133 research outputs found

    A novel method for determining fixed running time in operating electric train tracking optimal speed profile

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    Tracking the optimal speed profile in electric train operation has been proposed as a potential solution for reducing energy consumption in electric train operation, at no cost to improve infrastructure of existing Metro lines as well. However, the optimal speed profile needs to meet fixed running time. Therefore, this paper focuses on a new method for determining the fixed running time complied with the scheduled timetable when trains track the optimal speed profile. The novel method to ensure the fixed running time is the numerical-analytical one. Calculating accelerating time ta, coasting time tc, braking time tb via values of holding speed vh, braking speed vb of optimal speed profile with the constraint condition: the running time equal to the demand time. The other hands, vh and vb are determined by solving nonlinear equations with constraint conditions. Additionally, changing running time suit for each operation stage of metro lines or lines starting to conduct schedules by the numerical-analytical method is quite easy. Simulation results obtained for two scenarios with data collected from electrified trains of Cat Linh-Ha Dong metro line, Vietnam show that running time complied with scheduled timetables, energy saving by tracking optimal speed profile for the entire route is up to 8.7%, if the running time is one second longer than original time, energy saving is about 11.96%

    Financial Performance and Corporate Governance in Microfinance: Evidence from Vietnam

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    Good corporate governance is considered a building block of success for microfinance institutions (MFIs) as it is presumed to help them in achieving their social and financial goals. This study analyzes the corporate governance and financial performance relationship for MFIs in Vietnam. We construct a corporate governance index based on seven measures pertaining to board size and composition, CEO characteristics, and ownership type. We then estimate the two-way relationship between this index and each of five different financial performance indicators. To address the likely simultaneity between corporate governance and financial performance, we adopt a two-stage least squares estimation approach with instrumental variables. The results confirm the endogenous nature of corporate governance and financial performance. We conclude that profitability and sustainability of MFIs improve with good governance practices and conversely that more profitable and sustainable MFIs have better governance systems. Keywords: Corporate governance, financial performance, microfinance. DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/12-3-12 Publication date: January 31st 2020


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    In order to provide reliable indicators of the spawning season of captive helicopter catfish (Wallago attu), this study evaluated the temporal variation in gonadosomatic index (GSI), plasma levels of testosterone (T), and 11-ketotestosterone (11-KT) in male broodstock in captivity. GSI was estimated as the percentage of the relative weight of testis to total body weight. Plasma levels of sex steroids were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (EIA). Testis samples were dehydrated and embedded in paraffin, then sectioned at 5 μm thickness. The highest level of T (402.1 ± 16.7 pg/mL) was found in June, followed by a peak in 11-KT level (76.9 ± 4.7 pg/mL) in May. Testes containing the highest concentrations of spermatozoa were observed from June to August. The GSI of males increased significantly from January to June and peaked in July (2.14%). Taken together, we conclude that the spawning season of captive helicopter catfish occurs from June to August. These results will contribute to the basic knowledge of the reproductive biology of helicopter catfish, which can be useful in artificial breeding

    Speed profile optimization of an electrified train in Cat Linh-Ha Dong metro line based on pontryagin's maximum principle

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    An urban railway is a complex technical system that consumes large amounts of energy, but this means of transportation still has been obtained more and more popularity in densely populated cities because of its features of high-capacity transportation capability, high speed, security, punctuality, lower emission, reduction of traffic congestion. The improved energy consumption and environment are two of the main objectives for future transportation. Electrified trains can meet these objectives by the recuperation and reuse of regenerative braking energy and by the energy - efficient operation. Two methods are to enhance energy efficiency: one is to improve technology (e.g., using energy storage system, reversible or active substations to recuperate regenerative braking energy, replacing traction electric motors  by energy-efficient traction system as permanent magnet electrical motors; train's mass reduction by lightweight material mass...); the other is to improve operational procedures (e.g. energy efficient driving including: eco-driving; speed profile optimization; Driving Advice System (DAS); Automatic Train Operation (ATO); traffic management optimization...). Among a lot of above solutions for saving energy, which one is suitable for current conditions of metro lines in Vietnam. The paper proposes the optimization method based on Pontryagin's Maximum Principle (PMP) to find the optimal speed profile for electrified train of Cat Linh-Ha Dong metro line, Vietnam in an effort to minimize the train operation energy consumption

    Effects of dietary tryptophan on cannibalism, survival and growth of Wallago attu (Bloch & Schneider, 1801) juveniles

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    This study aims to evaluate the effects of supplemented commercial diets with tryptophan (TRP) on plasma serotonin, cannibalism, survival rate, and growth of Wallago attu (helicopter catfish). After one week of acclimation, 3,200 juveniles of helicopter catfish (BW = 2.5 ± 0.27 g, total length = 5.6 ± 0.43 cm) were randomly assigned for the experiment in fifteen plastic tanks (200 L). The experiment was conducted with five treatments (CT – 0 g TRP/kg – control group, T1 – 5 g TRP/kg, T2 – 10 g TRP/kg, T3 – 20 g TRP/kg, and T4 – 40 g TRP/kg) in a completely randomized design with three replications for four weeks. The results from the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay reveal that TRP-supplemented diets effectively increased the serotonin level (5-HT) in the plasma of the catfish. The serotonin level increased with the dose of TRP added to the feed. Furthermore, a higher TRP level significantly decreased cannibalism and improved the final survival of the fish. However, the fish’s growth rate among treatments T1, T2, T3, and T4 was not significantly different, but there was a statistical difference between the experimental treatments and the CT treatment. The findings of this study suggest that TRP could be supplemented at a dose of 20 g·kg–1 to the feed to reduce cannibalism and improve the final survival of helicopter catfish

    Multicriteria Evaluation Of Tourism Potential In The Central Highlands Of Vietnam: Combining Geographic Information System (GIS), Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) And Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

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    Tourism potential provides an indication for the tourism development opportunities of regions and sites. This paper deals with a multicriteria evaluation of the tourism potential in the Central Highlands of Vietnam. The study area is located in the Southeast Asian monsoon tropical climatic zone, and offers both natural and cultural tourism resources. GIS-based cost distance analysis was used to calculate the travel time along the road and using other transportation networks. Then an Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) was applied to determine a weighting coefficient for each criterion in multicriteria evaluation. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was processed next to AHP, allowing combination of the internal and external tourism potentials of the considered sites. Both AHP and PCA approaches were based on a certain number of alternatives, and take multiple criteria and conflicting objectives into consideration. The results show that the Central Highlands have considerable potential for tourism development at 99 potential eco-tourism sites and 45 potential cultural tourism sites. However, the region is now faced with poor tourism infrastructure with low external potential. An improvement of tourism infrastructure, service quality, and strengthened linkages with other tourist sites is indicated to diversify the tourism products and increase the attractiveness of regional destinations

    Effect of fertilizer on lead (Pb) accumulation ability of Polygonum hydropiper L.

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    Polygonum hydropiper L. was cultivated on alluvial soil (Pb = 2.6 mg/kg, dry weight) and Pb contaminated soil (Pb = 1,380 mg/kg dry weight) without and with amendment of 2 g organic fertilizer/kg soil and 2.5; 5.0; 10.0 g NPK fertilizer/1kg soil. After 45 days of cultivation, the growth in height and biomass of P. hydropiper in Pb contaminated soil without amendment of fertilizer was lower than that in alluvial soil, but the Pb content in the above-ground part of the P. hydropiper was higher. In the formula 4, on Pb contaminated soil (Pb = 1,380 mg/kg dry weight), when amending 2 g of microbiological organic fertilizer + 5 g NPK fertilizer per 1 kg of soil (with the total nutrients amended were: N = 0.25, P2O5= 0.52, K2O = 0.15, and organic matter = 0.21 g/kg soil), growth of P. hydropiper was optimal (its height and biomass were up to 244.0% and 284.9% in comparison to that of before experiment) and their Pb extraction potential was promoted to the highest level among the formulae used. The average level of Pb accumulated in the above-ground part of P. hydropiper cultivated at formula 4 was 1,098.3 mg/kg dry weight (DW) after 45 days of cultivation that was 1.6 time higher than the one of formula 2 without fertilizer amendment (687.8 mg/kg DW). The potential of Pb extracted and stored in the above-ground part of P. hydropiper cultivated at formula 4 after 45 days was 479.2 g/ha that was 2.85 time higher than the one of formula 2 without fertilizer amendment (168.02 g/ha).Nghể răm Polygonum hydropiper L. được trồng theo 5 công thức trên đất phù sa không ô nhiễm chì (Pb = 2,6 mg/kg khô) và đất ô nhiễm chì (Pb = 1380 mg/kg khô)không bón phân và có bón phân với các liều lượng 2 g phân hữu cơ vi sinh/1 kg đất và 2,5; 5,0; 10,0 g phân NPK /1 kg đất. Sau 45 ngày thí nghiệm trồng cây, tăng trưởng về chiều cao và sinh khối của cây trên đất ô nhiễm Pb không bón phân thấp hơn trên đất phù sa, nhưng hàm lượng Pb trong phần trên mặt đất của cây cao hơn. Ở công thức (CT) 4, trên đất ô nhiễm chì (Pb = 1380 mg/kg khô) khi bón phân với liều lượng 2 g hữu cơ + 5 g NPK/1 kg đất (với tổng hàm lượng dinh dưỡng được bón là: N = 0,25, P2O5= 0,52, K2O = 0,15, và chất hữu cơ = 0,21 g/kg đất) thì tăng trưởng của câynghể răm đạt tối ưu (chiều cao và khối lượng đạt 244,0 % và 284, 9% so với trước thí nghiệm) và tiềm năng hút thu Pb của chúng cũng được thúc đẩy cao nhất trong số các công thức được sử dụng. Lượng Pb trung bình tích lũy trong phần trên mặt đất của nghể răm ở CT 4 đạt 1.098,3 mg/kg khô sau 45 ngày trồng, cao gấp 1,6 lần so với cây ở công thức 2 không bón phân (687,8 mg/kg khô). Khả năng loại bỏ Pb từ đất ô nhiễm của nghể răm khi được bón phân ở CT4 đạt 479,2 g/ha sau 45 ngày trồng, cao gấp 2,85 lần so với cây ở CT 2 không bón phân (168,02 g/ha)

    Molecular relaxations in supercooled liquid and glassy states of amorphous gambogic acid: Dielectric spectroscopy, calorimetry, and theoretical approach

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    The relaxation dynamics and thermodynamic properties of supercooled and glassy gambogic acid are investigated using both theory and experiment. We measure the temperature dependence of the relaxation times in three polymorphs (α-, β-, and γ-form). To gain insight into the relaxation processes, we propose a theoretical approach to quantitatively understand the nature of these three relaxations. The α-relaxation captures cooperative motions of molecules, while the β-process is mainly governed by the local dynamics of a single molecule within the cage formed by its nearest neighbors. Based on quantitative agreement between theory and experimental data, our calculations clearly indicate that the β-process is a precursor of the structural relaxation and intramolecular motions are responsible for the γ-relaxation. Moreover, the approach is exploited to study the effects of the heating process on alpha relaxation. We find that the heating rate varies logarithmically with Tg and 1000/Tg . These variations are qualitatively consistent with many prior studies


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    In social interaction, people need to pay attention to the face of others to maintain relationships and avoid losing their faces. To do this, people should use politeness strategies in communication. This study aims to investigate which type of politeness strategies are mostly used and the level of politeness shown by English major students in the High Quality Program in requesting help. This study is based on the theory of Brown and Levinson (1987). Based on the analysis of the data obtained from the questionnaire, negative politeness strategies were applied the most. This also performs a high degree of politeness. It shows that students majoring in English studies (High Quality Program) had an awareness of using politeness strategies in requesting help.<p> </p><p><strong> Article visualizations:</strong></p><p><img src="/-counters-/edu_01/0704/a.php" alt="Hit counter" /></p&gt