120 research outputs found

    Cómo acbar con los Otis. Model Maker

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    Proyecto de Stop Motion realizado por cuatro alumnas con especialidades diferentes dentro del campo de Bellas Artes. En este tomo de la memoria me centraré en describir el papel del model maker en una producción de animación, especialmente, en el proceso a seguir dentro de un equipo de trabajo y la adaptación al diseño de personajes. Este trabajo forma parte de un proyecto conjunto cuyas diferentes etapas se desglosan los siguientes documentos. 1. Cómo acabar con los Otis. Dirección de producción. Presentado por Yolanda López. 2. Cómo acabar con los Otis. Concept y Animación. Presentado por Duna Tàrrega. 3. Cómo acabar con los Otis. Model Maker. Presentado por Ana Lledó. 4. Cómo acabar con los Otis. Escenografía y props. Presentado por Alba Pascual.Stop Motion Project done by four students with different specialties on the field of Fine Arts. In this volume of the report I will focus on describing the role of the model maker in animation production, particularly in the procedure to follow within a team and the adaptation to the character design. This paper is part of a joint project whose differing stages the following documents are broken. 1 How to end the Otis. Presented by Yolanda López. 2 How to end the Otis. Concept and Animation. Presented by Duna Tàrrega. 3 How to end the Otis. Model Maker. Presented by Ana Lledó. 4. How to end the Otis. Sets and props. Presented by Alba Pascual.Lledó Giménez, A. (2014). Cómo acbar con los Otis. Model Maker. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/50030.Archivo delegad

    La conjura de los necios (concept-art)

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    Este proyecto consiste en un Concept Art basado en La conjura de los necios, una novela escrita por John Kennedy Toole y publicada póstumamente en 1980. El trabajo contiene el diseño de los personajes más relevantes, sus props y algunos escenarios, así como los bocetos previos. El trabajo está ideado para crear una novela gráfica en el futuro, por ello también incluye algunas viñetas e incluso una página abocetada de la misma. La técnica empleada es el dibujo manual editado mediante el programa Photoshop CS6, y con respecto al estilo artístico, se trata de dibujos con una estética Cartoon. En este caso, los referentes artísticos principales cuya obra ha servido de inspiración han sido los dibujantes Max Sarin, Jordi Lafebre y Rachel Matile. La obra de estos artistas tiene algo en común: destaca por la sencillez de los personajes creados, los colores vivos, las tintas planas y el carácter cómico. Cabe añadir que este Concept Art está dirigido a un público adulto y que se ha escogido La conjura de los necios por su potencial creativo, así como por ser una obra inédita en el medio en que se va a tratar. Se lleva a cabo este trabajo, entre otras cosas, para promocionar la novela y para reflejar en dicho proyecto todos los conocimientos y habilidades que su autora ha adquirido y desarrollado a lo largo de los cuatro años de carrera y durante el Máster de Producción Artística.This project consists in a Concept Art based on A Confederacy of dunces, a novel written by John Kennedy Toole and published posthumously on 1980. It includes the design of the characters, their props and some scenes, as well as the previous sketches. This work has been though up in order to create a graphic novel in the future, that¿s why it includes some strips and even a sketchy page of that. The technique used is handmade drawing edited with Photoshop CS6 programme, and regarding artistic style it¿s just drawings with a Cartoon aesthetic. In this case, the main artistic mentors whose work has been an inspiration are the draftswomen Max Sarin and Rachel Matile and the draftsman Jordi Lafebre. The work of this artists has something in common: it stands out because of the simplicity of the created characters, the shiny colours, the spot colours and the funny appearance. It¿s important to say that this Concept Art is directed to adult people and A Confederacy of dunces has been chosen for its creative potencial and because it¿s an unpublished work in the way which is going to be produced. This project is brought about, among other things, in order to promote the novel and reflect in this work all of the knowledge and skills which has been acquired and developed by the author during the degree and the Master of Art Production.Ontenient Lledó, AI. (2019). La conjura de los necios (concept-art). http://hdl.handle.net/10251/119320TFG

    Family care of people with severe mental disorders: An integrative review

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    Objective: to analyze the scientific literature on home-based family care of people with severe mental illness. Method: integrative review of 14 databases (CINALH, Cochrane Plus, Cuidatge, CUIDEN, Eric, IBECS, EMI, ISOC, JBI COnNECT, LILACS, PsycINFO, PubMed, SciELO, and Scopus) searched with the key words “family caregivers”, “severe mental illness”, and “home” between 2003 and 2013. Results: of 787 articles retrieved, only 85 met the inclusion criteria. The articles appeared in 61 journals from different areas and disciplines, mainly from nursing (36%). The countries producing the most scientific literature on nursing were Brazil, the UK, and the US, and authorship predominantly belonged to university centers. A total of 54.12% of the studies presented quantitative designs, with descriptive ones standing out. Work overload, subjective perspectives, and resources were the main topics of these papers. Conclusions: the international scientific literature on home-based, informal family care of people with severe mental disorder is limited. Nursing research stands out in this field. The prevalent topics coincide with the evolution of the mental health system. The expansion of the scientific approach to family care is promoted to create evidence-based guidelines for family caregivers and for the clinical practice of professional caregiver

    Perceptions of poverty in Spain: differences in the attitudinal profiles between women and men

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    Poverty is a multidimensional phenomenon that encompasses privation of education, health or housing. Women show more positive perceptions of poor people, making external attributions for the causes of poverty or the circumstances that explain it. The aim of this study is to analyse perceptions of poverty, identifying the differences in attitudinal profiles between women and men, and the influence of their political and religious beliefs. The sample consists of 278 participants (154 women and 124 men), who completed a sociodemographic questionnaire and the Scale of Attitudes and Stereotypes toward Poverty. The results showed two attitude profiles for women and men, with differences in the first profile, where women or men did not have religious beliefs, had left-wing or centre-left political ideas and favourable attitudes about poverty

    Surface functionalization of graphene oxide with tannic acid: Covalent vs non-covalent approaches

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    Graphene oxide (GO) is gaining a lot of interest in material science, biomedicine and biotechnology due to its outstanding physical properties, combined with its surface functionalization capacity, processability in aqueous media and biocompatibility. However, van der Waals forces among GO layers result in aggre-gation, yet its dispersion, large-scale production, and reinforcing efficiency remain challenging. Herein, simple and environmentally friendly methods via covalent and non-covalent routes have been developed to exfoliate and prepare surface-functionalized GO nanosheets with tannic acid (TA), a biological macro-molecule with antioxidant activity. Four esterification strategies were tested: direct, carbodiimide acti-vated, oxalyl chloride acylation and via an acid-functionalized GO intermediate. The resulting samples have been extensively characterized to get knowledge on the GO-TA interactions and the degree of graft-ing, as well as their surface topography, level of hydrophilicity, solubility/dispersibility, thermal and antibacterial properties. The covalent grafting of TA renders the GO surface more hydrophobic, resulting in improved dispersion in organic solvents. Besides, TA acts as a crosslinker between the GO nanosheets, leading to higher thermal resistance. A synergistic effect of both GO and TA on inhibiting bacterial growth has also been found. The esterification via carbodiimide leads to the highest grafting degree, the best thermal stability and the most effective antibacterial activity. This work not only highlights the great potential of TA for both exfoliation and surface functionalization of GO, but also extends its applications in biomedicine and for the development of green nanocomposites. (c) 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

    Easy, fast, and clean fluorescence analysis of tryptophan with clays and graphene/clay mixtures

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    Clays (C) such as sepiolite (SEP) or bentonite (BEN) and their mixtures with graphene (G) have been used as sorbents in dispersive solid phase extraction (dSPE). Tryptophan (TRP) analysis by fluorescence combined with a sample preparation step using G/C 30/70 w/w mixture provides a quantitative TRP retention, independently of the amino acid concentration with a desorption process feasible in 80 mM aqueous solution of the surfactant Brij L23. Under these conditions, the detection and quantification limits are 3.5 and 11.8 mu g L-1, respectively. Additionally, a novel, simple and inexpensive method has been developed to directly analyse TRP in real sam-ples, in which the presence of matrix interferents typically limits to obtain accurate results. For the first time, BEN has been used as an effective clean-up sorbent for the fluorimetric analysis of TRP in beer, leading to results without statistical differences versus those of a reference HPLC method free of interferences, with recoveries of 90 % and 100 %. The proposed method can be applied to accurately analyse TRP in complex matrices in a direct, easy, fast and sustainable way.Ministerio de Innovación, Ciencia y Universidade

    Predicting walking as exercise in women with fibromyalgia from the perspective of the theory of planned behavior

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    Based on the theory of planned behavior, this study examined factors related to the intention to adhere to an unsupervised walking program and the intention-behavior gap in relation to walking adherence in women with fibromyalgia. We also accounted for specific variables: fear of movement, pain intensity, distress and disability. TPB constructs, walking behavior and the above-mentioned variables were assessed in 274 women aged 18 to 70 years old (mean 51.8, range 25.5–69.1 years) at baseline and seven weeks later (n = 219) during 2012. Intention to adhere to a walking program showed medium scores at baseline and was associated with attitude and perceived behavioral control (PBC). Self-reported walking adherence at Time 2 was only predicted by perceived behavioral control. The intention-behavior gap was present in 33% of participants. Logistic regression analysis showed PBC associated with being a successful intender. Women with fibromyalgia were motivated to walk; however, they did not act on their intentions, and PBC appeared as the main explanation. Women who perceived high control in comparison to those who perceived low control, increased their likelihood of adhering to a walking program about three-fold. Women with fibromyalgia should increase their perceived control through different strategies

    Bioactive trans-resveratrol as dispersant of graphene in water. Molecular interactions

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    Currently, the preparation of high-quality graphene (G) dispersions is crucial due to the increasing demand for this nanomaterial in a wide range of industries. However, given the strong 7C-7C stacking tendency between G sheets, dispersant agents such as surfactants or polymers are required to attain stable and homogenous disper-sions in liquid media. In the present work, the effectiveness of resveratrol (RV), a fluorescent bioactive compound with antioxidant activity, as a dispersing agent for G in aqueous solutions was assessed. The interaction between G and RV was investigated via absorbance, fluorescence and Raman measurements. Dispersions were prepared via bath sonication, followed by probe ultrasonication and centrifugation, though the two last stages have little effect on the dispersion quality. The addition of G causes a quenching on RV fluorescence, and its magnitude raises with increasing G concentration, being the effect stronger up to 10 mg L-1. The change in the centrifugation speed and time have hardly influence on the RV fluorescence in the presence of G. The RV content remaining in the bulk solution after G dispersion, measured via UV-Vis absorption, decreases linearly with increasing G concentration. RV can effectively disperse all the G present in the sample up to 10 mg L-1; at higher concen-trations, the dispersing ability slightly decreases, and the G content is distributed between the bulk solution and the centrifuged residue. Besides, the fluorescence of RV dispersed in G is much higher in methanol than in an aqueous medium. TEM analysis confirms the good exfoliation of G upon ultrasonication in RV solutions and indicates that the layer thickness depends on the G/RV ratio. The results of this study could open new per-spectives for using natural products like resveratrol as biocompatible and efficient dispersing agents of G to be used in numerous applications, especially in biomedicine.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidade

    Graphene Oxides Derivatives Prepared by an Electrochemical Approach: Correlation between Structure and Properties

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    Graphene oxide (GO) can be defined as a single monolayer of graphite with oxygen-containing functionalities such as epoxides, alcohols, and carboxylic acids. It is an interesting alternative to graphene for many applications due to its exceptional properties and feasibility of functionalization. In this study, electrochemically exfoliated graphene oxides (EGOs) with different amounts of surface groups, hence level of oxidation, were prepared by an electrochemical two-stage approach using graphite as raw material. A complete characterization of the EGOs was carried out in order to correlate their surface topography, interlayer spacing, defect content, and specific surface area (SSA) with their electrical, thermal, and mechanical properties. It has been found that the SSA has a direct relationship with the d-spacing. The EGOs electrical resistance decreases with increasing SSA while rises with increasing the D/G band intensity ratio in the Raman spectra, hence the defect content. Their thermal stability under both nitrogen and dry air atmospheres depends on both their oxidation level and defect content. Their macroscopic mechanical properties, namely the Young's modulus and tensile strength, are influenced by the defect content, while no correlation was found with their SSA or interlayer spacing. Young moduli values as high as 54 GPa have been measured, which corroborates that the developed method preserves the integrity of the graphene flakes. Understanding the structure-property relationships in these materials is useful for the design of modified GOs with controllable morphologies and properties for a wide range of applications in electrical/electronic devices

    Graphene-Based Sensors for the Detection of Bioactive Compounds: A Review

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    Over the last years, different nanomaterials have been investigated to design highly selective and sensitive sensors, reaching nano/picomolar concentrations of biomolecules, which is crucial for medical sciences and the healthcare industry in order to assess physiological and metabolic parameters. The discovery of graphene (G) has unexpectedly impulsed research on developing cost-effective electrode materials owed to its unique physical and chemical properties, including high specific surface area, elevated carrier mobility, exceptional electrical and thermal conductivity, strong stiffness and strength combined with flexibility and optical transparency. G and its derivatives, including graphene oxide (GO) and reduced graphene oxide (rGO), are becoming an important class of nanomaterials in the area of optical and electrochemical sensors. The presence of oxygenated functional groups makes GO nanosheets amphiphilic, facilitating chemical functionalization. G-based nanomaterials can be easily combined with different types of inorganic nanoparticles, including metals and metal oxides, quantum dots, organic polymers, and biomolecules, to yield a wide range of nanocomposites with enhanced sensitivity for sensor applications. This review provides an overview of recent research on G-based nanocomposites for the detection of bioactive compounds, providing insights on the unique advantages offered by G and its derivatives. Their synthesis process, functionalization routes, and main properties are summarized, and the main challenges are also discussed. The antioxidants selected for this review are melatonin, gallic acid, tannic acid, resveratrol, oleuropein, hydroxytyrosol, tocopherol, ascorbic acid, and curcumin. They were chosen owed to their beneficial properties for human health, including antibiotic, antiviral, cardiovascular protector, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, cytoprotective, neuroprotective, antiageing, antidegenerative, and antiallergic capacity. The sensitivity and selectivity of G-based electrochemical and fluorescent sensors are also examined. Finally, the future outlook for the development of G-based sensors for this type of biocompounds is outlined