20 research outputs found

    The Development of Functional Overreaching Is Associated with a Faster Heart Rate Recovery in Endurance Athletes

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    Purpose The aim of the study was to investigate whether heart rate recovery (HRR) may represent an effective marker of functional overreaching (f-OR) in endurance athletes. Methods and Results Thirty-one experienced male triathletes were tested (10 control and 21 overload subjects) before (Pre), and immediately after an overload training period (Mid) and after a 2-week taper (Post). Physiological responses were assessed during an incremental cycling protocol to exhaustion, including heart rate, catecholamine release and blood lactate concentration. Ten participants from the overload group developed signs of f-OR at Mid (i.e. -2.1 ± 0.8% change in performance associated with concomitant high perceived fatigue). Additionally, only the f-OR group demonstrated a 99% chance of increase in HRR during the overload period (+8 ± 5 bpm, large effect size). Concomitantly, this group also revealed a >80% chance of decreasing blood lactate (-11 ± 14%, large), plasma norepinephrine (-12 ± 37%, small) and plasma epinephrine peak concentrations (-51 ± 22%, moderate). These blood measures returned to baseline levels at Post. HRR change was negatively correlated to changes in performance, peak HR and peak blood metabolites concentrations. Conclusion These findings suggest that i) a faster HRR is not systematically associated with improved physical performance, ii) changes in HRR should be interpreted in the context of the specific training phase, the athletes perceived level of fatigue and the performance response; and, iii) the faster HRR associated with f-OR may be induced by a decreased central commandand by a lower chemoreflex activity

    Compréhension du phénomène de surmenage fonctionnel induit par le travail en endurance : implications pour l’entraînement et la performance

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    The purpose of this work is to examine whether performance supercompensation during taper is maximized in endurance athletes after experiencing overreaching during an overload training period. This first study showed that 1) greater gains in performance and V˙O2max can be achieved when higher training load is prescribed before the taper but not in the presence of functional overreaching (F-OR); 2) peak performance is not delayed during taper when heavy training loads are completed immediately prior; and 3) F-OR provides higher risk for training maladaptation, including increased infection risks. The second study confirms sleep disturbances and increased illness in endurance athletes who present with symptoms of F-OR during periods of high volume training. The third study shows a lower cardiac output and systolic blood pressure with greater arteriovenous O2 difference were reported in F-OR subjects at all exercising intensities, while no significant change was observed in the control and acute fatigue (AF) groups. A concomitant decrease in epinephrine excretion was reported only in the F-OR group. All values returned to baseline at Post. Following an overload endurance training program leading to F-OR, the cardiac response to exhaustive exercise is transiently impaired, possibly due to reduced epinephrine excretion. This finding is likely to explain the complex process of underperformance syndrome experienced by F-OR endurance athletes during heavy load programsL’entraînement dans les sports d’endurance à haut niveau passe traditionnellement par des périodes de très fortes charges visant à imposer de forts stress. La littérature suggère que ces périodes seront d’autant plus intéressantes si elles sont associées à un important niveau de fatigue et à une diminution de performance (surmenage fonctionnel, SF). Cependant, il n’a jamais été comparé à une surcharge d’entraînement sans diminution de performance (fatigue aigüe, FA). La première partie a montré que la surcompensation de performance au cours de l’affûtage peut répondre de façon Gaussienne à la charge d’entraînement imposée avant l’affûtage. Plus précisément, les résultats ont démontré que l’augmentation de la charge d’entraînement avant l’affûtage peut maximiser la réponse positive à l’entraînement, seulement à condition que le stress d’entraînement ne dépasse pas la capacité de récupération de l’athlète et ne précipite pas de SF. Par ailleurs, il s’avère que les réponses d’affûtage semblent individuelles et non influencées par le niveau de fatigue généré en amont. Ces différences de performance s’expliquent notamment par une bonne adaptation à l’entraînement après une période de surcharge sans SF, quand un état de SF sera à l’inverse associé à une moins bonne adaptation et à une plus grande survenue d’états de santé infectieux. La seconde partie a suggéré que la fatigue observée au sein du groupe SF pouvait également avoir été causée par un phénomène de fatigue cardiaque. En effet, le développement du SF chez l’athlète entraîné est associé à une réduction des valeurs de débit cardiaque à l’exercic

    Heart Rate Variability in Elite Swimmers before, during and after COVID-19 Lockdown: A Brief Report on Time Domain Analysis

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    International audienceBackground: Many athletes worldwide have endured home confinement during the COVID-19 pandemic, and their opportunities to train were strongly limited. This study describes the impact of lockdown on training volume and heart rate variability (HRV) in elite swimmers.Methods: HRV data of seven elite males were collected each Monday morning over 20 weeks, including 8 weeks of lockdown. The training volume was quantified retrospectively.Results: During the lockdown period (weeks 4–11) swimming was not allowed, and the total training volume was reduced by 55.2 ± 7.5% compared to the baseline volume (from 27.2 to 12.2 training hours). This drop was associated with a decrease in vagal activity (a 9.2 ± 5.4% increase in resting HR and a 6.5 ± 3.4% decrease in the natural logarithm of rMSSD from baseline values). After the lockdown (weeks 12–20), the training volume was gradually increased before attaining 68.8% and 88.2% of the baseline training volume at weeks 15 and 17, respectively. Resting HR and Ln rMSSD returned to baseline values four weeks after the lockdown.Conclusions: The lockdown period induced a decreased training volume which was associated with a decrease in vagal activity. However, HRV values returned to the baseline 4 weeks after the resumption of swimming training

    Neuro-computational Impact of Physical Training Overload on Economic Decision-Making

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    International audienceOvertraining syndrome is a form of burnout, defined in endurance athletes by unexplained performance drop associated with intense fatigue sensation. Our working hypothesis is that the form of fatigue resulting from physical training overload might share some neural underpinnings with the form of fatigue observed after prolonged intellectual work, which was previously shown to affect the cognitive control brain system. Indeed, cognitive control may be required to prevent any impulsive behavior, including stopping physical effort when it hurts, despite the long-term goal of improving performance through intense training. To test this hypothesis, we induced a mild form of overtraining in a group of endurance athletes, which we compared to a group of normally trained athletes on behavioral tasks performed during fMRI scanning. At the behavioral level, training overload enhanced impulsivity in economic choice, which was captured by a bias favoring immediate over delayed rewards in our computational model. At the neural level, training overload resulted in diminished activation of the lateral prefrontal cortex, a key region of the cognitive control system, during economic choice. Our results therefore provide causal evidence for a functional link between enduring physical exercise and exerting cognitive control. Besides, the concept of cognitive control fatigue bridges the functional consequences of excessive physical training and intellectual work into a single neuro-computational mechanism, which might contribute to other clinical forms of burnout syndromes

    Training Organization, Physiological Profile and Heart Rate Variability Changes in an Open-water World Champion

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    International audienceThis case study reports the training of an elite 25-km open-water swimmer and the daily heart rate variability (HRV) changes during the 19-week period leading to his world champion title. Training load was collected every day and resting HRV was recorded every morning. The swimmer’s characteristics were V̇O2max: 58.5 ml·min−1·kg−1, maximal heart rate: 178 beats per minute, and maximal ventilation: 170 L·min−1. Weekly training volume was 85±21 km, 39±8% was at [La]b4 mmol·L−1 (Z3). In the supine position, the increase in training volume and Z2 training were related to increases in rMSSD and HF. In the standing position, an increase in parasympathetic activity and decrease in sympathetic activity were observed when Z1 training increased. Seasonal changes indicated higher values in the LF/HF ratio during taper, whereas higher values in parasympathetic indices were observed in heavy workload periods. This study reports extreme load of an elite ultra-endurance swimmer. Improvements in parasympathetic indices with increasing Z2 volume indicate that this training zone was useful to improve cardiac autonomic activity, whereas Z1 training reduced sympathetic activity

    De la quete des coefficients thermo-optiques du calgo (Poster)

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    International audienceNous retraçons ici la petite histoire qui nous a poussés à caractériser finement les coefficients thermo-optiques du cristal CaGdAlO 4 dopé à l'ytterbium. Le caractère anisotrope de ces coefficients associé aux propriétés spectroscopiques particulières de ce cristal a, en effet, amené à l'observation d'un saut de modes laser étonnant

    Spatial-temporal variables for swimming coaches: A comparison study between video and TritonWear sensor

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    International audienceThe main aim of this study was to evaluate the validity and the reliability of a swimming sensor to assess swimming performance and spatial-temporal variables. Six international male open-water swimmers completed a protocol which consisted of two training sets: a 6×100m individual medley and a continuous 800 m set in freestyle. Swimmers were equipped with a wearable sensor, the TritonWear to collect automatically spatial-temporal variables: speed, lap time, stroke count (SC), stroke length (SL), stroke rate (SR), and stroke index (SI). Video recordings were added as a “gold-standard” and used to assess the validity and the reliability of the TritonWear sensor. The results show that the sensor provides accurate results in comparison with video recording measurements. A very high accuracy was observed for lap time with a mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) under 5% for each stroke (2.2, 3.2, 3.4, 4.1% for butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke and freestyle respectively) but high error ranges indicate a dependence on swimming technique. Stroke count accuracy was higher for symmetric strokes than for alternate strokes (MAPE: 0, 2.4, 7.1 & 4.9% for butterfly, breaststroke, backstroke & freestyle respectively). The other variables (SL, SR & SI) derived from the SC and the lap time also show good accuracy in all strokes. The wearable sensor provides an accurate real time feedback of spatial-temporal variables in six international open-water swimmers during classical training sets (at low to moderate intensities), which could be a useful tool for coaches, allowing them to monitor training load with no effort

    Magic mode switching in Yb:CaGdAlO 4 laser under high pump power

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    International audienceWe present unique spatial-mode switching in a cw Yb:CALGO laser when pumped at a multihundred-watts power level. It permits us to automatically stabilize to a TEM 00 mode from a highly spatial multimode regime. This stabilization is achievable thanks to polarization-mode switching allowed by the particular spectroscopic and thermal properties of Yb:CALGO crystal. This atypical and unexpected behavior is studied in detail in this Letter and explained by analysis of the thermo-optical coefficients for CALGO