305 research outputs found

    Institutional Cooperation in the Brownfield Regeneration Process: Experiences from Central and Eastern European Countries

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    The topic of brownfield regeneration has been the focus of planning debate for years. However, the aspect of institutional cooperation and strengthening the institutional capacity in order to cope with a complex task of brownfield regeneration is considered a challenge. This is particularly true for the post-socialist countries and, hence, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Serbia are chosen as the case studies of this research. By implementing a concise survey of both the institutions and policies related to the topic of brownfield regeneration in the selected countries, the research aims at determining the form, extent and nature of collaboration between different sectors, disciplines, and institutions. Based on such insights, it is finally possible to provide the recommendations for more effective institutional design within specific political and socio-economic context

    Zelena infrastruktura u Srbiji: pregled politika u domenu životne sredine i prostornog planiranja

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    Since one of the most effective ways of strengthening the implementation the green infrastructure principle is through spatial planning, the paper aims at presenting the overview of the contemporary policies in the domain of environment and planning. After a brief overview of European and regional (i.e. Western Balkan) documents in the field, the central part of the paper elucidates the extent to which the concept of green infrastructure is elaborated in Serbian legislative framework

    Gender-neutral forms and their translation equivalents

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    This thesis consists of five annotated translations, accompanied by a discussion. Excerpts translated from English into Croatian were taken from Avrum Stroll’s work Did My Genes Make Me Do It: And Other Philosophical Dilemmas, Rick Hanson’s book Hardwiring Happiness and Mass Casualties Incidents – A Framework for Planning NHS Scotland, Strategic Guidance for NHS Boards in Scotland issued by NHS Scotland. Excerpts translated from Croatian into English were taken from Tanja Radović’s novel Pitanje Nade and various articles from the Croatian web portal kulturpunkt.hr. The discussion focused on the translation of gender, more specifically of gender-neutral forms and their translation equivalents. The relationship between language and gender was examined since the difficulties related to gender and translation are various, especially taking into account the fact that the gender systems of Croatian and English differ. This paper indicates the problems related to the translation of gender that arise because of this asymmetrical position. Therefore, translators have to deal with linguistic as well as ideological issues in this case.Diplomski rad sastoji se od pet prijevoda popraćenih bilješkama i raspravom. Ulomci prevedeni s engleskog na hrvatski preuzeti su iz filozofskog djela Did My Genes Make Me Do It: And Other Philosophical Dilemmas Avruma Strolla, knjige za samopomoć Hardwiring Happiness Ricka Hansona i vodiča za postupanje u izvanrednim situacijama Mass Casualties Incidents – A Framework for Planning NHS Scotland, Strategic Guidance for NHS Boards in Scotland koji je izdala Nacionalna zdravstvena služba u Škotskoj (NHS Scotland). Ulomci prevedeni s hrvatskog na engleski preuzeti su iz romana Tanje Radović Pitanje Nade i različitih članaka s hrvatskog internetskog portala kulturpunkt.hr. U raspravi se bavilo pitanjem prevođenja roda, točnije rodno neutralnim oblicima i njihovim prijevodnim ekvivalentima. Ispitivao se odnos između jezika i roda budući da su poteškoće koje proizlaze iz tog odnosa brojne, pogotovo ako se uzme u obzir činjenica da se rodni sustavi hrvatskoga i engleskoga jezika razlikuju. Ovaj rad ukazuje na probleme vezane uz prevođenje roda koji nastaju zbog nejednakih rodnih sustava dvaju jezika. Stoga se prevoditelji u tom slučaju moraju suočiti s lingvističkim, ali i ideološkim problemima


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    The great recession of 2008 hit the entrepreneurial sector all over the world. Understanding the pattern of firms’ reactions in a time of global crisis is essential for developing an adequate crisis and post-crisis policy. Using a sample of 7,563 surviving Croatian firms in the manufacturing and hospitality industries over the six-year period of economic recession (2008-2013) and total assets as a measurement of firm size and growth, this study seeks to examine whether the law of proportionate effect can be confirmed in times of economic recession. The results of a two-step dynamic panel indicate the rejection of the law in both industries since asset growth is positively associated with the size of the firms. However, firms’ total assets dynamics differ across size classes and industries suggesting potentially different strategic decisions on asset utilization and/or investments


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    The great recession of 2008 hit the entrepreneurial sector all over the world. Understanding the pattern of firms’ reactions in a time of global crisis is essential for developing an adequate crisis and post-crisis policy. Using a sample of 7,563 surviving Croatian firms in the manufacturing and hospitality industries over the six-year period of economic recession (2008-2013) and total assets as a measurement of firm size and growth, this study seeks to examine whether the law of proportionate effect can be confirmed in times of economic recession. The results of a two-step dynamic panel indicate the rejection of the law in both industries since asset growth is positively associated with the size of the firms. However, firms’ total assets dynamics differ across size classes and industries suggesting potentially different strategic decisions on asset utilization and/or investments

    Institutional Framework of Brownfield Regeneration in Serbia

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    The general objective of this study is to present the existing institutional framework of brownfield regeneration in Serbia. However, as the research proceeds on the assumption that successful brownfield regeneration requires the active cooperation of different sectors and disciplines, there are several specific research objectives. Firstly, it is important to elucidate the nature of cooperation between the sectors at the same level, but also between different levels of spatial development. Furthermore, it is interesting to examine if there are specific institutions solely responsible for brownfield regeneration. Thus, the focus of the analysis will be directed to the institutional representatives (at different levels of spatial development) − their roles, responsibilities and limitations regarding the problem of brownfield regeneration. Also, documents relating to brownfield regeneration − laws, strategies, plans, concepts and spatial development programmes will be clarified. Proposed analytical strategy will shed light on the degree of integration between different sectors, disciplines and institutions within the same organisational level, tending to determine the extent of the socalled horizontal collaboration. In addition, the analysis elucidates the vertical collaboration between relevant institutions at national, regional and local level. Furthermore, it provides insight into the position of expert agencies within a certain institutional context. Finally, the analysis clarifies the character (formal or informal) of institutional collaboration. Such an extensive analysis of existing institutional framework of brownfield regeneration in Serbia provides guidelines for its improvement in the context of smarth urban growth

    Bioetika u budućnosti: ekološki odgoj od predškolske dobi. Dramsko glazbena radionica kao primjer

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    In today’s society, public opinion plays a large role in the adoption of various legal measures and regulations, including those related to the field of bioethics. This is why experts have a duty to inform the public in a timely and accurate manner, and it is up to educators to educate new generations to become responsible citizens who can make informed decisions. A few years ago, attempts were made to implement a project of health education and then one of civic education in schools. Those curricula predict the student will develop human, political, social, cultural, economic and environmental competences as a citizen of the class, school and local community. A spiral development model of introduction by educational cycles is envisaged, starting from the 1st grade of primary school. However, civic education is also addressed by the national curriculum for early and preschool education, which anticipates development of social and civic competences in children of this age. Bioethics and environmental issues are still not sufficiently transparent to the public. This is why proper environmental education from preschool age is very important. In preschool education, the proper approach is essential, and contemporary pedagogy emphasizes the importance of learning through play. The artistic fields are imposed as an ideal framework in which various contents can be accommodated. A drama music workshop that will help children develop awareness of various issues through play is, therefore, an ideal training ground for educating a responsible and informed citizen. One such drama music workshop was organized for the purpose of demonstration on the occasion of the First Osijek Days of Bioethics. The story used in the workshop is from a picture book by Aleix Cabrera and Rosa M. Curto: Niko and nutrition. Through the play and the story, the importance of proper nutrition was emphasized to children and made them aware that it is necessary to know what they actually eat and where and how food comes from. This paper uses the workshop as a starting point when discussing the role of artistic fields and educators in creating a responsible and informed citizen in fields of bioethics and environmental issues and the importance of early and preschool education in the process.U današnjem društvu javno mnijenje igra veliku ulogu u donošenju različitih zakonskih mjera i regulativa, pa tako i onih vezanih za područje bioetike. Zbog toga stručnjaci imaju obavezu pravovremenog i točnog informiranja javnosti, a na pedagozima je da odgoje nove generacije kako bi postali odgovorni građani koji mogu donositi informirane odluke. U školstvu se prije par godina pokušao provesti projekt zdravstvenog odgoja, a zatim i građanskog odgoja i obrazovanja. Tim kurikulumom predviđeno je da učenik kao građanin razredne, školske i lokalne zajednice razvije ljudskopravne, političke, društvene, kulturne, gospodarske i ekološke kompetencije. Predviđen je spiralno-razvojni model uvođenja po obrazovnim ciklusima, počevši od 1. razreda osnovne škole. No, građanskim odgojem ipak se bavi i nacionalni kurikulum za rani i predškolski odgoj koji predviđa razvoj socijalnih i građanskih kompetencija u djece rane i predškolske dobi. Problematika bioetike i okoliša još je uvijek nedovoljno transparentna u javnosti. Zbog toga je pravilan ekološki odgoj od predškolske dobi vrlo važan. Pri odgoju i obrazovanju u predškolskoj dobi bitan je pravilan pristup, a suvremena pedagogija naglašava važnost učenja kroz igru. Umjetnička područja nameću se kao idealan okvir u koji možemo smjestiti različite sadržaje. Dramsko glazbena radionica kojom će se djeci kroz igru razviti svijest o različitim problematikama predstavlja stoga idealan poligon za odgoj i obrazovanje odgovornog i informiranog građanina. Za potrebe demonstracije povodom Prvih osječkih dana bioetike organizirana je jedna takva dramsko glazbena radionica. Priča koja se koristila u radionici je iz slikovnice Aleix Cabrere i Rose M. Curto: Niko i prehrana. Njome se kroz igru i priču djeci naglasilo važnost pravilne prehrane i osvijestilo potrebu za time da znaju što zapravo jedu te odakle i na koji način dolazi hrana. Ovaj rad koristi održanu radionicu kao polaznu točku pri diskusiji o ulozi umjetničkih područja i pedagoga u stvaranju odgovornog i informiranog građanina u temama bioetike i zaštite okoliša te važnosti ranog i predškolskog odgoja u tom procesu

    L'influence de l'apprentissage du FLE sur les préjugés et les stéréotypes

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    Ce travail se concentre sur l’importance et le rôle de la compétence culturelle dans l’apprentissage des langues étrangères. Les nouvelles connaissances ont mené aux changements dans l’enseignement des langues promouvant l’acquisition de la compétence culturelle pour respecter les valeurs européennes et pour stimuler les échanges interculturels, la tolérance, et l’ouverture vers l’autre. Au premier lieu, on a essayé de trouver ce que les élèves ont appris au début et à la fin de leur formation lycéenne, on a recueilli leurs opinions et leurs avis et essayé de les interpréter en prenant en considération des facteurs différents tels que l’apprentissage du FLE, leur âge, l’expérience formative et les connaissances acquises grâce aux divers sources (les autres cours qui incluent la compétence culturelle, la culture populaire, la culture générale). Notamment, il est évident que l’on ne peut (et ne doit) pas enseigner la langue étrangère sans introduire les éléments culturels. En outre, l’objectif était de montrer que, seulement avec un plus haut degré de l’acquisition de la compétence culturelle, on peut combattre les stéréotypes et les préjugés soit vers l’autre, soit vers sa propre culture. Pour cette recherche, on a demandé aux lycéens croates de la première et de la quatrième classe de répondre au questionnaire. Cela a permis de faire la lumière sur leur perception de la culture française et de leur propre culture croate. On a vu qu’ils sont conscients des contenus culturels, mais leurs connaissances, particulièrement concernant certains domaines, peuvent encore être approfondies. Pour cette raison, on doit continuer à insister sur le contenu culturellement riche et faire développer la compétence culturelle chez les apprenants pour essayer d’atteindre l’objectif commun – la déconstruction des stéréotypes et la promotion des valeurs démocratiques européennes.Ovaj rad bavi se važnosti i ulogom kulturne kompetencije u učenju stranih jezika. Nova saznanja dovela su do promjena u nastavi stranih jezika promičući usvajanje kulturne kompetencije kako bi se poštovale europske vrijednosti i kako bi se poticale kulturne razmjene, tolerancija, otvorenost i znatiželja prema drugome. Ponajprije, pokušali smo otkriti što su učenici naučili na početku i na kraju svojeg srednjoškolskog obrazovanja, prikupili smo njihova mišljenja i stajališta i pokušali ih protumačiti uzimajući u obzir različite čimbenike kao što su učenje francuskog kao stranog jezika, njihova dob, iskustvo i znanja koja su stekli zahvaljujući različitim izvorima (drugim predmetima koji uključuju kulturnu kompetenciju, popularnoj kulturi, općoj kulturi). Cilj je rada bio pokazati da se jedino s višim stupnjem usvojenosti kulturne kompetencije možemo boriti protiv stereotipa i predrasuda bilo prema drugome, bilo prema vlastitoj kulturi. Za ovo istraživanje ispitali smo hrvatske gimnazijalce prvog i četvrtog razreda. To nam je omogućilo da dobijemo uvid u njihovo poimanje francuske, ali i vlastite, hrvatske kulture. Vidjeli smo da su svjesni kulturnih sadržaja, ali i da u nekim područjima još ima mjesta za napredak. Zbog toga je i dalje potrebno inzistirati na kulturno bogatom sadržaju i razvijati kulturnu kompetenciju kod učenika kako bi se pokušao postići zajednički cilj – dekonstrukcija stereotipa i poticanje demokratskih europskih vrijednosti