97 research outputs found

    Primena savremenog menadžmenta u ustanovama primarne zdravstvene zaštite

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    Social work and inclusion of children with special needs in preschool institutions

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    Ovaj rad analizira uloge i značaj socijalnog rada u procesu inkluzije dece sa posebnim potrebama u predškolske ustanove. U tekstu se primenjuju metoda analize sadržaja i statistička metoda. U radu se pokazuju ključni ciljevi, principi i sadržaj socijalnog rada u predškolskim ustanovama. Rad analizira specifične uloge profesije socijalnog radnika u kontekstu socijalnog rada u zajednici sa decom sa posebnim potrebama i njihovim porodicama. Glavni zaključak je da socijalni rad predstavlja veoma važan deo multiprofesionalnog pristupa u procesu inkluzije dece sa posebnim potrebama u predškolske ustanove.This article analyses roles and importance of social work in proceses of inclusion of children with special needs in preschool institutions. The paper applies a content analysis method and statistical method. This work show the key aims, principles and content of social work in preschool institutions. This article done analysis specifical roles profession of social worker in the context socal work community with the children with special needs and their families. The main conclusion is that social work very important part of multiprofessional approach in proceses of inclusion children with special needs in preschool instituitons

    Social work and inclusion of children with special needs in preschool institutions

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    Ovaj rad analizira uloge i značaj socijalnog rada u procesu inkluzije dece sa posebnim potrebama u predškolske ustanove. U tekstu se primenjuju metoda analize sadržaja i statistička metoda. U radu se pokazuju ključni ciljevi, principi i sadržaj socijalnog rada u predškolskim ustanovama. Rad analizira specifične uloge profesije socijalnog radnika u kontekstu socijalnog rada u zajednici sa decom sa posebnim potrebama i njihovim porodicama. Glavni zaključak je da socijalni rad predstavlja veoma važan deo multiprofesionalnog pristupa u procesu inkluzije dece sa posebnim potrebama u predškolske ustanove.This article analyses roles and importance of social work in proceses of inclusion of children with special needs in preschool institutions. The paper applies a content analysis method and statistical method. This work show the key aims, principles and content of social work in preschool institutions. This article done analysis specifical roles profession of social worker in the context socal work community with the children with special needs and their families. The main conclusion is that social work very important part of multiprofessional approach in proceses of inclusion children with special needs in preschool instituitons

    Dozrijevanje i novačenje olige, Atherina boyeri Risso 1810(Pisces: Atherinidae) na ušću Male Neretve (jugoistočni Jadran, Hrvatska)

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    Characteristics of maturation and recruitment of the sand smelt, Atherina boyeri, from the Mala Neretva River estuary in the southeastern Adriatic, Croatia in 2001/2, are presented. The average gonadosomatic index (GSI) during a 12-month period was 1.59% for females and 2.1% for males. The highest value was in April, 5.4% for females and 4.7% for males. The smallest mature female was 5.2 cm total length. Fifty percent of the females were mature at 7.75 cm total length. New juveniles began to recruit in June and July and later appeared in fewer numbers. In general, the GSI was lower than in other sand smelt populations. The reasons are difficult to determine but might be partly explained by the high and unpredictable temperature and salinity variations in the researched area that have led to previously described disturbances of the sand smelt life cycle, as in feeding and a high incidence of spinal deformities.Prikazane su karakteristike dozrijevanja i novačenja olige, Atherina boyeri na ušću Male Neretve, na srednjem dijelu istočne obale Jadrana, Hrvatska u 2001 i 2002. Prosječni gonadosomatski indeks tijekom 12-mjesečnog razdoblja za ženke je iznosio 1,59%, a za mužjake 2,1%. Najveća vrijednost je bila u travnju, za ženke 5,4%, a za mužjake 4,7%. Najmanja zrela ženka je zabilježena pri ukupnoj dužini 5,2 cm, a 50% ženki je bilo zrelo pri ukupnoj dužini 7,75 cm. Nova mlađ se počinje novačiti u lipnju i srpnju, a pojavljuje se i kasnije, ali u manjem broju. Vrijednosti GSI su uglavnom manje nego kod ostalih istraživanih populacija olige. Teško je zaključiti koji je razlog, ali djelomično se može objasniti velikim i nepredvidljivim kolebanjima temperature i slanosti, kod kojih su već opisani različiti poremećaji životnog ciklusa olige na istraživanom području, u ishrani i visokoj učestalosti deformacija kralješnice


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    Akvakultura je danas najbrže rastući gospodarski sektor u svijetu, što je uzrokovano stagnacijom ribolova, sve većom potrebom za visokovrijednom bjelančevinskom hranom i trendovima zdrave prehrane. Nažalost, usporkos optimalnim prirodnim resursima, ovaj je sektor u Hrvatskoj još uvijek nerazvijen i ne može konkurirati većini europskih zemalja. Sveučilište u Dubrovniku, imajući u vidu veliki potencijal za razvoj akvakulture kao perspektivne poljoprivredno-prehrambene grane u Hrvatskoj, ali i blizinu Malostonskog zaljeva, koji je najveće hrvatsko proizvodno područje školjkaša, osnovalo je Odjel za akvakulturu poradi stvaranja bolje osnove za razvitak ovog sektora. Na Odjelu studenti prolaze sve faze edukacije: od teoretske osnove i primarne akvakulturne proizvodnje, preko prerade do kvalitete gotovog proizvoda. Kako bi se osiguralo povezivanje Sveučilišta kao obrazovne institucije i proizvodnog sektora a ujedno i nastava odvijala što kvalitetnije, Sveučilište je osnovalo Tehnološki i poslovno-inovacijski centar za marikulturu MARIBIC, gdje se pokusno-demonstracijskim pogonima provodi praktična nastava studenata. Ovo je jedinstvena institucija u Hrvatskoj kojoj je osnovna zadaća razvoj vlastitih inovativnih tehnologija, testiranje i poticanje primjene novih tehnologija i njihova transefra zainteresiranim poduzetnicima uz osposobljavanje kadrova koji će biti nositelji razvitka hrvatske akvakulturne industrije. Uz nastavu i primijenjena i razvojna istraživanja (posebice istraživanja za potrebe industrije), u ovim se pogonima održavaju i specijalizirani tečajevi za znanstvenike, te, edukacija i stručna pomoć postojećim akvakulturnim proizvođačima i potencijalnim poduzetnicima zainteresiranima za ulaganja i započinjanje proizvodnje u ovom prehrambenom sektoru. MARIBIC za sada ima suvremeno opremljene proizvodno-demonstracijske pogone za vertikalno integriranu prozvodnju ribe i školjkaša, te dio potrebnih laboratorija. U razdoblju 2014. – 2020., ovu je instituciju Sveučilišta potrebno dodatno opremiti suvremenim laboratorijima i demonstracijskim otpremno-purifikacijskim pogonom, čime će biti ispunjeni svi uvjeti za uspostavu centra kompetencije u dijelu primarne akvakulturne proizvodnje. Uz to, za kompletno zatvaranje tehnološko-razvojno-proizvodnog segmenta i edukativnog ciklusa, potrebno je izgraditi suvremeno opremljen pokusno-demonstracijski pogon za preradu, unapređenje kvalitete, diverzifikaciju i razvoj proizvoda akvakulture. Na taj način, Centar i Sveučilište postat će vodeća regionalna stručna, obrazovna i tehnološka podrška akvakulturnoj industriji u razvitku novih tehnologija i poticanju poduzetništva. U ovom su radu detaljno opisani svi strateški koraci koji vode do ostvarenja istaknutih ciljeva

    Effects of low and high irradiation levels on growth and PSII efficiency in Lemna minor L.

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    Plant growth and reproduction depend on light energy that drives photosynthesis. In the present study we compared growth characteristics, photosynthetic pigments content and photosystem II (PSII) performance in Lemna minor L. grown in two different irradiation regimes: low light (LL) – 50 μmolPHOTONS m-2 s-1 and high light (HL) – 500 μmolPHOTONS m-2 s-1. The main goal was to investigate the photosynthetic regulatory mechanisms that ensure adjustment to different light conditions and integrate these observations with the data on plant multiplication and biomass production. For this purpose, we measured chlorophyll (Chls) and carotenoid (Cars) contents and analyzed the energy fluxes through the PSII by saturation pulse method as well as by Chl a transient induction and JIP test. In a comparison of the effect of LL and HL on plant multiplication and fresh biomass, it was shown that the effect on growth was primarily attributed to the biomass reduction in LL while the effect on number of plants was much smaller. Total Chl and Cars contents were decreased in plants exposed to HL which indicated long-term acclimation response to the increased irradiance. Furthermore, the HL plants revealed better capability for the utilization of absorbed light in photosynthesis accompanied by photoprotective adjustment of certain number of PSII reaction centers from active to dissipative mode of functioning. In conclusion, our study showed that duckweed plants had great adjustment potential to different irradiation conditions, which might be of great importance not only under variable light availability but also when simultaneously challenged by some other environmental disturbance (e.g. different pollutants)

    Polyphenols as a new class of prebiotics for gut microbiota manipulation

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    A thriving community of microorganisms resides in our intestines, forming complex interactions and producing signaling molecules that can affect human physiological processes. Intrinsic and environmental factors modulate the composition of the microbial ecosystem, with diet representing a key factor affecting the formation of gut microbiota. The epidemic of noncommunicable chronic diseases has been associated with the Western diet, which may modulate the gut microbiota, resulting in a detrimental derangement in the microbial community, termed dysbiosis. Dysbiosis may be reverted through dietary interventions and the application of probiotics and prebiotics. Phenolic compounds represent plant-based nutraceuticals, which can be separated into phenolic acids and polyphenols, that exert prebiotic-like effects and may prevent the development of diseases. Besides direct health-promoting activities, beneficial effects of phenolic compounds may be exerted through their interaction with the gut microbiota. A bidirectional relationship between the gut microbiota and phenolic compounds has been observed, as microorganisms are involved in the metabolism of phenolic compounds, whereas phenolic compounds may affect the composition of the microbiota, with selective stimulatory or inhibitory activity towards the growth of microbial members. In this review, insight into the gut microbiota-polyphenols relationship will be given, with a focus on the application of polyphenols for modifying microbiota and promoting health

    Effects of acute stress on gene expression of splenic catecholamine biosynthetic enzymes in chronically stressed rats

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    The aim of this study was to examine how acute immobilization stress affects the concentrations of catecholamines in the plasma and the expression of the splenic catecholamine biosynthetic enzymes tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), dopamine-Я-hydroxylase (DBH) and phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase (PNMT) in chronically socially isolated rats. We found that acute immobilization increases the plasma catecholamine levels and splenic PNMT protein levels in chronically socially isolated rats. These results show that acute stress of chronically stressed animals activates the sympatho-adrenomedullary system and increases synthesis of splenic PNMT by 37%, both of which can modulate the immune function. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III 41027, br. III 41022 and br. ON 173044


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    Basic sports management in preschools is an area on which, in the region of Southeast Europe, no country has particularly focused. Investing in preschool sports organization is necessary for several reasons: The first reason is to raise the level of the nation's health. The second reason relates to the prevention of illness in later life, and the third reason is the possibility of creating future athletes, or making a home base from which the most talented children would be directed to local clubs in sports in which they have shown interest in or talent for. It is essential for sports activities to be available to every child, and in order to achieve this, sports for children should be free of charge

    Croatian Shellfish Dispatch Centres Legislation

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    Usklađivanje zakonskih propisa Republike Hrvatske s propisima Europske unije postavilo je nove zahtjeve i pred hrvatsku školjkarsku industriju. U radu su navedeni zahtjevi kojima treba udovoljiti kako bi se živi školjkaši mogli plasirati na tržište. Posebno su opisani uvjeti kojima moraju udovoljiti otpremni centri i centri za pročišćavanje (depuraciju, purifikaciju) te problemi s kojima se ti objekti najčešće suočavaju u razdoblju usklađivanja.Croatian shellfish industry has been faced with new requirements due to adjustment of the Croatian legislation with the legislation of the European Union. This paper lists and describes requirements that are to be satisfied for distribution of life shellfish on the market. The terms and conditions that have to be satisfied by dispatch and purification centres, and the problems they usually face are specified