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    This study is based upon a reflection about the factors present in the construction of certain space’s identity and in the existing relations between memory and place. It is taken as example the Oriental Area of Lisbon (already studied in previous papers, under different perspectives), in which is foreseen to exist an oriental identity, disclosed in a physical and social homogeneity, in a group of characteristics that distinguishes this area from the remaining city reality. Because of its condition as living spaces – in opposition to edified patrimony, “petrified places” (Fortuna, 1999) –, the public urban spaces reveal different time spaces as a support of the edified unity, translating place’s specificity trough its trace, establishing themselves as identity factors, susceptible to create new urban living experiences, if readapted to contemporary times

    Hacia una historia del cuento colombiano

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    Avatares de la narrativa breve en la prensa decimonónica colombiana

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    Este artículo presenta algunos resultados derivados de la investigación “Huellas de laemergencia de la narrativa corta en Colombia en la prensa del siglo XIX”, cuyo objetivoes aportar al proceso de recomposición de los albores del campo de la narrativa cortade Colombia, a partir de la revisión de periódicos que circularon entre 1838 y 1857.La pesquisa evidencia la presencia e importancia que cobran las narraciones brevesde carácter literario a lo largo del período estudiado; asimismo, la complejización delas técnicas narrativas, la diversidad de géneros cultivados y la influencia de las obrasextranjeras pertenecientes al género estudiado

    Application of multivariate techniques in the evaluation of melt granulation products

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    In this work, principal component analysis and cluster analysis were applied as helping tools to extract useful information in the development of formulations and manufacturing processes of melt granulates. Two melt granulation processes that differ in the shear stress applied to the solid bed during melting step were designed. These processes employ equipment frequently used in the local pharmaceutical industry. The selected binders include both hydrophilic and hydrophobic excipients, which were used alone or in binary mixtures. Granulates were characterized regarding their physicomechanical properties, including their compaction behavior. The resulting tablets were also evaluated. The selected multivariate statistical methods proved to be useful in facilitating the interpretation of the collected data and the study of the properties of granulates and tablets, as well as the selection of more efficient production processes.Neste trabalho, foram aplicadas as técnicas de análise de componentes principais e de análise de agrupamentos para extrair informações úteis no desenvolvimento de formulações e de processos de produção de granulados por fusão. Desenharam-se dois processos de granulação por fusão que apresentam diferenças na tensão de cisalhamento aplicada ao leito sólido durante a etapa de fusão. Esses processos empregam equipamentos frequentemente usados na indústria farmacêutica local. Os ligantes escolhidos incluíram excipientes tanto hidrofílicos quanto hidrofóbicos, utilizados de forma individual ou em misturas binárias. Os granulados foram caracterizados quanto às suas propriedades físico-mecânicas, incluindo seu desempenho no processo de compactação. Os comprimidos resultantes também foram avaliados. Os métodos de análise multivariada escolhidos provaram ser úteis para facilitar a interpretação dos dados coletados e o estudo das propriedades dos granulados e dos comprimidos, bem como a seleção de processos de produção mais eficientes

    Luis Enrique Osorio (1915-1930): itinerância juvenil e transferências culturais

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    The time frame of this research is between 1915, when Luis Enrique Osorio published his first work, and 1930 when he finished La novela semanal [Weekly Novel] as its editor. That is why this paper studies Osorio’s points of view as an author, but also as an editor during this period. The theory of the cultural transfer by Michel Espagne and Juan Zapata –and the concept of “staging by the author” coined by Jérôme Meizoz are applied here to recognize the ways Osorio considered to build his position as an author and as an editor in Colombia. This study contributes also to appreciate Osorio’s insertion in the Colombian cultural stage in the first half of the XX century. The result shows up the failure by Osorio to set a right position up as a prestigious author and editor as he wanted –no matter his juvenile cultural network mobility, his participation in national an foreign recognized cultural printed journals, and his relationship with important Latin-American authors-editors-and scholars.Este artículo revisa la trayectoria de Luis Enrique Osorio entre 1915, año de publicación de su primera obra, y 1930, cuando cierra su ciclo como editor del proyecto La Novela Semanal, con el fin de estudiar sus posturas como autor y editor. La teoría de las transferencias culturales (Espagne;Zapata) y la categoría de postura autorial (Meizoz) permiten comprender las estrategias a las que acudió Osorio para construir una postura de autor y editor, y para tratar de vincularse a la dinámica cultural colombiana de la primera mitad del siglo xx. El análisis permite confirmar que la trashumancia de juventud, su relación con impresos periódicos colombianos y extranjeros, y sus relaciones con escritores, editores e intelectuales latinoamericanos son determinantes en la carrera de Osorio en los circuitos editorial, literario y teatral; no obstante, le resultan insuficientes para consolidar la postura autorial y de editor que anhelaba.Este artigo revisa o percurso de Luis Enrique Osorio entre 1915, ano de publicação da sua primeira obra, e 1930, data na que fecha o seu ciclo como editor do projeto O Romance Semanal, com o objetivo de estudar os seus posicionamentos como autor e editor. A teoriadas transferências culturais (Espagne; Zapata) e a categoria de posição autoral (Meizoz) permitemcompreender as estratégias utilizadas por Osorio para construir um posicionamento de autor e editor, e para tentar vincularse à dinâmica cultural colombiana da primeira metade do século XX. A análise possibilita confirmar que a sua transumância de juventude, a sua relação com jornais imprimidos, tanto colombianos quanto estrangeiros, e a sua proximidade com escritores, editores e intelectuais latino-americanos foram determinantes na carreira de Osorio nos circuitos editorial, literário e teatral; no entanto, resultaram-lhe insuficientes para consolidar a posição editorial e de autor que ele desejava

    Neoclassicism, Romanticism and the notion of National Literature in Nueva Granada. Study based on literary press from 1836 to 1860

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    La prensa neogranadina es un escenario privilegiado donde coinciden los balances acerca del estado de las bellas letras con los discursos de carácter programático que dibujan los rumbos que ha de seguir la literatura verdaderamente nacional. Unos y otros se encuentran atravesados por concepciones estéticas neoclásicas y románticas, que fundamentan las diferentes posturas acerca del valor y función de las manifestaciones literarias en el contexto específico de la república en vías de conformación. En este artículo revisaremos cuáles son específicamente los elementos neoclásicos y románticos subyacentes en los discursos a propósito de la literatura nacional y la literatura suramericana, publicados en la prensa literaria durante el periodo que va de 1836 a 1860. Además, demostraremos el valor que se otorga a géneros narrativos debido a su capacidad para ocuparse de temas vernáculos que forman al público lector al proveerlo de un discurso identitario.The literary press in New Granada is a sample of the considerations that were made on beaux arts and the programmatical discourse that depict truly national literature’s ways. These are interwoven with esthetical neoclassic and romantic conceptions that support the different views on the value and purpose of literary manifestations in the context of a Republic still on the process of being established. The present study revises the neoclassic and romantic elements lying under national and South American literature discourses to be found in the literary press from 1836 to 1860. We also attempt to demonstrate the importance that is given to narrative genres because of their vernacular contents that educate the reader by giving him a discourse of identity

    Current use of wild plants with edible underground storage organs in a rural population of Patagonia: between tradition and change

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    Edible plants with underground storage organs (USOs) are neglected resources. We studied the local ecological knowledge edible plants with (USOs) in rural populations of North-Patagonia in order to establish how people are utilizing these plants. Some aspect of corpus-praxis-cosmos complex associated to the local ecological knowledge was documented and discussed. In addition, variation in this ecological knowledge due to age, gender, family structure, ethnic self-determination was also evaluated. Methods: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 51 inhabitants in order to study the relationship betweenthe current use of plants with USOs and the age, sex, family group composition and ethnic self-identification of interviewees. In addition, the Cultural Importance Index for each species was calculated. Results: The current richness of known species in these populations is a total of 9 plants. Plants with USOs tend to be used more frequently as the age of the interviewee increases. Women and men showed no differences in the average richness of species cited. The interviewees who share their homes with other generations use these plants more frequently than those who live alone. Our results indicate that the interviewees who identified themselves as belonging to the Mapuche people use these plants more frequently. Conclusion: For the Mapuche people, wild plants have constituted material and symbolic resources of great importance in their historical subsistence. In addition, they are currently being redefined as elements which present a connection with ancestral practices, produce a strong relationship with the ?land?, and become markers which identify the ?natural? (historical) ways of their people; these are key elements in the current political processes of identity revaluation. This research is valuable to stimulate cultural revival and health promotion programs in the communities with their own local, cultural food.Fil: Ochoa, Juan José. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Patagonia Norte. Instituto de Investigaciones En Diversidad Cultural y Procesos de Cambio; ArgentinaFil: Ladio, Ana Haydee. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Patagonia Norte. Instituto de Investigación En Biodiversidad y Medioambiente; Argentin

    Ethnoecology of Oxalis adenophylla Gillies ex Hook. & Arn.

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    Ethnopharmacological relevance: We studied the ethnoecological knowledge of medicinal Oxalis adenophylla in 3 rural villages of north Patagonia, Argentina. Aim of the study: To evaluate links between use frequency, ethnoecological knowledge, sociocultural variables and the conservation status of this plant. Materials and Method: Forty informants were interviewed in relation to their knowledge, use, perception and the ecology of O. adenophylla. Sociocultural variables were also documented, such as age, gender, size of family group living in the house, economic activities and ethnic self determination. The abundance and availability of these plants were estimated in two villages, by measuring the number of plants per area, their weight and the relation between time invested and biomass collected. We tested frequency of use and age with Spearman´s rank correlation coefficient. The relation between use frequency and gender, family group, economic activities, and ethnic self determination of the informants was tested with the Mann Whitney non parametric test. An index of ethnoecological knowledge was constructed and correlated with use frequency through Spearman´s rank correlation. To estimate conservation status we established a local risk index, taking both intrinsic and extrinsic parameters for this species into account. Results: Regionally, Oxalis adenophylla is a plant known for its medicinal, alimentary and ornamental properties, but it has been poorly studied from a pharmacological point of view. Locally, the leaves of the plant are harvested for the preparation of ?tortillas?, which are stored and consumed in the cold months of the year for the treatment of flu fevers (95 % of informants). Informants know the value of its root as a nutrient source and 35.8% reported its consumption. Use is sporadic and involves the harvesting of a mean of one root per year, which is eaten raw in-situ. Only 12% of informants mentioned the plant?s ornamental feature. The ethnoecological knowledge of O. adenophylla included references to specific environments where the plant grows, its phenology and morphological and organoleptic characteristics, appropriate times for harvesting, and animals that forage for this species. The informants with the greatest ethnoecological knowledge harvested leaves and roots most frequently. The frequency of use did not differ in relation to age or gender. In contrast, frequency of use was highest when the informant lived with several generations at home, maintained traditional animal husbandry practices and when they considered themselves as belonging to the Mapuche people. Informants perceived low abundance and availability of the plant in the environment, restricted by the great distances involved in obtaining them, seasonality, and in particular, difficulty in finding the roots. Informants believe that the plant is sensitive and that it should be harvested in such a way as to ensure no damage to the whole plant, allowing resprouting. Our ecological measurements agreed with this perception. The local risk index for the plant was medium. Conclusion: In Patagonian Argentina, Oxalis adenophylla is a multipurpose species widely used for its medicinal properties but less for its edible roots and ornamental features. In the rural communities where we worked, frequency of use seems to depend on individual ethnoecological knowledge, the practice of indigenous cosmology, living in households interacting with other generations and maintaining the activity of cattle raising. Locally, the main risk for the plant is the particular environment where it grows, characterized by slopes vulnerable to erosion. The human practice of local use could promote the conservation of this species through the understanding of its sensitivity to harvesting, and its insipient cultivation. This research shows the importance of obtaining a general overview of useful wild species used by local people.Fil: Ochoa, Juan José. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Patagonia Norte. Instituto de Investigaciones en Diversidad Cultural y Procesos de Cambio; ArgentinaFil: Ladio, Ana Haydee. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Patagonia Norte. Instituto de Investigación En Biodiversidad y Medioambiente; Argentin

    Improving rainfall nowcasting and urban runoff forecasting through dynamic radar-raingauge rainfall adjustment

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    The insufficient accuracy of radar rainfall estimates is a major source of uncertainty in short-term quantitative precipitation forecasts (QPFs) and associated urban flood forecasts. This study looks at the possibility of improving QPFs and urban runoff forecasts through the dynamic adjustment of radar rainfall estimates based on raingauge measurements. Two commonly used techniques (Kriging with External Drift (KED) and mean field bias correction) were used to adjust radar rainfall estimates for a large area of the UK (250,000 km2) based on raingauge data. QPFs were produced using original radar and adjusted rainfall estimates as input to a nowcasting algorithm. Runoff forecasts were generated by feeding the different QPFs into the storm water drainage model of an urban catchment in London. The performance of the adjusted precipitation estimates and the associated forecasts was tested using local rainfall and flow records. The results show that adjustments done at too large scales cannot provide tangible improvements in rainfall estimates and associated QPFs and runoff forecasts at small scales, such as those of urban catchments. Moreover, the results suggest that the KED adjusted rainfall estimates may be unsuitable for generating QPFs, as this method damages the continuity of spatial structures between consecutive rainfall fields