2,450 research outputs found


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    This study aimed to raise coping strategies to deal with social isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic. The spread of the Covid-19 virus has turned into a pandemic as it spread throughout the world, leading to mobility restrictions for billions of people who have faced varying degrees of confinement. This situation has led to extreme emotions of fear, sadness, and feelings of anxiety, with impacts on people's psychological health. Research has shown that the ability to adequately regulate one's own emotions is very important for mental physical, and social health, and it is relevant to study how people deal with their emotions in stressful situations, such as the current context of isolation in the pandemic. A questionnaire was applied electronically to 463 participants from all over Brazil over the age of 18 years. Data analysis was qualitative, based on responses to an open item that asked about coping strategies to deal with social isolation.  The results showed the use of varied strategies to minimize stress and increase well-being. Cognitive reassessment, the search for social support, and distraction were highlighted.Este estudio tuvo como objetivo plantear estrategias de afrontamiento para hacer frente al aislamiento social durante la pandemia de COVID-19. La propagación del virus Covid-19 se ha convertido en una pandemia a medida que se propaga por todo el mundo, lo que ha provocado restricciones de movilidad para miles de millones de personas que se han enfrentado a diversos grados de confinamiento. Esta situación ha llevado a emociones extremas de miedo, tristeza y sentimientos de ansiedad, con impactos en la salud psicológica de las personas. La investigación ha demostrado que la capacidad de regular adecuadamente las propias emociones es muy importante para la salud mental, física y social, y es relevante estudiar cómo las personas lidian con sus emociones en situaciones estresantes, como el contexto actual de aislamiento en la pandemia. Se aplicó un cuestionario electrónico a 463 participantes de todo Brasil mayores de 18 años. El análisis de los datos fue cualitativo, basado en las respuestas a un ítem abierto que preguntaba sobre las estrategias de afrontamiento para enfrentar el aislamiento social.   Los resultados mostraron el uso de estrategias variadas para minimizar el estrés y aumentar el bienestar. Se destacó la reevaluación cognitiva, la búsqueda de apoyo social y la distracción.Este estudo objetivou levantar as estratégias de enfrentamento para lidar com isolamento social durante a pandemia do COVID-19. A disseminação do vírus Covid-19 transformou-se em pandemia ao se espalhar pelo mundo, levando a restrições de mobilidade de bilhões de pessoas que passaram a enfrentar graus variados de confinamento. Essa situação tem levado a emoções extremas de medo, tristeza e sentimentos de ansiedade, com impactos na saúde psicológica das pessoas. Pesquisas têm mostrado que a habilidade para regular adequadamente as próprias emoções é muito importante para a saúde mental, física e relações sociais, sendo relevante estudar como as pessoas lidam com suas emoções frente a situações estressoras, tal como o contexto atual do isolamento na pandemia. Foi aplicado questionário, por meio eletrônico, a 463 participantes de todo Brasil com idade superior a 18 anos. A análise dos dados foi qualitativa, com base nas respostas a um item aberto que interrogava acerca das estratégias de enfrentamento para lidar com isolamento social.   Os resultados evidenciaram o uso de estratégias variadas a fim de minimizar o estresse e ampliar o bem-estar. Destacou-se a reavaliação cognitiva, a busca de suporte social e a distração

    Retinal nerve fiber layer thickness analysis in normal and glaucomatous dogs using laser polarimetry diagnosis

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    Once the glaucomatous damage is progressive and irreversible, studies on the glaucoma onset as well as its development have been discussed. It is known that the early diagnostisis is extremely important to the stabilization and treatment. The retinal nerve fibers layer thickness analysis ''in vivo'' was proposed in human ophthalmology in order to establish the thickness changing, due to glaucoma, and have shown that such findings can be even detected six years priors to the first clinical signs. However, in Veterinary Medicine, such data need to be investigated and discussed. This study used two groups of dogs, a glaucomatous group and a normal group, that had been submitted to the retinal nerve fibers layer analysis through the GDx Nerve Fiber Analyzer. Statistical data showed that the nerve fiber layer of the glaucomatous group was thinner (p < 0.05), sustaining ganglion cells axons loss in glaucomatous eyes, compared to normal eyes.As lesões glaucomatosas são progressivas e irreversíveis. Estudos sobre o aparecimento e comportamento desta enfermidade vêm sendo discutidos na oftalmologia em geral. O diagnóstico precoce é de extrema importância para o tratamento e estabilização da mesma. A análise da espessura da camada de fibras nervosas retinianas ''in vivo'' foi proposta na oftalmologia humana, para estabelecer as alterações produzidas pelo glaucoma, e tem demonstrado que tais alterações podem ser detectadas até seis anos antes de alterações de campo visual e aumento de pressão intraocular. Entretanto, na Medicina Veterinária, estes dados carecem de estudo e discussão. Neste experimento foram utilizados dois grupos de cães, com olhos normais e olhos glaucomatosos, que foram submetidos à análise das fibras nervosas retinianas através do Analisador de Fibras Nervosas GDx. Os resultados estatísticos demonstraram que a camada de fibras nervosas dos olhos dos cães glaucomatosos estava mais delgada (p < 0,05) quando comparados aos olhos de cães normais, confirmando a perda de axônios das células ganglionares em olhos de cães com glaucoma

    The consumption of unhealthy foods by Brazilian children is influenced by their mother’s educational level

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    Objective: To evaluate the association between the consumption of unhealthy foods in children under one year and the education level of the mothers, data obtained from participants of the II Survey on the prevalence of breastfeeding in the Brazilian capitals and the Federal District in 2008 was analyzed. Methods: During the second stage of the campaign for multi-vaccination, a questionnaire on food consumption in the last 24 hours was given to mothers or guardians of children under one year old. We analyzed the consumption of unhealthy foods according to age group, maternal education, region of residence and breastfeeding status. The state capitals and the Federal District were grouped according to the five macro-regions of the country (North, Northeast, Southeast, South and West). Processed juice, soda, coffee, cookies/salted snacks and sugar and/or honey were defined as unhealthy foods. Prevalence ratios (RP) for the association between the consumption of unhealthy foods and maternal education were estimated using Poisson regression models. Results: The study included 34,366 children. The consumption of sweet foods started early and was predominant until the age of six months; after this age, the consumption of biscuits and/or snacks became more prevalent. The consumption of these foods also differs in relation to the macro-region of residence. Consumption of unhealthy foods was higher among mothers with lower education levels. Conclusions: The consumption of unhealthy foods by Brazilian children under one year old was high, indicating a need for developing effective strategies to combat the consumption of unhealthy foods in Brazilian children as a way of preventing obesity and other future disorders

    Redução de danos: estratégia de cuidado com populações vulneráveis na cidade de Santo André - SP

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    The Harm Reduction Unit (HRU) of the Municipal Health Department of Santo André (state of São Paulo) is a working tool for healthcare that has the purpose of transforming the health situation of individuals who are part of socially stigmatized, therefore vulnerable, groups. These are individuals who spend their lives or work on the streets: drug users, male prostitutes, female sex workers, men who have sex with men, sexually exploited adolescents, transsexuals, transvestites, lesbians and women working in brothels. The HRU's potential benefits were indicated to be: it improved healthcare and condom use; decreased drug use; improved seeking and access to healthcare services; decreased material sharing for drug use; improved decision-making capacity. HRU's actions have gone beyond prevention of health damage, as it has promoted broader transformations such as awareness of social rights in general and health rights in particular, along with actions towards making these rights apply, based on the principle of integrality of SUS (Brazil's National Health System). Since 2002 we have assisted, through outreach work, 240 prostitutes, 120 travestites, 10 sexually exploited adolescents and 28 drug users (intravenous and crack).A Unidade de Redução de Danos (URD) da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Santo André, compreendida como instrumento do serviço de saúde em atuação avançada, tem por finalidade transformar a situação de saúde de sujeitos que fazem parte de grupos sociais estigmatizados e, portanto, vulnerabilizados; são indivíduos que circulam ou trabalham nas ruas - usuários de drogas, michês, mulheres profissionais do sexo, homens que fazem sexo com homens, adolescentes em situação de exploração sexual, transexuais, travestis, lésbicas e mulheres que trabalham em casas de programas. Nosso objetivo é assegurar aos indivíduos desses grupos o direito à saúde e, baseados no princípio de Integralidade do SUS, apoiar o acesso a outros direitos sociais. Desde 2002, através do trabalho de campo, foi possibilitada a vinculação de 240 profissionais do sexo, 120 travestis, 10 crianças e adolescentes, 28 usuários de droga injetável e usuários de crack, que até então não tinham acesso aos recursos e dispositivos de saúde do Município

    Produção, caracterização e avaliação da capacidade adsortiva de carvões ativados em forma de briquete

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    Carvões ativados em forma de briquetes foram preparados a partir do resíduo da madeira de candeia, gerado no processo de extração do óleo α-bisabolol. O material foi briquetado, carbonizado e ativado com CO2, variando-se a temperatura (700-900°C) e o tempo de ativação (1-3 horas). Para a caracterização dos carvões ativados foram realizadas análise elementar (CHN-O), análise dos grupos funcionais (titulação de Boehm), bur-off, área superficial BET estimada, índice de iodo, cálculo de área superficial com azul de metileno SAM, testes de adsorção com azul de metileno e fenol e índice de resistência mecânica. Os resultados mostraram que, com o aumento da temperatura e do tempo de ativação, ocorre aumento da área superficial, do volume de poros, da basicidade do carvão e da capacidade de adsorção de azul de metileno e de fenol.Palavras-chave:Candeia; Carvão Ativado; Briquete


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    Dinizia excelsa is one of the largest tree species grown in the Amazon rainforest, besides having great economic potential to help recovering degraded areas. This species plays key role in forest biomass diversity and increase processes. Studies in the literature that have focused on investigating the seminal production of seedlings belonging to this species remain scarce. The aim of the current study is to assess the production and quality of D. excelsa seedlings in response to the application of controlled-release fertilizer doses. The study has followed a completely randomized experimental design, based on the application of different Osmocote® doses (T1=0; T2=4.1; T3= 8.2 and T4=12.3 g.dm-³), with four repetitions - vermiculite and coconut fiber (1:1 v/v) were used as substrate. The following parameters were assessed: number of leaves, number of leaflets, shoot and root length, thickness of stem, plant height, shoot length:thickness of stem, leaf area, as well as shoot (SDW), root (RDW) and total (TDW) dry weight. Data were subjected to variance and regression analysis. Seedlings have positively responded to the use of Osmocote® fertilizer. Biomass accumulation recorded the best results from the 4.1 g.dm-³ dose onwards. Thus, it can be recommended to help reducing costs associated with the seminal production of seedlings belonging to the investigated species.  Dinizia excelsa é uma das maiores árvores da floresta amazônica, com grande potencial econômico para recuperação de áreas degradadas. Trata-se de uma espécie-chave para diversidade e aumento da biomassa florestal. Ainda são escassos os estudos relacionados à produção seminal de mudas da espécie. Nós avaliamos a produção e a qualidade de mudas de D. excelsa em resposta à aplicação de doses de adubo de liberação controlada. O delineamento adotado foi inteiramente casualizado, aplicando-se diferentes doses de Osmocote® (T1=0; T2=4.1; T3= 8.2 e T4=12.3 g.dm-³) com quatro repetições, utilizando-se como substrato vermiculita e fibra de coco (1:1 v/v). Foram avaliados número de folhas e folíolos, comprimento da parte aérea e raiz, diâmetro do coleto, altura das mudas, relação comprimento da parte aérea e diâmetro do coleto, área foliar, massa seca da parte aérea, raiz e total. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância e regressão. As mudas responderam positivamente ao uso do adubo Osmocote® e a partir da dose 4.1 g.dm-³ o acúmulo de biomassa apresentou melhores resultados, podendo ser recomendada, permitindo uma economia nos custos de produção seminal de mudas da espécie.&nbsp

    The Enteric Glial Network Acts in the Maintenance of Intestinal Homeostasis and in Intestinal Disorders

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    The enteric nervous system (ENS), also known as second brain, innervates our gastrointestinal tract controlling its functions, such as motility, fluid secretion, nutrient absorption, and even involvement in the control of immunity and inflammatory processes. In the gut, the gliocytes are known as enteric glial cells (EGCs). Enteric glial cells form a network that permeates the entire gut. Enteric glia express the cell surface hemichannel of connexin-43 (Cx43) necessary for the propagation of Ca2 + responses, necessary to maintain their functions. In this chapter, besides the development of ENS and its glial cells and the similarities with the astrocytes in the central nervous system, we approached the important role of the glial network in the control of gut homeostasis, in the interaction with the immune system, and its participation in pathological conditions. EGCs are even capable of replacing lost neurons. Thus the enteric glia is a multifunctional cell, which through its multiple interactions maintains the integrity of the ENS allowing it to be resistant to the different and constant aggressions suffered by the digestive system

    Acute myeloid leukemia in children and adolescents in Brazilian institutions : reality and challenges.

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    Objective: To describe the outcome of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) among children treated in Brazilian institutions. Methods: A structured online questionnaire was sent to pediatric oncologists affiliated to the Brazilian Society of Pediatric Oncology. The physicians and institutions were unidentified. Results: One hundred and four pediatric oncologists in all Brazilian regions answered the questionnaire. The treatment-related mortality rate was reported to be higher than 30% by 29.8% of the participants. Difficulty in accessing the intensive care unit (ICU) was reported by 54.8%. About 85% had access to cytogenetics, 78% to molecular testing, 94% to the measurement of residual disease by flow cytometry. About 90% of participants reported access to HSCT, but 86% of them had difficulties in providing HSCT timely. About 95% of the respondents indicated the need to create a national treatment protocol, and 89.4% are willing to collaborate with a national study group. Conclusion: Our study demonstrated large gaps in the treatment of pediatric AML in Brazil. To improve outcome, a national protocol will have to consider the regional differences and adapt the management according to the local resources

    Uma capitania dos novos tempos: economia, sociedade e política na São Paulo restaurada (1765-1822)

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    O artigo reflete sobre a trajetória da Capitania de São Paulo, a partir de 1750, apontando sua transformação, de fronteira e "boca do sertão", para território estratégico da conquista e defesa das partes meridionais e área economicamente integrada aos circuitos mercantis atlânticos.In this article, we reflect upon the history of the Captaincy of São Paulo as from 1750, drawing attention to its transformation from frontier land and "door to the backcountry" into a territory of strategic value for the purposes of conquest and defense of the southern regions, and economically integrated into the Atlantic trade routes