677 research outputs found


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    Adanya wabah penyakit corona atau lebih dikenal Covid-19 di seluruh dunia termasuk Negara Republik Indonesia, memiliki dampak dalam terhadap program kerja. Banyaknya program kerja yang tidak berjalan diakibatkan ditunda beberapa program kerja yang memiliki risiko terjadinya penyebaran wabah penyakit Covid-19 dan adanya beberapa sektor program kerja dibatalkan akibat dana telah terserap dalam penanganan pencegahan penyebaran wabah Covid-19 ini. Desa Pondok Bungur juga terimbas pengaruh wabah penyakit Covid-19, hal ini berdampak pada pelaksanaan beberapa program kerja desa yang ditunda atau dibatalkan akibat penanganan penyebaran wabah penyakit Covid-19. Pemerintah Desa Pondok Bungur tentunya adanya perubahan dalam Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Desa (APBD)  pada tahun 2020 ini, sesuai dengan peraturan diterbitkan Pemerintah Pusat. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana pendayagunaan dana Desa Pondok Bungur akibat covid-19 dan bagaimana Pemerintah Desa Pondok Bungur mendayagunakan dana desa akibat dampak covid-19.Perubahan pengelolaan anggaran pendapatan dan belanja desa terlihat setelah dikeluarkan Peraturan Menteri Desa, PDTT Nomor 6 Tahun 2020 tentang Perubahan Atas Peraturan Menteri Desa PDTT Nomor 11 Tahun 2019 tentang Prioritas Penggunaan Dana Desa Tahun 2020 , perubahan ini dipertimbangkan adanya penyebaran corona virus disease 2019 atau dikenal dengan nama covid-19 yang tentunya berdampak pada kehidupan di masyarakat desa dan terbitnya Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 1 Tahun 2020 tentang Kebijakan Keuangan Untuk Penanganan dan Penyebaran Pandemi Corona Virus Disease 2019 (covid-19) di desa. Dimana salah satu poin dari peraturan pemerintah tersebut yaitu bahwa Pemerintah Desa dapat menggunakan dana desa untuk memberikan bantuan tunai langsung kepada masyarakat miskin di desa. Untuk melaksanakan pencegahan dan penanganan penyebaran covid-19 dimana anggaran belanja Pemerintah Desa Pondok Bungur telah dilakukan perubahan maka Pemerintah Desa Pondok Bungur membentuk tim Relawan Desa Lawan Covid-19 sesuai Lampiran II Peraturan Menteri Desa PDTT Nomor 6 Tahun 2020. Pemerintah Desa Pondok Bungur beserta elemen masyarakat bekerjasama untuk melakukan upaya pencegahan penyebaran corona virus disease 19 (covid-19) sesuai anjuran Pemerintah Pusat berupa pembentukan Tim Penanggulangan Pencegahan Penyebaran covid-19, dengan membangun posko-posko dan juga melakukan penyemprotan desinfektan serta memantau keluar masuknya warga dan melakukan pemeriksaan suhu badan dengan menggunakan alat pendeteksi suhu panas tubuh. Kata Kunci : Podok Bungur, covid-1

    The Effect of Comic Strip as Instructional Method in Enhancing Students’ Writing Skills

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    There have been several studies on the use of comics as an instructional tool for reading, but less on their use to writing, particularly descriptive text. The goal of this study is to find out how the comic strip affects the writing skills of students in the Islamic education program STAIN Mandailing Natal, especially their descriptive writing skills . This study was a  experiment method. It was done by two classes, one called the experimental class and the other called the control class. Each class had 35 students. The Random sampling is used in the sampling of this study. This study uses SPSS windows 10 or statistical analysis to construct the T-Test while analyzing the data. This research finds that comic strips may improve students' descriptive writing. Through comic strips, students enhanced their writing abilities in all areas. The learning process is more efficient because of the use of simple language, clear images, and follow-up questions to ensure that everyone understood what was going on.Banyak penelitian sebelumnya tentang penggunaan komik sebagai alat instruksional untuk mata kuliah membaca, tetapi kurang pada penggunaannya untuk menulis, khususnya teks deskriptif. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana komik strip mempengaruhi keterampilan menulis siswa pada program pendidikan  agama islam STAIN Mandailing Natal, khususnya keterampilan menulis deskriptif mereka metode eksperimen digunakan dalam penelitian ini, dilakukan oleh dua kelas, satu disebut kelas eksperimen dan yang lain disebut kelas kontrol. Setiap kelas memiliki 35 siswa. Random sampling digunakan dalam pengambilan sampel penelitian ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan SPSS windows 10 atau analisis statistik untuk menghitung T-Test saat menganalisis data. Penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa komik strip dapat meningkatkan kemampuan menulis deskriptif siswa. Melalui komik strip, siswa meningkatkan kemampuan menulis mereka di semua bidang. Proses pembelajarannya efisien karena penggunaan bahasa yang sederhana, gambar yang jelas, dan pertanyaan lanjutan untuk memastikan bahwa semua orang mengerti apa yang sedang terjadi

    Cartoon As Instructional Method in Teaching Descriptive Text Writing

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    Writing is a part of four language skills that the students have to be comprehended. In fact,  many students are unable to do so because they believe that learning to write is difficult. Several resons exist for this dilemma. One is that grammatical rules for the English language are much different than those of Bahasa Indonesia. Second, students typically prossess a limit vocabulary. Third, students do not have much motivation to write English text. One of potential solution to increase writing skills for writing (descriptive text) using cartoon media. In applying cartoon media, the teacher asks students to describe items based on a cartoon, and then after the students have described things such as colour and form. They are asked to compare stories to see which ones are closest to real story and retell the stories what student write. Using this method helps for several reasons. First, the method attacts students’ attention. Second, visual material have been shown to be helpful because they are engaging


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    This study reviews the meaning of datuak title as an elder (penghulu) in Nagari Nan Tujuah, Palupuh Agam which based on the traditional proverb "ketek banamo, gadang bagala". This research use qualitative method with interview techniques and semiotic theory by Michael Riffaterre. The results shows datuak titles in MInangkabaukabau, especially those in Nagari Nan Tujuah depart from an idea and a good hope. With this title, the elders are expected will fulfill their duties and functions as the people will

    Eksistensi Tradisi Kajian Kitab Kuning dalam Lingkup Perubahan Sosial (Studi Kasus di Pesantren Darun Nahdhah, Darel Hikmah, dan Babussalam)

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    This study wants to find answers about how the existence of stsudy of the yellow book (kitab kuning) at pesantren Darun Nahdhah, Darel Hikmah, and Babussalam within the scope of social change. In general, the three pesantren have responded positively to social change, to make changes and adjustments to the education system, including in order to maintain the tradition of the study of the yellow book. In other words, the identity of pesantren with yellow book still attached at their respective schools. However, its existence is different. Among them, there were made studies of yellow book as co curriculer, together with other curriculum, then there is also making it only limited additional or extra curricular activities

    Pembaruan Pendidikan Pesantren dalam Kerangka Sistem Pendidikan Nasional

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    Pesantren is an educational institution in Indonesia. His contribution is felt real to the people of Indonesia began from the beginning of growth until now in the birth of religious scholars or ulema. Actually, goals and curriculum of pesantren that ukhrowi oriented tend considered un-Islamic because it is not in accordance with the values and principles of Islam itself, and is currently rated as a weaknesses of the pesantren word, it will not be able to bring the Indonesian people to survive in the arena life among nations and an increasingly competitive world. Then the reorientation of the objectives and curriculum of pesantren is an inevitable necessity. Goals and curriculum of pesantren that only ukhrowi oriented must be replaced with the goals and curriculum of the integrated ukhrowi-dunyawiyah oriented. That is, goals and curriculum of pesantren should be able to touch all aspects of students as human beings, bot Ruhiyah, jasmaniyah, or 'aqliyah. Thus he will be able to actual his function as' abdullah and khalifatullah well as well

    An Integrated Study of the Cretaceous Sequence Stratigraphic Development in the Northern Stord Basin, North Sea, Using 3D and 2D Seismic Data and Wells

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    Master's thesis in Petroleum Geosciences EngineeringThe Cretaceous interval of the northern Stord Basin is under-studied stratigraphic successions due to its minor significance for the oil and gas industry. Therefore, the available subsurface data is limited, especially well and high-resolution seismic data. However, state-of-the-art 3D broadband seismic data were recently acquired in the western part of the northern Stord Basin, giving an opportunity to develop a temporal and spatial distribution of reservoir and seal pairs, source rocks, and traps. Nine key seismic surfaces were mapped (Base Cretaceous Unconformity, Top Unit A1, Top Unit A2, Downlap Surface 1, Unconformity 1, Top Unit D, Downlap Surface 2, Unconformity 2, and Top Shetland Surface) within the post-rift Cretaceous strata of the northern Stord Basin, which divide this interval into seven main seismic units (Units A-G). Seismic stratigraphic interpretation confirms that the eustatic sea-level rose during the Cretaceous period. However, it was interrupted by two base-level falls during the Berriasian and in the Cenomanian times. Several highs controlled the deposition in the study area, such as the Oseberg and the Troll Fault Blocks, the Bjørgvin Arc, and the Øygarden Fault Complex. All structural highs, except the Øygarden Fault Complex, were flooded the latest in the Turonian time. Two complete and an incomplete second-order cycle sequences bounded by unconformities were identified in the study area. These sequences comprise a falling-stage systems tract (FSST 1), three lowstand systems tracts (LST 1, 2, and 3), two transgressive systems tracts (TST1 and 2), and two highstand systems tracts (HST 1 and 2). The Åsgard deep-marine basin-floor fans (Unit A1) and the Agat and Tryggvason formations prograding shallow marine sandstones (Unit C and F) are two clastic-rich geometries within the Cretaceous interval in the study area. In addition, the Tryggvason and Ekofisk formations slumping-related chalky limestones (Unit G) are possibly also a good reservoir rock. The Sola (Unit C) and the Blodøks (Unit E) shales are potential source rocks interval, where the Sola shales are predicted to be in the early mature oil window, while the Blodøks shales are still in the immature oil window. The potential seal rocks are the intervening Åsgard claystones (Unit A2), other intra-formational claystones, and ultimately by the overlying Cenozoic sediments. The primary traps within the Cretaceous are stratigraphic traps, such as pinch-out in Unit A1 and truncation in Unit C and F. The lack of well data in the study area leads to the uncertainty of source rock maturity. Therefore, the hydrocarbon charging is expected to be from the Viking Graben in the east, which often is seen to be risky due to long-distance migration


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    ABSTRAK Latar belakang.Pemberian manitol pada pasien hematoma epidural (EDH) diharapkan menjadi manajemen awal untuk mengontrol peningkatan tekanan intrakranial dan menekan mortalitas. Tujuan.Mengetahui pengaruh pemberian manitol terhadap luaran klinis pasien EDH yang menjalani kraniotomi emergensi. Metode.Penelitian eksperimental ini dilakukan di RSUP Dr. M. Djamil, Padang, Indonesia, dengan melibatkan 30 pasien EDH.Pemberian manitol 20% dilakukan pada periode preoperatif.Pasca tindakan kraniotomi emergensi, dilakukan pengukuran Glasgow Outcome Scale. Hasil.Kelompok perlakuan dengan pemberian manitol memiliki Glasgow Outcome Scale yang lebih tinggi dibanding kelompok kontrol, namun hasil tersebut tidak signifikan secara statistik (p=0,330). Simpulan.Pemberian manitol preoperatif tidak menghasilkan perbedaan yang signifikan pada luaran klinis pasien EDH yang menjalani kraniotomi emergensi. Kata kunci: Manitol, cedera kepala, hematoma epidural, Glasgow Outcome Scal
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