23 research outputs found


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    The paper analyzes the structural condition of the church dedicated to Saint Nicholas, which is located in the town of Crna Trava, in the south of Serbia. An architectural analysis of the observed structure is provided, as well as an overview of previous works on it, both research and rehabilitation and conservation. A detailed analysis of the structural system of the church is presented. The analysis and classification of the observed damages was performed, the works on the rehabilitation of the building were presented, and a proposal of further remedial measures was given with the aim of preventing further deterioration of the building

    Formation of urban structure and architectonic forms of the Caricin grad in 6th century

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    The results of archeological and architectonic research of Caricin Grad are only partially known to the scientific public in spite of the numerous publications. For this reason, this paper is a way to present the urban structure of the city and its architectonic forms by gathering concise results and analyses of new architectonic field research and of the already published ones as well. The synthesis of new and already known facts and data, provides a more complete and thus clearer picture of the physical structure of this early Byzantine city than the one which exists now. The paper aims towards study of architectonic and urban forms of early Byzantium. The paper provides an analysis of archeological site, Caricin Grad from the viewpoint of urban structure, as well as an analysis of architectonic structures. Also viewed and analyzed were the issues of water supply for the city, and sewage system. The impacts responsible for formation of Caricin Grad in 6th century were analyzed, and also the building method and applied materials, by finding their origin, The building and other influences of Caricin Grad on the development and emergence of sacral architecture and individual forms of public architecture in the immediate vicinity of the city were defined. The paper determined the development of urban and architectonic form of Caricing Grad from founding in the first half of 6th century AD to its disappearance in 7th century AD, historical background of development. The documents on the individual structures of the city and parts of the city were updated, a typological classification (primarily religious) structures was established, and other early Byzantine sites in the vicinity were analyzed and the value of this category of building heritage was determined. The doctoral dissertation research results may serve as a basis for creation of adequate detailed town planning – technical and conservation conditions for protection of early Byzantine forts, and subsequently for adequate designs of reconstruction and revitalization. Ke


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    During 2020, the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments of Nis conducted extensive research in the part of the municipality of Dimitrovgrad in order to record buildings, sites or entities with monumental properties. On that occasion, among other things, a larger number of city villas was recorded. The paper presents three selected representative examples of this type of house. An architectural analysis of each of the observed buildings is presented, as well as ortho-photo attachments. The entire procedure of documenting the building is listed and explained, from field drawings, through the elaboration of documentation to the development of 3d models. One of the goals of the entire research procedure, in addition to preparing documentation for further legal protection of buildings, was to educate students in the field of protection of architectural heritage, on specific tasks


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    The paper presents buildings from the period of Ottoman domination in southern and eastern Serbia. The paper first presents the architectural analysis of the buildings in question. The historical context of their construction, their original function and the social role they had when they were created are also considered. A special emphasis was placed on the analysis of the current state of preservation of these buildings, their new functions and the role they play in society today


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    Between the years 2003. and 2013. the Republic of Serbia alocated in its own budgets around one bilion dinars for designing and construction of shelters on archaeological sites. This paper researhes the main factors for decision making on different levels, resulting in certain designs and construction solutions, but in numerous problems also. Based on all so far performed works and their results, the general guidelines were given applicable to the range of professionals involved

    Characteristics of Mortar from the Archeological site Caričin Grad

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    The paper presents research of mortar from the archeological site Caričin Grad. Caričin Grad is an early Byzantine site located near Leskovac, Serbia. It is of extreme importance for the study of early Medieval architecture. The town covers the area of around 7 ha. In town planning terms, it consists of Acropolis, Middle, and Lower tow, each with its system of ramparts and the structures leaning on them. There is a large number of sacred buildings, Baths, public and private buildings, well developed water supply and sewerage system provide evidence of the town’s importance. Mortar was sampled from the buildings surrounding the circular square of the Middle town, from the structures north of Acropolis, gate between the Middle and Lower town, east gate of the Lower city as well as the aqueduct structure. Mortars were analyzed with the goal of obtaining information about morphological, mineralogical, chemical and basic physical properties of mortar. For analysis of these properties, optical microscopy was used and scanning electronic microscope. Depending on the location sampled mortars, there are differences of individual properties of mortar. The optical examination of macroscopic appearance of mortar samples indicated that those are limestone mortars. The aggregate grains detected are river and crushed limestone aggregate and fine pieces of bricks

    Analysis of a potential collision of buildings during earthquake based on computer simulation

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    U slučajevima kada dilatacijske razdjelnice između susjednih zgrada nisu dovoljne, za vrijeme zemljotresa sudaraju se pojedini dijelovi objekata. Pri tome dolazi do lokalnih oštećenja ili čak rušenja dijelova zgrada jer su sile udara velikog intenziteta. Da bi se to izbjeglo, treba posebnu pažnju posvetiti projektiranju aseizmičkih razdjelnica. U radu je prikazana parametarska analiza potencijalnog sudara dvije višespratne zgrade, primjenom programskog paketa SAP2000v15, s ciljem da se ispita što se dešava ako su razdjelnice projektirane u skladu sa standardima koji važe u Srbiji, a ipak dođe do sudara u nekim razmatranim slučajevima. Korišten je model s fleksibilnom osnovom u interakciji s tlom. U dinamičkoj su analizi korišteni akcelerogrami realnih zemljotresa. Određene su vrijednosti seizmičkih sila, momenata savijanja i normalnih sila u slučajevima kada bi došlo do sudara zgrada, kao i potrebna širina dilatacijskih razdjelnica da bi se izbjegao sudar, a izvedeni su i zaključci o utjecaju pojedinih parametara na pojavu sudara.In the cases when expansion joints between adjacent buildings are not sufficient, certain parts of the structure collide during earthquake. Then it comes to local damage or even destruction of parts of the building because of the impact forces of great intensity. In order to avoid collision, particular attention has to be paid to design of aseismic joints. In the paper, a parametric analysis of the potential collision of two multi-storey buildings is carried out by the use of software package SAP2000v15, with the goal to examine what occurs if the expansion joints have been designed in compliance with Serbian standards, and if yet there are collisions in some cases. The flexible base model in interaction with soil was designed. The accelerograms of real earthquakes were applied in dynamic analysis. Quantities of seismic forces, bending moments and axial forces in the case of collision, as well as necessary width of expansion joints to avoid it, were computed. Conclusions about influence of considered parameters on collision occurrence were accomplished


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    Ceramic tiles and roof covers have been used in construction of architectonic structures from the earliest times. Their relatively simple production, as well as acceptable cost, contributed to the mass usage of these products.The paper presents a review of ceramic tiles and roof tiles, by laying out their development, shapes, physical properties and usage through history in various climates and time periods.The aim of the paper is understanding the importance of use and development of these products in architecture. 

    Copmarative analysis of mortars from the archeological sites Gamzigrad (Romuliana) and Caričin Grad for the purpose of making compatible repair mortars

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    The paper presents a comparative analysis of mortars found at two significant archeological sites in Serbia. Specifically, those are Gamzigrad (Romuliana) near Zajecar and the archeological site Caricin Grad near Leskovac. In the previous papers, we dealst with the characterization of mortars from both sites. It was the first examination of mortars from both locations. The comparative analysis of mortars was performed based on the data obtained by testing physical-mechanical properties such as: water absorption, porosity, gravity and specific mass. Mineralogical composition (both quantitative and qualitative) was obtained based on XRD / XRF and SEM/EDS analyses. The comparative analyses of the mortar obtained from the mentioned archeological sites indicated that mortars from both locations contained grains of river aggregate, crushed limestone aggregate and crushed masonry bricks. The share percentage varied. Regarding the binder, the mortar from the Gamzigrad (Romuliana) site had limestone used for the binder, while the mortar from the Caricin Grad site had clay and powdered masonry bricks. The obtained results of mortar analysis pave the way for further research with an aim of making repair mortars


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    The fired earth products are from the dawn of time very readily used as a building material in architecture. Regardless of the geographical area, or era, both adobe and bricks have been often used because they are easy and cheap to manufacture.The paper provides the review of adobe and brick use, from the earliest times until nowadays. The evolution of their production, forms, physical properties and ways of their usage on the structures are presented.The goal of the paper is an analysis of development of use of these products which will certainly remain in use for many years to come.