518 research outputs found

    Social media censorship in times of political unrest: a social simulation experiment with the UK riots

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    Following the 2011 wave of political unrest, extending from the Arab Spring to the UK riots, the formation of a large consensus around Internet censorship is underway. The present paper adopts a social simulation approach to show that the decision to “regulate”, filter or censor social media in situations of unrest changes the pattern of civil protest and ultimately results in higher levels of violence. Building on Epstein's (2002) agent-based model, several alternative scenarios are generated. The systemic optimum, represented by complete absence of censorship, not only corresponds to lower levels of violence over time, but allows for significant periods of social peace after each outburst

    The Last Two Years of David Brachman: The Case for Slow Cinema as a Microbudget Production Model

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    The Last Two Years of David Brachman is a feature-length digital film directed, written and produced by Marcos Casilli in pursuit of the Master of Fine Arts in Film & Digital Media from the University of Central Florida. This is a very personal film that presents a sometimes-humorous approach to the following question: what makes life worth living? The film was made on what is categorized as a microbudget, but following the studio production model for the most part. This thesis presents a critique of that combination, advocating for a slow cinema model instead

    Waiting for Robots: The ever-elusive myth of automation and the global exploitation of digital labor

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    Discourses of robotic replacement and of the end of work have survived to the present day. But more and more voices now challenge the very idea that technological innovation is necessarily conducive to job loss. According to several studies, new high-tech jobs is accompanied by an even bigger low-tech job creation, and AI can be expected to be no exception. Based on new evidence about the role of human-annotated data in machine learning and algorithmic solutions, a new generation of scholars are now studying the germane phenomena of “heteromation”, “automation last mile” or, more simply, platform-based digital labor needed to generate, train, verify, and sometimes modify in real-time huge quantities of examples that machines are supposed to learn from. Digital labor designates datified and taskified human activities. The first type of platform occupation is on-demand labor. The second type of platform-based digital labor is microwork. Finally, the third type of digital labor is social networked labor

    Le Stéthoscope et la Souris: Savoirs médicaux et imaginaires numériques du corps

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    National audienceThis contribution highlights the links between AIDS activism, bioinformatics and the emergence of a "bodily utopia" in the last decades of the 20th century. By analyzing the social impact of mass computing on the relationships between physicians and patients, it addresses the challenges to medical biopower represented by the uncontrolled dissemination of medical information on digital networks.Cette contribution met en évidence les liens entre le militantisme Sida, la bioinformatique et l'émergence d'une corporéité utopique depuis les dernières décennies du 20e siècle. En analysant l'impact social de l'informatique de masse sur les relations entre médecins et patients, elle prend en compte les défis posés au biopouvoir par la dissémination incontrôlée de l'information médicale sur les réseaux numériques

    From the virtual class to the click workers: the transformation of work into service in the era of digital platforms

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    Ao contrário da fantasia de uma classe virtual de trabalhadores livres do trabalho, a flexibilidade dos serviços de microtarefas, realizadas por todos os usuários de plataformas digitais, beneficia apenas as empresas do Vale do Silício.Contrary to the fantasy of a virtual class of workers free from work, the flexibility of micro-task services, performed by all users of digital platforms, only benefits companies in the Silicon Valley

    Reddito universale di cittadinanza e riforma della moneta. Una proposta di portafoglio elettronico di moneta di cittadinanza

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    Afin d'accompagner l'introduction d'une forme durable de revenu universel de citoyenneté, cette contribution avance une proposition de réforme monétaire basée sur la création de monnaie électronique fondante. Cette monnaie, numérique et périssable, aurait comme effet d'éluder la nature spéculative et inflationniste du revenu universel moyennant la mise en place d'un portefeuille électronique de citoyenneté.Al fine di accompagnare l'introduzione di una forma sostenible di reddito universale di cittadinanza, questa contribuzione avanza una proposta di riforma monetaria basata su una moneta di decumulo. Questa valuta, digitale e transitoria, avrebbe come effetto di eludere la natura sperequativa e inflattiva del reddito universale a traverso la creazione di un portafoglio elettronico di cittadinanza

    Létezik-e digitális munkakultúra?: A munka marginalizációja, globális egyenlőtlenségek és kolonialitás

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    * Eredeti tanulmány: Casilli, Antonio (2016): Is There a Global Digital Labor Culture?: Marginalization of Work, Global Inequalities, and Coloniality. Előadás a 2nd Symposium of the Project for Advanced Research in Global Communication (PARGC)­on, 2016. április, Philadelphia, USA.International audienceA digitális munka platformalapú, algoritmusok által közvetített feladatokat jelent, amiket honlapok és alkalmazások felhasználói végeznek el. Többek közt on-demand szolgáltatá-sok tartoznak ide, mint az Uber, mikromunka-portálok, mint az Amazon Mechanical Turk, de idesoroljuk a Facebookhoz hasonló közösségi média és az összekapcsolt eszközök általi adatkinyerést is. A digitális munkával foglalkozó kutatások eddig nagyrészt az USA-ra és Európára fókuszáltak. A kutatási projektek egy újabb hulláma ezt az elfogultságot igyekszik orvosolni a munkaszociológia, a médiakutatás, a posztkoloniális elméletek és a subaltern studies keresztezésével, valamint a fejlődő és feltörekvő országok középpontba helyezésével, ahol a formális munkaviszonyok alacsony aránya együtt jár a digitális munka terjedésével. Az újonnan elérhető kutatási eredmények betekintést engednek abba, hogyan járul hozzá a társadalmi kirekesztéshez és kizsákmányoláshoz az online feladatok kiszervezése nem nyugati országokba. A tanulmány utolsó része azt tárgyalja, hogy ez a kiterjedt klikk-farmgazdaság, amely az értékek és adatok globális Délről a globális Északra történő transzferén nyugszik, milyen mértékben fogható fel „neokoloniális” rendszerként
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