2,552 research outputs found

    Personality Traits on Persistent Depressive Disorder

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    Evidence emerged for the HEXACO Model, summarized the domains of personality in six dimensions. The difficulties associated with the diagnosis of dysthymia have raised questions in maintaining in mood disorders. Given the literature review and defending a modification in the structural model of personality, this study proves the importance of a preliminary study of the psychometric properties of HEXACO in a Portuguese sample. It is important the exploration of personality traits in a clinical population diagnosed with Persistent Depressive Disorder. The sample, for the first study, consisted of 118 women and 48 men aged 18 to 57 years (M=26.21, SD=10.23). The study 2 includes participants belonging to the clinical group (M=48.33, SD=10.23) and nonclinical group (M=41.23, SD=9.63) all female aged between 23 and 63 years. The instruments used for the study were the HEXACO-60, NEO-FFI-20 and PHQ-9. The results demonstrate that the HEXACO-60 has satisfactory psychometric properties that make it a suitable tool to evaluate the personality, presenting high correlations with NEO-FFI and a higher internal consistency. It is also verified that there are significant correlations between depressive symptoms and personality traits. Although this analysis is preliminary with regard to psychometric study of the assessment tool HEXACO-60 personality, the statistical analysis of the instrument showed that it has adequate psychometric properties proving to be an appropriate tool to evaluate the constructs of personality. We conclude that there is evidence to suggest the need for reformulation of the diagnosis of persistent depressive disorder.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Salt consumption awareness in Portugal: comparison between the ECOS surveys of 2014 and 2018

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    O consumo excessivo de sal aumenta o risco de doenças crónicas, pelo que a sensibilização da população é uma medida recomendada pela Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) e pela Direção-Geral da Saúde (DGS) para a diminuição do seu consumo. O objetivo deste estudo foi estimar a prevalência relativa à preocupação com o consumo de sal, em 2014 e 2018 em Portugal, avaliar a sua evolução e caracterizar o perfil sociodemográfico dos participantes que manifestaram preocupação com o consumo de sal nos dois anos em análise. Os dados foram recolhidos no âmbito do inquérito telefónico ECOS (Em Casa Observamos Saúde) para esses anos. Em 2014, 77% dos inquiridos referiram ter preocupação quanto ao consumo de sal face a 75% em 2018. Em ambos os anos, as mulheres revelaram uma maior preocupação quanto ao consumo de sal, comparativamente ao sexo masculino, embora essa diferença fosse mais evidente em 2014. Adicionalmente, verificou-se que a preocupação com o consumo de sal aumenta com a idade, sendo o grupo etário com mais de 65 anos o que registou uma maior preocupação relativamente ao consumo do sal, nos dois anos em análise. Não se observaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os níveis de escolaridade ou as regiões.Excessive salt consumption increases the risk of chronic diseases. Thus raising awareness is a measure to reduce its consumption, recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Portuguese Directorate General of Health. The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of individuals who reported awareness regarding their salt consumption in 2014 and 2018, and to investigate its distribution among several sociodemographic characteristics. Data was collected by means of a national representative panel telephonic survey, ECOS. In 2014, 77% of respondents reported watching or reducing salt consumption, compared to 75% in 2018, but this difference between years was not significant. In both years, women were more aware of salt intake than men, although this difference was more significant in 2014. Additionally, awareness regarding salt consumption increased with age, with the age group over 65 years old being the most aware, in the two years under analysis. No statistically significant differences were found among the different educational level groups, or regions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    El padre Flórez y la Biblioteca Histórica de la Universidad Complutense

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    La relación del padre Enrique Flórez (OSA) con la Universidad Complutense, es ampliamente conocida; sin embargo, no se ha estudiado hasta ahora la relación concreta del Padre Flórez con la Biblioteca de esta Universidad que queda patente en algunos hechos como el intento de impresión del Códice Complutense o Biblia visigótica de Alcalá, o su papel como bibliotecario del Real Colegio de San Agustín de la Universidad de Alcalá. Se incluye, además, una relación de las obras del Padre Flórez de las que existen ejemplares en la Biblioteca Histórica de la Universidad Complutens


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    Objetivo: descrever as estratégias e técnicas de reabilitação utilizadas e os efeitos da abordagem fonoaudiológica em pacientes disfágicos vítimas de trauma raquimedular. Método: trata-se de um estudo retrospectivo e documental. A coleta dos dados foi realizada através de análise documental, no período de julho a dezembro de 2019. Foram incluídos indivíduos admitidos e acompanhados pelo serviço de fonoaudiologia de um hospital referência em trauma do estado da Bahia, portadores de disfagia orofaringea, sem comprometimento do sistema nervoso central prévio ou durante o evento traumático. Os dados coletados foram tabulados no programa Excel (Versão 2007), realizada análise estatística descritiva e as variáveis descritas por frequência absoluta. Resultados: como método terapêutico, no grupo dos sujeitos traqueostomizados, foi utilizada a terapia indireta e direta em 100% da amostra. Já no grupo dos sujeitos não traqueostomizados foi predominante o uso da terapia direta. A maioria da amostra teve a dieta oral liberada já na avaliação fonoaudiológica, exceto os indivíduos traqueostomizados, por apresentarem disfagia grave no início da reabilitação. A maior parte dos sujeitos do grupo dos não traqueostomizados já estava com dieta oral liberada quando admitidos pelos fonoaudiólogos. A alimentação por via oral foi o principal resultado em todos os indivíduos e a decanulação entre os sujeitos traqueostomizados. Conclusão: As estratégias e técnicas utilizadas para a reabilitação através da terapia indireta e direta contribuiu para retirada de SNE, progressão de dieta oral e decanulação nessa população, assim como reduziu os riscos de agravos clínicos como a broncoaspiração, demonstrando eficácia terapêutica.Objective: to describe the rehabilitation strategies and techniques used and the effects of the speech therapy approach in dysphagic patients victims of spinal cord trauma. Method: this is a retrospective and documentary study. Data collection was performed through documentary analysis, from July to December 2019. Included were individuals admitted and followed up by the speech therapy service of a reference hospital in trauma in the state of Bahia, with oropharyngeal dysphagia, without compromising the system central nervous system or during the traumatic event. The data collected were tabulated in the Excel program (Version 2007), a descriptive statistical analysis was performed, and the variables were described by absolute frequency. Results: as a therapeutic method, in the group of tracheostomized subjects, indirect and direct therapy was used in 100% of the sample. In the group of non-tracheostomized subjects, direct therapy was predominant. Most of the sample had their oral diet already released in the speech-language evaluation, except for tracheostomized individuals, as they presented severe dysphagia at the beginning of rehabilitation. Most of the subjects in the group of non-tracheostomized patients were already on an oral diet when admitted by speech therapists. Oral feeding was the main result in all individuals and decannulation among tracheostomized subjects. Conclusion: The strategies and techniques used for rehabilitation through indirect and direct therapy contributed to the removal of SNE, progression of oral diet and decannulation in this population, as well as reducing the risks of clinical problems such as bronchoaspiration, demonstrating therapeutic efficacy

    Tackling perception and deception in STEM: A critical thinking skill for early-career development

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    The Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), the Instituto Superior Técnico (ISTUniversidade de Lisboa) and the Czech Technical University (CTU) have recently launched the Engine4STEMers project, a joint initiative whose objective, among others, is to guide young graduates in their transition to the job market and motivate them to adopt management and leadership skills early in their careers. In this context, this short paper describes the objectives and contents of a Critical Thinking seminar, currently underway at UPC, which is aimed at motivating young STEM Graduates to develop the principles of a skeptical attitude towards the information and stimuli that we perceive in order to face uncertainty, biased information and hidden agendas. Engine4STEMers needs analysis has revealed the importance of a good understanding of the concepts of perception and deception to develop effective interpersonal skills and, more importantly, to ease decision-making processes in a VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) environment.Peer ReviewedObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::4 - Educació de QualitatObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::4 - Educació de Qualitat::4.4 - Per a 2030, augmentar substancialment el nombre de joves i persones adultes que tenen les competències necessàries, en particular tècniques i professionals, per a accedir a l’ocupació, el treball digne i l’emprenedoriaPostprint (published version

    Perceived cognitive functioning in breast cancer patients treated with chemotherapy compared to matched healthy women: evidence from a Portuguese study

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    Aim: Cognitive concerns are one of the most frequently reported symptoms by breast cancer survivors. This study aimed to evaluate perceived cognitive functioning in Portuguese women with breast cancer treated with chemotherapy. Methods: A cross-sectional study enrolling 146 women (73 with breast cancer and 73 healthy) was conducted from August to October 2017, invited to participate through online dissemination. Participants completed self-reported questionnaires to collect sociodemographic and clinical data and assess perceived cognitive functioning and psychological adjustment variables (anxiety and depression). Results: Compared to healthy women, women with breast cancer showed significantly lower scores on the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Cognitive Function (FACT-Cog) subscales and higher levels of depression. Both groups showed significant negative correlations between perceived cognitive functioning and anxiety and depression. Health status and depression seem to better explain perceived cognitive functioning, with health status adding significantly more explained variance beyond sociodemographic and psychological adjustment variables. Conclusion: The current findings provide evidence for the existence of more cognitive complaints among Portuguese women with breast cancer, compared to healthy individuals. Anxiety, depression, age and education also explain perceived cognitive functioning. Considering that health status and psychological adjustment seem to significantly explain perceived cognitive functioning, special attention should be given by health-care professionals, including nurses, to designing clinical interventions for breast cancer patients to help manage cognitive impairment.Foundation for Science and Technology SFRH/BD/138785/2018.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Tackling perception and deception in STEM: a critical thinking skill for early-career development

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    The Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), the Instituto Superior Técnico (ISTUniversidade de Lisboa) and the Czech Technical University (CTU) have recently launched the Engine4STEMers project, a joint initiative whose objective, among others, is to guide young graduates in their transition to the job market and motivate them to adopt management and leadership skills early in their careers. In this context, this short paper describes the objectives and contents of a Critical Thinking seminar, currently underway at UPC, which is aimed at motivating young STEM graduates to develop the principles of a skeptical attitude towards the information and stimuli that we perceive in order to face uncertainty, biased information and hidden agendas. Engine4STEMers needs analysis has revealed the importance of a good understanding of the concepts of perception and deception to develop effective interpersonal skills and, more importantly, to ease decision-making processes in a VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) environment