17 research outputs found

    Programa “ANÍMATE” para la resolución de de problemas aritméticos de adición y sustracción en niños del 1° grado de una I.E de San Borja

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    El presente estudio tuvo como finalidad establecer los efectos del programa ANIMATE para la resolución de problemas aritméticos de adición y sustracción en estudiantes del primer grado en una institución Educativa Estatal del distrito de San Borja. Para la recolección de información referente a la resolución de problemas se utilizó una adaptación de la “Evaluación Censal de Estudiantes” (ECE) para medir el nivel de logro en la resolución de problemas aritméticos de adición y sustracción realizada por el Ministerio de Educación y se aplicó el programa ANÍMATE a estudiantes del primer grado de educación primaria. Las técnicas empleadas en el procesamiento y análisis de datos se realizaron mediante el estadístico Statistical Package of Social Sciencie, SPSS versión 22 para su cálculo y un nivel inferencial, mediante dos pruebas: Wilcoxon, U de Man Whitney para el análisis de las hipótesis y KR20 para la confiabilidad. Como resultado de la presente investigación se tiene que el efecto de la aplicación del programa “ANÍMATE” en el incremento del nivel de logro en la resolución de problemas aritméticos de adición y sustracción en estudiantes de una institución educativa estatal del distrito de San Borja muy significativa. Además se halló que en la etapa pre test el grupo experimental y control no presentaban diferencias significativas en los resultados. Esta situación no se manifiesta en la etapa post test dado que ambos grupos si presentan diferencias considerables en los niveles de logro

    Investigation of the corrosion inhibition properties of new phenyl aldehyde organic layers functionalized with different amino alcohols electrodeposited on copper

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    Phenyl aldehyde layers were formed on copper foils by electro-assisted diazonium reactions and subsequently functionalized with either amino-2-propanol or 2-amino-1-butanol. The anticorrosion properties of the two obtained organic films 2-[(phenylmethylidene)amino]butan-1-ol and (phenylmethylidene)amino-propan-2-ol were evaluated in aerated buffer acetate solution pH == 3.5. The electrochemical corrosion inhibition properties were investigated after different immersion times using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and potentiodynamic polarization analysis (Tafel). Contact angle measurement confirms the hydrophobic nature of the new organic coatings and layer stability after immersion in buffer. The results showed that both developed layers provided good anticorrosion protection and the highest inhibition was achieved using 2-[(phenylmethylidene)amino]butan-1-ol coating on copper, which makes it a useful device for anticorrosion protection. Moreover, correlations between the molecular structures of the corrosion inhibitors and their protecting efficiencies have been established

    Investigation of the corrosion inhibition properties of new phenyl aldehyde organic layers functionalized with different amino alcohols electrodeposited on copper

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    Phenyl aldehyde layers were formed on copper foils by electro-assisted diazonium reactions and subsequently functionalized with either amino-2-propanol or 2-amino-1-butanol. The anticorrosion properties of the two obtained organic films 2-[(phenylmethylidene)amino]butan-1-ol and (phenylmethylidene)amino-propan-2-ol were evaluated in aerated buffer acetate solution pH == 3.5. The electrochemical corrosion inhibition properties were investigated after different immersion times using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and potentiodynamic polarization analysis (Tafel). Contact angle measurement confirms the hydrophobic nature of the new organic coatings and layer stability after immersion in buffer. The results showed that both developed layers provided good anticorrosion protection and the highest inhibition was achieved using 2-[(phenylmethylidene)amino]butan-1-ol coating on copper, which makes it a useful device for anticorrosion protection. Moreover, correlations between the molecular structures of the corrosion inhibitors and their protecting efficiencies have been established

    Maltrato laboral: percepciones de las enfermeras en los establecimientos privados de salud, Chiclayo

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    El maltrato en el sector salud, afecta las relaciones interpersonales y por tanto la organización del trabajo, provocando además, daños físicos o psicológicos,  que interfieren con la calidad del cuidado. Es así que se realizó la investigación: “Percepción de las enfermeras sobre el maltrato laboral en los establecimientos privados de salud, con el fin de identificar los tipos de maltrato que reciben dichos profesionales y describir las percepciones de las enfermeras sobre el  maltrato laboral. Investigación de tipo cualitativa, con abordaje  estudio de caso, cuyos sujetos fueron enfermeras víctimas de maltrato laboral que laboran o hayan laborado en los establecimientos privados de salud. Se tuvo como escenario los establecimientos privados de salud, de la ciudad de Chiclayo; se utilizó como instrumento para la recolección de datos la entrevista semi estructurada, teniendo en cuenta los principios éticos de Sgreccia y de rigor científico de Polit; obteniendo 3 categorías: Percibiendo y tipificando el maltrato laboral en la enfermera; personas generadoras de maltrato laboral a enfermeras en los establecimientos privados de salud y manifestación de sentimientos y reverberaciones del maltrato laboral en la enfermera. Los resultados fueron que el maltrato laboral percibido por las enfermeras es el verbal, psicológico y económico. Además, los principales actores sociales generadores de maltrato laboral son los familiares de los pacientes, los pacientes, enfermeras jefes de los servicios y los directivos de los establecimientos privados de salud

    Determination of Silver(I) by Differential Pulse Voltammetry Using a Glassy Carbon Electrode Modified with Synthesized N-(2-Aminoethyl)-4,4′-Bipyridine

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    A new modified glassy carbon electrode (GCE) based on a synthesized N-(2-aminoethyl)-4,4′-bipyridine (ABP) was developed for the determination of Ag(I) by differential pulse voltammetry (DPV). ABP was covalently immobilized on GC electrodes surface using 4-nitrobenzendiazonium (4-NBD) and glutaraldehyde (GA). The Ag(I) ions were preconcentrated by chemical interaction with bipyridine under a negative potential (−0.6 V); then the reduced ions were oxidized by differential pulse voltammetry and a peak was observed at 0.34 V. The calibration curve was linear in the concentration range from 0.05 μM to 1 μM Ag(I) with a detection limit of 0.025 μM and RSD = 3.6%, for 0.4 μM Ag(I). The presence of several common ions in more than 125-fold excess had no effect on the determination of Ag(I). The developed sensor was applied to the determination of Ag(I) in water samples using a standard addition method

    American College of Rheumatology Provisional Criteria for Clinically Relevant Improvement in Children and Adolescents With Childhood-Onset Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

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    10.1002/acr.23834ARTHRITIS CARE & RESEARCH715579-59

    The Miocene calcareous nannofossils from Bistriţa area (Transylvania, Romania)

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    The Middle Miocene (Badenian, Sarmatian and Pannonian) deposits from the region of Bistriţa, between the localities: Susenii Bârgăului, Livezile, Bistriţa, Sărata, Sărăţel, Budacu de Sus (Transylvanian Basin) have been analysed from the nannofloral point of view. The nannofossils are relatively scarce, excepting the ones related to Lower Badenian deposits. Only the fossil index for NN5 Zone – Sphenolithus heteromorphus, and for NN6 Zone – Discoaster exilis have been identified

    The Miocene calcareous nannofossils from Bistriţa area (Transylvania, Romania)

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    The Middle Miocene (Badenian, Sarmatian and Pannonian) deposits from the region of Bistriţa, between the localities: Susenii Bârgăului, Livezile, Bistriţa, Sărata, Sărăţel, Budacu de Sus (Transylvanian Basin) have been analysed from the nannofloral point of view. The nannofossils are relatively scarce, excepting the ones related to Lower Badenian deposits. Only the fossil index for NN5 Zone – Sphenolithus heteromorphus, and for NN6 Zone – Discoaster exilis have been identified

    Electrodeposited Organic Layers Formed from Aryl Diazonium Salts for Inhibition of Copper Corrosion

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    Copper substrates deposed on a gold screen-printed electrode were covered with different aryl diazonium salts by electrodeposition at 0.25 mA for 30 or 300 s. Seven compounds were investigated: 4-aminophenylacetic acid, 4-aminophenethyl alcohol, 4-fluoroaniline, 4-(heptadecafluorooctyl)aniline, 4-aminoantipyrine, 4-(4-aminophenyl)butyric acid and 3,4,5-trimethoxyaniline. Quantitative monitoring of the electrodeposition process was carried out by electrogravimetry using quartz crystal microbalance (QCM). The electrodeposited mass varies between 26 ng/cm2 for 4-fluoroaniline formed during 30 s to 442 ng/cm2 for 4-phenylbutyric acid formed during 300 s. The corrosion inhibition properties of aryl-modified layers have been studied in buffer citrate with pH = 3 or 3.5% NaCl solutions using electrochemical noise (ECN) and Tafel potentiodynamic polarization measurements. A corrosion inhibiting efficiency up to 90% was found. The highest corrosion inhibition was obtained for 4-(4-aminophenyl)butyric acid and the lowest for 4-fluoroaniline. A relation between the inhibition efficiency and the chemical nature of the substituents in the protective layer was found