental inclusion is a dental rash abnormality caused by the integration of a fully formed tooth into the bone beyond the eruption norm. Orthodontic surgery offers solutions for the treatment of dental inclusion with the preservation or extraction of the tooth. Objective of the study. Selecting the method of orthodontic surgical treatment in dental inclusion and determining its effectiveness. Materials and methods. Patient P. A., F / 37 years old, went to the dental clinic „Omni Dent”, diagnosis-malocclusion class I Angle (anodontia d. 31 and inclusion d. 35), presenting functional and aesthetic charges. Clinical and paraclinical examination (OPG, CBCT, TRG, photometry, model analysis) established the diagnosis and treatment plan. Results. Orthodontic treatment has been initiated - the direct method of the fixed bracket system. Space was created for tooth traction 35. Surgically was created access to the crown by unloading the included toot. The button was fixed and orthodontic straightening was initiated. Analyzing the radiographs after six months, the immobility of the tooth was found, which determines its ankylosis and the failure of the orthodontic treatment of the included tooth. Subsequent surgical method resulting in tooth extraction 35. The obtained defect was restored by bone addition following the Khoury method. Implantation follows the period of bone regeneration. Conclusion. Preservation of the tooth with its rectification in the dental arch by orthodontic treatment was not possible, due to the anatomical features of the tooth, its position, and the adjacent bone, thus being an indication for its extraction and subsequent implant-prosthetic rehabilitation

    Extracția dintelui inclus în tratamentul ortodontic. Caz clinic

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    Introduction. Dental inclusion is a dental rash abnormality caused by the integration of a fully formed tooth into the bone beyond the eruption norm. Orthodontic surgery offers solutions for the treatment of dental inclusion with the preservation or extraction of the tooth. Objective of the study. Selecting the method of orthodontic surgical treatment in dental inclusion and determining its effectiveness. Materials and methods. Patient P. A., F / 37 years old, went to the dental clinic „Omni Dent”, diagnosis-malocclusion class I Angle (anodontia d. 31 and inclusion d. 35), presenting functional and aesthetic charges. Clinical and paraclinical examination (OPG, CBCT, TRG, photometry, model analysis) established the diagnosis and treatment plan. Results. Orthodontic treatment has been initiated - the direct method of the fixed bracket system. Space was created for tooth traction 35. Surgically was created access to the crown by unloading the included toot. The button was fixed and orthodontic straightening was initiated. Analyzing the radiographs after six months, the immobility of the tooth was found, which determines its ankylosis and the failure of the orthodontic treatment of the included tooth. Subsequent surgical method resulting in tooth extraction 35. The obtained defect was restored by bone addition following the Khoury method. Implantation follows the period of bone regeneration. Conclusion. Preservation of the tooth with its rectification in the dental arch by orthodontic treatment was not possible, due to the anatomical features of the tooth, its position, and the adjacent bone, thus being an indication for its extraction and subsequent implant-prosthetic rehabilitation.Introducere. Incluzia dentară este o anomalie dentară de erupție, determinată prin integrarea unui dinte complet format în os peste limita normei de erupție. Chirurgia ortodontică oferă soluții pentru tratamentul incluziei dentare cu păstrarea sau extracția dintelui, determinată de un șir de factori. Scopul lucrării. Selectarea metodei tratamentului chirurgical ortodontic în incluzia dentară și determinarea eficienței ei. Material și metode. Pacienta P. A., F/37 ani, s-a adresat la clinica stomatologică „Omni Dent”, diagnosticmalocluzie clasa I Angle (anodonție d. 31 și incluzia d. 35), prezentând acuze funcționale și estetice. Prin examen clinic și paraclinic (OPG, CBCT, TRG, fotometria, analiza modelelor) s-a stabilit diagnosticului și planul de tratament. Rezultate. S-a inițiat tratamentul ortodontic- metoda directă a sistemei fixe tip bracket. S-a creat spațiu pentru tracționarea dintelui 35. Chirurgical, s-a tracționat dintele inclus, s-a creat accesul spre coroană. S-a fixat butonașul și s-a inițiat redresarea ortodontică. Analizând radiografii la distanța de șase luni s-a constatat imobilitatea dintelui, ceea ce determină anchiloza acestuia și eșuarea tratamentului ortodontic a dintelui inclus. Metoda chirurgicală ulterioară rezultând în extracția dintelui 35. Defectul obținut a fost restabilit prin adiția osoasă după metoda Khoury. Urmează implantarea după perioada de regenerare osoasă. Concluzii. Păstrarea dintelui cu redresarea lui in arcada dentară prin tratament ortodontic nu a fost posibilă, datorită particularităților anatomice ale dintelui, poziției lui și a osului adiacent astfel fiind indicație către extracția lui si reabilitarea ulterioară implanto-protetică

    Extracția dintelui inclus în tratamentul ortodontic. Caz clinic

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    Introducere. Incluzia dentară este o anomalie dentară de erupție, determinată prin integrarea unui dinte complet format în os peste limita normei de erupție. Chirurgia ortodontică oferă soluții pentru tratamentul incluziei dentare cu păstrarea sau extracția dintelui, determinată de un șir de factori. Scopul lucrării. Selectarea metodei tratamentului chirurgical ortodontic în incluzia dentară și determinarea eficienței ei. Material și metode. Pacienta P. A., F/37 ani, s-a adresat la clinica stomatologică „Omni Dent”, diagnosticmalocluzie clasa I Angle (anodonție d. 31 și incluzia d. 35), prezentând acuze funcționale și estetice. Prin examen clinic și paraclinic (OPG, CBCT, TRG, fotometria, analiza modelelor) s-a stabilit diagnosticului și planul de tratament. Rezultate. S-a inițiat tratamentul ortodontic- metoda directă a sistemei fixe tip bracket. S-a creat spațiu pentru tracționarea dintelui 35. Chirurgical, s-a tracționat dintele inclus, s-a creat accesul spre coroană. S-a fixat butonașul și s-a inițiat redresarea ortodontică. Analizând radiografii la distanța de șase luni s-a constatat imobilitatea dintelui, ceea ce determină anchiloza acestuia și eșuarea tratamentului ortodontic a dintelui inclus. Metoda chirurgicală ulterioară rezultând în extracția dintelui 35. Defectul obținut a fost restabilit prin adiția osoasă după metoda Khoury. Urmează implantarea după perioada de regenerare osoasă. Concluzii. Păstrarea dintelui cu redresarea lui in arcada dentară prin tratament ortodontic nu a fost posibilă, datorită particularităților anatomice ale dintelui, poziției lui și a osului adiacent astfel fiind indicație către extracția lui si reabilitarea ulterioară implanto-protetică


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    In order to characterize from the agrochemical point of view the soils from Olt County, there were considered agrochemical studies conducted in the county by OSPA Olt in the period 2008-2012, on the entire surface of the county at all land use categories. In the period subject to the agrochemical study, soil samples were collected from agrochemicals plots with different surfaces according to usage and were analyzed: the pH, humus content, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. After analysis it was found that:- Soil humus content is low and very low to cca.48% of agricultural land, requiring large expenses with additional fertilization;-The presence of large areas of acidic soils (about 45% of agricultural land) limits yields per unit of area;- Low and very low-supply in mobile phosphorus (cca.57% of agricultural land) limiting production in all cultures and affects crop quality

    Efficiency of foliar fertilization on wheat production in conventional and conservation agriculture

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    The paper presents the leaves fertilization influence upon wheat yield in two experiments carried out in conventional agriculture and conservative systems. The experimental fields comprised 6 leaves fertilizers variants and a control and were laid out at SCDA Teleorman on a Haplic Phaeozem. Two treatments were applied with 1.25% leaves fertilizer on a N90P40K0 agrochemical background proceeded from a complex 20-20-0 fertilizer, in the autumn, before sowing, and 50 kg N/ha Nitrocalcar, applied in the spring. Leaves fertilization, applied in the conservative system experiment, didn’t bring forth a significant yield increase as compared to the control. Significant and distinctly significant increases of the wheat yield were obtained in the conventional agriculture system, from 5,795 kg/ha in the control up to 7,373 kg/ha in the Nutrifert S variant. The average conventional agriculture yield (6,978 kg/ha) was higher than the conservative agriculture one (5,457 kg/ha) by 27.8%

    Ethanol Administration Produces Divergent Changes in GABAergic Neuroactive Steroid Immunohistochemistry in the Rat Brain

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    The 5α-reduced pregnane neuroactive steroid (3α,5α)-3-hydroxypregnan-20-one (3α,5α-THP or allopregnanolone) is a potent positive modulator of GABAA receptors capable of modulating neuronal activity. In rats, systemic ethanol administration increases cerebral cortical and hippocampal levels of 3α,5α-THP, but the effects of ethanol on 3α,5α-THP levels in other brain regions are unknown. There is a large body of evidence suggesting that 3α,5α-THP enhances ethanol sensitivity, contributes to some behavioral effects of ethanol, and modulates ethanol reinforcement and motivation to drink. In the present study, we used immunohistochemistry (IHC) to determine ethanol-induced changes in cellular 3α,5α-THP expression in brain regions associated with ethanol actions and responses