297 research outputs found

    Women\u27s livelihood strategies in diverse contexts: Constructing feminist topographies in Appalachia and South Africa

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    This dissertation investigates the livelihoods of women heading households in rural parts of Appalachia and South Africa and develops a conceptual and methodological framework for transnational, comparative feminist research. Situated within a feminist geographical framework that is informed by feminist materialism and livelihoods analyses, it focuses on both historical and contemporary socioeconomic, cultural, and political forces at various scales of analysis that either enable or restrict women\u27s ways of \u27making due\u27 in the two regions. The study focuses on five counties in northern West Virginia in the Appalachian region and Limpopo, including the former bantustan of Venda, in South Africa and utilizes a qualitative methodology. Through individual interviews, focus groups, and survey data, the dissertation tells the stories of how women heading households in West Virginia and Limpopo piece together work in both the formal and informal economies; government assistance programs; subsistence agricultural activities; family and community support; and co-habitation and \u27doubling-up\u27 strategies to construct a livelihood that will support their families. With respect to their livelihood strategies, this research analyzes how they are accessed and utilized; associated benefits and drawbacks; and how they fit with women\u27s productive and reproductive responsibilities. It is argued that while women\u27s livelihood strategies in the two regions are embedded in specific contexts and local household and community relations, they are connected to broader socioeconomic and political processes that operate similarly across place. This research makes evident that the power to exclude or empower women is constituted through various institutions and processes at various scales of analysis and recognizes women\u27s agency by examining the multiple and diverse strategies they create to combat unequal and oppressive relations and acquire sustainable livelihoods

    Introducing First Year Medical Students to Personalized Medicine Concepts in a Small Group Activity

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    Presented as a Poster Presentation at 2020 IUSM Education Day.An individuals’ genetic profile is becomingly an increasingly important parameter in healthcare decisions. This small group activity was developed to introduce first year medical students in the Molecules to Cells and Tissues course to the concept and significance of Pharmacogenomics and personalized medicine. Additionally, this activity provided students with an opportunity to work with a large dataset and use the information to impact clinical decision making. This activity has two cases, takes student groups approximately 2 hours to complete, and requires internet access. Case materials are available through the learning management system Canvas, and include open-ended questions to guide students through the cases. In these cases students explore the functional significance of different alleles of a panel of cytochrome P450 genes. The group activity has the students examine a large data set of cytochrome P450 genes and cognate alleles to determine their prevalence in the local population and calculate the individuals’ gene scores. The students are then asked to explain the impact of the genotype (or gene score) on the resulting patient phenotype (i.e. the functional significance of the genotype). The first case involves a breast cancer survivor support group in which patients taking Taxol discuss lack of adequate pain relief from opioids and the potential impact of concomitant use of natural compounds/supplements on drug metabolism. The second case involves a patient presenting with recurrent stroke-like symptoms despite being on the anticoagulant medication clopidogrel. The patient is initially suspected to be non-compliant, but is later determined to be a poor metabolizer of the anticoagulant clopidogrelto its active form thus decreasing its efficacy. The expertise of the IUSM Medical Genetics research faculty was leveraged to provide a large data set of cytochrome P450 genes and cognate alleles. The selection of cytochrome P450 was based upon delivering content focused on the biochemistry of the enzyme system and provided an opportunity to highlight the drug interaction database available through IUSM Clinical Pharmacology (The FlockhartTableℱ ; https://drug-interactions.medicine.iu.edu/). The addition of natural compounds was to draw students’ attention to the Natural Medicines database, which is the recommended source for evidence-based data on complementary and alternative medicine. Natural Medicines is available through the Ruth Lilly Medical Library and can be searched by substance or condition. It provides both a summary of the literature available on substances as well as the level of evidence or quality of studies done on the substance

    Improving language-focused comprehension instruction in primary-grade classrooms:impacts of the Let’s Know! experimental curriculum

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    This quasi-experimental study was designed to test the impacts of a curriculum supplement, Let’s Know! on the quantity and quality of language-focused comprehension instruction in pre-Kindergarten to third grade classrooms. Sixty classrooms (12 per each of pre-K to grade 3) were enrolled in the study, with 40 teachers assigned to implement one of two versions of the experimental Let’s Know! curriculum and 20 assigned to a control condition, in which they maintained their typical language-arts curriculum. Classroom observations, 90 minutes in duration, were collected near the end of the first unit’s completion, about four to five weeks into the academic year. These observations were coded to examine impacts of Let’s Know! instruction on two outcomes: (a) teachers’ use of 18 language-focused comprehension supports, and (b) general classroom quality. Study results using quantile regression showed that Let’s Know! teachers used a significantly higher number of language-focused comprehension supports during Let’s Know! instruction compared to the control teachers during language-arts instruction; the same finding was also true for general classroom quality. Quantile regression results showed the greatest differentiation in instructional quality, when comparing experimental and control teachers, for teachers in the middle of the distribution of general classroom quality. Study findings highlight the value of language-focused curricula for heightening comprehension-specific supports in pre-K to grade 3 settings

    Formation and spreading of Red Sea Outflow Water in the Red Sea

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2015. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 120 (2015): 6542–6563, doi:10.1002/2015JC010751.Hydrographic data, chlorofluorocarbon-12 (CFC-12) and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) measurements collected in March 2010 and September–October 2011 in the Red Sea, as well as an idealized numerical experiment are used to study the formation and spreading of Red Sea Outflow Water (RSOW) in the Red Sea. Analysis of inert tracers, potential vorticity distributions, and model results confirm that RSOW is formed through mixed-layer deepening caused by sea surface buoyancy loss in winter in the northern Red Sea and reveal more details on RSOW spreading rates, pathways, and vertical structure. The southward spreading of RSOW after its formation is identified as a layer with minimum potential vorticity and maximum CFC-12 and SF6. Ventilation ages of seawater within the RSOW layer, calculated from the partial pressure of SF6 (pSF6), range from 2 years in the northern Red Sea to 15 years at 17°N. The distribution of the tracer ages is in agreement with the model circulation field which shows a rapid transport of RSOW from its formation region to the southern Red Sea where there are longer circulation pathways and hence longer residence time due to basin wide eddies. The mean residence time of RSOW within the Red Sea estimated from the pSF6 age is 4.7 years. This time scale is very close to the mean transit time (4.8 years) for particles from the RSOW formation region to reach the exit at the Strait of Bab el Mandeb in the numerical experiment.King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) Grant Numbers: USA 00002, KSA 00011, KSA 00011/02; National Science Foundation; WHOI Academic Program Office Grant Number: OCE09270172016-03-2

    A Midsummer Night’s Dream (with flying robots)

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    Seven flying robot “fairies” joined human actors in the Texas A&M production of William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. The production was a collaboration between the departments of Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Theater Arts. The collaboration was motivated by two assertions. First, that the performing arts have principles for creating believable agents that will transfer to robots. Second, the theater is a natural testbed for evaluating the response of untrained human groups (both actors and the audience) to robots interacting with humans in shared spaces, i.e., were believable agents created? The production used two types of unmanned aerial vehicles, an AirRobot 100-b quadrotor platform about the size of a large pizza pan, and six E-flite Blade MCX palm-sized toy helicopters. The robots were used as alter egos for fairies in the play; the robots did not replace any actors, instead they were paired with them. The insertion of robots into the production was not widely advertised so the audience was the typical theatergoing demographic, not one consisting of people solely interested technology. The use of radio-controlled unmanned aerial vehicles provides insights into what types of autonomy are needed to create appropriate affective interactions with untrained human groups. The observations from the four weeks of practice and eight performances contribute (1) a taxonomy and methods for creating affect exchanges between robots and untrained human groups, (2) the importance of improvisation within robot theater, (3) insights into how untrained human groups form expectations about robots, and (4) awareness of the importance of safety and reliability as a design constraint for public engagement with robot platforms. The taxonomy captures that apparent affect can be created without explicit affective behaviors by the robot, but requires talented actors to convey the situation or express reactions. The audience’s response to robot crashes was a function of whether they had the opportunity to observe how the actors reacted to robot crashes on stage, suggesting that pre-existing expectations must be taken into account in the design of autonomy. Furthermore, it appears that the public expect robots to be more reliable (an expectation of consumer product hardening) and safe (an expectation from product liability) than the current capabilities and this may be a major challenge or even legal barrier for introducing robots into shared public spaces. These contributions are expected to inform design strategies for increasing public engagement with robot platforms through affect, and shows the value of arts-based approaches to public encounters with robots both for generating design strategies and for evaluation

    Seasonal overturning circulation in the Red Sea : 2. Winter circulation

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    Author Posting. ©0American Geophysical Union, 2014. This article is posted here by permission of [American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 119 (2014): 2263–2289, doi:10.1002/2013JC009331.The shallow winter overturning circulation in the Red Sea is studied using a 50 year high-resolution MITgcm (MIT general circulation model) simulation with realistic atmospheric forcing. The overturning circulation for a typical year, represented by 1980, and the climatological mean are analyzed using model output to delineate the three-dimensional structure and to investigate the underlying dynamical mechanisms. The horizontal model circulation in the winter of 1980 is dominated by energetic eddies. The climatological model mean results suggest that the surface inflow intensifies in a western boundary current in the southern Red Sea that switches to an eastern boundary current north of 24°N. The overturning is accomplished through a cyclonic recirculation and a cross-basin overturning circulation in the northern Red Sea, with major sinking occurring along a narrow band of width about 20 km along the eastern boundary and weaker upwelling along the western boundary. The northward pressure gradient force, strong vertical mixing, and horizontal mixing near the boundary are the essential dynamical components in the model's winter overturning circulation. The simulated water exchange is not hydraulically controlled in the Strait of Bab el Mandeb; instead, the exchange is limited by bottom and lateral boundary friction and, to a lesser extent, by interfacial friction due to the vertical viscosity at the interface between the inflow and the outflow.Partial support for this effort was provided by the Saudi Aramco Marine Environmental Research Center at KAUST.2014-10-1

    Phenotypic and transcriptomic analysis of peripheral blood plasmacytoid and conventional dendritic cells in early drug naĂŻve rheumatoid arthritis

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    Objective: Dendritic cells (DCs) are key orchestrators of immune function. To date, rheumatoid arthritis (RA) researchers have predominantly focused on a potential pathogenic role for CD1c+ DCs. In contrast, CD141+ DCs and plasmacytoid DCs (pDCs) have not been systematically examined, at least in early RA. In established RA, the role of pDCs is ambiguous and, since disease duration and treatment both impact RA pathophysiology, we examined pDCs, and CD1c+ and CD141+ conventional DCs (cDCs), in early, drug-naĂŻve RA (eRA) patients. Methods: We analyzed the frequency and phenotype of pDCs, CD1c+, and CD141+ DCs from eRA patients and compared findings with healthy controls. In parallel, we performed transcriptional analysis of >600 immunology-related genes (Nanostring) from peripheral blood pDCs, CD1c+ DCs, B cells, T cells, and monocytes. Results: All DC subsets were reduced in eRA (n = 44) compared with healthy controls (n = 30) and, for pDCs, this was most marked in seropositive patients. CD141+ and CD1c+ DCs, but not pDCs, had a comparatively activated phenotype at baseline (increased CD86) and CD1c+ DC frequency inversely associated with disease activity. All DC frequencies remained static 12 months after initiation of immunomodulatory therapy despite a fall in activation markers (e.g., HLA-DR, CD40). There was no association between the whole blood interferon gene signature (IGS) and pDC or CD1c+ DC parameters but an inverse association between CD141+ DC frequency and IGS was noted. Furthermore, IFN-I and IFN-III mRNA transcripts were comparable between eRA pDC and other leukocyte subsets (B cells, CD4+, and CD8+ T cells and monocytes) with no obvious circulating cellular source of IFN-I or IFN-III. Transcriptomic analysis suggested increased pDC and CD1c+ DC proliferation in eRA; pDC differentially expressed genes also suggested enhanced tolerogenic function, whereas for CD1c+ DCs, pro-inflammatory transcripts were upregulated. Discussion: This is the first detailed examination of DC subsets in eRA peripheral blood. Compared with CD1c+ DCs, pDCs are less activated and may be skewed toward tolerogenic functions. CD141+ DCs may be implicated in RA pathophysiology. Our findings justify further investigation of early RA DC biology

    Changes in precipitating snow chemistry with location and elevation in the California Sierra Nevada

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    Orographic snowfall in the Sierra Nevada Mountains is an important source of water for California and can vary significantly on an annual basis. The microphysical properties of orographic clouds and subsequent formation of precipitation are impacted, in part, by aerosols of varying size, number, and chemical composition, which are incorporated into clouds formed along the Sierra barrier. Herein, the physicochemical properties and sources of insoluble residues and soluble ions found in precipitation samples were explored for three sites of variable elevation in the Sierra Nevada during the 2012–2013 winter season. Residues were characterized using a suite of physicochemical techniques to determine the size‐resolved number concentrations and associated chemical composition. A transition in the aerosol sources that served as cloud seeds or were scavenged in‐cloud and below‐cloud was observed as a function of location and elevation. Anthropogenic influence from the Central Valley was dominant at the two lowest elevation sites (1900 and 2200 m above mean sea level (AMSL)), whereas long‐range transported mineral dust was a larger contributor at the highest elevation site where cleaner conditions were observed (2600 m AMSL). The residues and soluble ions observed provide insight into how multiple aerosol sources can impact cloud and precipitation formation processes, even over relatively small spatial scales. The transition with increasing elevation to aerosols that serve as ice nucleating particles may impact the properties and extent of snowfall in remote mountain regions where snowpack provides a vital supply of water.Key PointsPhysiochemical properties of particles found in precipitation were determinedBoth anthropogenic and natural sources contributed to the snow residue chemistrySnow residue sources varied depending on location and elevationPeer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/133563/1/jgrd53083-sup-0001-SI.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/133563/2/jgrd53083_am.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/133563/3/jgrd53083.pd
