64 research outputs found

    From theory to the real needs of organizations

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    O desafio do enfermeiro frente à liderança compartilhada e colaborativa

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    The nurses’ daily routine is full of challenges. One of them is the shared, collaborative leadership. The presented research aims to evaluate the nurse’s perception of this shared, collaborative leadership and for that was conducted with a qualitative approach study, transversal and exploratory, with eight nurses in leadership roles from different shifts at a private hospital in Porto Alegre. After data were treated and analyzed, the most evident results show that shared leadership developed by nurses faces barriers that are inherent to welfare and administrative activities performed by such professionals, like different leadership styles, conflict management, decision-making processes and interpersonal relationship. As the practical implication, an investment on organizational wide training is suggested, aiming to spread shared leadership comprehension, reduce its barriers and encourage its qualified execution.O cotidiano do enfermeiro é permeado por desafios. Um deles reside na liderança de forma compartilhada e colaborativa. A presente pesquisa objetiva averiguar a percepção de enfermeiros sobre os desafios da liderança compartilhada e colaborativa. Para tal, realizou-se um estudo de abordagem qualitativa, transversal e exploratória com oito enfermeiros-líderes de diferentes turnos de um hospital privado de Porto Alegre. Após a análise e o tratamento dos dados, os principais resultados demonstram  que a liderança compartilhada desenvolvida pelos enfermeiros entrevistados possui barreiras que são inerentes às atividades assistenciais e administrativas realizadas por estes profissionais, tais como os diferentes estilos de liderança adotados, gestão de conflitos, tomada de decisão e relacionamento interpessoal. Como implicação prática, sugere-se o investimento em treinamentos organizacionais que colaborem para o entendimento da liderança compartilhada a fim de dirimir suas barreiras e incentivar a sua execução qualificada


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    This study aims to identify the potential for exploitation of water resources in Palmeira das Missões - RS, a small town in the south of Brazil with farming tradition, as a diversification strategy for rural properties, by adopting tourism and leisure activities. Methodologically, a qualitative study of exploratory nature was conducted, and the data collected with semi-structured interviews with four agents involved in the rural areas of the city. Among the main results can be noted that the survey participants believe in the potential of water resources tourism, found that the rural infrastructure of the town is precarious. The implementation of tourism in rural areas requires investment and this could be a barrier to producers who seek to develop this type of service. Both tourism and leisure activities have the potential to generate income for the town, provide recreation and encourage moments for the continuity of the producer in the countryside

    Multianalytical Method Validation for Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Solvents of Abuse in Oral Fluid by HS-GC/MS

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    The use of oral fluid as a biological matrix to monitor the use of drugs of abuse is a global trend because it presents several advantages and good correlation to the blood level. Thus, the present work aimed to develop and validate an analytical method for quantification and detection of solvents used as inhalants of abuse in oral fluid (OF), using Quantisal™ as collector device by headspace and gas chromatography coupled with a mass detector (HS-GC/MS). Chromatographic separation was performed with a ZB-BAC1 column and the total time of analysis was 11.8 min. The method showed good linearity (correlation coefficient higher than 0.99 for all solvents). The limits of detection ranged from 0.05 to 5 mg/L, while the lower limits of quantification ranged from 2.5 to 12.5 mg/L. Accuracy, precision, matrix effect, and residual effect presented satisfactory results, meeting the criteria accepted for the validation of bioanalytical methods. The method showed good selectivity considering that, for solvents coeluting at the same retention time, resolution was performed by the mass detector. The method developed proved to be adequate when applied in OF samples from users of drugs and may be used to monitor the abuse of inhalants in routine forensic analyses

    Qualidade de vida no ambiente escolar como componente da formação do cidadão: desejos e carências no espaço físico

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    The effective learning at school is related, among other factors, to the students’ quality of lifeinside and/or outside school. The school´s physical spaces present a great importance for thestudents since this is the place where they study, discuss, debate, reflect, interact and relax. In thisscenario, it is necessary to characterize the aspects related to the physical structure in order toidentify the interventions that can possible improve the life quality at school. The aim of this workwas to investigate the aspects related to the physical structure of a public school located in SãoGabriel, RS and using this diagnose as indicator of life quality at school. A questionnaire wasapplied to the preschool to eighth grades with questions related to the quality of the school´sphysical space. The results demonstrated that the preschool, first and third grades presenteddifferent needs than the fourth to eighth grades. However, a clear necessity of recreational spaceswas detected in all grades. Those spaces should respect the most important characteristic of a kid:it’s extremely high mobility.O efetivo aprendizado escolar está relacionado, entre outros fatores, a qualidade de vida dos alunos, tanto dentro como fora da escola. Neste sentido, o espaço físico escolar possui grande importância para o corpo discente, uma vez que será cenário diário de estudos, discussões, debates, reflexões, convívios sociais e lazer. Nesta perspectiva, faz-se necessário caracterizar os aspectos relacionados à estrutura física da escola de modo a identificar intervenções que possibilitem uma melhoria na qualidade de vida dentro da mesma. O objetivo central do presente estudo foi investigar os aspectos relacionados à estrutura física de uma escola da rede pública de São Gabriel, RS utilizando-os como indicadores da qualidade de vida na escola. Foi aplicado um questionário para as turmas da pré-escola a 8ª séries do ensino fundamental contendo questões dirigidas relativas à qualidade das instalações disponibilizadas pela escola. Os resultados demonstraram que as necessidades dos estudantes da pré-escola são distintas daquelas dos estudantes da 4ª a 8ª séries. Entretanto para ambas as faixas etárias verificou-se a necessidade de espaços recreativos que respeitem uma das características mais marcantes das crianças que vem a ser a mobilidade elevada


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    http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/223613086198 This article addresses the issue of life quality in the school environment as an importantcomponent of the citizen building. The survey was conducted in an elementary school in SãoGabriel-RS. Questionnaires were applied covering issues related to physical structure, the idealschool and the student as the protagonist of the school life. From the data collected it began aresearch on the discrepancy between what was answered and how the school reality is. Accordingto the results it seems that the students have the notion of what is right and what is wrong atschool, but some attitudes do not match to what students describe as socially acceptable.http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/223613086198 O presente artigo aborda a temática qualidade de vida escola como aspecto componente da formação do cidadão. A pesquisa foi realizada em uma escola de ensino fundamental de São Gabriel-RS, onde foram aplicados questionários que abrangiam questões referentes à estrutura física, escola ideal e aluno como protagonista da vida escolar. A partir dos dados coletados iniciouse uma pesquisa sobre a discrepância entre o que foi respondido e como é a realidade escolar. Conforme os resultados infere-se que os alunos tem a noção do que é certo e errado no ambiente escolar, mas atitudes não correspondem aos que os alunos descrevem como socialmente aceitos


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    Increasingly knowledge becomes indispensable for achieving competitive advantage and thus a difference to companies. Thus, the study aimed to identify how dynamic capabilities can become a competitive advantage from the resources and expertise of a dairy industry. As for the methodological procedures, an exploratory and qualitative research was conducted, the case study type, and the data collected were analyzed using the technique of content analysis. The main themes of the study on knowledge combined with the resources and organization skills as a competitive advantage, the dynamic capabilities operating in the internal business processes, and how people can become important for a company that pursues strategies. As significant data, it highlights the features and functions of knowledge as a competitive advantage, definitions about competitiveness and strategy, as well as the vision based on dairy sector resources

    A formação do cidadão no ambiente escolar: da conscientização à intervenção na própria realidade

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    This paper addresses the issue of life quality in the school environment as an importantcomponent of the citizen building. The survey was conducted in a public elementary school in SãoGabriel-RS. The data were collected through written questionnaires, aiming to investigate howaware the students are of their role in the society and of the fact that they can interfere to improvetheir reality. From the collected data it was developed a task in which the students were theprotagonists in the school reality changing process. From this task it was concluded that when thestudents are involved in the process they understand better their reality and that they are able toact in order to improve it. Listening to what the students have to tell is not only clarifying to theschool teachers and principal, but also the students themselves understand better their reality andstart figuring out how much they can act to improve it.O presente artigo acerca-se da temática qualidade de vida no ambiente escolar como aspecto componente da formação do cidadão. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida em uma escola pública de Ensino Fundamental de São Gabriel- RS. Os dados foram coletados a partir da aplicação de questionários, tendo como objetivo averiguar o quão consciente os alunos estão de seu papel na sociedade e de que podem intervir para melhorar a sua realidade. A partir dos dados coletados foi desenvolvida atividade na qual os alunos foram colocados como protagonistas no processo de transformação da realidade escolar. A partir dessa atividade, inferiu-se que ao se sentirem envolvidos neste processo de mudança, os educandos passam a compreender a sua realidade e que podem agir para transformá-la. Ouvir o que os alunos têm a dizer não só é esclarecedor para o corpo docente e gestor da escola, mas principalmente para que o próprio educando compreenda a sua realidade e perceba o quanto pode agir para transformá-la