113 research outputs found

    Using group to develop studentsā€™ achievement in learning English grammar: An experimental study At eight grade of the SMP Assalaam Bandung

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    This study emerges from empirical phenomenon among students who lack of English grammar. Seeing such a phenomenon, the writer was interesting to investigate how group task influences the studentsā€™ English grammar. This research aim to know how significant group task influence studentsā€™ English Grammar. In specific, the research aim to: To identify studentsā€™ achievement in English Grammar after being exposed with group task, to identify studentsā€™ achievement in English Grammar after being exposed with conventional technique, to find out the influence for the studentā€™s achievement in English Grammar after being exposed with group task and conventional technique. Generally, the research was approached by quantitative method. The technique of collecting data was an achievement test. The total population in this research was 160 students, in which the sample was represented by 64 students. Therefore data analysis used statistic calculation. In this research the writer used an experimental method. The technique of collecting data with grammar test was divided two classes, the experiment class (using the group task technique) and control group (using conventional method). To obtain the data, pre-test and post-test result were collected. The writer counted mean, standard deviation, t-test, and hypothesis testing in analyzing the data. Data analysis shows that the studentā€™s English grammar using group task technique in experimental group have higher score than those of using conventional teaching technique. It means that the experimental group is more effective than control group in increasing English grammar. From the testing on hypothesis, it can be concluded that teaching English grammar through group task technique has a significant influence. Based on the result of testing hypothesis it shows that t count = 5.45 and t table = 1.999 or t count is more than t table. It means that null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected, which means that alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. Therefore, there is a significant difference between the students mastering of English grammar taught by using group task and the students mastering of English grammar using a without group task

    Reformulasi Pendekatan Pendidikan Islam dalam Problem Kontemporer

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    There are at least three crucial issues to cover in Islamic education. First is humanitarian crisis. Second, is the issue of nature. The third is the crisis of divinity. This paper aims to demonstrate that the approach developed in Islamic education contributes to solve the three major problems. The development of Islamic education curriculum should be directed to the rescue of human nature that emphasizes its approach to morality so that human are able to think and act with full of wisdom. Therefore, preparing the curriculum or Islamic education program could start from the problems faced in the community as an educational content, while the process or the learning experience is developed by studying the Quran and the hadith. Learners should be able to reflect the results of the dialogue between Quran and hadith with the reality that occurs in the communit

    Pengukuran Serta Analisa Getaran dan Kebisingan pada Spindle Mesin Bubut Run Master Model No. Run 330x1000RR dengan Serial No. 08210810081

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    Pada penelitian ini akan dilakukan sebuah pengujian nilai getaran dan kebisingan pada mesin bubut Run Master tipe Run-330x1000 RR dengan nomer model 08210810081. Alat ukur yang digunakan yaitu Vibration Meter Fluke 805 untuk pengujian getaran dan Sound Level Meter Krisbow KW0600290. Lokasi titik pengukuran diambil dari 2 arah pengukuran yaitu arah horizontal dan arah vertical dari spindle mesin bubut. Pada pengukuran ini juga menggunakan variasi kondisi pemotongan untuk operasi mesin bubut. Kondisi pemotongan yang divariasikan yaitu kecepatan putar spindle (n) sebesar 460 rpm, 755 rpm, dan 1255 rpm. Dengan kedalaman potong (a) sebesar 0,2 mm, 0,4 mm, 0,6 mm, dan 0,8 mm. Sedangkan untuk gerak makan (f) sebesar 0,052 mm/rev, 0,104 mm/rev, 0,208 mm/rev, dan 0,418 mm/rev. Bahan uji yang digunakan dalam pengoprasian turning face mesin bubut yaitu baja karbon rendah ST 41 dengan diameter 20 mm. Hasil dari nilai getaran akan disimpulkan kondisi mesin bubut dengan menggunakan ISO 10816 untuk kondisi mesin secara keseluruhan, Swedish Standard 728000-1 untuk kondisi spindle mesin bubut, dan keputusan Menteri tenaga kerja no. 51/MEN/1999 tentang ambang batas kebisingan. Dari hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa kecepatan putar spindle, kedalaman pemotongan, dan gerak pemakanan mempengaruhi getaran dan kebisingan yang dihasilkan. Berdasarkan ISO 10816 kondisi mesin secara keseluruhan masuk dalam kategori ā€˜Aā€™ atau new machine condition. Berdasarkan Swedish Standard 728000-1 kondisi spindle mesin bubut pada kecepatan putar spindle 1255 rpm masuk dalam kategori ā€˜Cā€™ yaitu short-term operation allowable. Berdasarkan keputusan Menteri tenaga kerja no. 51/MEN/1999 tentang ambang batas kebisingan, hasil uji kebisingan mesin bubut menunjukkan pada kecepatan putar spindle 1255 rpm khusunya pada kedalaman potong 0,4 mm dan gerak pemakanan 0,104 mm/rev nilai kebisingan mencapai angka 85 dB yang berarti operator dari mesin hanya dapat mengoprasikan mesin maksimal 4 jam / hari demi menjaga kesehatan indra pendengaran. ================================================================================================ In this study a test of the vibration and noise values of Run-330x1000 RR type Lathe with a model number 08210810081 will be tested. The measuring instrument used is the Fluke 805 Vibration Meter for vibration testing and Sound Level Meter Krisbow KW0600290. The location of the measurement point is taken from 2 measurement directions, namely the horizontal and vertical directions of the lathe spindle. This measurement also uses variations in cutting conditions for lathe operations. The cutting conditions varied were spindle rotational speed (n) of 460 rpm, 755 rpm and 1255 rpm. With a depth of cut (a) of 0.2 mm, 0.4 mm, 0.6 mm and 0.8 mm. Whereas for feeding (f) is 0.052 mm / rev, 0.104 mm / rev, 0.208 mm / rev, and 0.418 mm / rev. The test material used in the operation of the lathe turning face is ST 41 low carbon steel with a diameter of 20 mm. The results of the vibration values will be concluded the condition of the lathe using ISO 10816 for overall engine conditions, Swedish Standard 728000-1 for the condition of the lathe spindle, and the decision of the Minister of Labor no. 51 / MEN / 1999 concerning noise threshold. From the results of the study concluded that the spindle rotational speed, cutting depth, and feed motion affect vibration and noise produced. Based on ISO 10816 the overall engine condition is in the category of 'A' or new machine condition. Based on the Swedish Standard 728000-1 the condition of the lathe spindle at the 1255 rpm spindle rotational speed is included in the 'C' category, which is short-term operation allowable. Based on the decision of the Minister of Manpower no. 51 / MEN / 1999 concerning noise threshold, the results of the lathe noise test show at spindle rotational speed of 1255 rpm especially at 0.4 mm cutting depth and 0.104 mm / rev feeding motion the noise value reaches 85 dB which means the operator can only operate the machine a maximum of 4 hours / day to maintain the health of the sense of hearing

    Kontribusi Karya Tulis Kiai Basori Alwi Terhadap Pengembangan Wawasan Keagamaan Masyarakat

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    The community is the big institution in the kiaiā€™s perception that must be educated base on good values which are suitable for their life. The syariā€™ah and tasawuf are studied and needed by moslem community, because both of the subject contribute to sove when the moslem community have problem that ussualy happen in the daily of social life. Kiai Basori Alwi is one of kiaiā€™s who gives solution to the moslem community with his own manuscript that has been writen when moslem people has problems. Kiai Basori Alwi has a motif to develop student achievement, transform religion knowledge to social community and develop curriculum of pesantren, and keep islamic tradition through his manuscript

    Idāratu Barnāmaj Daurah Al-Lughah Al- ā€˜Arabiyyah Al- Mukatstsafah Omar Smart Brain (OSB) Learning Centre

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    The success of implementing a program is affected by the management of that programme. The aim of this research is to 1) describe the implementation of the Omar Smart Brain (OSB) Learning Center Intensive Arabic Language Program, 2) describe the evaluation of this program, and 3) reveal the supporting and hindering factors in it. This research used the qualitative approach of the case study method. Data was described through the results of observation, interview, books, periodicals, media and the international network. The results are: 1) The implementation of this course under the supervision of the teacher and the administrator, with the aim of teaching the Arabic using the Arabiyyah Bayna Yadaik book for mothers and young women by the audio-visual method in two and a half years, 2) The evaluation is by examining each after the completion of two units and after five months, 3) The supporting factors are the quality of the teaching environment, the teacher's competence, the students' enthusiasm and self-confidence, and the obstacles are the weak ability of the students to read and write Arabic, the diverse backgrounds of the students, the teacher jobs, and the presence of the Covid-19 pandemic. In conclusion, the management of the OSB Learning Center Intensive Arabic Course is a good management


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    Quality issues always have implications for the selling value of an educational institution. This research aims to analyze the quality development strategy in The Private Madrasah Aliyah Manba'ul Hikam Sidoarjo educational institutions. The approach used in this study is a descriptive qualitative approach with data collection techniques in the form of results from observations, interviews, filling out questionnaires, and documentations. Data sources in this study came from school residents such as the headmaster, vice principal, administrator, teachers, and students. The data validity technique uses data triangulation. The data analysis technique used in this research is interactive qualitative by Miles and Huberman, which consists of data reduction, data presentation, and research conclusion. The results obtained in the study explain that the steps for developing quality standards for The Private Madrasah Aliyah Manba'ul Hikam are in the form of (1) developing the governance of teaching and educational staff; (2) development of student governance; and (3) strategies for madrasa heads that are following the quality of the National Education Standards (SNP) which serve as the basis for planning, implementing and supervising education to create quality of education. Independent development of madrasa's quality standards can increase a madrasa's selling value

    Management of Environmental Programs for the Arabic Language at Arrayah Sukabumi University

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    The purpose of this research to describe the planning, organization, implementation and supervision of environmental programs at STIBA AR-RAAYAH. This study uses a qualitative research approach with a case study type of research. The results of this study indicate the following: First: setting daily schedules, creating daily work programmes, weekly work programmes, monthly work programmes, and annual work programmes. Second: in the organization are the Student Department, which includes BEM, the Academic Department, and the Curriculum Department. Third: Monitoring and supervising the process of environmental management of the Arabic language at STIBA AR-RAAYAH by looking at the results of the teacher's work and the results of their education, applying learning strategies/methods and the educational achievements of students, and monitoring student behavior. Fourth: The supporting factors in the formation of the Arabic language environment at Al-Raya University: good beginnings, the process of teaching and learning using the Arabic language, not owning anything that is not related to the Arabic language, native speakers, and housing. Fifth: Obstacle factors in creating the Arabic language environment at Al-Raya University: visitors, employees, non-Arabic lessons, and lecturers outside the university

    Model Komunikasi di Lembaga Pendidikan Islam

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    Communication is a need that is very fundamental for someone in living in a community. Communication and society are two twin words that cannot be separated from each other. Islamic education has meaning as a process of developing and saving human nature. Islamic education does not only develop the body, spirituality, soul and even reason, but how can the four potentials develop and survive. Islamic education institutions are a place, or the place where the process of Islamic education takes place. Islamic education institutions include families, mosques, Islamic boarding schools and madrasas. Institutions that are attached to the soul of Muslims are of two forms, the first form is an institution that cannot be changed and the second form is an institution that can be changed. Islamic education institutions have challenges that must be faced, namely in the fields of politics, culture, science and technology, economics, society and social change, and value systems, and all of them must be neutralized in order to go hand in hand and support each other. Islamic communication models, including human relations with God, human relations with humans, and human relations with themselves. While the communication model in Islamic educational institutions, combines forms of Islamic communication, Islamic communication sources, and basic concepts of Islamic communication

    The Concept of islamic education to the human quality in islamic universities

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    Best Islamic universities in the world are fascinating to be study their contribution to human civilization. However the recent Islamic University underperform to the glorious earlier period, as for the lack of intellectual moslems, intellectual traditions product and quality standards to solve the education problematic worldwide. The objective of this study is to determine the concept of Islamic education, which imply the best practices of best Islamic universities management in the world. This study uses library research approach with descriptive analysis. The quality of Islamic universities cannot be separated from the concept of Islamic education that develop insan kamil(the perfect man) who has the power of reasoning, mental, physical and spiritual that eventually evolved on strengthening academic-reinforcement to support the concept of insan kamil
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