628 research outputs found

    Protecting quantum entanglement from amplitude damping

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    Quantum entanglement is a critical resource for quantum information and quantum computation. However, entanglement of a quantum system is subjected to change due to the interaction with the environment. One typical result of the interaction is the amplitude damping that usually results in the reduction of the entanglement. Here we propose a protocol to protect quantum entanglement from the amplitude damping by applying Hadamard and CNOT gates. As opposed to some recently studied methods, the scheme presented here does not require weak measurement in the reversal process, leading to a faster recovery of entanglement. We propose a possible experimental implementation based on linear optical system

    Perancangan Kontrol dan Monitoring Level Ketinggian Air di Waduk Bagian Hulu untuk Meningkatkan Efektifitas Kinerja PLTA Koto Panjang

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    Activity monitoring water levels in reservoirs hydropower Koto Panjang are generally still done conventionally, that is reading of a sign of watershed mounted on the reservoir by way of a return of the power house to a reservoir which on avarage carried done three times a day, because of that is needed design control and monitoring level of water level by using ultrasonic sensor which is controlled from long distance 50 cm minimally until 10 m. The result of reading sensor are sent to microcontroller Arduino Uno for processed and sent by HT and displayed in PC. For displaying the data which received in monitor screen use software of LabView 2012. From the result sensor testing MB7366 able controlling the water level with error presentation 0.011% which is compared with a sign of watershed conventionally in reservoir and added with high time efficiency. From the result of comparison reading water elevation, reading from ultrasonic sensor can improve plant performance 0.03%

    The Influence of Risk on The Performance Project of Framework Agreement Construction

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    The contract is an important aspect that is crucial in the implementation of construction projects. Framework agreement is one of the model contracts that are still limited implementation in the construction world in Indonesia. This study aims to assess the application of Framework agreement in the construction field, especially from the aspect of risk; it starts from identification to the risk allocation of the aspect of construction contracts. The research is done in the form of a survey by capturing the opinions or perceptions, experiences, and attitudes of respondents consisted of contracting, procurement, vendor, and the project owner. From the results of the study note that the most influential risk level is variable Fossil (X8), Testing (X9), Termination of employment (X16), Delay Testing (X18), handover of some of the work ((X20), Procedure variation (X28), the Right Contractor to Halt Work (X33), the risk of service users (X36), the consequences of the risk of service users (X37) and exemption from the obligation to force majeure (X44)

    Penelusuran Banjir (Flood Routing) terhadap Muka Air Sungai dengan Metode Jaringan Saraf Tiruan (Studi Kasus DAS Kampar dan DAS Siak)

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    River water level data forecasting Qn to Qn+1 by using Artificial Neural Network model approach Backpropagation algorithm produces good value if the value of the correlation between upstream and downstream AWLR good enough, it can be seen from the process of training, testing and validation of the neural network that generates the value correlation learning high enough. Where in the wake of the artificial neural network model Backporagation algorithms using MATLAB programs, such as for this parameter is Epoch = 2000, Ir = 0.1, mc = 0.9. Data Variation 70 (training) and 30 (Tests), it is proven in testing the artificial neural network model is applied to predict water levels in 2012. So this data can be a flood early warning system in the downstream areas of the river

    Faktor-faktor yang Memengaruhi Kinerja USAha Wanita Wirausaha pada Industri Makanan Ringan di Provinsi Sumatera Barat

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    Women entrepreneurs as the family support unit that plays a role in increasing the family income, has a performance which is still low compared to male entrepreneurs. The purpose of this study was to analyze (1) the profile of women entrepreneurs and snack food industry; (2) the influence of personal characteristics, internal and external business environment, as well as entrepreneurial behavior to business performance of women entrepreneurs. This study used survey method that conducted in Limapuluh Kota Regency and Payakumbuh City. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used for descriptive and quantitative analysis. The respondents used were 105 women entrepreneurs. The results showed that: (1) women entrepreneurs engaged in the snack food industry in West Sumatera in general are in the productive age above 40 years, the business managed by women entrepreneurs in general is still relatively small business with income average of Rp1.687.000 per week; (2) the personal characteristics, internal environment of business, external environment of business, and the entrepreneurial behaviour has positive and significant influence to business performance. The most dominant personal characteristics which influence the business performance were education and family background, the most dominant internal environment which influence business performance was financial aspect, the most dominant external environment which influence business performance was marketing and the most dominant entrepreneurial behavior influences the business performance was innovation. Women entrepreneurs were encouraged to improve human resources and risk taking by borrowing capital to develop the business

    Pelapisan Permukaan Stainless Steel 316L Menggunakan Hidroksiapatit dengan Metode Deposisi Elektroforesis

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    Hydroxyapatite (HA) is ceramic that can be used as bone implants and teeth. However hydroxyapatite has a weakness in terms of its weak physical properties so it need to be modified with hydroxyapatite coating on a metal surface. The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of pH and concentration of hydroxyapatite. Hydroxyapatite was coated on the surface of Stainless steel using electrophoretic deposition method. HA suspension with concentration 0,025 and 0,075M were made by mixing 0,0425 and 1,3575 gr with ethanol and then set to pH 3,4 and 10 by adding HNO3 and NH4OH. Subsequently, the coating process was carried out by dipping Stainless steel and carbon electrode into hydroxyapatite suspension. The hydroxyapatite suspension was electrified with a voltage of 60 V for 2 minutes. Then hydroxyapatite coating was calcined with temperature of 800o C for 2 hours. SEM analysis shown that the thickness of HA deposits was 32-52 μm at HA concentration of 0,025 M and it increased to 42-57 μm at HA concentration of 0,075 M. The thickness of HA deposists was 60-80 μm at pH 3 and it decreased to 40-50 μm at pH 10. corrosion rate analysis shown that HA coating can reduce corrosion rate of stainless steel. FTIR analysis showed PO43-, OH, and H2O groups that indicates the content of hydroxyapatite from sample
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