56 research outputs found

    Impacto del desempeño de los estudiantes en una metodología de evaluación continua en Moodle en el examen final

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    Este trabajo examina la diferente evolución del rendimiento de los estudiantes en cuestionarios online y su impacto en la calificación final. Esta innovadora técnica se ha utilizado en un grupo de un curso introductorio de contabilidad financiera con 8 cuestionarios online (uno por unidad temática) a través de la plataforma Moodle. Empleando el análisis cluster, identificamos diferentes grupos de evolución del rendimiento. La evidencia obtenida sugiere que en uno de estos grupos una evolución favorable del rendimiento en los test online puede conducir a un exceso de confianza, con el posterior efecto negativo en la nota del examen final. La investigación futura con más variables y muestras de mayor tamaño ayudará a identificar este perfil de estudiante con el fin de evitar un posible efecto negativo no deseado de esta técnica de enseñanza.This paper looks into the different evolution of students’ online questionnaire performance and its impact on the final examination mark. This innovative technique has been used in a group of an introductory financial accounting course with 8 online questionnaires (one per unit) in the Moodle platform. Using cluster analysis, we identify different groups of performance evolution. The evidence obtained suggests that in one of this groups a favourable test performance evolution may lead to overconfidence with the subsequent negative effect on the final examination mark. Future research with more variables and bigger samples will help to identify this student profile with a view to prevent this undesired negative effect of this teaching technique

    Explanatory factors of student performance in online tests for the continuous assessment: Is attendance really important?

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    [EN] In the European Higher Education Area, the educational model focuses on the student and the role of Information and Communication Technologies is crucial for the learning and teaching process. This study identifies the characteristics of the students according to their performance in the online tests carried out in a subject of Financial Accounting in the groups taught in English of the Degrees of Business Administration and Economics in a University from XXX. The objectives of this study are to explore the determining factors for student performance in online tests. Several analyses are carried out for all the marks and for a separated sample considering only the tests where the mark is at least good- i.e. the best or the second best grade in the national grading system. Among other intersting findings, our study evidences that attendance is a determining factor for the performance in each test if we take the whole group of students, but it is not significant for the students achieving better grades. This evidence has important implications as regards making attendance compulsory to benefit from the continuous assessment system.http://ocs.editorial.upv.es/index.php/HEAD/HEAD18Merello, P.; Zorio-Grima, A. (2018). Explanatory factors of student performance in online tests for the continuous assessment: Is attendance really important?. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 969-977. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD18.2018.8128OCS96997

    Impact of students’ performance in the continuous assesment methodology through Moodle on the final exam

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    [EN] This paper looks into the different evolution of students’ online questionnaire performance and its impact on the final examination mark. This innovative technique has been used in a group of an introductory financial accounting course with 8 online questionnaires (one per unit) in the Moodle platform. Using cluster analysis, we identify different groups of performance evolution. The evidence obtained suggests that in one of this groups a favourable test performance evolution may lead to overconfidence with the subsequent negative effect on the final examination mark. Future research with more variables and bigger samples will help identifying this student profile with a view to prevent this undesired negative effect of this teaching technique.The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from the University of Valencia (UVSFPIE_GER16-415408)Merello-Giménez, P.; Zorio-Grima, A. (2017). Impact of students’ performance in the continuous assesment methodology through Moodle on the final exam. En Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Higher Education Advances. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 17-25. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD17.2017.4779OCS172

    Factores que determinan los honorarios de auditoría: Análisis empírico para México

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    La escasa investigación internacional sobre auditoría en el ámbito latinoamericano ha motivado el desarrollo de esta investigación. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar empíricamente los factores que influyen en el monto de los honorarios de auditoría en México, partiendo de una muestra de 59 empresas que cotizan en la Bolsa Mexicana de Valores (BMV), durante el período de 2002 a 2008. La metodología empleada, en línea con los estudios previos, se basa en un modelo de regresión múltiple, a partir de un conjunto de hipótesis relacionadas con diversos factores que afectan la determinación de los honorarios, vinculados a la empresa auditada y a la firma auditora, recolectados de la base de datos de las cuentas anuales de las empresas. Los resultados revelan que, en el mercado mexicano, los factores determinantes de los honorarios de auditoría son el tamaño de la empresa, el riesgo del cliente, la complejidad de la empresa, la reputación del auditor, los servicios adicionales que presta el auditor, la duración del contrato con el auditor, el sector al que pertenece la empresa y los años en que se realice la auditoría. En conclusión, se evidencia la globalización de la profesión, ya que los factores determinantes de los honorarios del auditor en el mercado mexicano, son similares a los obtenidos por otros investigadores en otras regiones geográficas

    Efectos en el examen final de la participación del estudiante en cuestionarios online

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    [EN] This paper looks into the different evolution of students’ online questionnaire performance and its impact on the final examination mark. This innovative technique has been used in a group of an introductory financial accounting course with 8 online questionnaires (one per unit). Using cluster analysis, we identify different groups of performance evolution. The evidence obtained suggests that in one of this groups a favourable test performance evolution may lead to overconfidence with the subsequent negative effect on the final examination mark. Future research with more variables and bigger samples will help identify this student profile with a view to preventing this undesired negative effect of this teaching technique.[ES] Este trabajo reflexiona sobre el distinto proceso de rendimiento de los estudiantes ante una innovadora técnica docente para sustentar la evaluación continua en un grupo de iniciación a la Contabilidad Financiera. Nuestro estudio se basa en el análisis cluster para identificar distintos tipos de perfil de los estudiantes según su rendimiento en 8 tests online autocorrectivos- uno por tema. Ello nos sugiere que en un determinado grupo de estudiantes una evolución favorable en los test puede conducir hacia un exceso de confianza de cara a la preparación del examen final y el subsiguiente efecto negativo sobre su nota en dicha prueba de síntesis. Futuros trabajos con mayor número de variables explicativas y muestra, podrán ayudarnos a identificar mejor a este perfil de estudiantes para tratar de prevenir este efecto no deseado del instrumento.Zorio-Grima, A.; Merello-Gimenez, P. (2016). Efectos en el examen final de la participación del estudiante en cuestionarios online. En In-Red 2016. II Congreso nacional de innovación educativa y docencia en red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2016.2016.4345OC

    Effects of carbon emissions, environmental disclosures and csr assurance on cost of equity in emerging markets

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    The objective of the paper is to empirically test the relation between carbon emissions, environmental disclosures, assurance of sustainability reports and firms’ Cost of Equity (COE) measured by an Ex-Ante proxy model. The methodological approach uses the Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) required to control endogeneity problems using a sample of 929 firms that are included in the Morgan Stanley Emerging Market Index. The data panel includes 5328 observations from 30 emerging countries covering the period 2014 to 2019. Our results indicate that firms with higher carbon emissions have higher COE, which implies that capital providers penalize highly polluting firms. Contrarily, evidence shows that firms with greater environmental disclosures, and the those who externally assure their corporate social responsibility reports decrease their COE. Our study expands the literature regarding carbon emissions and its relation with firms’ COE from an emerging market perspective covering a multi-country sample, with findings that confirm that higher emitters are penalized in terms of COE. Moreover, our research confirms in this setting the negative relation between environmental, social and governance disclosure scores and COE. Moreover, we evidence as well that the assurance of sustainability reports also promotes legitimacy and decreases information asymmetries, in the sense of reducing COE. The value of our findings is especially relevant as it may encourage listed companies in emerging countries to engage in more sustainable practices—e.g., reduce carbon emissions

    Retos para la educación y profesión contable derivados de una armonización mundial liderada por el IASC: la nueva estrategia europea de armonización contable como modelo para otras áreas económicas

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    The objective of this paper is to analyse the important decisions made by the European Commission in 2000, in order to undertake a final strategy with regard to accounting harmonisation. We think that this topic is especially relevant in the framework of this International Conference, because many regional accounting harmonising bodies may follow the EU steps since Europe is a very important economic area to be borne in mind in the world accounting harmonisation debate where the United States are playing the leading role on the grounds of their capital markets hegemony. Given the timeliness and relevance of these regulatory changes, we think it is of the outmost importance to look into their origins and highlight their impact on the everyday life of the different components of the accounting discipline, i.e., regulators, academics and the accounting profession.The "widely unknown" IAS are just "round the corner". It is about time that we all start preparing the change of the basis of financial reporting to IAS and get ready for the challenges that it poses to the accounting profession and education.En este trabajo presentamos un juicio crítico de las importantes decisiones que la Comisión Europea ha adoptado a lo largo del pasado año 2000, con miras a implantar definitivamente una estrategia sobre armonización contable. Consideramos que este trabajo es de especial importancia en el contexto de esta Conferencia Internacional, dado que muchos organismos mundiales a favor de la armonización contable, han puesto sus ojos en el modelo de la Unión Europea y en cierto sentido el área económica europea es un peso fundamental para contrarrestar la fuerza de los Estados Unidos, respaldados por sus mercados de capitales, de cara al debate de armonización contable internacional. Dada la actualidad y relevancia de estos cambios en el proceso regulador, creemos necesario profundizar en sus orígenes y poner de manifiesto sus importantes implicaciones, tanto para el ámbito profesional, esto es, de las propias empresas y la propia profesión de la auditoría, así como para el plano regulador y la esfera académica. Las NIC, "esas grandes desconocidas", están ya a la vuelta de la esquina. Se impone, pues, comenzar a considerar el cambio de base de presentación de la información financiera y los retos que plantea para cada uno de los ámbitos directamente afectados

    Carbon emissions by Ssouth american companies: driving factors for reporting decisions and emissions reduction

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    In the last decade, companies have started to disclose information on carbon emissions. To our knowledge, this is the first paper to look into this phenomenon in South America, which is a very important geographical area regarding climate change because of the local nature and developing economies. This paper explores the relationships between some corporate variables and two important decisions: (i) whether to report carbon emissions, and (ii) the impact on the evolution of carbon emissions. Logit and linear panel data models are used to determine the driving factors for decisions (i) and (ii). Our results show that regarding the carbon reporting decision, a company’s size, sustainability reporting, existence of a sustainability committee, and whether it belongs to a certain sector (telecom, utilities, and consumer discretionary) are significant positive factors, whereas the country is a negatively significant factor if the company is based in either Chile or Peru. Regarding the factors that lead to more sustainable behavior, our results reveal that a company’s size, the existence of a corporate social responsibility (CSR) committee, and the disclosure of a sustainability report lead to a decrease in emissions levels

    Fallacies and ethical dilemmas: a teaching experience applied to auditing

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    [EN] This paper explores the use of scenario-based moral reasoning and ethical argumentation in an asynchronous online discussion as an instructional strategy to promote ethical sensitivity among auditing students. Our learning goals include the emission of judgment by the students and learning through group interaction using a modified application of the Delphi methodology. Our study shows that participation in this activity benefits students mainly by providing new perspectives and points of view, and allowing them to recognize dilemmas and dichotomies in professional judgment through the arguments of their peers. Furthermore, we identified some of the students’ ethical misconceptions regarding professional ethics and we were able to deal with these misconceptions in the classroom. The contribution of this paper to the literature is twofold; on the one hand, it describes the capabilities of a creative approach to the cross-curricular teaching of ethics to university students and, on the other, we develop an initial framework of inherent biases, misconceptions about professional ethics and fallacies related whith our students professional future. Although not without limitations, our research also opens up interesting avenues for future research in the field of professional ethics.[ES] En este trabajo se explora el uso del razonamiento moral basado en escenarios y la argumentación ética, asíncrona en línea, como estrategia educativa para determinar el despertar hacia la sensibilidad ética de estudiantes de Auditoria. Nuestros objetivos de aprendizaje implican la emisión de juicios por parte de los alumnos y el aprendizaje a través de la interacción grupal, para medir la consecución de estos objetivos utilizamos una adaptación del método Delphi.Nuestro estudio evidenca que la participación en esta actividad benefició a los estudiantes principalmente proporcionándoles nuevos puntos de vista y permitiéndoles reconocer los dilemas y dicotomías presentes en la emisión de juicios profesionales a partir de la opinión de sus pares. Además, nos permitió identificar una serie de conceptos erróneos sobre la ética profesional y poder trabajarlos en el aula.Nuestro trabajo realiza una doble contribución a la literatura; por una parte, describe las capacidades de un enfoque creativo para enseñar ética de manera transversal a estudiantes universitarios y, por otra, desarrolla un marco inicial de sesgo, conceptos erróneos y falacias inherentes relacionadas con su futuro quehacer profesional. Si bien no exento de limitaciones, nuestro estudio abre interesantes vías para futuras investigaciones en el campo de la ética profesional.Este trabajo ha sido desarrollado bajo el proyecto de innovación docente UV-SFPIE_PID-1629031 de la Universitat de València.Calabor, M.; Merello, P.; Zorio-Grima, A. (2022). Falacias y dilemas éticos: una experiencia docente aplicada a la auditoría. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 60-72. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2022.2022.15793607

    Audit institutions in the european union: public service promotion, environmental engagement and covid crisis communication through social media

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    This article analyses Social Media (SM) use as a promotion tool for public institutions in the public audit sector. The authors propose a quantitative model to assess online engagement of 94 European audit institutions (national and regional) with their stakeholders, based on SM and web activity metrics of these institutions, with a focus on pressing matters such as environment, sustainability and the current COVID pandemic. The proposed model may be applied to assess organisations from any public or private sector. The research finds that SM presence helps audit institutions to promote their services more effectively by directing their stakeholders to extensive content on the audit institutions’ websites, thus contributing to an increase in their web traffic. Most audit institutions do not have a strategy for the online promotion of their services and work outputs, nor do they, in general, use SM for intensively promoting environmental or sustainability-related messages. The only exception is the European Court of Auditors, who clearly promotes its environment-related activity by actively and increasingly posting on SM and referencing its reports. Audit institutions could benefit from the nature of their evidence-based activity and promote their findings on emerging topics to positively influence public policies and accountability at all levels