12 research outputs found

    A go-to-market strategy for green extration and impregnation

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Biotecnologi

    contributo do enfermeiro

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    Mestrado, Enfermagem de Saúde Infantil e Pediatria, 2014, Escola Superior de Enfermagem de LisboaO presente trabalho surge no âmbito da Unidade Curricular Relatório de Estágio do IV Curso de Mestrado em Enfermagem - Área de Especialização em Enfermagem de Saúde Infantil e Pediatria e tem como objetivo descrever as atividades desenvolvidas na fase de implementação do projeto de intervenção definido na Unidade Curricular Opção II. A temática escolhida aborda o papel crucial que o enfermeiro assume na promoção da autodeterminação do adolescente relativamente aos cuidados de saúde, através da obtenção do consentimento informado prévio aos atos de Enfermagem. O respeito pela autonomia individual preconiza que o enfermeiro paute a sua atuação pela veracidade, altruísmo e capacidade de escolha responsável, promovendo o direito à prossecução do projeto de saúde que cada indivíduo define para si, numa prestação de cuidados individualizada e com base nos conhecimentos dos valores da profissão e do cliente de quem cuida. Os valores éticos e deontológicos que consubstanciam a prática de cuidados do enfermeiro, influenciam a definição de objetivos, estratégias e cursos de ação possíveis, estabelecendo-se como recursos que definem uma prática eticamente competente. Sem a devida preparação formal, os valores pessoais do Enfermeiro constituem-se como fatores que influenciam a identificação dos contornos éticos relevantes de cada situação. Definiu-se como objetivo geral apoiar os enfermeiros na aquisição e desenvolvimento de conhecimentos éticos e legais necessários à promoção da autonomia do adolescente na tomada de decisão relativa à prestação de cuidados de Enfermagem, através de intervenções promotoras de mudanças no ambiente ético organizacional e da formação permanente das Equipas de Enfermagem. Para o percurso como futura enfermeira especialista, perspetivei o desenvolvimento de competências que permitam uma prática de excelência alicerçada na Teoria Humanística de Enfermagem de Josephine Paterson, implementando intervenções promotoras da saúde, bem-estar e desenvolvimento da criança, adolescente e família

    Inflammatory Bowel Disease patients’ perspectives during COVID-19 pandemic: results from a Portuguese survey

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    © 2021 Sociedade Portuguesa de Gastrenterologia. Published by S. Karger AG, BaselThis is an Open Access article licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-4.0 International License (CC BY-NC) (http://www.karger.com/Services/OpenAccessLicense), applicable to the online version of the article only. Usage and distribution for com- mercial purposes requires written permissionIntroduction: Patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) do not seem to be at increased risk of infection by SARS-CoV-2, but there is a concern whether immunosuppressive therapy may be associated with more severe disease. Several clinical practice recommendations have been published to help guide IBD care during the COVID-19 pandemic. Nonetheless, few studies have addressed patients' perspectives and fears. We aimed to evaluate Portuguese IBD patients' perspectives on the clinical management of their disease during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic as well as the impact on their professional life. Methods: An anonymous electronic survey was created using REDCap and was distributed by the Portuguese Association of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (APDI) between May and August 2020. Patients' perspectives on immunosuppressive therapy, disease management, interaction with gastroenterology departments, and the impact of the pandemic in their professional life were assessed. Patients' proposals to improve medical care were also evaluated. Descriptive analysis and logistic regression were performed. Results: A total of 137 participants answered the survey (79.6% females, mean age 41.7 ± 12.1 years). Although having IBD and receiving treatment with immunosuppressors (thiopurines, steroids, or biologics) were considered promotors of anxiety, most patients (85.4%) agreed that disease remission was a priority and only a minority of patients interrupted their treatment during the pandemic. In multivariate analysis, active disease, biologic treatment, and use of corticosteroids in the last 3 months were perceived by the patients as high-risk features for increased risk of SARS-Cov-2 infection and more severe disease. Fifty-nine patients (44%) believed that their follow-up was influenced by the pandemic and only 58.8% felt that they had the opportunity to discuss their therapeutic options with their doctor. Sixty-three patients (46.0%) were working from home during the pandemic, although this decision was related to IBD and immunosuppressive therapy in only 36.5 and 39.7% of the cases, respectively. Areas where care could have been improved during the pandemic were identified by patients, namely enhancement of the communication with IBD professionals, conciliation of telemedicine with face-to-face appointments, and facilitation of the interaction between patients and employers. Conclusion: Most patients agreed that maintaining IBD remission is crucial, and only a minority of the patients stopped their treatment as per their own initiative. IBD status only had a small influence on patients' professional activity during the COVID-19 outbreak, with most changes being related to the pandemic itself.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Extracellular vesicles from pancreatic cancer stem cells lead an intratumor communication network (EVNet) to fuel tumour progression

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    © Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2022. Re-use permitted under CC BY-NC. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/This is an open access article distributed in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) license, which permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non-commercially, and license their derivative works on different terms, provided the original work is properly cited, appropriate credit is given, any changes made indicated, and the use is non-commercial. See: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/.Objective: Intratumor heterogeneity drives cancer progression and therapy resistance. However, it has yet to be determined whether and how subpopulations of cancer cells interact and how this interaction affects the tumour. Design: We have studied the spontaneous flow of extracellular vesicles (EVs) between subpopulations of cancer cells: cancer stem cells (CSC) and non-stem cancer cells (NSCC). To determine the biological significance of the most frequent communication route, we used pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) orthotopic models, patient-derived xenografts (PDXs) and genetically engineered mouse models (GEMMs). Results: We demonstrate that PDAC tumours establish an organised communication network between subpopulations of cancer cells using EVs called the EVNet). The EVNet is plastic and reshapes in response to its environment. Communication within the EVNet occurs preferentially from CSC to NSCC. Inhibition of this communication route by impairing Rab27a function in orthotopic xenographs, GEMMs and PDXs is sufficient to hamper tumour growth and phenocopies the inhibition of communication in the whole tumour. Mechanistically, we provide evidence that CSC EVs use agrin protein to promote Yes1 associated transcriptional regulator (YAP) activation via LDL receptor related protein 4 (LRP-4). Ex vivo treatment of PDXs with antiagrin significantly impairs proliferation and decreases the levels of activated YAP.Patients with high levels of agrin and low inactive YAP show worse disease-free survival. In addition, patients with a higher number of circulating agrin+ EVs show a significant increased risk of disease progression. Conclusion: PDAC tumours establish a cooperation network mediated by EVs that is led by CSC and agrin, which allows tumours to adapt and thrive. Targeting agrin could make targeted therapy possible for patients with PDAC and has a significant impact on CSC that feeds the tumour and is at the centre of therapy resistance.The work was supported by NORTE-01–0145-FEDER-000029, Norte Portugal Regional Programme (NORTE 2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund and national funds through FCT—Foundation for Science and Technology POCI-01–0145-FEDER-32189. Programa Operacional Regional do Norte and co-financed by European Regional Development Fund under the project "The Porto Comprehensive Cancer Center" with the reference NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-072678 - Consórcio PORTO.CCC – Porto.Comprehensive Cancer Center. CFR is supported by FCT (SFRH/BD/131461/2017), NB by (SFRH/BD/130801/2017), IB by FCT (SFRH/BD/144854/2019), and BA by FCT (PD/BD/135546/2018). DG’s contribution was supported by the NCI (R21 CA179907). We acknowledge the support of the i3S Scientific Platforms: Translational Cytometry, Animal Facility, Bioimaging and Histology and Electron Microscopy are members of the national infrastructure PPBI - Portuguese Platform of Bioimaging (PPBI-POCI-01–0145-FEDER-022122). Proteomics was performed at the Proteomics Facility of The Spanish National Center for Biotechnology (CNB-CSIC), ProteoRed, PRB3-ISCIII, supported by grant PT17/0019.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A revelação do sentido: estudo da significação narrativo-dramática nos romances orais tradicionais

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    Tese de doutoramento, Estudos de Literatura e de Cultura (Literatura Oral e Tradicional), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2012Os romances orais tradicionais são composições poéticas de natureza narrativo-dramática, cujos textos são constituídos por múltiplas versões, sendo dotados de conteúdos complexos e altamente estruturados. Embora as suas manifestações se caracterizem por uma expressão elíptica, o seu sentido revela-se sempre numa significação económica e fortemente condensada. Para empreender este estudo, quisemos delimitar um corpus justificado e representativo, formado pelas versões registadas, em BRTPOM, dos romances Bernal Francês, Veneno de Moriana, Silvana, Delgadinha e Gerinaldo, dos quais se traçam breves histórias externas e internas. A pesquisa para uma revelação do sentido inicia-se com a análise das características dos romances e respectivas versões e pela compreensão e influência no sentido, de factores como o que é explícito e implícito, romance e versão, invariância e variação. Abordam-se questões relativas à organização da narrativa, à divisão em sequências, à natureza e posicionamento destas na estrutura narrativa e examinam-se tipos de estrutura e decorrentes problemas de classificação. Contendo os romances, de modo implícito, determinados modelos sócio-culturais, faz-se uma interpretação ideológico-axiológica, propõe-se uma tipologia dos espaços físico, social e familiar e definem-se as relações de Poder. Nesta perspectiva, apontam-se e analisam-se as acções cometidas pelas personagens, entendidas como de transgressão. Com base no exposto, encontram-se, nos suportes significantes directos da narrativa lógico-temporal invariante e organizada em sequências de cada romance, os elementos que permitem aceder ao implícito, o que possibilitará a reconstituição de uma narrativa mais vasta e complexa. Esta conduz a um esquema ou “modelo-virtual”, construção artificial que visa reproduzir a estrutura invariante do romance e, simultaneamente, registar a anotação de variantes. O sentido assim revelado completa-se através da significação dos motivos, indexados e não-indexados. Analisam-se as variações resultantes da produtransmissão, apontando-se casos de transformação da narrativa e do sentido do romance que as versões revelam, através de elipses, aditamentos ou contaminações.Oral traditional “romances” are poetic compositions of dramatic-narrative nature whose texts are composed by multiple versions and are endowed with complex and highly structured contents. Although an elliptic form characterizes their manifestations, their meaning reveals always on an economic and highly condensed signification. In order to undertake this study we delimitate a justified and representative corpus formed by the versions registered on BRTPOM of the romances Bernal Francês, Veneno de Moriana, Silvana, Delgadinha and Gerinaldo, of which short external and internal histories are done. The research of meaning’s revelation begins with the analysis of romances and versions’ characteristics and by the perception of influence on it of factors such as explicit and implicit, romance and version, invariance and variation. Issues concerning the organization of the narrative, the division into sequences, their nature and location within the narrative structure, types of structure and romances classification problems are examined. As romances contain implicit certain social-cultural models, an ideological-axiological interpretation is done, a typology of physical, social and family spaces is proposed, and Power relationships are defined. On this point of view, the actions perpetrated by the characters are highlighted and analyzed as transgressions. Based on the above, the elements allowing the access to implicit meaning are searched on direct significant supports of the logical-temporal invariant narrative organized in sequences of each romance enabling the reconstruction of a wider and complex narrative. This leads to a scheme or “virtual-model”, an artificial construction targeting the invariance structure of romance reproduction together with the notation of variants. The so revealed meaning completes through the use of indexed and non-indexed motifs significance. Variations due to production-transmission are analyzed and cases of narrative and romance’s meaning transformation through ellipsis, additions or contaminations revealed by versions are pointed out

    Creating impact by integrating the SDGs in a company strategy

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    Aiming at integrating the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in its corporate strategy, the company Corbion has developed and performed an impact assessment consisting of three steps: 1) Product and supply chain SDG impact assessment 2) Prioritization and 3) Target setting. As an outcome of this assessment, the company has chosen to focus on SDG 2, SDG 3 and SDG 12 as the goals on which it can make the most significant impact. The company aims for 80% of its revenues to contribute to these SDGs by 2030 and targets to minimize potential negative impacts of the value chain were set. The progress towards these targets is monitored and included in the company annual report

    A revelação do sentido: estudo da significação narrativo-dramática nos romances orais tradicionais

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    Tese de doutoramento, Estudos de Literatura e de Cultura (Literatura Oral e Tradicional), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2012Os romances orais tradicionais são composições poéticas de natureza narrativo-dramática, cujos textos são constituídos por múltiplas versões, sendo dotados de conteúdos complexos e altamente estruturados. Embora as suas manifestações se caracterizem por uma expressão elíptica, o seu sentido revela-se sempre numa significação económica e fortemente condensada. Para empreender este estudo, quisemos delimitar um corpus justificado e representativo, formado pelas versões registadas, em BRTPOM, dos romances Bernal Francês, Veneno de Moriana, Silvana, Delgadinha e Gerinaldo, dos quais se traçam breves histórias externas e internas. A pesquisa para uma revelação do sentido inicia-se com a análise das características dos romances e respectivas versões e pela compreensão e influência no sentido, de factores como o que é explícito e implícito, romance e versão, invariância e variação. Abordam-se questões relativas à organização da narrativa, à divisão em sequências, à natureza e posicionamento destas na estrutura narrativa e examinam-se tipos de estrutura e decorrentes problemas de classificação. Contendo os romances, de modo implícito, determinados modelos sócio-culturais, faz-se uma interpretação ideológico-axiológica, propõe-se uma tipologia dos espaços físico, social e familiar e definem-se as relações de Poder. Nesta perspectiva, apontam-se e analisam-se as acções cometidas pelas personagens, entendidas como de transgressão. Com base no exposto, encontram-se, nos suportes significantes directos da narrativa lógico-temporal invariante e organizada em sequências de cada romance, os elementos que permitem aceder ao implícito, o que possibilitará a reconstituição de uma narrativa mais vasta e complexa. Esta conduz a um esquema ou “modelo-virtual”, construção artificial que visa reproduzir a estrutura invariante do romance e, simultaneamente, registar a anotação de variantes. O sentido assim revelado completa-se através da significação dos motivos, indexados e não-indexados. Analisam-se as variações resultantes da produtransmissão, apontando-se casos de transformação da narrativa e do sentido do romance que as versões revelam, através de elipses, aditamentos ou contaminações.Oral traditional “romances” are poetic compositions of dramatic-narrative nature whose texts are composed by multiple versions and are endowed with complex and highly structured contents. Although an elliptic form characterizes their manifestations, their meaning reveals always on an economic and highly condensed signification. In order to undertake this study we delimitate a justified and representative corpus formed by the versions registered on BRTPOM of the romances Bernal Francês, Veneno de Moriana, Silvana, Delgadinha and Gerinaldo, of which short external and internal histories are done. The research of meaning’s revelation begins with the analysis of romances and versions’ characteristics and by the perception of influence on it of factors such as explicit and implicit, romance and version, invariance and variation. Issues concerning the organization of the narrative, the division into sequences, their nature and location within the narrative structure, types of structure and romances classification problems are examined. As romances contain implicit certain social-cultural models, an ideological-axiological interpretation is done, a typology of physical, social and family spaces is proposed, and Power relationships are defined. On this point of view, the actions perpetrated by the characters are highlighted and analyzed as transgressions. Based on the above, the elements allowing the access to implicit meaning are searched on direct significant supports of the logical-temporal invariant narrative organized in sequences of each romance enabling the reconstruction of a wider and complex narrative. This leads to a scheme or “virtual-model”, an artificial construction targeting the invariance structure of romance reproduction together with the notation of variants. The so revealed meaning completes through the use of indexed and non-indexed motifs significance. Variations due to production-transmission are analyzed and cases of narrative and romance’s meaning transformation through ellipsis, additions or contaminations revealed by versions are pointed out

    Iodine-123-metaiodobenzylguanidine scintigraphy in risk stratification of sudden death in heart failure

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    A metaiodobenzilguanidina (MIBG) é um falso neurotransmissor análogo da noradre-nalina, captada essencialmente por um mecanismo de transporte de tipo 1 na membrana celulardos neurónios adrenérgicos pré-sinápticos, acumulando-se em grânulos de armazenamento decatecolaminas. Como praticamente não é metabolizada, a sua marcac¸ão com um radioisótopo(iodo-123) permite, através de imagens cintigráficas, avaliar de forma não invasiva o status fun-cional da inervac¸ão simpática de órgãos com importante componente adrenérgico, incluindo ocorac¸ão. A sua aplicabilidade em cardiologia nuclear tem vindo a ser estudada e parece revelarimportância na avaliac¸ão de patologias como a doenc¸a arterial coronária, insuficiência cardíaca,arritmias e morte súbita.A insuficiência cardíaca é um problema à escala global, com uma prevalência estimada nospaíses desenvolvidos de 2%. Apresenta uma mortalidade elevada, sendo a morte súbita cardíacaa principal causa. A disfunc¸ão do sistema nervoso autónomo, nomeadamente a hiperatividadesimpática, que acompanha a insuficiência cardíaca crónica, relaciona-se com a remodelac¸ãoprogressiva do miocárdio, o declínio da func¸ão ventricular esquerda e o agravamento dossintomas, participando no desenvolvimento de arritmias ventriculares e morte súbita.Dado que a cintigrafia cardíaca com123I-MIBG permite a identificac¸ão de alterac¸ões do sis-tema adrenérgico cardíaco, questiona-se o seu papel na obtenc¸ão de informac¸ão diagnóstica eprognóstica em doentes com insuficiência cardíaca.Pelo interesse e a atualidade do assunto, pareceu-nos oportuno rever os dados publicadossobre a utilizac¸ão da cintigrafia com123I-MIBG na estratificac¸ão do risco de morte súbita empacientes com insuficiência cardíaca.Metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) is a false neurotransmitter noradrenaline analoguethat is taken up by the ‘uptake 1’ transporter mechanism in the cell membrane of presynapticadrenergic neurons and accumulates in catecholamine storage vesicles. Since it is practicallyunmetabolized, it can be labeled with a radioisotope (iodine-123) in scintigraphic exams tononinvasively assess the functional status of the sympathetic innervation of organs with a signi-ficant adrenergic component, including the heart. Studies of its application in nuclear cardiologyappear to confirm its value in the assessment of conditions such as coronary artery disease, heartfailure, arrhythmias and sudden death.Heart failure is a global problem, with an estimated prevalence of 2% in developed coun-tries. Sudden cardiac death is the main cause of its high mortality. The autonomic nervoussystem dysfunction, including sympathetic hyperactivity, that accompanies chronic heart fai-lure is associated with progressive myocardial remodeling, declining left ventricular functionand worsening symptoms, and contributes to the development of ventricular arrhythmias andsudden death.Since 123I-MIBG cardiac scintigraphy can detect changes in the cardiac adrenergic system,there is considerable interest in its role in obtaining diagnostic and prognostic information inpatients with heart failure.In this article we present a literature review on the use of 123I-MIBG scintigraphy for riskstratification of sudden death in patients with heart failure