349 research outputs found

    Hispanic Identity Fades Across Generations as Immigrant Connections Fall Away

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    This report explores the attitudes and experiences of two groups of adults. The first are those who are self-identified Hispanics. This is the usual group of Hispanics that are profiled in Pew Research Center and Census Bureau reports and are reported on as a distinct racial/ethnic group. Throughout the report, this group is labelled as "Self-identified Hispanics." The second are those who have Hispanic ancestry but do not consider themselves Hispanic –i.e., self-identified non-Hispanics with Hispanic ancestry. This is the first time this group's opinions, attitudes and views have been studied in depth. Throughout the report, this second group is referred to as "self-identified non-Hispanics" or "self-identified non-Hispanics with Hispanic ancestry." Racial and ethnic identity on surveys and in the U.S. decennial census is measured by respondents' self-reports. Any survey respondent who says they are Hispanic is counted as Hispanic, and those who say they are not Hispanic are not counted as such. This practice has been in place on the census since 1980 for Hispanic identity and since 1970 for racial identity

    The gaze as an educational resource: investigating social phenomena from practice

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    RESUMEN Este Trabajo de Fin de Grado realiza un recorrido teórico que justifica la puesta en práctica de una propuesta de innovación educativa desarrollada durante mi último periodo de prácticas. En él se analiza la importancia del uso de la imagen, la escucha y el debate como herramientas de enseñanza-aprendizaje. El apartado práctico recoge imágenes correspondientes a diferentes problemáticas sociales, así como preguntas que permiten iniciar, fomentar el debate y profundizar en el contenido seleccionado. El diseño realizado ha permitido avivar la motivación por la participación, dar voz a voz a todo el alumnado del aula, impulsar el espíritu crítico, el compañerismo y el respeto hacia las palabras de los iguales.ABSTRACT This Final Degree Project is a theoretical journey that justifies the implementation of an educational innovation proposal developed during my last internship. It analyses the importance of the use of images, listening and debate as teaching-learning tools. The practical section includes images corresponding to different social problems, as well as questions that allow to initiate, encourage debate, and deepen the selected content. The design made it possible to stimulate motivation for participation, give a voice to all the students in the classroom, promote critical spirit, companionship, and respect for the words of peers.Grado en Magisterio en Educación Primari

    Intervención educativa en el entorno rural. Una propuesta desarrollada a través del Aprendizaje Servicio y el arte.

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    Este Trabajo de Fin de Grado pretende dar una respuesta a las necesidades detectadas en un contexto específico. Para ello se utilizan distintos recursos con los que conseguir mejorar la convivencia entre el alumnado y su entorno más próximo, moviéndose en espacios naturales y desarrollando sus habilidades expresivas y motoras. Este TFG proporciona una síntesis sobre el arte en las escuelas, el aprendizaje-servicio como metodología y la implicación de la naturaleza en el aula, así como una respuesta educativa concreta. Palabras clave: Aprendizaje-Servicio, entorno natural, sostenibilidad, convivencia, escuela rural<br /

    Steam como uma abordagem à aprendizagem interactiva em concepção assistida por computador

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    STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) arises in theUnited States as a pedagogical approach for the identification and resolution of problemswhere a level of independence is granted to students with the purpose of having alearning classroom based on collaborative work and that can enhance the appropriationof concepts and topics that integrate skills and abilities in different disciplinary areas.From a descriptive, exploratory mixed approach, carried out with university students fromYopal Casanare who have seen the CAD Computer Aided Design course and where theappropriation of the concepts and competences expected in engineering training areaspresents a certain degree of difficulty, elements of the model are applied to achieve aninteractive learning of the subject through research processes and the use of educationalrobotics that allow better academic results, placing the student as a dynamic, participativeactor, with the capacity to innovate, create and transform real needs into specific solutions,being the starting point for teachers and directors in the linking of good educationalpractices through the incorporation of contents and learning tools for the strengthening ofskills and competencies in the professional work of the engineer.STEAM (Ciencia, Tecnología, Ingeniería, Artes y Matemáticas) surge en los Estados Unidos como un enfoque pedagógico para la identificación y resolución de problemas en donde se otorga un nivel de independencia a los estudiantes con el propósito de contar con un aula de aprendizaje basado en el trabajo colaborativo y que pueda potencializar la apropiación de conceptos y temáticas que integren habilidades y capacidades en distintas áreas disciplinares. A partir de un enfoque descriptivo, exploratorio mixto, realizado con estudiantes universitarios de Yopal Casanare que han visto la cátedra Diseño Asistido por Computador CAD y en donde apropiar los conceptos y las competencias esperadas en áreas de formación en ingeniería presenta cierto grado de dificultad, se aplican elementos propios del modelo para lograr un aprendizaje interactivo de la asignatura a través de procesos de investigación y uso de la robótica educativa que permitan mejores resultados académicos, ubicando al estudiante como un actor dinámico, participativo, con capacidad de innovar, crear y transformar necesidades reales en soluciones específicas siendo el punto de partida para docentes y directivos en la vinculación de buenas prácticas educativas mediante la incorporación de contenidos y herramientas de aprendizaje para el fortalecimiento de habilidades y competencias en el quehacer profesional del ingenieroSTEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) surgiu nosEstados Unidos como uma abordagem pedagógica para identificar e resolver problemasonde os estudantes recebem um nível de independência com o objectivo de ter umasala de aula de aprendizagem baseada no trabalho colaborativo que pode melhorara apropriação de conceitos e temas que integram competências e capacidades emdiferentes áreas disciplinares. Com base numa abordagem mista descritiva e exploratória,realizada com estudantes universitários de Yopal Casanare que assistiram ao curso deCAD de Desenho Assistido por Computador e onde a apropriação dos conceitos ecompetências esperados nas áreas de formação em engenharia apresenta um certo graude dificuldade, os elementos do modelo são aplicados para alcançar a aprendizageminteractiva da disciplina através de processos de investigação e da utilização de robóticaeducativa que permitem melhores resultados académicos, colocar o estudante comoum actor dinâmico e participativo, com capacidade de inovar, criar e transformarnecessidades reais em soluções específicas, sendo o ponto de partida para professores egestores na ligação de boas práticas educativas através da incorporação de conteúdosde aprendizagem e ferramentas para reforçar as aptidões e competências no trabalhoprofissional do engenheiro

    Análisis descriptivo de la cadena productiva del plátano en Casanare

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    There are associations dedicated to banana cultivation in Casanare that usually operate independently, without interacting with other actors due to the lack of knowledge of the chain, making it difficult to build the information system to design and implement strategies that increase the level of local and national competitiveness. This article relates the density of plantain crops by municipality, identifies actors, structure of the value network, level of development and the projection of future actions. A descriptive field study with a quantitative approach was undertaken using simple random sampling, with a reliability margin of 94 % and an error rate of 6 %. The instrument was applied to producers, marketers and stakeholders, validating the analysis and dependence of variables through contingency tables and independence tests, as well as the use of georeferencing tools to identify crops of the product in the department. The results of this work establish a current view of the banana chain in Casanare, as well as the formulation of actions applied to the context of the department as a specific baseline that supports the Departmental Strategic Plan for Science and Technology and Innovation of the department and national productive chains.En Casanare existen asociaciones dedicadas al cultivo del plátano que suelen operar de manera independiente, lo que genera dificultades en la construcción del sistema de información para diseñar e implementar estrategias que incrementen el nivel de competitividad local y nacional. El presente artículo relaciona la densidad de cultivos de plátano por municipio, identifica actores, estructura de la red de valor, nivel de desarrollo y la proyección de acciones realizables a futuro. Se abordó un estudio descriptivo de campo, con enfoque cuantitativo con muestreo aleatorio simple, margen de confiabilidad de 94 % y porcentaje de error de 6 %; el instrumento fue aplicado a productores, comercializadores y grupos de interés; el análisis y dependencia de variables se validó mediante tablas de contingencia y pruebas de independencia, así como el uso de herramientas de georreferenciación. Los resultados de este trabajo establecen una mirada actual de la cadena del plátano en Casanare en cuanto a asociatividad, comercialización e insumos, así como la formulación de acciones aplicadas al contexto del departamento como línea base específica que apoye el Plan Estratégico Departamental de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación del departamento y de cadenas productivas nacionales

    Camaleón: programa para la prevención del acoso escolar por orientación o condición sexual.

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    Con este proyecto de innovación, “Camaleón”, se pretende informar y educar a los menores y a sus familiares en cuestiones relevantes sobre la diversidad sexual, para procurar, en un futuro, la prevención del acoso escolar hacia personas con condiciones u orientaciones sexuales diferentes. El origen de esta propuesta se sitúa en el curso 2015, en el cual realizamos diferentes trabajos académicos relacionados con esta temática. Al involucrarnos en la vida diaria de una asociación que defiende los derechos del colectivo LGBTI, comprendimos la situación actual en la que se encuentran los miembros del mismo, así como las experiencias en el entorno escolar de algunos integrantes que nos motivaron a crear este programa. La necesidad de atender estas cuestiones en las escuelas, se han detectado indagando en los diferentes informes o proyectos que se han realizado sobre el tema hasta la actualidad, así como con las aportaciones de diferentes miembros del colectivo, que nos han informado sobre aquellos aspectos sobre los que consideraban oportuno educar. Por ello, se propone un programa de prevención, cuyo objetivo primordial es “Informar y educar en cuestiones de orientación y condición sexual desde edades tempranas, vinculando los aprendizajes escolares con los familiares “. Específicamente, buscamos integrar en la vida diaria del centro las diferentes características sexuales de la población, comprender y tolerar al colectivo LGBTI para disminuir los comportamientos violentos hacia ellos e informar sobre el acoso por orientación sexual en la sociedad y en las escuelas, así como las causas del mismo. De tal forma, hemos diseñado una serie de actividades adaptadas para cada uno de los objetivos, atendiendo a diferentes contenidos que permitan mejorar la percepción del colectivo, tanto en las escuelas como en la sociedad, con ello, hemos procurado reflejar en cada actividad acciones tanto para los menores, como para los familiares de los mismos, partiendo de que la educación que reciben los menores debe ser complementaria tanto en los ámbitos escolares como familiares.With this innovation project , "Camaleón” (Chamelion), is trying to inform and educate children and their families on relevant issues about sexual diversity, attempt, in the future, the prevention of bullying towards people with different conditions or sexual orientations. The origin of this proposal begins in the grade of 2015, in which we did different academic works related to this subject . Getting involved in the daily life of an association that defends the rights of LGBTI, we understood the current situation of the members, as well as experiences in the school environment of some members that motivated us to create this program. The need to heed these issues in schools, have been detected investigating into different reports or projects that have been done about this subject until now, as well as the contributions of different members of the group that informed us about those aspects they consider appropriate to educate. Therefore, we propose a prevention program , whose primary goal is to "inform and educate about conditions and sexual orientation issues from the early age, linking school learning with family .Specifically , we seek to integrate into the daily life of the center the different sexual characteristics of the population, understanding and tolerating the LGBTI community to reduce violent behavior towards them and report about harassment based on sexual orientation in society and schools, and its causes too. So, we designed a serie of activities adapted to each one of the objectives to improve the perception of the group in schools and society. We tried to reflect in each activities some actions and issues for the children and their parents, starting from the fact that children’s education must be complementary as well in school areas as family

    Statistical analysis of toxicological data of victims of traffic accidents in Galicia (Spain)

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    Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is a very common behavior in our environment and a serious problem for public health. On the one hand, in 2016, 400,000 people died in the world in traffic accidents in which ethanol was involved. On the other hand, traffic accidents in which the use of drugs of abuse other than ethyl alcohol accounted for more than 160,000 deaths worldwide in 2017. The objective of this work is to carry out a review of the 710 cases of people who died in traffic accidents received at the forensic toxicology service of the Institute of Forensic Sciences of the University of Santiago de Compostela (Galicia-Spain) over a period of 10 years (2009–2019). We performed an observational study of period prevalence, in which the following data were collected: age, sex, year, and analytical results in plasma, in the case of being positive. The data collected was subjected to statistical treatment. Of the 710 cases analyzed, 123 correspond to pedestrians and 587 to occupants of vehicles or motorcycles. A total of 77.6% of the deceased were men. At least one psychotropic substance was found in the blood of almost 40% of the victims. The most frequently found substance was ethyl alcohol, which appeared in 231 cases, more frequently in males. The second place is occupied by benzodiazepines, which appeared in 43 cases, followed by cocaine, which was detected in 25 cases. Polydrug use was found in only 44 cases, with the association of ethanol and cocaine being the most commonly found, followed by that of ethanol and benzodiazepines. Only in 5 of the cases analyzed there were 3 or more substances present. With the data obtained in this study, it is shown that in traffic accidents, the finding of different toxic or medicinal substances is frequent. Ethyl alcohol continues to be very present in road accidents (most detected substance), with the great impact that this implies. Secondly, the presence of benzodiazepines stands out, and cocaine is the third most detected toxic in this study. These results allow to obtain a profile of the substances most frequently involved in traffic accidents. Despite the surveillance, control, and information campaigns that the Spanish Government regularly carries out, the results are far from satisfactoryOpen Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer NatureS

    The red fox (Vulpes vulpes) as a potential natural reservoir of human cryptosporidiosis by Cryptosporidium hominis in Northwest Spain.

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    Giardia duodenalis and Cryptosporidium spp. are ubiquitous intestinal protozoa that parasitize domestic and wild animals, as well as human beings. Due to their zoonotic potential, the objective of the present study was to determine the presence of these pathogens in the fox population (Vulpes vulpes) located in Northwest Spain. A total of 197 faecal samples from legally hunted foxes were collected in the autonomous region of Galicia. The presence of G. duodenalis and Cryptosporidium spp. was investigated by PCR-based methods amplifying the small subunit ribosomal RNA (ssu rRNA) gene of the parasites. Attempts to genotype obtained positive samples were subsequently conducted at the glutamate dehydrogenase (gdh) and β-giardin (bg) genes of G. duodenalis, and the 60 kDa glycoprotein (gp60) gene of Cryptosporidium. Giardia duodenalis and Cryptosporidium spp. were identified in 19 (9.6%) and 12 (6.1%) of the investigated samples, respectively. However, five Cryptosporidium species were detected at the ssu rRNA locus: C. hominis (33.4%, 4/12), C. canis (25.0%, 3/12), C. parvum (16.7%, 2/12), C. ubiquitum (8.3%, 1/12) and C. suis (8.3%, 1/12). An additional Cryptosporidium-positive sample was identified at the genus level only. Typing and subtyping of Giardia- and Cryptosporidium-positive samples were unsuccessful. The detection of C. hominis in wild foxes indicates the probable overlapping of sylvatic and domestic cycles of this parasite in rural settings. Besides, this finding raises the question of whether red foxes may act as natural reservoirs of C. hominis. The detection of C. parvum and C. suis is suggestive of active transmission events between farm and wild animals, opening up the possibility of transmission to human beings.The red foxes used in this study were provided by the Wildlife Recovery Centres of Galicia, Dirección Xeral de Patrimonio Natural (Xunta de Galicia, Spain) and by Federación Galega de Caza. Molecular analyses conducted in this survey were funded by the Health Institute Carlos III, Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under project CP12/03081.S