22 research outputs found

    Effects of motor imagery training of Parkinson's disease: a protocol for a randomized clinical trial

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    Background Gait disorders in individuals with Parkinson’s disease (PD) may be associated with alterations in the motor control system and aggravated by psychoemotional and cognitive issues. Therapeutic strategies aimed at self-perception and motor regulation seem to be promising. Motor imagery (MI) has been shown to be one of these strategies, but there is still no clear evidence of its applicability in this population. The aim of this trial is to determine the effects of motor-imagery training on the gait and electroencephalographic activity of individuals with PD. Methods/design The sample will consist of 40 individuals, aged between 45 and 75 years, in the mild and moderate phase of the disease, with the ability to generate voluntary mental images. They will be assessed for cognitive level, degree of physical disability, mental-image clarity, kinematic gait variables, electroencephalographic activity and mobility. Next, subjects will be randomly assigned to an experimental group (EG) and a control group (CG). The EG will perform motor imagery and gait, while the CG will only engage in gait exercises. Twelve training sessions will be conducted lasting up to 90 min each, three times a week, for 4 weeks. The subjects will be reassessed on the kinematic variables of gait, electroencephalographic activity and mobility at 1, 7 and 30 days after the final training session. Discussion The results may provide an important advance in neurological rehabilitation where an easy-access and low-cost intervention may help to improve gait, electroencephalographic activity and mobility in individuals with PD

    Effects of adding load to the gait of children with cerebral palsy: a three-case report

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar los efectos inmediatos del entrenamiento locomotor en la estera con diferentes cargas, sobre los parámetros cinemáticos de la marcha de niños con parálisis cerebral hemipléjica espástica (PCHE), e investigar cómo la carga promueve respuestas motoras más adecuadas para favorecer la propulsión del Miembro Inferior Parético (MIP). Participaron de este caso, 3 niños de ambos sexos, con edades de 8-12 años. Los niños realizaron entrenamiento en la estera rodante con carga en los tobillos equivalente a 40, 50 y 60% del peso de la miembro (MI), en 3 días distintos y no consecutivos. Los parámetros cinemáticos fueron evaluados en las fases de pre entrenamiento (FPT), e inmediatamente después del entrenamiento (FI). Las variables espacio-temporales no cambiaron inmediatamente después del ejercicio de marcha con carga. Sin embargo, fue observado aumento de los ángulos articulares de la cadera y la rodilla durante la fase de balanceo inmediatamente después del entrenamiento, especialmente con carga de 60% del peso de la extremidad inferior. Estos resultados indican que la carga de 60% es la más apropiada para solicitar cambios inmediatos en la cinemática articular del MIP. Tales cambios pueden ser importantes para fomentar la propulsión durante la fase de balanceo de la marcha de niños con PCHE.O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar os efeitos imediatos do treino locomotor na esteira com diferentes cargas, sobre os parâmetros cinemáticos da marcha de crianças com Paralisia Cerebral Hemiparética Espástica (PCHE), e investigar qual carga promove repostas motoras mais adequadas para favorecer a propulsão do Membro Inferior Parético (MIP). Participaram deste relato de caso 3 crianças de ambos os sexos, com idades de 8-12 anos. As crianças realizaram treino na esteira com carga nos tornozelos equivalentes a 40, 50 e 60% do peso do Membro Inferior (MI), em 3 dias diferentes e não consecutivos. Os parâmetros cinemáticos foram avaliados nas fases pré-treinamento (FPT) e imediatamente após o treino (FI). As variáveis espaço-temporais não sofreram alterações imediatamente após o treino de marcha com carga. Por outro lado, foi observado aumento dos ângulos articulares de quadril e joelho durante a fase de balanço imediatamente após o treino, principalmente com carga de 60% do peso do membro inferior. Estes achados indicam que a carga de 60% seja a mais apropriada para solicitar alterações imediatas na cinemática articular do MIP. Tais alterações podem ser importantes para favorecer a propulsão durante a fase de balanço da marcha de crianças com PCHE.Our purpose in this study was to analyze the immediate effects of locomotor gait training with different loads on a treadmill on the kinematic parameters of gait in children with Spastic Hemiparetic Cerebral Palsy (SHCP), as well as investigating which load prompted the most adequate motor responses to promote the propulsion of the Paretic Lower Limb (PLL). This case report included 3 children of both sexes, aged 8-12 years. The children walked on the treadmill with loads on their ankles that corresponded to 40, 50 and 60% of the weight of the Lower Limb (LL), on 3 different non-consecutive days. The kinematic parameters were assessed during the pre-training phase (PTPH) and immediately after training (PHI). The spatiotemporal variables did not change immediately after gait training with the aforementioned loads. On the other hand, we observed wider joint angles in the hip and knee during the swing phase immediately after training, especially with a load of 60% of the weight of the lower limb. These findings indicate that the 60% load is the most appropriate to prompt immediate changes in the joint kinematics of the PLL. These alterations can be important in improving propulsion during the swing phase of gait in children with SHCP

    Influência do treino em esteira na marcha em dupla tarefa em indivíduos com Doença de Parkinson: estudo de caso

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    The loss in the automaticity of gait hinders the performance of concurrent activities - Dual Task (DT) - in individuals with Parkinson's disease (PD). One hypothesis for the negative interference of DT on gait is related to the limitation of attention resources in the brain for different activities. When the automation of a task occurs, the negative interference of DT on the gait can be minimized. Because the treadmill promotes automaticity of a better locomotion pattern, due to the repetition that promotes motor learning, the study sought to investigate whether treadmill training can improve the performance of gait on DT in people with PD. Three individuals were evaluated in the on-phase of the antiparkinsonian medication regarding the kinematics (Qualisys Motion Capture System) while in gait, simultaneously performing cognitive activities. Subsequently, the subjects performed a 20-minute workout on the treadmill and were reassessed during gait in cognitive activities. There were increases in the length of the cycle (p=0.01), the length of the step (p=0.01) and in total swing time (p=0.03), and a decrease in the total length of support (p=0.03). These results indicate that treadmill training can promote improvement in the performance of DT on gait in individuals with PD. Longitudinal studies with this focus of research are needed.La pérdida en el automatismo de la marcha dificulta la realización de actividades simultáneas - Doble Tarea (DT) - en personas con enfermedad de Parkinson (EP). Una hipótesis para la interferencia negativa de la DT en la marcha está relacionada con la limitación de recursos cerebrales de atención para diferentes actividades. Cuando se produce la automatización de una de las tareas, la interferencia negativa de la DT sobre la marcha podrá ser minimizada. Como la cinta de correr promueve la automaticidad de un mejor patrón locomotor, debido a la repetición que favorece el aprendizaje motor, el estudio trató de investigar si el entrenamiento en cinta de correr puede mejorar el desempeño de marcha en DT en personas con EP. Tres individuos fueron evaluados en la fase on del medicamento antiparkinsoniano en cuanto a la cinemática (Qualisys Motion Capture System), mientras se realizaba la marcha simultáneamente a actividades cognitivas. Posteriormente, los individuos realizaron un entrenamiento de 20 minutos en la cinta y fueron evaluados de nuevo durante la marcha en actividades cognitivas. Hubo aumentos en longitud de la pasada (p=0,01), la longitud del paso (p=0,01) y en el tiempo total del abalanzar (p=0,03) y una disminución de en tiempo total de apoyo (p=0,03). Estos resultados indican que el entrenamiento en cinta puede promover la mejora en el rendimiento de marcha en DT en personas con EP, y que se necesitan estudios longitudinales con este enfoque de investigación.A perda na automaticidade da marcha dificulta a realização de atividades concorrentes - Dupla Tarefa (DT) - em indivíduos com Doença de Parkinson (DP). Uma hipótese para a interferência negativa da DT sobre a marcha está relacionada à limitação de recursos cerebrais atentivos para as diferentes atividades. Caso ocorra a automatização de uma das tarefas, a interferência negativa da DT sobre a marcha poderá ser minimizada. Como a esteira promove automaticidade de um melhor padrão locomotor, devido à repetição que favorece a aprendizagem motora, o estudo buscou investigar se o treino em esteira pode melhorar o desempenho de marcha em DT em pessoas com DP. Três indivíduos foram avaliados na fase on do medicamento antiparkinsoniano quanto à cinemetria (Qualisys Motion Capture System), enquanto realizavam a marcha simultaneamente a atividades cognitivas. Posteriormente, os indivíduos realizaram um treino de 20 minutos na esteira e foram reavaliados durante a marcha em atividades cognitivas. Houve aumentos no comprimento da passada (p=0,01), no comprimento do passo (p=0,01) e no tempo total de apoio (p=0,03). Esses resultados indicam que o treino em esteira pode promover melhora no desempenho de marcha em DT em indivíduos com DP, sendo necessários estudos longitudinais com esse foco de investigação

    Determinantes do uso de serviço de fisioterapia entre indivíduos com doença de Parkinson que vivem no Brasil

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    Descrever a utilização do serviço de fisioterapia e identificar os fatores que determinam o uso desse serviço entre indivíduos com doença de Parkinson (DP) que vivem no Brasil. Métodos: No total, 479 indivíduos com DP idiopática, de ambos os sexos, em qualquer estágio da escala de Hoehn & Yahr (HY) e de sete capitais do Brasil foram recrutados durante 2014 a 2016. A análise de regressão logística multivariada foi a principal ferramenta de análise estatística. Para a construção do modelo logístico foi investigada a associação da variável dependente “fisioterapia” com variáveis independentes sociodemográficas, econômicas e clínicas: idade, educação, renda familiar, tempo de DP desde o início, HY, domínio motor e atividade de vida diária da Unified Parkinson´s Disease Rating Scale, aspectos cognitivos, sintomas depressivos, medo de queda, congelamento marcha, história de quedas, nível de atividade física, velocidade de marcha, capacidade de caminhar e equilíbrio. Resultados: 479 indivíduos apresentaram média de 65,2 ± 11,0 anos, 88% tiveram HY = I-III e 43,4% faziam fisioterapia para a DP. A análise identificou duas principais variáveis determinantes do uso da fisioterapia: educação (OR = 1,24) e capacidade de caminhada (OR = 0,82). A diminuição da capacidade de caminhar e maior nível educacional aumentam o uso da fisioterapia em indivíduos com doença de Parkinson vivendo no Brasil. Conclusões: O presente estudo mostra que indivíduos com DP, residentes de diferentes regiões do Brasil, têm acesso limitado aos serviços de fisioterapia. Além disso, o Sistema Brasileiro de Saúde Pública, bem como os programas locais, precisam atingir pessoas de DP com baixo nível educacional para melhorar seu acesso aos serviços de fisioterapia. Os objetivos devem ser para o desenvolvimento de programas de exercícios físicos para melhorar o desempenho funcional dos pacientes por um período mais longo.To identify the factors affecting the use of physiotherapy services among individuals with Parkinson's disease (PD) living in Brazil. Methods: Overall, 479 individuals with idiopathic PD, of both sexes, at any stage of the Hoehn & Yahr (HY) scale, and from seven capital cities in Brazil were recruited from 2014 to 2016. Multivariate logistic regression was the main statistical tool. For the construction of the logistic model, the association of the dependent variable “physiotherapy” with the independent sociodemographic/economic and clinical variables: age, education, family income, time of PD since onset, HY, the activities of daily living and motor subscales of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale, cognitive aspects, depressive symptoms, fear of falling, freezing gait, history of falls, physical activity level, gait speed, walking performance and balance, were verified. Results: The 479 individuals had an average age of 65.2 ± 11.0 years, 88% were in the HY I-III stages and 43.4% were under physiotherapy treatment. The analysis identified two determinant variables related to the use of the physiotherapy service: level of education (OR = 1.24) and walking performance (OR = 0.82). Decreased walking performance and a higher educational level increased the use of a physiotherapy service in individuals with PD living in Brazil. Conclusions: The present study shows that individuals with PD, residents from different regions of Brazil, have limited access to physiotherapy services. In addition, the Brazilian Public Health Care System, as well as local programs, need to target PD individuals with a low educational level to improve their access to physiotherapy services. Goals should aim towards the development of physical exercise programs to improve the patients’ functional performance for a longer period

    Treino em esteira com suporte parcial de peso associado à estimulação elétrica funcional melhora a marcha de hemiparéticos crônicos e efeitos da inclinação da esteira na marcha de sujeitos hemiparéticos.

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of the combined use of functional electrical stimulation (FES) and treadmill training with body weight support (BWS) in walking functions and voluntary limb control in chronic hemiparetic patients. Eight hemiparetic individuals (mean age, 56.6 ± 10.26 years) were evaluated in the present clinical trial. The stroke interval was 17.3 ± 10.9 months. The stroke etiology of the subjects was ischemia (75%) or haemorrhage (25%) in the middle cerebral artery region. An A1-B-A2 single-case study design was applied. Phases A1 and A2: three weeks of gait training on a treadmill with body weight support, and phase B: three weeks of treadmill training plus FES. FES was applied to the peroneal nerve to improve ankle dorsiflexion during the swing phase and heel strike on the initial floor contact. Stroke Rehabilitation Assessment of Movement (STREAM, 0-60) was used to assess motor recovery. Kinematical analysis was used to assess cycle length (m); cycle duration (s); gait velocity (m/s); stance duration (s); swing duration (s) and cadence (steps/min). The results showed substantial improvement in the motor functions during phase B (from 54.9% to 71.0%). The space-temporal variables of cycle duration, stance and cycle cadence as well as cycle symmetry presented improvements when compared to treadmill training with BWS but without FES (p<0.01). The combined use of FES and treadmill training with BWS promoted an improvement in the motor recovery and gait pattern of hemiparetic subjects and could be used during gait rehabilitation. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of uphill treadmill inclination in the gait of ambulatory subjects with hemiparesis. Fourteen individuals (mean age 64.3±14.56 years) were evaluated in the present trial. The stroke etiology of the subjects was supratentorial ischemia (12 cases) or haemorrhage (2 cases). Gait analysis was performed during each experimental condition (floor walking and uphill treadmill walking of 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8%). The space-temporal variables, gait line, cyclogram, force graphs and vertical ground reaction forces during initial contact, midstance and toe-off, and muscular activity were recorded by Infotronic Ultraflex System. Muscular activity recordings were obtained for the following muscles on the subjects paretic side: tibialis anterior, medial belly of gastrocnemius, biceps femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, gluteus medius and erector spinae. Heart rate was also monitored during each experimental condition. The results showed that uphill treadmill improved the heart rate from 82.6±11.0 bpm to 97.7±20.2 bpm as the treadmill inclination improved to 8%. Spacetemporal variables were not significantly affected by the uphill walking while velocity remained steady. EMG amplitude of gastrocnemius decreased while vastus lateralis and biceps femoris increased with slope. We conclude that treadmill inclination would have some beneficial effect on the subjects general fitness and could be used during stroke rehabilitation when the patient motor condition does not allow the increase of gait velocity. However, gait ability in stroke patients changes within certain limits during uphill treadmill.Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisEste estudo teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos do treino em esteira com suporte parcial de peso (SPP) associado à estimulação elétrica funcional (EEF) na marcha e controle motor de sujeitos hemiparéticos crônicos. Foram avaliados oito sujeitos hemiparéticos (média de idade de 56.6 ± 10.26 anos). O intervalo de lesão foi de 17.3 ± 10.9 meses e a etiologia da lesão foi isquemia (75%) e hemorragia (25%) na região da artéria cerebral média. Utilizou-se o modelo A1-B-A2 da seguinte forma: Fases A1 e A2: três semanas de treino de marcha em esteira com SPP e fase B: três semanas de treino de marcha em esteira com SPP combinado à EEF. A eletroestimulação funcional foi aplicada no nervo fibular para melhorar a dorsiflexão durante a fase de balanço e contato inicial do calcanhar com o solo. O protocolo de Avaliação da Reabilitação Motora após Acidente Vascular Cerebral (0-60) foi usado para avaliar a recuperação motora dos sujeitos. O comprimento do ciclo (m); duração do ciclo (s); velocidade da marcha (m/s); duração do tempo de apoio (s); duração do tempo de balanço (s) e cadência (passos/min) foram avaliados através da análise cinemática. Os resultados mostraram uma considerável melhora nas funções motoras durante a fase B (de 54.9% para 71.0%). As variáveis espaço-temporais duração do ciclo, tempo de apoio e cadência, assim como simetria do ciclo apresentaram melhora mais efetiva durante o treino em esteira com SPP associado à EEF (p<0.01). O treino em esteira com SPP combinado com EEF promoveu melhora na recuperação motora e no padrão de marcha de sujeitos hemiparéticos e pode ser usado durante a reabilitação da marcha. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos da inclinação da esteira na marcha de sujeitos hemiparéticos. Participaram do estudo 14 sujeitos hemiparéticos (média de idade 64.3±14.56 anos). Seis indivíduos eram portadores de hemiparesia direita e oito de hemiparesia esquerda e a média do intervalo compreendido entre a lesão a avaliação foi de 7.1±1.7 semanas. A etiologia da lesão foi isquemia (12 casos) ou hemorragia (2 casos) na região supratentorial. A análise da marcha foi realizada em cada condição experimental, ou seja, durante a marcha sobre o solo, e sobre a esteira com inclinação de 0, 2, 4, 6 e 8%. As variáveis espaço-temporais da marcha, linha da marcha, ciclograma, gráficos de força, assim como a força de reação vertical ao solo, durante o contato inicial, apoio médio e contato final, e eletromiografia foram coletados com a ajuda do sistema Infotronic Ultraflex. A eletromiografia foi realizada nos seguintes músculos do lado hemiparético: tibial anterior, gastrocnêmio (porção medial), bíceps femoral, vasto lateral, vasto medial, glúteo médio e eretor espinhal. A freqüência cardíaca dos sujeitos foi monitorada em cada condição experimental. Os resultados deste estudo mostraram que o uso da esteira inclinada provocou o aumento da média da freqüência cardíaca dos sujeitos de 82.6±11.0 bpm para 97.7±20.2 bpm, após caminharem em esteira com inclinação de 8%. Não houve melhora importante nas variáveis espaço-temporais da marcha, uma vez mantida a velocidade e utilizado um percentual mínimo de suporte parcial de peso. A inclinação da esteira causou redução na intensidade da contração do músculo gastrocnêmio e aumento na intensidade de contração dos músculos vasto lateral e bíceps femoral. Conclui-se que a marcha sobre esteira com inclinação favorece a condição cardiovascular de sujeitos hemiparéticos e pode ser utilizada por indivíduos que não possuem condições motoras que permitam o aumento da velocidade da marcha. Entretanto a habilidade da marcha em sujeitos hemiplégicos se altera dentro de certas limitações durante marcha sobre superfícies inclinadas

    Effects of motor imagery training of Parkinson's disease: a protocol for a randomized clinical trial

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    Background Gait disorders in individuals with Parkinson’s disease (PD) may be associated with alterations in the motor control system and aggravated by psychoemotional and cognitive issues. Therapeutic strategies aimed at self-perception and motor regulation seem to be promising. Motor imagery (MI) has been shown to be one of these strategies, but there is still no clear evidence of its applicability in this population. The aim of this trial is to determine the effects of motor-imagery training on the gait and electroencephalographic activity of individuals with PD. Methods/design The sample will consist of 40 individuals, aged between 45 and 75 years, in the mild and moderate phase of the disease, with the ability to generate voluntary mental images. They will be assessed for cognitive level, degree of physical disability, mental-image clarity, kinematic gait variables, electroencephalographic activity and mobility. Next, subjects will be randomly assigned to an experimental group (EG) and a control group (CG). The EG will perform motor imagery and gait, while the CG will only engage in gait exercises. Twelve training sessions will be conducted lasting up to 90 min each, three times a week, for 4 weeks. The subjects will be reassessed on the kinematic variables of gait, electroencephalographic activity and mobility at 1, 7 and 30 days after the final training session. Discussion The results may provide an important advance in neurological rehabilitation where an easy-access and low-cost intervention may help to improve gait, electroencephalographic activity and mobility in individuals with PD

    Determinants of the use of physiotherapy services among individuals with Parkinson's disease living in Brazil

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    ABSTRACT To identify the factors affecting the use of physiotherapy services among individuals with Parkinson's disease (PD) living in Brazil. Methods: Overall, 479 individuals with idiopathic PD, of both sexes, at any stage of the Hoehn & Yahr (HY) scale, and from seven capital cities in Brazil were recruited from 2014 to 2016. Multivariate logistic regression was the main statistical tool. For the construction of the logistic model, the association of the dependent variable “physiotherapy” with the independent sociodemographic/economic and clinical variables: age, education, family income, time of PD since onset, HY, the activities of daily living and motor subscales of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale, cognitive aspects, depressive symptoms, fear of falling, freezing gait, history of falls, physical activity level, gait speed, walking performance and balance, were verified. Results: The 479 individuals had an average age of 65.2 ± 11.0 years, 88% were in the HY I-III stages and 43.4% were under physiotherapy treatment. The analysis identified two determinant variables related to the use of the physiotherapy service: level of education (OR = 1.24) and walking performance (OR = 0.82). Decreased walking performance and a higher educational level increased the use of a physiotherapy service in individuals with PD living in Brazil. Conclusions: The present study shows that individuals with PD, residents from different regions of Brazil, have limited access to physiotherapy services. In addition, the Brazilian Public Health Care System, as well as local programs, need to target PD individuals with a low educational level to improve their access to physiotherapy services. Goals should aim towards the development of physical exercise programs to improve the patients’ functional performance for a longer period

    Correlation between balance, speed, and walking ability in individuals with chronic hemiparesis

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    Abstract Alterations in balance and gait are frequently present in patients with hemiparesis. This study aimed at determining whether there is a correlation between static and functional balance, gait speed and walking capacity. To that end, 17 individuals with chronic hemiparesis of both sexes (58.8% men and 42.25 women), mean age of 56.3 ± 9.73 years, took part in the study. Static balance was assessed by computerized baropodometry, under two different sensory conditions: eyes open (EO) and eyes closed (EC). Functional balance was evaluated by Berg Balance Scale and walking ability by the Functional Ambulation Classification. Gait speed was assessed by kinemetry. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to verify data distribution normality. Parametric variables were correlated by Pearson's test and their non-parametric parameters by Spearman's test. Functional balance showed a positive correlation with gait speed (p=0.005; r=0.64) and walking ability (p = 0.019; r = 0.56). Anteroposterior (AP) and mediolateral (ML) alterations with EO and EC exhibited negative correlations with gait speed (EO: AP amplitude (p = 0.0049 and r = -0.48); mean ML deviation (p = 0.019 and r =-0.56)/ EC: mean AP deviation (p = 0.018 and r = -0.56) and mean ML deviation (p = 0.032 and r = -0.52); AP amplitude (p = 0.014 and r = -0.57) and ML amplitude (p = 0.032 and r = -0.52); postural instability (p = 0.019 and r = -0.55)) and walking ability (EO: mean AP deviation (p = 0.05 and r = -0.47) and AP amplitude (p = 0.024 and r = -0.54)). The results suggest correlations between static and functional balance and gait speed and walking ability, and that balance training can be an important component of gait recovery protocols

    Effects of a self-care educational program via telerehabilitation on quality of life and caregiver burden in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a single-blinded randomized clinical trial protocol

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    IntroductionThe implementation of a telerehabilitation protocol for self-care in the routine of caregivers of individuals with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) has been associated with reduced levels of stress and improved quality of life. Moreover, it may reduce the difficulty of traveling to perform physical or other self-care activities. Thus, this study designed a clinical trial protocol to investigate the effects of a self-care education program via telerehabilitation on the burden and quality of life of caregivers of individuals with ALS.MethodsThis single-blinded randomized clinical trial will recruit 26 caregivers and randomly allocate them to the experimental (EG = 13) or control group (CG = 13). The EG will receive an informative booklet and participate in a 6-week synchronous telerehabilitation program with a neuropsychologist, nutritionist, and physiotherapist to discuss physical and mental health. The CG will receive an informative booklet on self-care and physical activity and weekly phone calls for 6 weeks to solve questions about the booklet. Outcomes will include the caregiver burden (Zarit scale), quality of life (World Health Organization Quality of Life BREF), pain (McGill Pain Questionnaire), stress (Perceived Stress Scale), and depression (Beck Depression Inventory), which will be evaluated at the baseline after the six-week program and 30 days after the program. Additionally, we will assess daily the nocturnal awakenings, sleep patterns, level of physical activity, and heart rate variability.DiscussionThis study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of telerehabilitation for caregivers of individuals with ALS. If effective, this program could be disseminated among health professionals, increasing the possibility of remotely monitoring individuals with difficulty performing physical activities.Trial registration numberNCT05884034 (clinicaltrials.gov)