560 research outputs found

    Estruturas contrastivas : desenvolvimento do conhecimento explícito e da competência de escrita

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    Tese de doutoramento, Linguística (Linguística Educacional), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2010.Esta dissertação, inscrita em Linguística Educacional, é um estudo sobre ensino da gramática em língua materna e desenvolvimento da competência de escrita. Com o trabalho experimental desenvolvido, que avalia a existência de correlações entre ensino da gramática, desenvolvimento linguístico tardio e competência de escrita, este estudo contribui com evidências de que o ensino explícito da língua estimula o desenvolvimento de níveis superiores de mestria de língua e facilita a mobilização de conhecimento linguístico em situações de escrita. Com a finalidade de contextualizar a questão geral de investigação – será que o conhecimento explícito tem uma correlação positiva com o desenvolvimento da escrita? –, no Capítulo 2, introduzem-se as questões em torno do ensino da escrita e do ensino da gramática. O Capítulo 3 apresenta a análise de estruturas contrastivas na gramática do português europeu do adulto e uma reflexão sobre aquisição de concessivas e desenvolvimento linguístico tardio. A análise das estruturas contrastivas é apresentada em função da relevância deste conhecimento linguístico para a construção de textos de carácter argumentativo, na medida em que contribui com (i) riqueza lexical, (ii) fluência sintáctica, (iii) especificidade semântica e (iv) complexidade na estrutura informacional. O capítulo 4 é dedicado à explicitação do desenho experimental e da fundamentação metodológica, seguindo-se a apresentação dos resultados da análise quantitativa da fase de diagnóstico e da fase de intervenção didáctica. Com o Capítulo 5, discutem-se as questões decorrentes da análise dos resultados, procedendo-se a uma análise qualitativa de alguns dados de produção, de forma a fundamentar algumas explicações para o carácter tardio da aquisição de concessivas e para a natureza do conhecimento envolvido neste processo de desenvolvimento tardio. A questão da aquisição de concessivas é enquadrada no âmbito mais vasto do desenvolvimento linguístico em áreas de variação. Por fim, no Capítulo 6, sistematizam-se respostas às questões de investigação, à luz de uma síntese dos resultados, hipóteses de trabalho futuro e implicações para o ensino da língua materna.This dissertation, on Educational Linguistics, is a study on grammar teaching in mother language and on the development of writing skills. With the experimental study developed, which assesses the existence of correlations between grammar teaching, late language acquisition and writing skills, this study provides evidence for the claim that explicit language teaching stimulates the development of higher levels of mastery in language and facilitates the use of language knowledge in the context of writing. Aiming at contextualizing the general research question – does explicit knowledge correlate positively with the development of writing?, in Chapter 2, several issues concerning the teaching of writing and the teaching of grammar are introduced. Chapter 3 presents the analysis of contrastive structures in adult European Portuguese grammar and a reflection about the acquisition of concessive clauses and about late linguistic development. The analysis of contrastive structures focuses on the relevance of this linguistic knowledge for the construction of texts of the argumentative type, insofar as it contributes with (i) lexical richness, (ii) syntactic fluency, (iii) semantic specificity, and (iv) complexity in information structure. Chapter 4 explicitly presents the experimental design and the methodological background. It is followed by the presentation of the results of the quantitative analysis of the diagnosis stage and of the didactic intervention stage. In Chapter 5, a discussion of results is provided. For this, a qualitative analysis of some production data is carried on, aiming at explaining the late nature of the acquisition of concessive structures and the type of knowledge involved in the late development process. The problems related to the acquisition of concessive structures are couched within the more general issue of language development in domains of variation. Finally, Chapter 6 offers a systematization of answers to the research questions, based on a synthesis of the results. It further discusses hypotheses for future research and implications for mother language education.Esta dissertação foi realizada com o apoio da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, POCI 2010, através da bolsa SFRH/BD/41926/2007. Programa Operacional Ciência e Inovação 2010 do MCTES

    Implicit theories of emotional intelligence, ability and trait-emotional intelligence and academic achievement

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    This study examines the effect of the implicit theories of emotional intelligence and of emotional intelligence (EI; ability and trait EI) on students’ academic achievement (GPA). Five hundred twenty-three 10th graders (Mage = 15.5; SD = 0.67) completed measures of implicit theories (IT) and EI (performance and self-report). The results confirmed the direct effect of EI (ability and trait EI) on students’ GPA. Moreover, implicit theories of EI affected students’ trait EI and only indirectly affected students’ achievement. Multigroup analyses indicated that the IT and EI effects on students’ GPA were similar across students’ gender and socio-professional status. These findings underline the relevance of students’ implicit theories and EI and suggest their usefulness as strategies to foster academic success

    Communication plan of Sonae Sierra´s gift card surprise

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    JEL: M30, M31, M37, M39The purpose of this master's thesis was the development of a Communication Plan for the Surprise Gift Card, a product that will soon be launched by the Sonae Sierra Company. After a thorough evaluation of the financial trends of the Gift Vouchers sales (B2B and B2C), the company found that it was necessary to replace the current voucher for the card format and, at this moment, it is in development the future Surprise Gift Card (B2C model). With respect to the product Surprise, it is facing a problem of seasonality and its degree of notoriety in the market is very low compared with other competitors. Given this situation, this present communication plan will have two main objectives: to enhance brand awareness and increase purchase intention of the brand in the target audience. To support the plan it was necessary to conduct a profound analysis of the external and internal environment to the product Surprise, using primary and secondary data, which allowed reaching a set of insights and conclusions. Therefore, the Surprise Gift Card communication plan drawn up for one year, consisted of a large range of promotional activities and brand activations, as well as, in combining different communication tools in order to create an integrated and effective plan, taking into account the proposed goals.O propósito desta tese de mestrado consistiu no desenvolvimento de um Plano de Comunicação para o Cartão Presente Surprise, um produto que brevemente será lançado pela empresa Sonae Sierra. Na sequência de uma profunda análise das vendas do negócio dos Cheques-Prenda (B2B e B2C), a empresa considerou necessário proceder à substituição do atual cheque-prenda para o formato cartão e, neste momento encontra-se em desenvolvimento o futuro Cartão Presente Surprise (modelo B2C). No que diz respeito ao produto Surprise, o mesmo depara-se com um problema de sazonalidade, além de que o seu grau notoriedade no mercado é muito baixo, comparativamente com outros concorrentes. Perante esta situação, o presente plano de comunicação terá dois principais objetivos: aumentar o reconhecimento da marca e aumentar a intenção de compra da marca por parte da audiência alvo. Para suportar o plano foi necessário proceder a uma profunda análise do ambiente externo e interno ao produto Surprise, utilizando dados primários e secundários, que permitiram chegar a um conjunto de perceções (insights) e conclusões. Deste modo, o plano de comunicação elaborado para o Cartão Presente Surprise durante um ano, consistiu numa diversificação de ações promocionais e ativações de marca, bem como na combinação das diferentes ferramentas de comunicação de forma a criar um plano integrado e eficaz, tendo em conta os objetivos propostos

    Diversity management: homosexuality and the labor market

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    The main aim of this article is the study of the relationship between homosexuality and the labor market. Studies on minorities have gained a lot of emphasis; however, about sexual minorities, these are still not very expressive, especially regarding the labor context. Although sexual orientation is not professionally related, homosexual workers still suffer discrimination, the impact of which is reflected in their health, wages, and job opportunities. Thus, workers may decide to limit the disclosure of their sexual orientation at work or to assume it, decisions that vary according to their working environments. Inclusive organizational environments and policies are relevant tools that organizations need to adopt, to create safety and happiness at work. To achieve the study aims, an ethnographic approach was taken. An interview guide was elaborated and interviews conducted with homosexual workers to analyze their realities and professional experiences. The results allow us to conclude that homosexuality not only negatively influences the hiring of workers, who see their access to the labor market restricted, but also influences the daily lives of many of them, affecting their physical and mental wellbeing. Identity management differs according to the found working context. Most of the non-assumed workers are doing so as a form of protection, and those who are assumed do so due to the good environment that surrounds them as well as the friendly relationships created. Although it is a reality still far from desirable, the existence of policies to protect against discrimination and awareness of equal treatment are measures that stand out, manifesting themselves in more genuine labor relations and greater organizational satisfaction and commitment

    Um "pois" estruturador

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    As it is well known from the literature, the conective pois works as a conjunction, sharing proprieties of both coordinator and subordinator, as an affirmation adverb and as a consequence adverb. Regarding its functioning at a pragmatic and discourse level, the analysis of this particle contributes to the discussion about the need for a natural class of discourse markers. The description of the functioning of pois as a discourse marker supports its integration in different categories. Some ideas on its diachronic path are evaluated considering data from two corpora of written letters (from the XVIth century to the XXth century).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A contribution to the implicit/explicit debate on grammar learning: the case of contrast connectors

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    In this paper, studies on language acquisition and development are seen as most relevant to grammar teaching and learning. Grammar teaching may be conceived as a process of building awareness of the language used from the earliest stages, as well as a process of scaffolding knowledge depending on later language development. In this perspective, grammar instruction (including curricular orientations) must take into account what belongs to spontaneous linguistic knowledge, and which linguistic knowledge crucially depends on the richness of discourse experiences at school. Data on the acquisition of contrast connectives in European Portuguese will support the idea that, even assuming that some innate principles rule early language acquisition, linguistic proficiency depends on language learning experiences accumulated through years of schooling. Furthermore, language development is not entirely accomplished by linguistic mastery: the ability to explain language through language may be considered a later stage of linguistic accuracy, associated with formal [email protected] Luísa Costa is Assistant Professor at Higher Education College of the Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal (Portugal) and researcher at the University of Lisbon Linguistics Centre (CLUL). She teaches different courses of Didactics and Linguistics in training programs for pre-school and primary school teachers. Her research is focused on Early Literacy and Educational Linguistics.Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal, PortugalCentro de Linguística da Universidade de LisboaBatalha, J. 2018. Relações entre o conhecimento explícito da língua e a competência de leitura. (Doctoral dissertation) Retrieved from RUN, Nova University of Lisbon http://hdl.handle.net/10362/43439Berman, R. 2004. Between emergence and mastery. The long development route of language acquisition. 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