231 research outputs found

    Filosofar com projeto de vida: por uma vida estudantil autêntica

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    In this article we intend to investigate about the implementation and pedagogical place of the Life Project component in the curriculum of regular schools in Paraíba from the academic year of 2022, and especially the philosophical ingredients which carry this component. We will make close correlations between the Life Project and the philosophy of vital reason proposed by the Spanish philosopher Ortega y Gasset. Initially, we go back to the general aspects of the aforementioned component, its legal frameworks and perspectives. In the second part, we will deal with the pedagogical aspects and, finally, think of a proposal for the realization of this Teaching. For this, we rely primarily on the reading of Walk and Build (2020), by the authors Meller and Campos, and also on the reading of What is philosophy? (2016b), by the Spanish philosopher. Finally, the primary role of the student is indicated when the subject is their own formation. For our analyses, we carried out analytical readings and a bibliographic review of Ortega y Gasset works directly related to Education in parallel with the authors Meller and Campos and their textbook Life Project: Walking and Building (2022), in addition to empirical observations in classrooms classes in the city of Patos-PB. This experience lived here demands the first impressions of the Life Project component in the curriculum of regular schools in Paraíba from 2022. We believe that, safeguarding the fundamental aspects of the component, allied to the principles of the philosophy of Vital Reason, this component has something to contribute in the authentic formation of young people and adolescents who attend our schools. However, if we do not pay attention to these vital aspects, we will run the risk of adding another trinket to our already compromised teaching model.  Neste artigo pretendemos investigar acerca da implementação e do lugar pedagógico do componente Projeto de Vida na grade curricular das escolas regulares paraibanas a partir do ano letivo de 2022, e principalmente, os ingredientes filosóficos os quais carregam esse componente. Faremos estreitas correlações entre o Projeto de Vida e a filosofia da Razão vital proposta pelo filósofo espanhol Ortega y Gasset. Inicialmente, nos remontamos aos aspectos gerais do componente supracitado, seus marcos legais e perspectivas. Na segunda parte, trataremos dos aspectos pedagógicos e, finalmente, pensar uma proposta para a realização deste Ensino. Para isso, contamos primariamente com a leitura de Caminhar e Construir (2020), dos autores MELLER e CAMPOS, e também da leitura de O que é filosofia? (2016b), do filósofo espanhol. Por fim, indica-se o papel fundamental do estudante quando o tema é sua própria formação. Para nossas análises, fizemos leituras analíticas e revisão bibliográfica das obras de Ortega y Gasset diretamente relacionadas à Educação em paralelo com os autores Meller e Campos e seu livro didático de Projeto de Vida: Caminhar e construir (2022), além de observações empíricas em salas de aulas na cidade de Patos-PB. Esta experiência aqui vivenciada demanda das primeiras impressões do componente Projeto de vida na grade curricular das escolas regulares paraibanas a partir de 2022. Consideramos que, resguardados os aspectos fundantes do componente, aliados aos princípios da filosofia da Razão vital, tal componente tem algo a contribuir na formação autêntica de jovens e adolescentes que frequentam nossas escolas. Contudo, se não atentarmos para esses aspectos vitais, correremos o risco de levarmos mais um penduricalho para o nosso já comprometido modelo de Ensino.

    Processo de enfermagem aplicado ao paciente com tetralogia de Fallot

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    Objetivo: Descrever os passos do processo de enfermagem aplicado ao paciente portador de tetralogia de Fallot, fundamentado na NANDA-I, Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) e Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC). Método: Trata-se de um caso clínico desenvolvido em um hospital universitário localizado no nordeste brasileiro. Ressalta-se que este estudo foi apreciado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, que o aprovou com número de Certificado de Apresentação para Apreciação Ética: 07614812.6.0000.5537. Resultados: Entre os quatro diagnósticos de enfermagem identificados, elencou-se um prioritário, o qual foi intolerância a atividade. O resultado, nível de atividade e de fadiga moderadamente comprometido, e as intervenções correspondiam a cuidados cardíacos: fase aguda. Conclusão: Após a execução do plano de cuidados, observou-se que as ações implementadas contribuíram consideravelmente para a melhora do estado de saúde da paciente, de forma a colaborar para o aumento da autoconfiança e independência da mesma, apesar das limitações inerentes à própria doença.Objetivo: Describir los pasos del proceso de enfermería aplicado al paciente portador de tetralogía de Fallot, fundamentado en la NANDA-I, Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) y Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC). Método: Se trata de un caso clínico desarrollado en un hospital universitario localizado en el nordeste brasileño. Se resalta que este estudio fue apreciado por el Comité de Ética en Investigación de la Universidad Federal del Río Grande del Norte, que lo aprobó con número de Certificado de Presentación para Apreciación Ética: 07614812.6.0000.5537. Resultados: Entre los cuatro diagnósticos de enfermería identificados, ha enumerado es una prioridad, el cual fue intolerancia la actividad. El resultado, nivel de actividad y de fatiga moderadamente comprometido, y las intervenciones correspondían a cuidados cardíacos: fase aguda. Conclusiones: Después de la ejecución del plan de cuidados, se observó que las acciones implementadas contribuyeron considerablemente para la mejora del estado de salud de la paciente, e forma a colaborar para el aumento de la autoconfianza e independencia de la misma, a pesar de las limitaciones inherentes a la propia enfermedad.Objective: To describe the steps of the nursing process applied to patients with tetralogy of Fallot, based on NANDA-I, Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) and Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC). Method: This is a clinical case developed in a university hospital located in Northeast Brazil. It should be noted that this study was appreciated by the Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, which it approved it with number of Certificate of Presentation for Ethical Assessment: 07614812.6.0000.5537. Results: Among the four identified nursing diagnoses, has listed is a priority, which was intolerant of activity. The result, compromised moderately fatigue and activity of level, and interventions accounted for cardiac care: acute phase. Conclusions: After the execution of the care plan, it was observed that the actions taken have contributed significantly to the improvement of the health status of the patient, in order to contribute to increasing confidence and independence of it, despite the limitations inherent to the disease

    Drosophila melanogaster - an embryonic model for studying behavioral and biochemical effects of manganese exposure

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    Embryonic animals are especially susceptible to metal exposure. Manganese (Mn) is an es-sential element, but in excess it can induce toxicity. In this study we used Drosophila mela-nogaster as an embryonic model to investigate biochemical and behavioral alterations due to Mn exposure. Flies were treated with standard medium supplemented with MnCl2 at 0.1 mM, 0.5 mM or 1 mM from the egg to the adult stage. At 0.5 mM and 1 mM Mn, newly ecloded flies showed significantly enhanced locomotor activity when assessed by negative geotaxis behavior. In addition, a significant increase in Mn levels (p < 0.0001) was observed, while Ca, Fe, Cu, Zn and S levels were significantly decreased. A significant drop in cell viability occurred in flies exposed to 1 mM Mn. There was also an induction of reactive oxygen species at 0.5 mM and 1 mM Mn (p < 0.05). At 1 mM, Mn increased Catalase (p < 0.005), Superoxide Dismutase (p < 0.005) and Hsp83 (p < 0.0001) mRNA expression, without altering Catalase or Superoxide Dismutase activity; the activity of Thioredoxin reductase and Glutatione-S-transferase enzymes was increased. Mn treatment did not alter ERK or JNK1/2 phosphorylation, but at 1 mM caused an inhibition of p38MAPK phosphorylation. Together these data suggest mechanisms of adaptation in the fly response to Mn exposure in embryonic life

    Detecção molecular de ovinos carreadores de Leptospira em ambiente tropical

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the usefulness of PCR for the detection of leptospiral carriers in sheep under tropical field conditions. Two flocks, previously reported as seroreactive (A) and seronegative (B), were selected for this study. From those, the totality of animals of each flock, urine and vaginal fluid (VF)/semen were collected for bacteriological culture and PCR, as well as serum samples for serology. Serology confirmed the previous status of the two flocks. Culture was negative for all the samples. In PCR, animals of Flock A presented 26.7% (VF), 33.3% (semen) and 38.9% (urine) of positivity. Flock B presented 40.0% (VF), 33.3% (semen) and 5.6% (urine) of positivity by PCR. In conclusion, PCR was important to identify carriers of leptospires, including animals from a seronegative flock, what reinforces the advantages of the usage of this tool for the detection of carriers in sheep as part of control programs of leptospirosis under tropical field conditions.O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar a aplicabilidade da PCR na detecção de ovinos carreadores de Leptospira em ambiente tropical. Brevemente, dois rebanhos ovinos, previamente reportados como sororeativo (A) e soronegativo (B) foram selecionados para este estudo. Da totalidade de animais de cada rebanho, amostras de urina e fluido vaginal (FV)/sêmen foram colhidas para cultura bacteriológica e PCR. Além disso, amostras de soro foram colhidas e utilizadas na sorologia (teste da soroaglutinação microscópica). Esta técnica confirmou o estado prévio dos dois rebanhos. Nenhuma amostra pura de leptospiras foi obtida no cultivo. Já na PCR, animais do Rebanho A apresentaram 26,7% (FV), 33,3% (sêmen) e 38,9% (urina) de amostras positivas. O Rebanho B apresentou 40,0% (FV), 33,3% (sêmen) e 5,6% (urina) de positividade pela PCR. Em conclusão, a PCR foi uma importante ferramenta na identificação de carreadores de leptospiras, incluindo animais do rebanho soronegativo, o que reforça as vantagens do uso desta técnica para a detecção de ovinos portadores como parte dos programas de controle da leptospirose em ambiente tropical.

    Nursing team’s performance in meeting the cerebral cardiopulmonary arrest

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    O estudo tem como objetivo analisar o conhecimento da equipe de enfermagem diante do reconhecimento de uma PCRC e sobre a reanimação cardiopulmonar cerebral (RCPC). Trata-se de um estudo transversal com abordagem quantitativa desenvolvido em um Hospital da rede pública localizado no nordeste brasileiro. A coleta de dados ocorreu mediante um questionário semi-estruturado com 110 profissionais de nível médio e superior da enfermagem. Aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa CAAE: 15504613.2.0000.5537. Em relação ao reconhecimento da PCRC, (81,8%) dos profissionais identificaram de forma apropiada; (80%) responderam de forma correta acerca da sequência do SBV; (77,2%) acertaram a relação compressão/ventilação; (61,8%) sabem da necessidade de priorizar compressões torácicas; (51,8%) responderam de forma adequada sobre a postura corporal para realização das compressões; somente (40%) teve êxito nas respostas quando questionado sobre a profundidade e frequência das compressões; (60%) mostraram conhecer os principais ritmos cardíacos presentes numa PCRC. A equipe de enfermagem analisada apresentou conhecimentos ainda deficientes acerca das mudanças das Diretrizes da American Heart Association de 2010, dessa forma, existe a necessidade urgente de capacitação para que reduzam as falhas e atraso que comprometem um atendimento de qualidade.Este estudio tiene como objetivo analizar el conocimiento del personal sobre el reconocimiento de un paro cardiopulmonar cerebral (PCRC) y reanimación cardiopulmonar cerebral (RCPC) de enfermería. Se trata de un estudio transversal con enfoque cuantitativo que se realizó en un Hospital público situado en el noreste de Brasil. La recolección de datos se produjo a través de un cuestionario semiestructurado con 110 profesionales de nivel medio alto de enfermería. Aprobado por el Comité de ética en investigación CAAE: 15504613.2.0000.5537. En relación con el reconocimiento de PCRC, (81.8%) de los profesionales han identificado de forma apropiada; (80%) respondieron correctamente sobre la secuencia del SBV; (77,2%) tiene la relación de compresión y ventilación; (61,8%) sabe acerca de la necesidad de priorizar las compresiones de pecho; (51.8 %) respondido adecuadamente en la postura del cuerpo para la realización de las compresiones; sólo (40%) tuvo éxito en sus respuestas cuando se le preguntó acerca de la profundidad y la frecuencia de las compresiones. El personal de enfermería analizados tenía conocimiento aún deficiente sobre los cambios de las pautas de la American Heart Association de 2010 por lo tanto existe la necesidad de formación urgente que reducen las fallas y retrasos que comprometen una atención de calidad.The study aims to analyze the knowledge of nursing staff on the recognition of a cerebral cardiopulmonary arrest (CCPA) and about the cerebral cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CCPR). This is a cross-sectional study with quantitative approach developed in a public Hospital located in northeastern Brazil. Data collection occurred through a semi-structured questionnaire with 110 professionals of medium-high level of nursing. Approved by the Research Ethics Committee CAAE: 15504613.2.0000.5537. In relation to the recognition of PCRC, (81.8%) of professionals have identified appropriate form; (80%) answered correctly about the sequence of the CPR; (77.2%)got the compression/ventilation ratio; (61.8%) know about the need prioritizing chest compressions;(51.8%) responded adequately on body posture for realization of the compressions; only (40%) succeeded in their responses when asked about the depth and frequency of compressions. The nursing staff analyzed presented knowledge still disabled on the changes of the guidelines of the American Heart Association of 2010 thus exists the need urgent training that reduce the failures and delays that compromise a quality care

    Presence of virulence genes and pathogenicity islands in extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli isolates from Brazil.

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    International audienceExtraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli (ExPEC) is associated with various diseases such as urinary tract infections, neonatal meningitis and septicemia. There are many virulence factors (VF) encoded by genes in ExPEC, including papC, papG, ecpA, iroN, fyuA, iutA, ompTp, tsh, hlyF, hlyA and iss. These virulence genes may be present in pathogenicity islands (PAI) or plasmids. In this study, we analyzed the presence of VF encoding genes, PAI sequences and phylogenetic groups of 96 ExPEC strains isolated from the urine and blood of patients at the University Hospital of Londrina, and we compared them with 50 faecal commensal strains from healthy individuals. The VF fyuA (65.60%) was detected in pathogenic strains and commensal strains (46%). A comparison of the distribution of ExPEC and commensal strains in the phylogenetic groups showed that more ExPEC strains belonged to group B2 whereas more of the commensal isolates belonged to group A. The distribution of the seven PAI sequences between commensal strains and ExPEC strains showed that PAI IV536 was common in both ExPEC and commensal isolates. These results showed that the ExPEC strains that belonged to group B2 had more PAI sequences compared to those of the other groups, especially group B1, which had virulence genes but the lowest percentage of PAI sequences, which leads us to conclude that the virulence of ExPEC strains characterized as B2 is likely attributed to PAI encoded genes, whereas the virulence of ExPEC strains belonging to phylogenetic group B1 is likely due to plasmid encoded virulence genes

    Genome-wide analysis of expansin superfamily in wild Arachis discloses a stress-responsive expansin-like B gene

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    Expansins are plant cell wall-loosening proteins involved in adaptive responses to environmental stimuli and various developmental processes. The first genome-wide analysis of the expansin superfamily in the Arachis genus identified 40 members in A. duranensis and 44 in A. ipaënsis, the wild progenitors of cultivated peanut (A. hypogaea). These expansins were further characterized regarding their subfamily classification, distribution along the genomes, duplication events, molecular structure, and phylogeny. A RNA-seq expression analysis in different Arachis species showed that the majority of these expansins are modulated in response to diverse stresses such as water deficit, rootknot nematode (RKN) infection, and UV exposure, with an expansin-like B gene (AraEXLB8) displaying a highly distinct stress-responsive expression profile. Further analysis of the AraEXLB8 coding sequences showed high conservation across the Arachis genotypes, with eight haplotypes identified. The modulation of AraEXLB8 expression in response to the aforementioned stresses was confirmed by qRT-PCR analysis in distinct Arachis genotypes, whilst in situ hybridization revealed transcripts in different root tissues according to the stress imposed. The overexpression of AraEXLB8 in soybean (Glycine max) composite plants remarkably decreased the number of galls in transformed hairy roots inoculated with RKN. This study improves the current understanding of the molecular evolution, divergence, and gene expression of expansins in Arachis, and provides molecular and functional insights into the role of expansin-like B, the less-studied plant expansin subfamily

    An approach to uncover the relationship between 17b-estradiol and ESR1/ESR2 ratio in the regulation of canine corpus luteum

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    The canine corpus luteum (CL) is able to synthetise, activate and deactivate 17b-estradiol (E2) and also expresses nuclear estrogen receptors in a time-dependent manner during diestrus. Nevertheless, we are still missing a better comprehension of E2 functions in the canine CL, especially regarding the specific roles of estrogen receptor alpha (ERa) and ERb, encoded by ESR1 and 2, respectively. For that purpose, we analyzed transcriptomic data of canine non-pregnant CL collected on days 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 of diestrus and searched for differentially expressed genes (DEG) containing predicted transcription factor binding sites (TFBS) for ESR1 or ESR2. Based on biological functions of DEG presenting TFBS, expression of select transcripts and corresponding proteins was assessed. Additionally, luteal cells were collected across specific time points during diestrus and specificity of E2 responses was tested using ERa and/or ERb inhibitors. Bioinformatic analyses revealed 517 DEGs containing TFBS, from which 67 for both receptors. In general, abundance of predicted ESR1 targets was greater in the beginning, while abundance of ESR2 targets was greater in the end of diestrus. ESR1/ESR2 ratio shifted from an increasing to a decreasing pattern from day 30 to 40 post ovulation. Specific receptor inhibition suggested an ERa-mediated positive regulation of CL function at the beginning of diestrus and an ERb-mediated effect contributing to luteal regression. In conclusion, our data points toward a broad spectrum of action of E2 and its nuclear receptors, which can also act as transcription factors for other genes regulating canine CL function

    Gastos de energia na vocalização de suínos sob estresse

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    Modern swine production faces many challenges nowadays, among which are productivity growth, meat quality improvement, decrease of environmental damage and reduction of cost production. Pigs spend energy to vocalizing, especially when they undergo stress. The waste of energy can increase the cost of production and lead to greater environmental damage. The goal of this study was to estimate the energy spent by pigs under the stress of castration and its effect on the animals' weight gain. Two groups of ten animals each were castrated, being one group with local anesthetic and the other without anesthetic. The piglets' vocalizations were recorded during different stages of the neutering process and then estimated of the amount of energy emitted during each vocalization. Afterwards, this energy was associated with the animals' weight gain. There was no difference in the total energy spent in both groups, since the energy used during the application of anesthetic was similar to the energy spent during the castration of the animals without anesthetic. There was also no correlation between energy spent and the animals' weight gain. It was possible to estimate the amount of energy emitted through vocalization. This energy spent by piglets in pain was greater than in other handling situations (contention, weighting and realease).A suinocultura moderna enfrenta muitos desafios, dentre os quais o crescimento da produtividade, a melhoria da qualidade de carne, a redução de danos ambientais e a redução de custo de produção. Suínos gastam energia na vocalização, especialmente quando submetidos a determinado estresse. O desperdício de energia pode aumentar o custo de produção e conduzir a um maior dano ambiental. O objetivo deste estudo foi estimar a energia gasta pelos leitões sob o estresse da castração e seu efeito sobre o ganho de peso dos animais. Dois grupos de dez animais cada foram castrados, sendo um grupo com anestesia local e outro sem anestesia. As vocalizações dos leitões foram gravadas durante as diferentes fases do processo de castração, sendo objeto de uma estimativa da quantidade de energia emitida durante cada vocalização. Posteriormente, esta energia foi associada com o ganho de peso dos animais. Não houve diferença no gasto total da energia em ambos os grupos, uma vez que a energia utilizada durante a aplicação da anestesia foi semelhante à energia gasta durante a castração dos animais sem anestesia. Também não houve correlação entre a energia gasta e o ganho de peso dos animais. Foi possível estimar a quantidade de energia emitida através de vocalização. Esta energia gasta por leitões com dor foi maior do que em outras situações de manejo (contenção, pesagem e soltura).89690