119 research outputs found

    Situations in which treatment of acute exacerbations of non-severe copd with antibiotics is not necessary

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    Fonament. La malaltia pulmonar obstructiva crònica (MPOC) representa un dels principals motius de salut en atenció primària. Les exacerbacions són events típics que caracteritzen el curs de l’MPOC. El tractament antimicrobià és un tema controvertit, principalment en les exacerbacions de l’MPOC lleu-moderada. Encara que la majoria dels pacients atesos a la comunitat presenten MPOC lleu i moderada, la prescripció antibiòtica en les exacerbacions és molt elevada a Espanya. Objectius. L’objectiu principal fou avaluar l’efectivitat de l’antibioteràpia en comparació amb el placebo en el dia 9-11 en les exacerbacions de l’MPOC lleu a moderada. Els objectius secundaris foren avaluar la taxa d’èxit clínic de la teràpia antibiòtica en comparació amb el placebo en el dia 20 i avaluar l’interval lliure de símptomes; és a dir, nombre de dies fins a la següent exacerbació, en ambdós grups. Disseny. Assaig clínic aleatori, controlat amb placebo, doble cec, paral·lel i multicèntric, dut a terme des de gener de 2006 fins a juny de 2011. Emplaçament. Vint-i-tres centres de salut de Catalunya. Subjectes. Pacients de 40 o més anys, fumadors o exfumadors de deu paquets-any o més, amb diagnòstic espiromètric d’MPOC lleu-moderada (volum espiratori forçat en un segon (FEV1) > 50% esperat i raó FEV1/capacitat vital forçada < 0,7% esperat) basat en una espirometría feta en els 24 mesos previs a la inclusió i presència d’exacerbació definida com la presència d'almenys un dels següents signes i símptomes: augment de la dispnea, augment del volum d'expectoració i/o augment de la purulència de l'esput. Es van excloure als pacients amb asma bronquial, hipersensibilitat als β-lactàmics, bronquièctasis d'origen diferent d’MPOC, neoplàsia, traqueotomia, presència de signes radiològics de pneumònia o criteris d'hospitalització i aquells que van declinar participar. Mesuraments i intervencions. Els pacients s’aleatoritzaren en dos grups: amoxicil·lina i àcid clavulànic (500/125 mg/8 hores, 8 dies) o placebo (cada 8 hores, 8 dies). Es va permetre ús d’antitèrmics, analgèsics, β-adrenèrgics d'acció llarga i curta, anticolinèrgics, teofil·lines, corticoides inhalats o orals i qualsevol altra medicació que iv | P a g e el pacient estigués prenent per a una malaltia crònica i s'hagués iniciat tres mesos abans de la inclusió en l'estudi, menys antibiòtics. Es va definir guariment quan va haver-hi desaparició dels signes aguts i els símptomes relacionats amb la infecció, millora com a falta de resolució completa dels símptomes i fracàs com a reducció insuficient dels signes i símptomes de la infecció. Es va considerar èxit clínic quan es va observar guariment o millora. Resultats. S’inclogueren en l’estudi un total de 353 subjectes, dels quals 43 es van excloure per no complir els criteris d’inclusió. Un total de 310 (158 pacients en el grup assignat a amoxicil·lina i àcid clavulànic i 152 pacients a placebo) resultaren ser avaluables en l’anàlisi d’eficàcia. L’edat mitjana fou de 68,1 anys (DE: 10,4 anys) i el FEV1 mig va ser del 65% (DE: 11,9%). No s’observaren diferències entre els dos grups quant a les distintes variables basals analitzades. Es guariren en el dia 9-11 un total de 117 pacients en el grup d’intervenció (74,1%) i 91 del grupo control (59,9%; p<0.05). En l'anàlisi de regressió logística multivariant es va observar una associació entre el fracàs clínic amb les concentracions de proteïna C reactiva (PCR) ≥ 40 mg/l (OR: 7,9; IC 95%: 3,9 –16,3), estar assignat al grup placebo (OR: 2,9; IC 95%: 1,4 – 6) i presència de cardiopatia isquémica (OR: 2,6; IC 95%: 1 – 6,7). Els predictors clínics de fracàs entre els pacients no tractats amb antibiòtics van ser la PCR ≥ 40 mg/l (OR de guariment: 0,1; IC 95%: 0 – 0,2) i la purulència de l’esput (OR: 0,2; IC 95%: 0 – 0,7). El valor dels criteris d’Anthonisen per predir resultat clínic en aquests pacients, amb l’àrea sota la corba ROC, fou de 0,708 (IC 95%: 0,616 – 0,801) i va pujar a 0,842 (IC 95%: 0,76 – 0,924; p<0,001) quan es va afegir la PCR ≥ 40 mg/l. Amb independència del nombre de criteris d’Anthonisen, la presència de valors baixos de PCR i esput no purulent s’associaren amb un percentatge d’èxit del 90% entre els pacients no tractats amb antibiòtics. Conclusions. El tractament de les exacerbacions de l’MPOC lleu-moderada amb amoxicil·lina i àcid clavulànic és més efectiu que el placebo. No obstant això, aquesta tesi aclareix quan una exacerbació d’MPOC lleu-moderada pot ser tractada sense necessitat de donar antibiòtics. Paraules clau. Exacerbació aguda. MPOC lleu-moderada. Antibiòtic. Efectivitat. Assaig clínic aleatori.Background. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) constitutes one of the principal demands on healthcare in primary care. Acute exacerbations of COPD are typical events that characterize the course of the disease. Antimicrobial therapy remains a controversial issue, mainly in acute exacerbations of mild-to-moderate COPD. Even though most of the patients attended in the community correspond to mild and moderate COPD, antibiotics are highly prescribed for exacerbations in Spain. Aims. The main objective was to evaluate the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy compared with placebo at day 9-11 in acute exacerbations of mild-to-moderate COPD. The secondary objectives were to evaluate the rate of clinical success of antibiotic therapy compared with placebo at day 20 and assess the symptom-free interval, i.e. days till next exacerbation in both groups. Design. Multicentre, parallel, double-blinded placebo-controlled randomized clinical trial carried out from January 2006 to June 2011. Study setting: Twenty-three primary care centres in Catalonia. Subjects. Patients aged 40 or older, smokers or ex-smokers of ten packs-year or more, with spirometrically-based diagnosis of mild-to-moderate COPD (forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) > 50% expected and FEV1/forced vital capacity ratio < 0.7% expected) from a lung function test performed within 24 months prior to inclusion, and the presence of an acute exacerbation defined as the presence of at least one of the following signs and symptoms: increase of dyspnoea, increase in sputum volume and/or increase of sputum purulence. Patients with bronchial asthma, hypersensitivity to β-lactams, bronchiectasis of origin other than COPD, active neoplasm, tracheotomy, presence of radiological signs of pneumonia or hospital admission criteria, and those who refused to participate in the study were all excluded. Measurements and interventions. The patients were randomised into two treatment groups: amoxicillin and clavulanic acid (500/125 mg three times daily for 8 days) or placebo three times daily for 8 days). The use of antithermics or analgesics was allowed as were short-acting and long-acting β-adrenergics, anticholinergics, ii | P a g e theophyllines, inhaled or oral corticosteroids and any medication that the patient may been have taken for chronic disease and which had been initiated three months prior to inclusion in the study, except for antibiotics. Cure was defined as the disappearance of the acute signs and symptoms related to the infection, improvement, as the non-complete resolution of the symptoms and failure was defined as with an insufficient reduction in the signs and symptoms of infection. Clinical success was considered when either cure or improvement was observed. Results. A total of 353 subjects were included in the study. Forty-three patients were excluded as they did not fulfil the inclusion criteria. Three hundred ten (158 patients in the amoxicillin and clavulanic acid arm and 152 patients in the placebo arm) fulfilled all the criteria for efficacy analysis. The mean age was 68.1 years (SD: 10.4 years) and the mean FEV1 was 65% (SD: 11.9%). No differences were found between the two groups regarding the different basal variables analysed. A total of 117 patients assigned to the intervention group (74.1%) and 91 to control group (59.9%) were considered cured at days 9-11 (p<0.05). In the multivariate regression analysis failure was associated with C-reactive protein (CRP) concentrations ≥ 40 mg/l (OR: 7.9; 95% CI: 3.9 –16.3), placebo treatment (OR: 2.9; 95% CI: 1.4 – 6) and presence of coronary heart disease (OR: 2.6; 95%CI: 1 – 6.7). Among patients treated with placebo clinical predictors for failure were CRP ≥ 40 mg/l (OR of cure: 0.1; 95% CI: 0 – 0.2) and purulent sputum (OR: 0.2; 95% CI: 0 – 0.7). The predictive value of Anthonisen criteria for clinical outcome in those patients was 0.708 (95% CI: 0.616 – 0.801) and rose to 0.842 (95% CI: 0.76 – 0.924; p<0.001) when CRP ≥ 40 mg/l was added. Regardless of the number the Anthonisen criteria, the presence of both CRP low levels and uncoloured sputum was associated with a clinical success of 90% among patients not treated with antibiotics. Conclusions. Treatment of acute exacerbations of mild-to-moderate COPD with amoxicillin and clavulanic acid is more effective than placebo. Nonetheless, this thesis indicates when antibiotic therapy may be safely withheld in acute exacerbations of mild-to-moderate COPD. Key words. Acute exacerbations. Mild-to-moderate COPD. Antibiotic. Effectiveness.Randomised clinical trial

    Género y seguridad democrática

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    Relacionar de manera sinérgica las temáticas de género y seguridad presenta dificultades tanto teóricas como metodológicas. La primera dificultad reside en que esa relación es todavía en buena medida terra incógnita en el ámbito de las ciencias humanas. Si existe algún consenso entre los autores preocupados por esta materia es precisamente que sólo recientemente se está iniciando la producción de conocimiento en cuanto a esta relación, al menos en términos estrictos y actuales. 13 p

    Diagnostic and Therapeutic Management of Urinary Tract Infections in Catalonia, Spain: Protocol for an Observational Cohort Study

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    Urinary tract infection; Primary health care; Anti-bacterial agentsInfecció del tracte urinari; Atenció primària de salut; Agents antibacteriansInfección del tracto urinario; Atención primaria de salud; Agentes antibacterianosBackground: Antibiotic resistance is an individual and public health problem; multidrug-resistant infections could cause an estimated 10 million deaths worldwide by 2050. Unnecessary use of antimicrobials is the most important cause of resistance generation in the community, and an estimated 80% of antimicrobials are prescribed in primary health care, frequently for urinary tract infections (UTIs). Objective: This paper presents the protocol for the first phase of the Urinary Tract Infections in Catalonia (Infeccions del tracte urinari a Catalunya) project. We aim to examine the epidemiology of the different types of UTIs in Catalonia (an autonomous community in Spain) and their diagnostic and therapeutic management by health professionals. Furthermore, we aim to evaluate the correlation between types and total consumption of antibiotics for recurrent UTIs in 2 cohorts of women with the presence and severity of infectious complications of urological origin, especially pyelonephritis and sepsis, and 2 potentially serious infections: pneumonia and COVID-19. Methods: The study is a population-based observational cohort study including adults with a diagnosis of UTI registered in the Information System for the Development of Research in Primary Care (in Catalan: Sistema d’informació per al desenvolupament de la investigació en atenció primària), the Minimum Basic Data Sets of Hospital Discharges and Emergency Departments (in Catalan: Conjunt mínim bàsic de dades a l’hospitalització d'aguts i d’atenció urgent), and data from the Hospital Dispensing Medicines Register (in Catalan: Medicació hospitalària de dispensació ambulatòria) of Catalonia from the period between 2012 and 2021. We will evaluate the variables obtained from the databases to analyze the proportion of different types of UTIs, the percentage of adequate antibiotic treatments prescribed or received for recurrent UTIs according to the national guidelines, and the proportion of UTIs with complications. Results: We expect to describe the epidemiology of UTIs in Catalonia from 2012 to 2021, as well as describe the diagnostic and therapeutic management of UTIs by health professionals. Conclusions: We expect to find a high percentage of UTI cases with inadequate management according to the national guidelines, considering that on many occasions UTIs are treated with second- or third-line antibiotic therapies with a preference for the longest regimens. Furthermore, the use of antibiotic suppressive therapies, or prophylaxis, in recurrent UTIs will likely be highly variable. Moreover, we aim to determine whether women with recurrent UTIs treated with antibiotic suppressive therapies have a higher incidence and severity of potentially serious future infections, with special attention to acute pyelonephritis, urosepsis, COVID-19, and pneumonia, compared to women who receive antibiotic treatment after they present with a UTI. This is an observational study of data from administrative databases that will not allow causality analysis. The limitations of the study will be handled according to the appropriate statistical methods

    Misconceptions of Spanish general practitioners' attitudes toward the management of urinary tract infections and asymptomatic bacteriuria: an internet-based questionnaire study.

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    OBJECTIVE: The diagnosis and management of urinary tract infections (UTI) vary widely across countries and practices. The objective of this study was to gain insight into general practitioners' (GP) perceptions on the current management of UTIs and asymptomatic bacteriuria in Spain. METHODS: Cross-sectional, internet-based questionnaire study answered from July to September 2013. GPs affiliated with the largest Spanish scientific society in primary care (Sociedad Española de Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria) were invited to participate in the study. They were asked about the tests ordered in both uncomplicated and complicated UTIs and about the management in three clinical scenarios, depicting a 50-year woman with: 1. An uncomplicated UTI, 2. A complicated UTI, and 3. An asymptomatic bacteriuria. RESULTS: The questionnaire was completed by 1,239 GPs (6.7%). Urine cultures were reportedly requested by 26.3% of the GPs in uncomplicated UTIs and by 71.8% of the cases corresponding to the complicated UTIs whereas it was declared that dipsticks were the preferred tests in only uncomplicated UTIs (38.2%). A total of 22% and 13.2% of the GPs stated that they would withhold antibiotic therapy in patients with low-count and high-count asymptomatic bacteriuria, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: GPs have important misconceptions as to the indications for ordering urine cultures and in interpreting the definitions of common UTIs and treating UTIs and asymptomatic bacteriuria. The unnecessary use of antibiotics in patients with asymptomatic bacteriuria is considerable in Spain

    Efficacy and safety of discontinuing antibiotic treatment for uncomplicated respiratory tract infections when deemed unnecessary. A multicentre, randomized clinical trial in primary care

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    Antibacterial agent; Antibiotic stewardship; Primary health careAgente antibacteriano; Administración de antibióticos; Atención primaria de saludAgent antibacterià; Administració d'antibiòtics; Atenció primària de salutObjectives To determine the benefits and harms of discontinuing unnecessary antibiotic therapy for uncomplicated respiratory tract infections (RTI) when antibiotics are considered no longer necessary. Methods Multicentre, open-label, randomized controlled clinical trial in primary care centres from 2017 to 2020 (ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT02900820). Adults with RTIs—acute rhinosinusitis, sore throat, influenza or acute bronchitis—who had previously taken any dose of antibiotic for less than 3 days, which physicians no longer deemed necessary were recruited. The patients were randomly assigned in a 1:1 ratio to discontinuing antibiotic therapy or the usual strategy of continuing antibiotic treatment. The primary outcome was the duration of severe symptoms (number of days scoring 5 or 6 on a six-item Likert scale). Secondary outcomes included days with symptoms, moderate symptoms (scores of 3 or 4), antibiotics taken, adverse events, patient satisfaction and complications within the first 3 months. Results A total of 467 patients were randomized, out of which 409 were considered valid for the analysis. The mean (SD) duration of severe symptoms was 3.0 (1.5) days for the patients assigned to discontinuation and 2.8 (1.3) days for those allocated to the control group (mean difference 0.2 days; 95% CI –0.1 to 0.4 days). Patients randomized to the discontinuation group used fewer antibiotics after the baseline visit (52/207 (25.1%) versus 182/202 (90.1%); p 0.001). Patients assigned to antibiotic continuation presented a relative risk of adverse events of 1.47 (95% CI 0.80–2.71), but the need for further health-care contact in the following 3 months was slightly lower (RR 0.61; 95% CI 0.28–1.37). Conclusions Discontinuing antibiotic treatment for uncomplicated RTIs when clinicians consider it unnecessary is safe and notably reduces antibiotic consumption.This work was supported by the Catalan Society of Family Medicine, grant number FAP1601. The funder of the study had no role in study design, data collection, data analysis, data interpretation, or writing of the report. This trial was registered with the ClinicalTrials.gov database (Identifier: NCT02900820)

    Citizenship against the Pelli-Cajasol skyscraper in Seville

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    Esta comunicación narra la historia de una derrota de la sociedad civil preocupada por su patrimonio cultural y sus paisajes históricos urbanos. Se trata de la trayectoria de la Plataforma Ciudadana ¡Túmbala! y del Manifiesto contra la Torre Pelli-Cajasol, organizaciones de asociaciones, colectivos, personas y profesionales de diferente perfil y procedencia que desde principios del año 2009 se oponen al rascacielos de 178 metros de altura que promueve Cajasol, ahora Caixabank, en el extremo sur de la Isla de la Cartuja de Sevilla, en la denominada Puerta Triana de acceso a la Exposición Universal de 1992. El edificio, en su fase final y a punto de inaugurarse, ha roto definitivamente el perfil histórico de Sevilla, imponiendo su presencia de forma hegemónica sobre la ciudad. El camino recorrido supone la lucha de la ciudadanía por participar de las decisiones que le afectan de forma directa, como pueden ser aquellas relativas a qué es y cómo se protege su patrimonio histórico y al simbolismo que contienen determinados espacios y paisajes urbanos, ya que conforman una parte del derecho a la ciudad de todos sus habitantes. Tal lucha, infructuosa habida cuenta del resultado, se detalla a lo largo del texto, que a su vez ilustra la brecha abierta entre las instituciones públicas en todas sus escalas y la sociedad civil, así como la dominación efectiva ejercida por el poder económico y financiero de la banca.This work tells the story of a defeat by the civil society that tries to protect its cultural heritage and its historic urban landscapes. It is about the trajectory of the Citizen Platform ¡Túmbala! (Knock it down!) and the Manifesto against the Pelli-Cajasol tower, which encompasses associations, social collectivities, people and professionals This work tells the story of a defeat by the civil society that tries to protect its cultural heritage and its historic urban landscapes. It is about the trajectory of the Citizen Platform ¡Túmbala! (Knock it down!) and the Manifesto against the Pelli-Cajasol tower, which encompasses associations, social collectivities, people and professionals.Depto. de Prehistoria, Historia Antigua y ArqueologíaFac. de Geografía e HistoriaTRUEMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO)pu

    Survey of Spanish general practitioners' attitudes toward management of sore throat: an internet-based questionnaire study

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    BACKGROUND: The management of sore throat varies widely in Europe. The objective of this study was to gain insight into clinicians' perceptions on the current management of sore throat in Spain. METHODS: Cross-sectional, internet-based questionnaire study answered from July to September 2013. General practitioners (GPs) affiliated with the two largest scientific societies of primary care were invited to participate in the study. Questions were asked about physician knowledge, the use of current national guidelines for sore throat management, and management in two clinical scenarios, depicting a young adult with sore throat and: 1. cough, coriza with or without fever, and 2. fever without cough and coriza. RESULTS: The questionnaire was completed by 1476 GPs (5%) and 12.7% declared using rapid antigen detection tests. Antibiotics were considered by 18.8% of the GPs in the first scenario and by 32% in the second scenario (p < 0.001). The antibiotics most commonly mentioned by GPs were amoxicillin and amoxicillin + clavulanate (52.7 and 31.2%, respectively) whereas penicillin V was only prescribed in 11.9% of the cases. The drugs most commonly considered in both scenarios were analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs. Antitussives, decongestants and expectorants were more commonly prescribed in cases of suspected viral infection (p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: GPs have misconceptions as to the indications for using rapid antigen detection tests and prescribing drugs in the management of sore throat. These results suggest that guidelines are seldom followed since one in five GPs declared giving antibiotics for patients with a suspected viral infection and the use of second-choice antibiotics seems considerable

    Cost of hematopoietic stem cell's allogeneic transplantation: an integrative review

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    Objective: Identifying what has been produced on cost analysis of allogeneic transplantation of hematopoietic stem cell. Method: It consists of an integrative review, where was done a search of studies on cost analysis in allogeneic transplantation. Results: There were found 265 articles, which, after application of inclusion and exclusion criteria, 13 articles, with twelve in English and two in Portuguese were selected. Eleven of these articles have made partial cost analysis, a study done systematic review of cost-effectiveness; one made economic evaluation of cost-effectiveness and cost evaluation study made about coverage for curative catheter in transplantation. Conclusion: There is a gap in the area of economic evaluation studies and the nurse should occupy this space, not only as a care manager, but also of cost

    Effectiveness of antitussives, anticholinergics or honey versus usual care in adults with uncomplicated acute bronchitis : a study protocol of an open randomised clinical trial in primary care

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    Introduction Despite the frequent use of therapies in acute bronchitis, the evidence of their benefit is lacking, since only a few clinical trials have been published, with low sample sizes, poor methodological quality and mainly in children. The objective of this study is to compare the effectiveness of three symptomatic therapies (dextromethorphan, ipratropium or honey) associated with usual care and the usual care in adults with acute bronchitis. Methods and analysis This will be a multicentre, pragmatic, parallel group, open randomised trial. Patients aged 18 or over with uncomplicated acute bronchitis, with cough for less than 3 weeks as the main symptom, scoring ≥4 in either daytime or nocturnal cough on a 7-point Likert scale, will be randomised to one of the following four groups: usual care, dextromethorphan 30 mg three times a day, ipratropium bromide inhaler 20 μg two puffs three times a day or honey 30 mg (a spoonful) three times a day, all taken for up to 14 days. The exclusion criteria will be pneumonia, criteria for hospital admission, pregnancy or lactation, concomitant pulmonary disease, associated significant comorbidity, allergy, intolerance or contraindication to any of the study drugs or admitted to a long-term residence. Sample: 668 patients. The primary outcome will be the number of days with moderate-to-severe cough. All patients will be given a paper-based symptom diary to be self-administered. A second visit will be scheduled at day 2 or 3 for assessing evolution, with two more visits at days 15 and 29 for clinical assessment, evaluation of adverse effects, re-attendance and complications. Patients still with symptoms at day 29 will be called 6 weeks after the baseline visit. Ethics and dissemination The study has been approved by the Ethical Board of IDIAP Jordi Gol (reference number: AC18/002). The findings of this trial will be disseminated through research conferences and peer-review journals. Trial registration number NCT03738917; Pre-results

    Effectiveness of antitussives, anticholinergics or honey versus usual care in adults with uncomplicated acute bronchitis: a study protocol of an open randomised clinical trial in primary care

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    Introduction: Despite the frequent use of therapies in acute bronchitis, the evidence of their benefit is lacking, since only a few clinical trials have been published, with low sample sizes, poor methodological quality and mainly in children. The objective of this study is to compare the effectiveness of three symptomatic therapies (dextromethorphan, ipratropium or honey) associated with usual care and the usual care in adults with acute bronchitis. Methods and analysis: This will be a multicentre, pragmatic, parallel group, open randomised trial. Patients aged 18 or over with uncomplicated acute bronchitis, with cough for less than 3 weeks as the main symptom, scoring ≥4 in either daytime or nocturnal cough on a 7-point Likert scale, will be randomised to one of the following four groups: usual care, dextromethorphan 30 mg three times a day, ipratropium bromide inhaler 20 µg two puffs three times a day or honey 30 mg (a spoonful) three times a day, all taken for up to 14 days. The exclusion criteria will be pneumonia, criteria for hospital admission, pregnancy or lactation, concomitant pulmonary disease, associated significant comorbidity, allergy, intolerance or contraindication to any of the study drugs or admitted to a long-term residence. Sample: 668 patients. The primary outcome will be the number of days with moderate-to-severe cough. All patients will be given a paper-based symptom diary to be self-administered. A second visit will be scheduled at day 2 or 3 for assessing evolution, with two more visits at days 15 and 29 for clinical assessment, evaluation of adverse effects, re-attendance and complications. Patients still with symptoms at day 29 will be called 6 weeks after the baseline visit. Ethics and dissemination: The study has been approved by the Ethical Board of IDIAP Jordi Gol (reference number: AC18/002). The findings of this trial will be disseminated through research conferences and peer-review journals. Trial registration: number NCT03738917; Pre-results
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