1,233 research outputs found

    Community philanthropy: the missing link between local communities and international development

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    This paper is based on the premise that local populations? engagement in development processes is a key factor to increase chances of sustainable economic and social development. In this context, we present collaboration with community philanthropy organizations as a viable strategy for international development organizations to engage civil society in the advancement and sustainability of development goals. This is done by presenting an overview of the development sector, as well as the added-value of community philanthropy. Then practical lessons and challenges are drawn from stories of different community philanthropy and international development organizations that have experience working together

    As práticas dos educadores de infância no domínio da matemática

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    O presente estudo1 pretende compreender as práticas dos Educadores de Infância no domínio da Matemática na Educação Pré-Escolar, uma problemática relevante, dada a influência que as experiências de ensino-aprendizagem neste domínio têm na estruturação do pensamento humano, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento integral da criança. Com este estudo procuramos: i) conhecer as práticas pedagógicas dos Educadores de Infância no domínio da Matemática na Educação Pré-Escolar; ii) averiguar quais as condições de trabalho dos educadores para a realização da sua prática; iii) avaliar as concepções que os educadores têm relativamente à Matemática; iv) caracterizar qual a formação inicial e contínua dos educadores. Trata-se de um estudo exploratório, de carácter descritivo, com recurso ao inquérito por questionário para a recolha de informação. Este foi realizado a partir de uma amostra de 217 Educadores de Infância do distrito de Viseu. Tendo em conta os resultados obtidos, verificamos que o domínio da Matemática não é muito valorizado nas práticas dos educadores. Constatamos, ainda, que os Educadores de Infância revelam dificuldades ao nível da didáctica da Matemática, especialmente na abordagem dos conceitos de medidas e grandezas, padrões, números e numeração, e que os mesmos não valorizam, e até excluiriam, os conceitos de padrões e medidas. Ficou também patente a necessidade de os educadores receberem formação na área da Matemática, particularmente ao nível da Educação Pré-Escolar, a fim de poderem criar práticas educativas mais coerentes e eficazes

    Modelo de programação e controle da produção para a confecção de persianas verticals na empresa Persipolls.

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Sócio Econômico, Curso de Administração.A eficiência e a eficácia são indispensáveis em um ambiente competitivo. Na administração da produção a eficiência está ligada, no curto prazo, à programação e controle da produção, enquanto que a eficácia esta relacionada, no longo prazo, ao planejamento da produção. A empresa objeto deste estudo de caso é a Persipolis e o problema de pesquisa verificado está em elaborar um sistema de programação e controle da produção complementar para otimizar as perdas de trilhos de alumínio na confecção de persianas verticais de tecido e PVC, visando a eficiência do processo produtivo e conseqüente diminuição dos custos de fabricação. 0 problema principal de perdas de alumínio se revelou interferindo em outras Areas como a gestão de estoques, compras, finanças e gerando o risco de atraso na entrega dos pedidos aos clientes. Conseqüência grave, sendo este aspecto considerado o diferencial de uma empresa que produz sob encomenda. 0 presente estudo propõe uma solução ao problema com base na filosofia just in time e utilização da técnica de MRP - Material Requirements Planning, amplamente discutida no referencial teórico. Os principais autores citados são Bio (1989), Corrêa e Gianesi (1996), Erdmann (1994, 2000), Martins e Alt (2003) e Martins e Laugeni (1998)

    Exploring the relationship between the length of stay and various determinants at one of the best european destinations

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    Studies scrutinizing the tangible and intangible factors regarding the length of stay (LOS) in a destination are rare. The emotional factors have not always been integrated into this analysis. We have contributed to fill this gap in the literature considering the degree of happiness with the tourist destination. We used a sample of 1253 tourists and three regression models were estimated (OLS regression model, a Weibull survival model and a zero-truncated negative binomial) to study the LOS. We verified that the emotional factor related with happiness affects the LOS. Furthermore, regarding the managerial/practical implications it is important to highlight that the tourists who intend to visit the city have gastronomic and wine experiences, and, through their contact with the cultural heritage of the city, they will stay for a longer period of time. In addition to economic factors, as expenditures, there are also emotional and experiential aspects that influence LOS and these have to be included in the communication of a tourist destination. The attributes of a destination are not enough to influence the LOS. The destination must also be a set of experiences that will increase the happiness of the tourist with the destination.B913-0565-0908 | Elvira VieiraN/

    Gastronomic experiences on tourist's life satisfaction and happiness: the case of Porto

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    The tourists' gastronomic experiences are important in developing a destination branding strategy, especially if this translates into greater happiness and tourists' life satisfaction. We intend to study the influence of five gastronomic/food experience variables on the tourists’ life satisfaction and happiness. After inquiring 352 tourists in Porto, the data were analysed through SEM and SPSS/AMOS software. The results validate the hypotheses concerning refreshment and hedonic/novelty experiences, which improve tourists’ satisfaction and happiness. The adverse experiences reduce the tourists' happiness, and lastly, tourists' life satisfaction with the gastronomic/food experience improves their happiness. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.B913-0565-0908 | Elvira Vieirainfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Study of the macrofungi community associated with pinus (Pinus pinaster), chestnut (Castanea sativa) and oak (Quercus pyrenaica), in the Northeast of Portugal

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    The work here presented concerns the preliminary result of Project AGRO 689 “Agronomic, economic and environmental interest of macrofungi associated with pinus (Pinus pinaster), chestnut (Castanea sativa) and oak (Quercus pyrenaica), in the Northeast of Portugal: Production of mycorrhizal, pinus, chestnut and oak plants”. We intend to evaluate the diversity of macrofungi associated with each habitat and to get insight into the differences between mycorrhizal and nonmycorrhizal species as well as of edible and non-edible ones. Edible mycorrhizal and nonedible mycorrhizal ratios will also be calculated in order to know the impact of their collection in either ecological or economical aspects. During the two seasons of collection (Autumn 2004 and Spring 2005), oak habitat showed the highest number of species and carpophores while pinus was the poorest habitat either in terms of number of species and of carpophores. We discuss the results obtained, comparing the three habitats in terms of biodiversity and potential economical interest of edible macrofungi collection and of ratio of the different trophic levels. We intend to contribute for the evaluation of risk assessment of overcollection of edible species and to a sustainable macrofungi management.The work here presented concerns the preliminary results of Project AGRO 689 "Agronomic, economic and environmental interest of macrofungi associated with pinus (Pinus pinaster), chestnut (Castanea sativa) and oak (Quercus pyrenaica), in the Northeast of Portugal: Production of mycorrhizal pinus, chestnut and oak plants" We intend to evaluate the biodiversity ot"macrofungi associated with each habitat and to get insight into the differences between mycorrhizal and nonmycorrhizal species as well as of edible and non edible ones. Edible mycorrhizal and nonedible mycorrhizal ratios will also be calculated in order to know the impact of their collection in either ecological and economical aspects. During the two seasons of collection (Autumn 2004 and Spring 2005), oak habitat showed the highest number of species and of carpophores while pinus was the poorest habitat either in terms of number of species and of carpophores. We discuss the results obtained, comparing the three habitats in terms of biod iversity and potential economical interest of edible macrofungi collection and of ratio of the different trophic levels. We intend to contribute for the evaluation of risk assessment of overcollection of edible species and to a sustainable macrofungi management.This work was financed by the Project AGRO 689


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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências Jurídicas. Direito.O presente trabalho de conclusão de curso pretende analisar o instrumento jurídico denominado registro, instituído pelo art. 216, § 1°, da Magna Carta e regulamentado pelo Decreto n° 3551/00, principalmente no que tange a sua eficácia e consequências jurídicas, por meio de uma abordagem crítica e interdisciplinar. Ademais, buscam-se, com essa pesquisa, ferramentas e caminhos complementares ao instituto do registro com o objetivo de efetivação da tutela do patrimônio cultural imaterial no Brasil, uma vez que levanto a proposição que o instrumento tem somente um caráter declarativo-informador

    Community philanthropy: the missing link between local communities and international development

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    This article is based on the premise that local communities’ engagement in development processes is a key factor to increase the chances of long lasting success. In this context, we present community philanthropy as a viable strategy for international development organizations to engage civil society in the advancement and sustainability of development goals. To this end, we (a.) draw on the available international development and community philanthropy literature to establish background information and examine what makes collaboration feasible, (b.) present three cases of collaboration between community philanthropy and international development organizations, and (c.) conclude with lessons learned and recommendations. Real-life examples demonstrate that there is not a “one-size-fits-all” approach, but rather a set of good practices that can be established

    Da expressão dramática ao desenvolvimento da escrita

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    O presente estudo corresponde a uma investigação/acção baseada na implementação de actividades indutoras que permitem uma articulação entre expressão dramática e desenvolvimento da expressão escrita. Pretende o mesmo privilegiar a expressão escrita de um modo inter e transdisciplinar, de forma a criar, na criança/aluno, a aquisição segura de competências, para enriquecimento das outras áreas do saber e a sua projecção na vida futura. (...